D |
Daae(-Finsen) disease (epidemic pleurodynia) B33.0 |
Da Costa's syndrome F45.8 |
Dabney's grip B33.0 |
Dacryoadenitis, dacryadenitis H04.00- |
acute H04.01- |
chronic H04.02- |
Dacryocystitis H04.30- |
acute H04.32- |
chronic H04.41- |
neonatal P39.1 |
phlegmonous H04.31- |
syphilitic A52.71 |
congenital(early) A50.01 |
trachomatous, active A71.1 |
sequelae(late effect) B94.0 |
Dacryocystoblenorrhea --see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, chronic |
Dacryocystocele --see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes |
Dacryolith, dacryolithiasis H04.51- |
Dacryoma --see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes |
Dacryopericystitis --see Dacryocystitis |
Dacryops H04.11- |
Dacryostenosis --see also Stenosis, lacrimal |
congenital Q10.5 |
Dactylitis |
bone --see Osteomyelitis |
sickle-cell D57.00 |
Hb C D57.219 |
Hb SS D57.00 |
specified NEC D57.819 |
skin L08.9 |
syphilitic A52.77 |
tuberculous A18.03 |
Dactylolysis spontanea(ainhum) L94.6 |
Dactylosymphysis Q70.9 |
fingers --see Syndactylism, complex, fingers |
toes --see Syndactylism, complex, toes |
Damage |
arteriosclerotic --see Arteriosclerosis |
brain(nontraumatic) G93.9 |
anoxic, hypoxic G93.1 |
resulting from a procedure G97.82 |
child NEC G80.9 |
due to birth injury P11.2 |
cardiorenal(vascular) --see Hypertension, cardiorenal |
cerebral NEC --see Damage, brain |
coccyx, complicating delivery O71.6 |
coronary --see Disease, heart, ischemic |
eye, birth injury P15.3 |
liver(nontraumatic) K76.9 |
alcoholic K70.9 |
due to drugs --see Disease, liver, toxic |
toxic --see Disease, liver, toxic |
medication T88.7 |
pelvic |
joint or ligament, during delivery O71.6 |
organ NEC |
during delivery O71.5 |
following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.6 |
renal --see Disease, renal |
subendocardium, subendocardial --see Degeneration, myocardial |
vascular I99.9 |
Dana-Putnam syndrome(subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) --see Degeneration, combined |
Danbolt(-Cross) syndrome (acrodermatitis enteropathica) E83.2 |
Dandruff L21.0 |
Dandy-Walker syndrome Q03.1 |
with spina bifida --see Spina bifida |
Danlos' syndrome Q79.6 |
Darier(-White) disease (congenital) Q82.8 |
meaning erythema annulare centrifugum L53.1 |
Darier-Roussy sarcoid D86.3 |
Darling's disease or histoplasmosis B39.4 |
Darwin's tubercle Q17.8 |
Dawson's(inclusion body) encephalitis A81.1 |
De Beurmann(-Gougerot) disease B42.1 |
De la Tourette's syndrome F95.2 |
De Lange's syndrome Q87.1 |
De Morgan's spots(senile angiomas) I78.1 |
De Quervain's |
disease(tendon sheath) M65.4 |
syndrome E34.51 |
thyroiditis(subacute granulomatous thyroiditis) E06.1 |
De Toni-Fanconi(-Debré) syndrome E72.09 |
with cystinosis E72.04 |
Dead |
fetus, retained(mother) O36.4 |
early pregnancy O02.1 |
labyrinth H83.2 |
ovum, retained O02.0 |
Deaf nonspeaking NEC H91.3 |
Deafmutism(acquired) (congenital) NEC H91.3 |
hysterical F44.6 |
syphilitic, congenital --see also subcategory H94.8A50.09 |
Deafness(acquired) (complete) (hereditary) (partial) H91.9- |
with blue sclera and fragility of bone Q78.0 |
auditory fatigue --see Deafness, specified type NEC |
aviation T70.0 |
nerve injury --see Injury, nerve, acoustic, specified type NEC |
boilermaker's H83.3 |
central --see Deafness, sensorineural |
conductive H90.2 |
and sensorineural, mixed H90.8 |
bilateral H90.6 |
bilateral H90.0 |
unilateral H90.1- |
congenital H90.5 |
with blue sclera and fragility of bone Q78.0 |
due to toxic agents --see Deafness, ototoxic |
emotional(hysterical) F44.6 |
functional(hysterical) F44.6 |
high frequency H91.9- |
hysterical F44.6 |
low frequency H91.9- |
mental R48.8 |
mixed conductive and sensorineural H90.8 |
bilateral H90.6 |
unilateral H90.7- |
nerve --see Deafness, sensorineural |
neural --see Deafness, sensorineural |
noise-induced --see also subcategoryH83.3 |
nerve injury --see Injury, nerve, acoustic, specified type NEC |
nonspeaking H91.3 |
ototoxic H91.0 |
perceptive --see Deafness, sensorineural |
psychogenic(hysterical) F44.6 |
sensorineural H90.5 |
and conductive, mixed H90.8 |
bilateral H90.6 |
bilateral H90.3 |
unilateral H90.4- |
sensory --see Deafness, sensorineural |
specified type NEC H91.8 |
sudden(idiopathic) H91.2- |
syphilitic A52.15 |
transient ischemic H93.01- |
traumatic --see Injury, nerve, acoustic, specified type NEC |
word(developmental) H93.25 |
Death(cause unknown) (of) (unexplained) (unspecified cause) R99 |
brain G93.82 |
cardiac(sudden) (with successful resuscitation) - code to underlying disease |
family history of Z82.41 |
personal history of Z86.74 |
family member(assumed) Z63.4 |
Debility(chronic) (general) (nervous) R53.81 |
congenital or neonatal NOS P96.9 |
nervous R53.81 |
old age R54 |
senile R54 |
Débove's disease(splenomegaly) R16.1 |
Decalcification |
bone --see Osteoporosis |
teeth K03.89 |
Decapsulation, kidney N28.89 |
Decay |
dental --see Caries, dental |
senile R54 |
tooth, teeth --see Caries, dental |
Deciduitis(acute) |
following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0 |
Decline(general) --see Debility |
cognitive, age-associated R41.81 |
Decompensation |
cardiac(acute) (chronic) --see Disease, heart |
cardiovascular --see Disease, cardiovascular |
heart --see Disease, heart |
hepatic --see Failure, hepatic |
myocardial(acute) (chronic) --see Disease, heart |
respiratory J98.8 |
Decompression sickness T70.3 |
Decrease(d) |
absolute neutrophile count --see Neutropenia |
blood |
platelets --see Thrombocytopenia |
pressure R03.1 |
due to shock following |
injury T79.4 |
operation T81.19 |
estrogen E28.39 |
postablative E89.40 |
asymptomatic E89.40 |
symptomatic E89.41 |
fragility of erythrocytes D58.8 |
function |
lipase(pancreatic) K90.3 |
ovary in hypopituitarism E23.0 |
parenchyma of pancreas K86.8 |
pituitary(gland) (anterior) (lobe) E23.0 |
posterior(lobe) E23.0 |
functional activity R68.89 |
glucose R73.09 |
hematocrit R71.0 |
hemoglobin R71.0 |
leukocytes D72.819 |
specified NEC D72.818 |
libido R68.82 |
lymphocytes D72.810 |
platelets D69.6 |
respiration, due to shock following injury T79.4 |
sexual desire R68.82 |
tear secretion NEC --see Syndrome, dry eye |
tolerance |
fat K90.4 |
glucose R73.09 |
pancreatic K90.3 |
salt and water E87.8 |
vision NEC H54.7 |
white blood cell count D72.819 |
specified NEC D72.818 |
Decubitus(ulcer) --see Ulcer, pressure, by site |
cervix N86 |
Deepening acetabulum --see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC, hip |
Defect, defective Q89.9 |
3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase E25.0 |
11-hydroxylase E25.0 |
21-hydroxylase E25.0 |
abdominal wall, congenital Q79.59 |
antibody immunodeficiency D80.9 |
aorticopulmonary septum Q21.4 |
atrial septal(ostium secundum type) Q21.1 |
following acute myocardial infarction(current complication) I23.1 |
ostium primum type Q21.2 |
atrioventricular |
canal Q21.2 |
septum Q21.2 |
auricular septal Q21.1 |
bilirubin excretion NEC E80.6 |
biosynthesis, androgen(testicular) E29.1 |
bulbar septum Q21.0 |
catalase E80.3 |
cell membrane receptor complex(CR3) D71 |
circulation I99.9 |
congenital Q28.9 |
newborn Q28.9 |
coagulation(factor) --see also Deficiency, factorD68.9 |
with |
ectopic pregnancy O08.1 |
molar pregnancy O08.1 |
acquired D68.4 |
antepartum with hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect |
due to |
liver disease D68.4 |
vitamin K deficiency D68.4 |
hereditary NEC D68.2 |
intrapartum O67.0 |
newborn, transient P61.6 |
postpartum O72.3 |
specified type NEC D68.8 |
complement system D84.1 |
conduction(heart) I45.9 |
bone --see Deafness, conductive |
congenital, organ or site not listed --see Anomaly, by site |
coronary sinus Q21.1 |
cushion, endocardial Q21.2 |
degradation, glycoprotein E77.1 |
dental bridge, crown, fillings --see Defect, dental restoration |
dental restoration K08.50 |
specified NEC K08.59 |
dentin(hereditary) K00.5 |
Descemet's membrane, congenital Q13.89 |
developmental --see also Anomaly |
cauda equina Q06.3 |
diaphragm |
with elevation, eventration or hernia --see Hernia, diaphragm |
congenital Q79.1 |
with hernia Q79.0 |
gross(with hernia) Q79.0 |
ectodermal, congenital Q82.9 |
Eisenmenger's Q21.8 |
enzyme |
catalase E80.3 |
peroxidase E80.3 |
esophagus, congenital Q39.9 |
extensor retinaculum M62.89 |
fibrin polymerization D68.2 |
filling |
bladder R93.4 |
kidney R93.4 |
stomach R93.3 |
ureter R93.4 |
Gerbode Q21.0 |
glycoprotein degradation E77.1 |
Hageman(factor) D68.2 |
hearing --see Deafness |
high grade F70 |
interatrial septal Q21.1 |
interauricular septal Q21.1 |
interventricular septal Q21.0 |
with dextroposition of aorta, pulmonary stenosis and hypertrophy of right ventricle Q21.3 |
in tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3 |
learning(specific) --see Disorder, learning |
lymphocyte function antigen-1(LFA-1) D84.0 |
lysosomal enzyme, post-translational modification E77.0 |
major osseous M89.70 |
ankle M89.77- |
carpus M89.74- |
clavicle M89.71- |
femur M89.75- |
fibula M89.76- |
fingers M89.74- |
foot M89.77- |
forearm M89.73- |
hand M89.74- |
humerus M89.72- |
lower leg M89.76- |
metacarpus M89.74- |
metatarsus M89.77- |
multiple sites M89.79 |
pelvic region M89.75- |
pelvis M89.75- |
radius M89.73- |
scapula M89.71- |
shoulder region M89.71- |
specified NEC M89.78 |
tarsus M89.77- |
thigh M89.75- |
tibia M89.76- |
toes M89.77- |
ulna M89.73- |
mental --see Disability, intellectual |
modification, lysosomal enzymes, post-translational E77.0 |
obstructive, congenital |
renal pelvis Q62.39 |
ureter Q62.39 |
atresia --see Atresia, ureter |
cecoureterocele Q62.32 |
megaureter Q62.2 |
orthotopic ureterocele Q62.31 |
osseous, major M89.70 |
ankle M89.77- |
carpus M89.74- |
clavicle M89.71- |
femur M89.75- |
fibula M89.76- |
fingers M89.74- |
foot M89.77- |
forearm M89.73- |
hand M89.74- |
humerus M89.72- |
lower leg M89.76- |
metacarpus M89.74- |
metatarsus M89.77- |
multiple sites M89.9 |
pelvic region M89.75- |
pelvis M89.75- |
radius M89.73- |
scapula M89.71- |
shoulder region M89.71- |
specified NEC M89.78 |
tarsus M89.77- |
thigh M89.75- |
tibia M89.76- |
toes M89.77- |
ulna M89.73- |
osteochondral NEC --see also DeformityM95.8 |
ostium |
primum Q21.2 |
secundum Q21.1 |
peroxidase E80.3 |
placental blood supply --see Insufficiency, placental |
platelets, qualitative D69.1 |
constitutional D68.0 |
postural NEC, spine --see Dorsopathy, deforming |
reduction |
limb Q73.8 |
lower Q72.9- |
absence --see Agenesis, leg |
foot --see Agenesis, foot |
longitudinal |
femur Q72.4- |
fibula Q72.6- |
tibia Q72.5- |
specified type NEC Q72.89- |
split foot Q72.7- |
specified type NEC Q73.8 |
upper Q71.9- |
absence --see Agenesis, arm |
forearm --see Agenesis, forearm |
hand --see Agenesis, hand |
lobster-claw hand Q71.6- |
longitudinal |
radius Q71.4- |
ulna Q71.5- |
specified type NEC Q71.89- |
renal pelvis Q63.8 |
obstructive Q62.39 |
respiratory system, congenital Q34.9 |
restoration, dental K08.50 |
specified NEC K08.59 |
retinal nerve bundle fibers H35.89 |
septal(heart) NOS Q21.9 |
acquired(atrial) (auricular) (ventricular) (old) I51.0 |
atrial Q21.1 |
concurrent with acute myocardial infarction --see Infarct, myocardium |
following acute myocardial infarction(current complication) I23.1 |
ventricular --see also Defect, ventricular septalQ21.0 |
sinus venosus Q21.1 |
speech R47.9 |
developmental F80.9 |
specified NEC R47.89 |
Taussig-Bing(aortic transposition and overriding pulmonary artery) Q20.1 |
teeth, wedge K03.1 |
vascular(local) I99.9 |
congenital Q27.9 |
ventricular septal Q21.0 |
concurrent with acute myocardial infarction --see Infarct, myocardium |
following acute myocardial infarction(current complication) I23.2 |
in tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3 |
vision NEC H54.7 |
visual field H53.40 |
bilateral |
heteronymous H53.47 |
homonymous H53.46- |
generalized contraction H53.48- |
localized |
arcuate H53.43- |
scotoma(central area) H53.41- |
blind spot area H53.42- |
sector H53.43- |
specified type NEC H53.45- |
voice R49.9 |
specified NEC R49.8 |
wedge, tooth, teeth(abrasion) K03.1 |
Deferentitis N49.1 |
gonorrheal(acute) (chronic) A54.23 |
Defibrination(syndrome) D65 |
antepartum --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect, disseminated intravascular coagulation |
following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1 |
intrapartum O67.0 |
newborn P60 |
postpartum O72.3 |
Deficiency, deficient |
3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase E25.0 |
5-alpha reductase(with male pseudohermaphroditism) E29.1 |
11-hydroxylase E25.0 |
21-hydroxylase E25.0 |
abdominal muscle syndrome Q79.4 |
accelerator globulin(Ac G) (blood) D68.2 |
AC globulin(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
acid phosphatase E83.39 |
activating factor(blood) D68.2 |
adenosine deaminase(ADA) D81.3 |
aldolase(hereditary) E74.19 |
alpha-1-antitrypsin E88.01 |
amino-acids E72.9 |
anemia --see Anemia |
aneurin E51.9 |
antibody with |
hyperimmunoglobulinemia D80.6 |
near-normal immunoglobins D80.6 |
antidiuretic hormone E23.2 |
anti-hemophilic |
factor(A) D66 |
B D67 |
C D68.1 |
globulin(AHG) NEC D66 |
antithrombin(antithrombin III) D68.59 |
ascorbic acid E54 |
attention(disorder) (syndrome) F98.8 |
with hyperactivity --see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity |
autoprothrombin |
I D68.2 |
II D67 |
C D68.2 |
beta-glucuronidase E76.29 |
biotin E53.8 |
biotin-dependent carboxylase D81.819 |
biotinidase D81.810 |
brancher enzyme(amylopectinosis) E74.03 |
calciferol E55.9 |
with |
adult osteomalacia M83.8 |
rickets --see Rickets |
calcium(dietary) E58 |
calorie, severe E43 |
with marasmus E41 |
and kwashiorkor E42 |
cardiac --see Insufficiency, myocardial |
carnitine E71.40 |
due to |
hemodialysis E71.43 |
inborn errors of metabolism E71.42 |
Valproic acid therapy E71.43 |
iatrogenic E71.43 |
muscle palmityltransferase E71.314 |
primary E71.41 |
secondary E71.448 |
carotene E50.9 |
central nervous system G96.8 |
ceruloplasmin(Wilson) E83.01 |
choline E53.8 |
Christmas factor D67 |
chromium E61.4 |
clotting(blood) --see also Deficiency, coagulation factorD68.9 |
clotting factor NEC(hereditary) --see also Deficiency, factorD68.2 |
coagulation NOS D68.9 |
with |
ectopic pregnancy O08.1 |
molar pregnancy O08.1 |
acquired(any) D68.4 |
antepartum hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect |
clotting factor NEC --see also Deficiency, factorD68.2 |
due to |
hyperprothrombinemia D68.4 |
liver disease D68.4 |
vitamin K deficiency D68.4 |
newborn, transient P61.6 |
postpartum O72.3 |
specified NEC D68.8 |
cognitive F09 |
color vision H53.50 |
achromatopsia H53.51 |
acquired H53.52 |
deuteranomaly H53.53 |
protanomaly H53.54 |
specified type NEC H53.59 |
tritanomaly H53.55 |
combined glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid E27.49 |
contact factor D68.2 |
copper(nutritional) E61.0 |
corticoadrenal E27.40 |
primary E27.1 |
craniofacial axis Q75.0 |
cyanocobalamin E53.8 |
C1 esterase inhibitor(C1-INH) D84.1 |
debrancher enzyme(limit dextrinosis) E74.03 |
dehydrogenase |
long chain/very long chain acyl CoA E71.310 |
medium chain acyl CoA E71.311 |
short chain acyl CoA E71.312 |
diet E63.9 |
dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase(DPD) E88.89 |
disaccharidase E73.9 |
edema --see Malnutrition, severe |
endocrine E34.9 |
energy-supply --see Malnutrition |
enzymes, circulating NEC E88.09 |
ergosterol E55.9 |
with |
adult osteomalacia M83.8 |
rickets --see Rickets |
essential fatty acid(EFA) E63.0 |
factor --see also Deficiency, coagulation |
Hageman D68.2 |
I(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
II(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
IX(congenital) (functional) (hereditary) (with functional defect) D67 |
multiple(congenital) D68.8 |
acquired D68.4 |
V(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
VII(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
VIII(congenital) (functional) (hereditary) (with functional defect) D66 |
with vascular defect D68.0 |
X(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
XI(congenital) (hereditary) D68.1 |
XII(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
XIII(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
femoral, proximal focal(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, femur |
fibrin-stabilizing factor(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
fibrinase D68.2 |
fibrinogen(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D65 |
folate E53.8 |
folic acid E53.8 |
foreskin N47.3 |
fructokinase E74.11 |
fructose 1,6-diphosphatase E74.19 |
fructose-1-phosphate aldolase E74.19 |
galactokinase E74.29 |
galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase E74.29 |
gammaglobulin in blood D80.1 |
hereditary D80.0 |
glass factor D68.2 |
glucocorticoid E27.49 |
mineralocorticoid E27.49 |
glucose-6-phosphatase E74.01 |
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase anemia D55.0 |
glucuronyl transferase E80.5 |
glycogen synthetase E74.09 |
gonadotropin(isolated) E23.0 |
growth hormone(idiopathic) (isolated) E23.0 |
Hageman factor D68.2 |
hemoglobin D64.9 |
hepatophosphorylase E74.09 |
homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase E70.29 |
hormone |
anterior pituitary(partial) NEC E23.0 |
growth E23.0 |
growth(isolated) E23.0 |
pituitary E23.0 |
testicular E29.1 |
hypoxanthine-(guanine)-phosphoribosyltransferase (HG- PRT) (total H-PRT) E79.1 |
immunity D84.9 |
cell-mediated D84.8 |
with thrombocytopenia and eczema D82.0 |
combined D81.9 |
humoral D80.9 |
IgA(secretory) D80.2 |
IgG D80.3 |
IgM D80.4 |
immuno --see Immunodeficiency |
immunoglobulin, selective |
A(IgA) D80.2 |
G(IgG) (subclasses) D80.3 |
M(IgM) D80.4 |
inositol(B complex) E53.8 |
intrinsic |
factor(congenital) D51.0 |
sphincter N36.42 |
with urethral hypermobility N36.43 |
iodine E61.8 |
congenital syndrome --see Syndrome, iodine-deficiency, congenital |
iron E61.1 |
anemia D50.9 |
kalium E87.6 |
kappa-light chain D80.8 |
labile factor(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
lacrimal fluid(acquired) --see also Syndrome, dry eye |
congenital Q10.6 |
lactase |
congenital E73.0 |
secondary E73.1 |
Laki-Lorand factor D68.2 |
lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase E78.6 |
lipocaic K86.8 |
lipoprotein(familial) (high density) E78.6 |
liver phosphorylase E74.09 |
lysosomal alpha-1, 4 glucosidase E74.02 |
magnesium E61.2 |
major histocompatibility complex |
class I D81.6 |
class II D81.7 |
manganese E61.3 |
menadione(vitamin K) E56.1 |
newborn P53 |
mental(familial) (hereditary) --see Disability, intellectual |
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(MTHFR) E72.12 |
mineral NEC E61.8 |
mineralocorticoid E27.49 |
with glucocorticoid E27.49 |
molybdenum(nutritional) E61.5 |
moral F60.2 |
multiple nutrient elements E61.7 |
muscle |
carnitine(palmityltransferase) E71.314 |
phosphofructokinase E74.09 |
myoadenylate deaminase E79.2 |
myocardial --see Insufficiency, myocardial |
myophosphorylase E74.04 |
NADH diaphorase or reductase(congenital) D74.0 |
NADH-methemoglobin reductase(congenital) D74.0 |
natrium E87.1 |
niacin(amide) (-tryptophan) E52 |
nicotinamide E52 |
nicotinic acid E52 |
number of teeth --see Anodontia |
nutrient element E61.9 |
multiple E61.7 |
specified NEC E61.8 |
nutrition, nutritional E63.9 |
sequelae --see Sequelae, nutritional deficiency |
specified NEC E63.8 |
ornithine transcarbamylase E72.4 |
ovarian E28.39 |
oxygen --see Anoxia |
pantothenic acid E53.8 |
parathyroid(gland) E20.9 |
perineum(female) N81.89 |
phenylalanine hydroxylase E70.1 |
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase E74.4 |
phosphofructokinase E74.19 |
phosphomannomutuse E74.8 |
phosphomannose isomerase E74.8 |
phosphomannosyl mutase E74.8 |
phosphorylase kinase, liver E74.09 |
pituitary hormone(isolated) E23.0 |
plasma thromboplastin |
antecedent(PTA) D68.1 |
component(PTC) D67 |
platelet NEC D69.1 |
constitutional D68.0 |
polyglandular E31.8 |
autoimmune E31.0 |
potassium(K) E87.6 |
prepuce N47.3 |
proaccelerin(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
proconvertin factor(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
protein --see also MalnutritionE46 |
anemia D53.0 |
C D68.59 |
S D68.59 |
prothrombin(congenital) (heredItary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
Prower factor D68.2 |
pseudocholinesterase E88.09 |
PTA(plasma thromboplastin antecedent) D68.1 |
PTC(plasma thromboplastin component) D67 |
purine nucleoside phosphorylase(PNP) D81.5 |
pyracin(alpha) (beta) E53.1 |
pyridoxal E53.1 |
pyridoxamine E53.1 |
pyridoxine(derivatives) E53.1 |
pyruvate |
carboxylase E74.4 |
dehydrogenase E74.4 |
riboflavin(vitamin B2) E53.0 |
salt E87.1 |
secretion |
ovary E28.39 |
salivary gland(any) K11.7 |
urine R34 |
selenium(dietary) E59 |
serum antitrypsin, familial E88.01 |
short stature homeobox gene(SHOX) |
with |
dyschondrosteosis Q78.8 |
short stature(idiopathic) E34.3 |
Turner's syndrome Q96.9 |
sodium(Na) E87.1 |
SPCA(factor VII) D68.2 |
sphincter, intrinsic N36.42 |
with urethral hypermobility N36.43 |
stable factor(congenital) (hereditary) D68.2 |
acquired D68.4 |
Stuart-Prower(factor X) D68.2 |
sucrase E74.39 |
sulfatase E75.29 |
sulfite oxidase E72.19 |
thiamin, thiaminic(chloride) E51.9 |
beriberi(dry) E51.11 |
wet E51.12 |
thrombokinase D68.2 |
newborn P53 |
thyroid(gland) --see Hypothyroidism |
tocopherol E56.0 |
tooth bud K00.0 |
transcobalamine II(anemia) D51.2 |
vanadium E61.6 |
vascular I99.9 |
vasopressin E23.2 |
viosterol --see Deficiency, calciferol |
vitamin(multiple) NOS E56.9 |
A E50.9 |
with |
Bitot's spot(corneal) E50.1 |
follicular keratosis E50.8 |
keratomalacia E50.4 |
manifestations NEC E50.8 |
night blindness E50.5 |
scar of cornea, xerophthalmic E50.6 |
xeroderma E50.8 |
xerophthalmia E50.7 |
xerosis |
conjunctival E50.0 |
and Bitot's spot E50.1 |
cornea E50.2 |
and ulceration E50.3 |
sequelae E64.1 |
B(complex) NOS E53.9 |
with |
beriberi(dry) E51.11 |
wet E51.12 |
pellagra E52 |
B1 NOS E51.9 |
beriberi(dry) E51.11 |
with circulatory system manifestations E51.11 |
wet E51.12 |
B12 E53.8 |
B2(riboflavin) E53.0 |
B6 E53.1 |
C E54 |
sequelae E64.2 |
D E55.9 |
with |
adult osteomalacia M83.8 |
rickets --see Rickets |
25-hydroxylase E83.32 |
E E56.0 |
folic acid E53.8 |
G E53.0 |
group B E53.9 |
specified NEC E53.8 |
H(biotin) E53.8 |
K E56.1 |
of newborn P53 |
nicotinic E52 |
P E56.8 |
PP(pellagra-preventing) E52 |
specified NEC E56.8 |
thiamin E51.9 |
beriberi --see Beriberi |
zinc, dietary E60 |
Deficit --see also Deficiency |
attention and concentration R41.840 |
disorder --see Attention, deficit |
cognitive communication R41.841 |
cognitive NEC R41.89 |
following |
cerebral infarction I69.31 |
cerebrovascular disease I69.91 |
specified disease NEC I69.81 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.11 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.21 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.01 |
concentration R41.840 |
executive function R41.844 |
frontal lobe R41.844 |
neurologic NEC R29.818 |
ischemic |
reversible(RIND) I63.9 |
prolonged(PRIND) I63.9 |
oxygen R09.02 |
prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic(PRIND) I63.9 |
psychomotor R41.843 |
visuospatial R41.842 |
Deflection |
radius --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm |
septum(acquired) (nasal) (nose) J34.2 |
spine --see Curvature, spine |
turbinate(nose) J34.2 |
Defluvium |
capillorum --see Alopecia |
ciliorum --see Madarosis |
unguium L60.8 |
Deformity Q89.9 |
abdomen, congenital Q89.9 |
abdominal wall |
acquired M95.8 |
congenital Q79.59 |
acquired(unspecified site) M95.9 |
adrenal gland Q89.1 |
alimentary tract, congenital Q45.9 |
upper Q40.9 |
ankle(joint) (acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, lower leg |
abduction --see Contraction, joint, ankle |
congenital Q68.8 |
contraction --see Contraction, joint, ankle |
specified type NEC --see Deformity, limb, foot, specified NEC |
anus(acquired) K62.89 |
congenital Q43.9 |
aorta(arch) (congenital) Q25.4 |
acquired I77.89 |
aortic |
arch, acquired I77.89 |
cusp or valve(congenital) Q23.8 |
acquired --see also Endocarditis, aorticI35.8 |
arm(acquired) (upper) --see also Deformity, limb, upper arm |
congenital Q68.8 |
forearm --see Deformity, limb, forearm |
artery(congenital) (peripheral) NOS Q27.9 |
acquired I77.89 |
coronary(acquired) I25.9 |
congenital Q24.5 |
umbilical Q27.0 |
atrial septal Q21.1 |
auditory canal(external) (congenital) --see also Malformation, ear, external |
acquired --see Disorder, ear, external, specified type NEC |
auricle |
ear(congenital) --see also Malformation, ear, external |
acquired --see Disorder, pinna, deformity |
back --see Dorsopathy, deforming |
bile duct(common) (congenital) (hepatic) Q44.5 |
acquired K83.8 |
biliary duct or passage(congenital) Q44.5 |
acquired K83.8 |
bladder(neck) (trigone) (sphincter) (acquired) N32.89 |
congenital Q64.79 |
bone(acquired) NOS M95.9 |
congenital Q79.9 |
turbinate M95.0 |
brain(congenital) Q04.9 |
acquired G93.89 |
reduction Q04.3 |
breast(acquired) N64.89 |
congenital Q83.9 |
reconstructed N65.0 |
bronchus(congenital) Q32.4 |
acquired NEC J98.09 |
bursa, congenital Q79.9 |
canaliculi(lacrimalis) (acquired) --see also Disorder, lacrimal system, changes |
congenital Q10.6 |
canthus, acquired --see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC |
capillary(acquired) I78.8 |
cardiovascular system, congenital Q28.9 |
caruncle, lacrimal(acquired) --see also Disorder, lacrimal system, changes |
congenital Q10.6 |
cascade, stomach K31.2 |
cecum(congenital) Q43.9 |
acquired K63.89 |
cerebral, acquired G93.89 |
congenital Q04.9 |
cervix(uterus) (acquired) NEC N88.8 |
congenital Q51.9 |
cheek(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q18.9 |
chest(acquired) (wall) M95.4 |
congenital Q67.8 |
sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3 |
chin(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q18.9 |
choroid(congenital) Q14.3 |
acquired H31.8 |
plexus Q07.8 |
acquired G96.19 |
cicatricial --see Cicatrix |
cilia, acquired --see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC |
clavicle(acquired) M95.8 |
congenital Q68.8 |
clitoris(congenital) Q52.6 |
acquired N90.89 |
clubfoot --see Clubfoot |
coccyx(acquired) M43.8 |
colon(congenital) Q43.9 |
acquired K63.89 |
concha(ear), congenital --see also Malformation, ear, external |
acquired --see Disorder, pinna, deformity |
cornea(acquired) H18.70 |
congenital Q13.4 |
descemetocele --see Descemetocele |
ectasia --see Ectasia, cornea |
specified NEC H18.79- |
staphyloma --see Staphyloma, cornea |
coronary artery(acquired) I25.9 |
congenital Q24.5 |
cranium(acquired) --see Deformity, skull |
cricoid cartilage(congenital) Q31.8 |
acquired J38.7 |
cystic duct(congenital) Q44.5 |
acquired K82.8 |
Dandy-Walker Q03.1 |
with spina bifida --see Spina bifida |
diaphragm(congenital) Q79.1 |
acquired J98.6 |
digestive organ NOS Q45.9 |
ductus arteriosus Q25.0 |
duodenal bulb K31.89 |
duodenum(congenital) Q43.9 |
acquired K31.89 |
dura --see Deformity, meninges |
ear(acquired) --see also Disorder, pinna, deformity |
congenital(external) Q17.9 |
internal Q16.5 |
middle Q16.4 |
ossicles Q16.3 |
ossicles Q16.3 |
ectodermal(congenital) NEC Q84.9 |
ejaculatory duct(congenital) Q55.4 |
acquired N50.8 |
elbow(joint) (acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, upper arm |
congenital Q68.8 |
contraction --see Contraction, joint, elbow |
endocrine gland NEC Q89.2 |
epididymis(congenital) Q55.4 |
acquired N50.8 |
epiglottis(congenital) Q31.8 |
acquired J38.7 |
esophagus(congenital) Q39.9 |
acquired K22.8 |
eustachian tube(congenital) NEC Q17.8 |
eye, congenital Q15.9 |
eyebrow(congenital) Q18.8 |
eyelid(acquired) --see also Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC |
congenital Q10.3 |
face(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q18.9 |
fallopian tube, acquired N83.8 |
femur(acquired) --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh |
fetal |
with fetopelvic disproportion O33.7 |
causing obstructed labor O66.3 |
finger(acquired) M20.00- |
boutonniere M20.02- |
congenital Q68.1 |
flexion contracture --see Contraction, joint, hand |
mallet finger M20.01- |
specified NEC M20.09- |
swan-neck M20.03- |
flexion(joint) (acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, flexionM21.20 |
congenital NOS Q74.9 |
hip Q65.89 |
foot(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, lower leg |
cavovarus(congenital) Q66.1 |
congenital NOS Q66.9 |
specified type NEC Q66.89 |
specified type NEC --see Deformity, limb, foot, specified NEC |
valgus(congenital) Q66.6 |
acquired --see Deformity, valgus, ankle |
varus(congenital) NEC Q66.3 |
acquired --see Deformity, varus, ankle |
forearm(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, forearm |
congenital Q68.8 |
forehead(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q75.8 |
frontal bone(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q75.8 |
gallbladder(congenital) Q44.1 |
acquired K82.8 |
gastrointestinal tract(congenital) NOS Q45.9 |
acquired K63.89 |
genitalia, genital organ(s) or system NEC |
female(congenital) Q52.9 |
acquired N94.89 |
external Q52.70 |
male(congenital) Q55.9 |
acquired N50.8 |
globe(eye) (congenital) Q15.8 |
acquired H44.89 |
gum, acquired NEC K06.8 |
hand(acquired) --see Deformity, limb, hand |
congenital Q68.1 |
head(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q75.8 |
heart(congenital) Q24.9 |
septum Q21.9 |
auricular Q21.1 |
ventricular Q21.0 |
valve(congenital) NEC Q24.8 |
acquired --see Endocarditis |
heel(acquired) --see Deformity, foot |
hepatic duct(congenital) Q44.5 |
acquired K83.8 |
hip(joint) (acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, thigh |
congenital Q65.9 |
due to(previous) juvenile osteochondrosis --see Coxa, plana |
flexion --see Contraction, joint, hip |
hourglass --see Contraction, hourglass |
humerus(acquired) M21.82- |
congenital Q74.0 |
hypophyseal(congenital) Q89.2 |
ileocecal(coil) (valve) (acquired) K63.89 |
congenital Q43.9 |
ileum(congenital) Q43.9 |
acquired K63.89 |
ilium(acquired) M95.5 |
congenital Q74.2 |
integument(congenital) Q84.9 |
intervertebral cartilage or disc(acquired) --see Disorder, disc, specified NEC |
intestine(large) (small) (congenital) NOS Q43.9 |
acquired K63.89 |
intrinsic minus or plus(hand) --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm |
iris(acquired) H21.89 |
congenital Q13.2 |
ischium(acquired) M95.5 |
congenital Q74.2 |
jaw(acquired) (congenital) M26.9 |
joint(acquired) NEC M21.90 |
congenital Q68.8 |
elbow M21.92- |
hand M21.94- |
hip M21.95- |
knee M21.96- |
shoulder M21.92- |
wrist M21.93- |
kidney(s) (calyx) (pelvis) (congenital) Q63.9 |
acquired N28.89 |
artery(congenital) Q27.2 |
acquired I77.89 |
Klippel-Feil(brevicollis) Q76.1 |
knee(acquired) NEC --see also Deformity, limb, lower leg |
congenital Q68.2 |
labium(majus) (minus) (congenital) Q52.79 |
acquired N90.89 |
lacrimal passages or duct(congenital) NEC Q10.6 |
acquired --see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes |
larynx(muscle) (congenital) Q31.8 |
acquired J38.7 |
web(glottic) Q31.0 |
leg(upper) (acquired) NEC --see also Deformity, limb, thigh |
congenital Q68.8 |
lower leg --see Deformity, limb, lower leg |
lens(acquired) H27.8 |
congenital Q12.9 |
lid(fold) (acquired) --see also Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC |
congenital Q10.3 |
ligament(acquired) --see Disorder, ligament |
congenital Q79.9 |
limb(acquired) M21.90 |
clawfoot M21.53- |
clawhand M21.51- |
clubfoot M21.54- |
clubhand M21.52- |
congenital, except reduction deformity Q74.9 |
flat foot M21.4- |
flexion M21.20 |
ankle M21.27- |
elbow M21.22- |
finger M21.24- |
hip M21.25- |
knee M21.26- |
shoulder M21.21- |
toe M21.27- |
wrist M21.23- |
foot |
claw --see Deformity, limb, clawfoot |
club --see Deformity, limb, clubfoot |
drop M21.37- |
flat --see Deformity, limb, flat foot |
specified NEC M21.6X- |
forearm M21.93- |
hand M21.94- |
lower leg M21.96- |
specified type NEC M21.80 |
forearm M21.83- |
lower leg M21.86- |
thigh M21.85- |
upper arm M21.82- |
thigh M21.95- |
unequal length M21.70 |
short site is |
femur M21.75- |
fibula M21.76- |
humerus M21.72- |
radius M21.73- |
tibia M21.76- |
ulna M21.73- |
upper arm M21.92- |
valgus --see Deformity, valgus |
varus --see Deformity, varus |
wrist drop M21.33- |
lip(acquired) NEC K13.0 |
congenital Q38.0 |
liver(congenital) Q44.7 |
acquired K76.89 |
lumbosacral(congenital) (joint) (region) Q76.49 |
acquired M43.8 |
kyphosis --see Kyphosis, congenital |
lordosis --see Lordosis, congenital |
lung(congenital) Q33.9 |
acquired J98.4 |
lymphatic system, congenital Q89.9 |
Madelung's(radius) Q74.0 |
mandible(acquired) (congenital) M26.9 |
maxilla(acquired) (congenital) M26.9 |
meninges or membrane(congenital) Q07.9 |
cerebral Q04.8 |
acquired G96.19 |
spinal cord(congenital) G96.19 |
acquired G96.19 |
metacarpus(acquired) --see Deformity, limb, forearm |
congenital Q74.0 |
metatarsus(acquired) --see Deformity, foot |
congenital Q66.9 |
middle ear(congenital) Q16.4 |
ossicles Q16.3 |
mitral(leaflets) (valve) I05.8 |
parachute Q23.2 |
stenosis, congenital Q23.2 |
mouth(acquired) K13.79 |
congenital Q38.6 |
multiple, congenital NEC Q89.7 |
muscle(acquired) M62.89 |
congenital Q79.9 |
sternocleidomastoid Q68.0 |
musculoskeletal system(acquired) M95.9 |
congenital Q79.9 |
specified NEC M95.8 |
nail(acquired) L60.8 |
congenital Q84.6 |
nasal --see Deformity, nose |
neck(acquired) M95.3 |
congenital Q18.9 |
sternocleidomastoid Q68.0 |
nervous system(congenital) Q07.9 |
nipple(congenital) Q83.9 |
acquired N64.89 |
nose(acquired) (cartilage) M95.0 |
bone(turbinate) M95.0 |
congenital Q30.9 |
bent or squashed Q67.4 |
saddle M95.0 |
syphilitic A50.57 |
septum(acquired) J34.2 |
congenital Q30.8 |
sinus(wall) (congenital) Q30.8 |
acquired M95.0 |
syphilitic(congenital) A50.57 |
late A52.73 |
ocular muscle(congenital) Q10.3 |
acquired --see Strabismus, mechanical |
opticociliary vessels(congenital) Q13.2 |
orbit(eye) (acquired) H05.30 |
atrophy --see Atrophy, orbit |
congenital Q10.7 |
due to |
bone disease NEC H05.32- |
trauma or surgery H05.33- |
enlargement --see Enlargement, orbit |
exostosis --see Exostosis, orbit |
organ of Corti(congenital) Q16.5 |
ovary(congenital) Q50.39 |
acquired N83.8 |
oviduct, acquired N83.8 |
palate(congenital) Q38.5 |
acquired M27.8 |
cleft(congenital) --see Cleft, palate |
pancreas(congenital) Q45.3 |
acquired K86.8 |
parathyroid(gland) Q89.2 |
parotid(gland) (congenital) Q38.4 |
acquired K11.8 |
patella(acquired) --see Disorder, patella, specified NEC |
pelvis, pelvic(acquired) (bony) M95.5 |
with disproportion(fetopelvic) O33.0 |
causing obstructed labor O65.0 |
congenital Q74.2 |
rachitic sequelae(late effect) E64.3 |
penis(glans) (congenital) Q55.69 |
acquired N48.89 |
pericardium(congenital) Q24.8 |
acquired --see Pericarditis |
pharynx(congenital) Q38.8 |
acquired J39.2 |
pinna, acquired --see also Disorder, pinna, deformity |
congenital Q17.9 |
pituitary(congenital) Q89.2 |
posture --see Dorsopathy, deforming |
prepuce(congenital) Q55.69 |
acquired N47.8 |
prostate(congenital) Q55.4 |
acquired N42.89 |
pupil(congenital) Q13.2 |
acquired --see Abnormality, pupillary |
pylorus(congenital) Q40.3 |
acquired K31.89 |
rachitic(acquired), old or healed E64.3 |
radius(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, forearm |
congenital Q68.8 |
rectum(congenital) Q43.9 |
acquired K62.89 |
reduction(extremity) (limb), congenital --see also condition and siteQ73.8 |
brain Q04.3 |
lower --see Defect, reduction, lower limb |
upper --see Defect, reduction, upper limb |
renal --see Deformity, kidney |
respiratory system(congenital) Q34.9 |
rib(acquired) M95.4 |
congenital Q76.6 |
cervical Q76.5 |
rotation(joint) (acquired) --see Deformity, limb, specified site NEC |
congenital Q74.9 |
hip --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh |
congenital Q65.89 |
sacroiliac joint(congenital) Q74.2 |
acquired M43.8 |
sacrum(acquired) M43.8 |
saddle |
back --see Lordosis |
nose M95.0 |
syphilitic A50.57 |
salivary gland or duct(congenital) Q38.4 |
acquired K11.8 |
scapula(acquired) M95.8 |
congenital Q68.8 |
scrotum(congenital) --see also Malformation, testis and scrotum |
acquired N50.8 |
seminal vesicles(congenital) Q55.4 |
acquired N50.8 |
septum, nasal(acquired) J34.2 |
shoulder(joint) (acquired) --see Deformity, limb, upper arm |
congenital Q74.0 |
contraction --see Contraction, joint, shoulder |
sigmoid(flexure) (congenital) Q43.9 |
acquired K63.89 |
skin(congenital) Q82.9 |
skull(acquired) M95.2 |
congenital Q75.8 |
with |
anencephaly Q00.0 |
encephalocele --see Encephalocele |
hydrocephalus Q03.9 |
with spina bifida --see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus |
microcephaly Q02 |
soft parts, organs or tissues(of pelvis) |
in pregnancy or childbirth NEC O34.8- |
causing obstructed labor O65.5 |
spermatic cord(congenital) Q55.4 |
acquired N50.8 |
torsion --see Torsion, spermatic cord |
spinal --see Dorsopathy, deforming |
column(acquired) --see Dorsopathy, deforming |
congenital Q67.5 |
cord(congenital) Q06.9 |
acquired G95.89 |
nerve root(congenital) Q07.9 |
spine(acquired) --see also Dorsopathy, deforming |
congenital Q67.5 |
rachitic E64.3 |
specified NEC --see Dorsopathy, deforming, specified NEC |
spleen |
acquired D73.89 |
congenital Q89.09 |
Sprengel's(congenital) Q74.0 |
sternocleidomastoid(muscle), congenital Q68.0 |
sternum(acquired) M95.4 |
congenital NEC Q76.7 |
stomach(congenital) Q40.3 |
acquired K31.89 |
submandibular gland(congenital) Q38.4 |
submaxillary gland(congenital) Q38.4 |
acquired K11.8 |
talipes --see Talipes |
testis(congenital) --see also Malformation, testis and scrotum |
acquired N44.8 |
torsion --see Torsion, testis |
thigh(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, thigh |
congenital NEC Q68.8 |
thorax(acquired) (wall) M95.4 |
congenital Q67.8 |
sequelae of rickets E64.3 |
thumb(acquired) --see also Deformity, finger |
congenital NEC Q68.1 |
thymus(tissue) (congenital) Q89.2 |
thyroid(gland) (congenital) Q89.2 |
cartilage Q31.8 |
acquired J38.7 |
tibia(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg |
congenital NEC Q68.8 |
saber(syphilitic) A50.56 |
toe(acquired) M20.6- |
congenital Q66.9 |
hallux rigidus M20.2- |
hallux valgus M20.1- |
hallux varus M20.3- |
hammer toe M20.4- |
specified NEC M20.5X- |
tongue(congenital) Q38.3 |
acquired K14.8 |
tooth, teeth K00.2 |
trachea(rings) (congenital) Q32.1 |
acquired J39.8 |
transverse aortic arch(congenital) Q25.4 |
tricuspid(leaflets) (valve) I07.8 |
atresia or stenosis Q22.4 |
Ebstein's Q22.5 |
trunk(acquired) M95.8 |
congenital Q89.9 |
ulna(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, forearm |
congenital NEC Q68.8 |
urachus, congenital Q64.4 |
ureter(opening) (congenital) Q62.8 |
acquired N28.89 |
urethra(congenital) Q64.79 |
acquired N36.8 |
urinary tract(congenital) Q64.9 |
urachus Q64.4 |
uterus(congenital) Q51.9 |
acquired N85.8 |
uvula(congenital) Q38.5 |
vagina(acquired) N89.8 |
congenital Q52.4 |
valgus NEC M21.00 |
ankle M21.07- |
elbow M21.02- |
hip M21.05- |
knee M21.06- |
valve, valvular(congenital) (heart) Q24.8 |
acquired --see Endocarditis |
varus NEC M21.10 |
ankle M21.17- |
elbow M21.12- |
hip M21.15 |
knee M21.16- |
tibia --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia |
vas deferens(congenital) Q55.4 |
acquired N50.8 |
vein(congenital) Q27.9 |
great Q26.9 |
vertebra --see Dorsopathy, deforming |
vertical talus(congenital) Q66.80 |
left foot Q66.82 |
right foot Q66.81 |
vesicourethral orifice(acquired) N32.89 |
congenital NEC Q64.79 |
vessels of optic papilla(congenital) Q14.2 |
visual field(contraction) --see Defect, visual field |
vitreous body, acquired H43.89 |
vulva(congenital) Q52.79 |
acquired N90.89 |
wrist(joint) (acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, forearm |
congenital Q68.8 |
contraction --see Contraction, joint, wrist |
Degeneration, degenerative |
adrenal(capsule) (fatty) (gland) (hyaline) (infectional) E27.8 |
amyloid --see also AmyloidosisE85.9 |
anterior cornua, spinal cord G12.29 |
anterior labral S43.49- |
aorta, aortic I70.0 |
fatty I77.89 |
aortic valve(heart) --see Endocarditis, aortic |
arteriovascular --see Arteriosclerosis |
artery, arterial(atheromatous) (calcareous) --see also Arteriosclerosis |
cerebral, amyloid E85.4I68.0 |
medial --see Arteriosclerosis, extremities |
articular cartilage NEC --see Derangement, joint, articular cartilage, by site |
atheromatous --see Arteriosclerosis |
basal nuclei or ganglia G23.9 |
specified NEC G23.8 |
bone NEC --see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC |
brachial plexus G54.0 |
brain(cortical) (progressive) G31.9 |
alcoholic G31.2 |
arteriosclerotic I67.2 |
childhood G31.9 |
specified NEC G31.89 |
cystic G31.89 |
congenital Q04.6 |
in |
alcoholism G31.2 |
beriberi E51.2 |
cerebrovascular disease I67.9 |
congenital hydrocephalus Q03.9 |
with spina bifida --see also Spina bifida |
Fabry-Anderson disease E75.21 |
Gaucher's disease E75.22 |
Hunter's syndrome E76.1 |
lipidosis |
cerebral E75.4 |
generalized E75.6 |
mucopolysaccharidosis --see Mucopolysaccharidosis |
myxedema E03.9G32.89 |
neoplastic disease --see also NeoplasmD49.6G32.89 |
Niemann-Pick disease E75.249G32.89 |
sphingolipidosis E75.3G32.89 |
vitamin B12 deficiency E53.8G32.89 |
senile NEC G31.1 |
breast N64.89 |
Bruch's membrane --see Degeneration, choroid |
capillaries(fatty) I78.8 |
amyloid E85.8I79.8 |
cardiac --see also Degeneration, myocardial |
valve, valvular --see Endocarditis |
cardiorenal --see Hypertension, cardiorenal |
cardiovascular --see also Disease, cardiovascular |
renal --see Hypertension, cardiorenal |
cerebellar NOS G31.9 |
alcoholic G31.2 |
primary(hereditary) (sporadic) G11.9 |
cerebral --see Degeneration, brain |
cerebrovascular I67.9 |
due to hypertension I67.4 |
cervical plexus G54.2 |
cervix N88.8 |
due to radiation(intended effect) N88.8 |
adverse effect or misadventure N99.89 |
chamber angle H21.21- |
changes, spine or vertebra --see Spondylosis |
chorioretinal --see also Degeneration, choroid |
hereditary H31.20 |
choroid(colloid) (drusen) H31.10- |
atrophy --see Atrophy, choroidal |
hereditary --see Dystrophy, choroidal, hereditary |
ciliary body H21.22- |
cochlear H83.8 |
combined(spinal cord) (subacute) E53.8G32.0 |
with anemia(pernicious) D51.0G32.0 |
due to dietary vitamin B12 deficiency D51.3G32.0 |
in(due to) |
vitamin B12 deficiency E53.8G32.0 |
anemia D51.9G32.0 |
conjunctiva H11.10 |
concretions --see Concretion, conjunctiva |
deposits --see Deposit, conjunctiva |
pigmentations --see Pigmentation, conjunctiva |
pinguecula --see Pinguecula |
xerosis --see Xerosis, conjunctiva |
cornea H18.40 |
calcerous H18.43 |
band keratopathy H18.42- |
familial, hereditary --see Dystrophy, cornea |
hyaline(of old scars) H18.49 |
keratomalacia --see Keratomalacia |
nodular H18.45- |
peripheral H18.46- |
senile H18.41- |
specified type NEC H18.49 |
cortical(cerebellar) (parenchymatous) G31.89 |
alcoholic G31.2 |
diffuse, due to arteriopathy I67.2 |
corticobasal G31.85 |
cutis L98.8 |
amyloid E85.4L99 |
dental pulp K04.2 |
disc disease --see Degeneration, intervertebral disc NEC |
dorsolateral(spinal cord) --see Degeneration, combined |
extrapyramidal G25.9 |
eye, macular --see also Degeneration, macula |
congenital or hereditary --see Dystrophy, retina |
facet joints --see Spondylosis |
fatty |
liver NEC K76.0 |
alcoholic K70.0 |
grey matter(brain) (Alpers') G31.81 |
heart --see also Degeneration, myocardial |
amyloid E85.4I43 |
atheromatous --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
ischemic --see Disease, heart, ischemic |
hepatolenticular(Wilson's) E83.01 |
hepatorenal K76.7 |
hyaline(diffuse) (generalized) |
localized --see Degeneration, by site |
infrapatellar fat pad M79.4 |
intervertebral disc NOS |
with |
myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy |
radiculitis or radiculopathy --see Disorder, disc, with, radiculopathy |
cervical, cervicothoracic --see Disorder, disc, cervical, degeneration |
with |
myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, cervical, with myelopathy |
neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy --see Disorder, disc, cervical, with neuritis |
lumbar region M51.36 |
with |
myelopathy M51.06 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.16 |
lumbosacral region M51.37 |
with |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.17 |
sacrococcygeal region M53.3 |
thoracic region M51.34 |
with |
myelopathy M51.04 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy M51.14 |
thoracolumbar region M51.35 |
with |
myelopathy M51.05 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy M51.15 |
intestine, amyloid E85.4 |
iris(pigmentary) H21.23- |
ischemic --see Ischemia |
joint disease --see Osteoarthritis |
kidney N28.89 |
amyloid E85.4N29 |
cystic, congenital Q61.9 |
fatty N28.89 |
polycystic Q61.3 |
adult type(autosomal dominant) Q61.2 |
infantile type(autosomal recessive) NEC Q61.19 |
collecting duct dilatation Q61.11 |
Kuhnt-Junius --see also Degeneration, maculaH35.32 |
lens --see Cataract |
lenticular(familial) (progressive) (Wilson's) (with cirrhosis of liver) E83.01 |
liver(diffuse) NEC K76.89 |
amyloid E85.4K77 |
cystic K76.89 |
congenital Q44.6 |
fatty NEC K76.0 |
alcoholic K70.0 |
hypertrophic K76.89 |
parenchymatous, acute or subacute K72.00 |
with coma K72.01 |
pigmentary K76.89 |
toxic(acute) K71.9 |
lung J98.4 |
lymph gland I89.8 |
hyaline I89.8 |
macula, macular(acquired) (age-related) (senile) H35.30 |
angioid streaks H35.33 |
atrophic age-related H35.31 |
congenital or hereditary --see Dystrophy, retina |
cystoid H35.35- |
drusen H35.36- |
exudative H35.32 |
hole H35.34- |
nonexudative H35.31 |
puckering H35.37- |
toxic H35.38- |
membranous labyrinth, congenital(causing impairment of hearing) Q16.5 |
meniscus --see Derangement, meniscus |
mitral --see Insufficiency, mitral |
Mönckeberg's --see Arteriosclerosis, extremities |
motor centers, senile G31.1 |
multi-system G90.3 |
mural --see Degeneration, myocardial |
muscle(fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (progressive) M62.89 |
heart --see Degeneration, myocardial |
myelin, central nervous system G37.9 |
myocardial, myocardium(fatty) (hyaline) (senile) I51.5 |
with rheumatic fever(conditions in I00) I09.0 |
active, acute or subacute I01.2 |
with chorea I02.0 |
inactive or quiescent(with chorea) I09.0 |
hypertensive --see Hypertension, heart |
rheumatic --see Degeneration, myocardial, with rheumatic fever |
syphilitic A52.06 |
nasal sinus(mucosa) J32.9 |
frontal J32.1 |
maxillary J32.0 |
nerve --see Disorder, nerve |
nervous system G31.9 |
alcoholic G31.2 |
amyloid E85.4G99.8 |
autonomic G90.9 |
fatty G31.89 |
specified NEC G31.89 |
nipple N64.89 |
olivopontocerebellar(hereditary) (familial) G23.8 |
osseous labyrinth H83.8 |
ovary N83.8 |
cystic N83.20 |
microcystic N83.20 |
pallidal pigmentary(progressive) G23.0 |
pancreas K86.8 |
tuberculous A18.83 |
penis N48.89 |
pigmentary(diffuse) (general) |
localized --see Degeneration, by site |
pallidal(progressive) G23.0 |
pineal gland E34.8 |
pituitary(gland) E23.6 |
popliteal fat pad M79.4 |
posterolateral(spinal cord) --see Degeneration, combined |
pulmonary valve(heart) I37.8 |
pulp(tooth) K04.2 |
pupillary margin H21.24- |
renal --see Degeneration, kidney |
retina H35.9 |
hereditary(cerebroretinal) (congenital) (juvenile) (macula) (peripheral) (pigmentary) --see Dystrophy, retina |
Kuhnt-Junius --see also Degeneration, maculaH35.32 |
macula(cystic) (exudative) (hole) (nonexudative) (pseudohole) (senile) (toxic) --see Degeneration, macula |
peripheral H35.40 |
lattice H35.41- |
microcystoid H35.42- |
paving stone H35.43- |
secondary |
pigmentary H35.45- |
vitreoretinal H35.46- |
senile reticular H35.44- |
pigmentary(primary) --see also Dystrophy, retina |
secondary --see Degeneration, retina, peripheral, secondary |
posterior pole --see Degeneration, macula |
saccule, congenital(causing impairment of hearing) Q16.5 |
senile R54 |
brain G31.1 |
cardiac, heart or myocardium --see Degeneration, myocardial |
motor centers G31.1 |
vascular --see Arteriosclerosis |
sinus(cystic) --see also Sinusitis |
polypoid J33.1 |
skin L98.8 |
amyloid E85.4L99 |
colloid L98.8 |
spinal(cord) G31.89 |
amyloid E85.4G32.89 |
combined(subacute) --see Degeneration, combined |
dorsolateral --see Degeneration, combined |
familial NEC G31.89 |
fatty G31.89 |
funicular --see Degeneration, combined |
posterolateral --see Degeneration, combined |
subacute combined --see Degeneration, combined |
tuberculous A17.81 |
spleen D73.0 |
amyloid E85.4D77 |
stomach K31.89 |
striatonigral G23.2 |
suprarenal(capsule) (gland) E27.8 |
synovial membrane(pulpy) --see Disorder, synovium, specified type NEC |
tapetoretinal --see Dystrophy, retina |
thymus(gland) E32.8 |
fatty E32.8 |
thyroid(gland) E07.89 |
tricuspid(heart) (valve) I07.9 |
tuberculous NEC --see Tuberculosis |
turbinate J34.89 |
uterus(cystic) N85.8 |
vascular(senile) --see Arteriosclerosis |
hypertensive --see Hypertension |
vitreoretinal, secondary --see Degeneration, retina, peripheral, secondary, vitreoretinal |
vitreous(body) H43.81- |
Wallerian --see Disorder, nerve |
Wilson's hepatolenticular E83.01 |
Deglutition |
paralysis R13.0 |
hysterical F44.4 |
pneumonia J69.0 |
Degos' disease I77.89 |
Dehiscence(of) |
amputation stump T87.81 |
cesarean wound O90.0 |
closure of |
cornea T81.31 |
craniotomy T81.32 |
fascia(muscular) (superficial) T81.32 |
internal organ or tissue T81.32 |
laceration(external) (internal) T81.33 |
ligament T81.32 |
mucosa T81.31 |
muscle or muscle flap T81.32 |
ribs or rib cage T81.32 |
skin and subcutaneous tissue(full-thickness) (superficial) T81.31 |
skull T81.32 |
sternum(sternotomy) T81.32 |
tendon T81.32 |
traumatic laceration(external) (internal) T81.33 |
episiotomy O90.1 |
operation wound NEC T81.31 |
external operation wound(superficial) T81.31 |
internal operation wound(deep) T81.32 |
perineal wound(postpartum) O90.1 |
traumatic injury wound repair T81.33 |
wound T81.30 |
traumatic repair T81.33 |
Dehydration E86.0 |
hypertonic E87.0 |
hypotonic E87.1 |
newborn P74.1 |
Déjérine-Roussy syndrome G89.0 |
Déjérine-Sottas disease or neuropathy(hypertrophic) G60.0 |
Déjérine-Thomas atrophy G23.8 |
Delay, delayed |
any plane in pelvis |
complicating delivery O66.9 |
birth or delivery NOS O63.9 |
closure, ductus arteriosus(Botalli) P29.3 |
coagulation --see Defect, coagulation |
conduction(cardiac) (ventricular) I45.9 |
delivery, second twin, triplet, etc O63.2 |
development R62.50 |
global F88 |
intellectual(specific) F81.9 |
language F80.9 |
due to hearing loss F80.4 |
learning F81.9 |
pervasive F84.9 |
physiological R62.50 |
specified stage NEC R62.0 |
reading F81.0 |
sexual E30.0 |
speech F80.9 |
due to hearing loss F80.4 |
spelling F81.81 |
gastric emptying K30 |
menarche E30.0 |
menstruation(cause unknown) N91.0 |
milestone R62.0 |
passage of meconium(newborn) P76.0 |
primary respiration P28.9 |
puberty(constitutional) E30.0 |
separation of umbilical cord P96.82 |
sexual maturation, female E30.0 |
sleep phase syndrome G47.21 |
union, fracture --see Fracture, by site |
vaccination Z28.9 |
Deletion(s) |
autosome Q93.9 |
identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) Q93.89 |
identified by in situ hybridization(ISH) Q93.89 |
chromosome |
with complex rearrangements NEC Q93.7 |
part of NEC Q93.5 |
seen only at prometaphase Q93.89 |
short arm |
4 Q93.3 |
5p Q93.4 |
22q11.2 Q93.81 |
specified NEC Q93.89 |
long arm chromosome 18 or 21 Q93.89 |
with complex rearrangements NEC Q93.7 |
microdeletions NEC Q93.88 |
Delhi boil or button B55.1 |
Delinquency(juvenile) (neurotic) F91.8 |
group Z72.810 |
Delinquent immunization status Z28.3 |
Delirium, delirious(acute or subacute) (not alcohol- or drug-induced) (with dementia) R41.0 |
alcoholic(acute) (tremens) (withdrawal) F10.921 |
with intoxication F10.921 |
in |
abuse F10.121 |
dependence F10.221 |
due to(secondary to) |
alcohol |
intoxication F10.921 |
in |
abuse F10.121 |
dependence F10.221 |
withdrawal F10.231 |
amphetamine intoxication F15.921 |
in |
abuse F15.121 |
dependence F15.221 |
anxiolytic |
intoxication F13.921 |
in |
abuse F13.121 |
dependence F13.221 |
withdrawal F13.231 |
cannabis intoxication(acute) F12.921 |
in |
abuse F12.121 |
dependence F12.221 |
cocaine intoxication(acute) F14.921 |
in |
abuse F14.121 |
dependence F14.221 |
general medical condition F05 |
hallucinogen intoxication F16.921 |
in |
abuse F16.121 |
dependence F16.221 |
hypnotic |
intoxication F13.921 |
in |
abuse F13.121 |
dependence F13.221 |
withdrawal F13.231 |
inhalant intoxication(acute) F18.921 |
in |
abuse F18.121 |
dependence F18.221 |
multiple etiologies F05 |
opioid intoxication(acute) F11.921 |
in |
abuse F11.121 |
dependence F11.221 |
phencyclidine intoxication(acute) F16.921 |
in |
abuse F16.121 |
dependence F16.221 |
psychoactive substance NEC intoxication(acute) F19.921 |
in |
abuse F19.121 |
dependence F19.221 |
sedative |
intoxication F13.921 |
in |
abuse F13.121 |
dependence F13.221 |
withdrawal F13.231 |
unknown etiology F05 |
exhaustion F43.0 |
hysterical F44.89 |
postprocedural(postoperative) F05 |
puerperal F05 |
thyroid --see Thyrotoxicosis with thyroid storm |
traumatic --see Injury, intracranial |
tremens(alcohol-induced) F10.231 |
sedative-induced F13.231 |
Delivery(childbirth) (labor) |
arrested active phase O62.1 |
cesarean(for) |
abnormal |
pelvis(bony) (deformity) (major) NEC with disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.0 |
with obstructed labor O65.0 |
presentation or position O32.9 |
abruptio placentae --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9- |
acromion presentation O32.2 |
atony, uterus O62.2 |
breech presentation O32.1 |
incomplete O32.8 |
brow presentation O32.3 |
cephalopelvic disproportion O33.9 |
cerclage O34.3- |
chin presentation O32.3 |
cicatrix of cervix O34.4- |
contracted pelvis(general) |
inlet O33.2 |
outlet O33.3 |
cord presentation or prolapse O69.0 |
cystocele O34.8- |
deformity(acquired) (congenital) |
pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8- |
pelvis(bony) NEC O33.0 |
disproportion NOS O33.9 |
eclampsia --see Eclampsia |
face presentation O32.3 |
failed |
forceps O66.5 |
induction of labor O61.9 |
instrumental O61.1 |
mechanical O61.1 |
medical O61.0 |
specified NEC O61.8 |
surgical O61.1 |
trial of labor NOS O66.40 |
following previous cesarean delivery O66.41 |
vacuum extraction O66.5 |
ventouse O66.5 |
fetal-maternal hemorrhage O43.01- |
hemorrhage(intrapartum) O67.9 |
with coagulation defect O67.0 |
specified cause NEC O67.8 |
high head at term O32.4 |
hydrocephalic fetus O33.6 |
incarceration of uterus O34.51- |
incoordinate uterine action O62.4 |
increased size, fetus O33.5 |
inertia, uterus O62.2 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
lateroversion, uterus O34.59- |
mal lie O32.9 |
malposition |
fetus O32.9 |
pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8- |
uterus NEC O34.59- |
malpresentation NOS O32.9 |
oblique presentation O32.2 |
occurring after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation due to(spontaneous) onset of labor O75.82 |
oversize fetus O33.5 |
pelvic tumor NEC O34.8- |
placenta previa O44.1- |
without hemorrhage O44.0- |
placental insufficiency O36.51- |
planned, occurring after 37 completed weeks of gestation but before 39 completed weeks gestation due to(spontaneous) onset of labor O75.82 |
polyp, cervix O34.4- |
causing obstructed labor O65.5 |
poor dilatation, cervix O62.0 |
pre-eclampsia O14.9- |
mild O14.0- |
moderate O14.0- |
severe |
with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count(HELLP) O14.2- |
previous |
cesarean delivery O34.21 |
surgery(to) |
cervix O34.4- |
gynecological NEC O34.8- |
rectum O34.7- |
uterus O34.29 |
vagina O34.6- |
prolapse |
arm or hand O32.2 |
uterus O34.52- |
prolonged labor NOS O63.9 |
rectocele O34.8- |
retroversion |
uterus O34.53- |
rigid |
cervix O34.4- |
pelvic floor O34.8- |
perineum O34.7- |
vagina O34.6- |
vulva O34.7- |
sacculation, pregnant uterus O34.59- |
scar(s) |
cervix O34.4- |
cesarean delivery O34.21 |
uterus O34.29 |
Shirodkar suture in situ O34.3- |
shoulder presentation O32.2 |
stenosis or stricture, cervix O34.4- |
streptococcus B carrier state O99.824 |
transverse presentation or lie O32.2 |
tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC O34.8- |
cervix O34.4- |
umbilical cord presentation or prolapse O69.0 |
without indication O82 |
completely normal case O80 |
complicated O75.9 |
by |
abnormal, abnormality(of) |
forces of labor O62.9 |
specified type NEC O62.8 |
glucose O99.814 |
uterine contractions NOS O62.9 |
abruptio placentae --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9- |
abuse |
physical O9A.32 |
psychological O9A.52 |
sexual O9A.42 |
adherent placenta O72.0 |
without hemorrhage O73.0 |
alcohol use O99.314 |
anemia(pre-existing) O99.02 |
anesthetic death O74.8 |
annular detachment of cervix O71.3 |
atony, uterus O62.2 |
attempted vacuum extraction and forceps O66.5 |
Bandl's ring O62.4 |
bariatric surgery status O99.844 |
biliary tract disorder O26.62 |
bleeding --see Delivery, complicated by, hemorrhage |
blood disorder NEC O99.12 |
cervical dystocia(hypotonic) O62.2 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
circulatory system disorder O99.42 |
compression of cord(umbilical) NEC O69.2 |
condition NEC O99.89 |
contraction, contracted ring O62.4 |
cord(umbilical) |
around neck |
with compression O69.1 |
without compression O69.81 |
bruising O69.5 |
complication O69.9 |
specified NEC O69.89 |
compression NEC O69.2 |
entanglement O69.2 |
without compression O69.82 |
hematoma O69.5 |
presentation O69.0 |
prolapse O69.0 |
short O69.3 |
thrombosis(vessels) O69.5 |
vascular lesion O69.5 |
Couvelaire uterus O45.8X- |
damage to(injury to) NEC |
perineum O71.82 |
periurethral tissue O71.82 |
vulva O71.82 |
delay following rupture of membranes(spontaneous) --see Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranes |
depressed fetal heart tones O76 |
diabetes O24.92 |
gestational O24.429 |
diet controlled O24.420 |
insulin controlled O24.424 |
pre-existing O24.32 |
specified NEC O24.82 |
type 1 O24.02 |
type 2 O24.12 |
diastasis recti(abdominis) O71.89 |
dilatation |
bladder O66.8 |
cervix incomplete, poor or slow O62.0 |
disease NEC O99.89 |
disruptio uteri --see Delivery, complicated by, rupture, uterus |
drug use O99.324 |
dysfunction, uterus NOS O62.9 |
hypertonic O62.4 |
hypotonic O62.2 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
incoordinate O62.4 |
eclampsia O15.1 |
embolism(pulmonary) --see Embolism, obstetric |
endocrine, nutritional or metabolic disease NEC O99.284 |
failed |
attempted vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery O66.41 |
induction of labor O61.9 |
instrumental O61.1 |
mechanical O61.1 |
medical O61.0 |
specified NEC O61.8 |
surgical O61.1 |
trial of labor O66.40 |
female genital mutilation O65.5 |
fetal |
abnormal acid-base balance O68 |
acidemia O68 |
acidosis O68 |
alkalosis O68 |
death, early O02.1 |
deformity O66.3 |
heart rate or rhythm(abnormal) (non-reassuring) O76 |
hypoxia O77.8 |
stress O77.9 |
due to drug administration O77.1 |
electrocardiographic evidence of O77.8 |
specified NEC O77.8 |
ultrasound evidence of O77.8 |
fever during labor O75.2 |
gastric banding status O99.844 |
gastric bypass status O99.844 |
gastrointestinal disease NEC O99.62 |
gestational diabetes O24.429 |
diet controlled O24.420 |
insulin(and diet) controlled O24.424 |
gonorrhea O98.22 |
hematoma O71.7 |
ischial spine O71.7 |
pelvic O71.7 |
vagina O71.7 |
vulva or perineum O71.7 |
hemorrhage(uterine) O67.9 |
associated with |
afibrinogenemia O67.0 |
coagulation defect O67.0 |
hyperfibrinolysis O67.0 |
hypofibrinogenemia O67.0 |
due to |
low-lying placenta O44.1- |
placenta previa O44.1- |
premature separation of placenta(normally implanted) --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9- |
retained placenta O72.0 |
uterine leiomyoma O67.8 |
placenta NEC O67.8 |
postpartum NEC(atonic) (immediate) O72.1 |
with retained or trapped placenta O72.0 |
delayed O72.2 |
secondary O72.2 |
third stage O72.0 |
hourglass contraction, uterus O62.4 |
hypertension, hypertensive(pre-existing) --see Hypertension, complicated by, childbirth (labor) |
hypotension O26.5- |
incomplete dilatation(cervix) O62.0 |
incoordinate uterus contractions O62.4 |
inertia, uterus O62.2 |
during latent phase of labor O62.0 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
infection(maternal) O98.92 |
carrier state NEC O99.834 |
gonorrhea O98.22 |
human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) O98.72 |
sexually transmitted NEC O98.32 |
specified NEC O98.82 |
syphilis O98.12 |
tuberculosis O98.02 |
viral hepatitis O98.42 |
viral NEC O98.52 |
injury(to mother) --see also Delivery, complicated, by, damage toO71.9 |
nonobstetric O9A.22 |
caused by abuse --see Delivery, complicated by, abuse |
intrauterine fetal death, early O02.1 |
inversion, uterus O71.2 |
laceration(perineal) O70.9 |
anus(sphincter) O70.4 |
with third degree laceration O70.2 |
with mucosa O70.3 |
without third degree laceration O70.4 |
bladder(urinary) O71.5 |
bowel O71.5 |
cervix(uteri) O71.3 |
fourchette O70.0 |
hymen O70.0 |
labia O70.0 |
pelvic |
floor O70.1 |
organ NEC O71.5 |
perineum, perineal O70.9 |
first degree O70.0 |
fourth degree O70.3 |
muscles O70.1 |
second degree O70.1 |
skin O70.0 |
slight O70.0 |
third degree O70.2 |
peritoneum(pelvic) O71.5 |
rectovaginal(septum) (without perineal laceration) O71.4 |
with perineum O70.2 |
with anal or rectal mucosa O70.3 |
specified NEC O71.89 |
sphincter ani --see Delivery, complicated, by, laceration, anus (sphincter) |
urethra O71.5 |
uterus O71.81 |
before labor O71.81 |
vagina, vaginal(deep) (high) (without perineal laceration) O71.4 |
with perineum O70.0 |
muscles, with perineum O70.1 |
vulva O70.0 |
liver disorder O26.62 |
malignancy O9A.12 |
malnutrition O25.2 |
malposition, malpresentation |
placenta(with hemorrhage) O44.1- |
without hemorrhage O44.0- |
uterus or cervix O65.5 |
without obstruction --see also Delivery, complicated by, obstructionO32.9 |
breech O32.1 |
compound O32.6 |
face(brow) (chin) O32.3 |
footling O32.8 |
high head O32.4 |
oblique O32.2 |
specified NEC O32.8 |
transverse O32.2 |
unstable lie O32.0 |
meconium in amniotic fluid O77.0 |
mental disorder NEC O99.344 |
metrorrhexis --see Delivery, complicated by, rupture, uterus |
nervous system disorder O99.354 |
obesity(pre-existing) O99.214 |
obesity surgery status O99.844 |
obstetric trauma O71.9 |
specified NEC O71.89 |
obstructed labor |
due to |
breech(complete) (frank) presentation O64.1 |
incomplete O64.8 |
brow presenation O64.3 |
buttock presentation O64.1 |
chin presentation O64.2 |
compound presentation O64.5 |
contracted pelvis O65.1 |
deep transverse arrest O64.0 |
deformed pelvis O65.0 |
dystocia(fetal) O66.9 |
due to |
conjoined twins O66.3 |
fetal |
abnormality NEC O66.3 |
ascites O66.3 |
hydrops O66.3 |
meningomyelocele O66.3 |
sacral teratoma O66.3 |
tumor O66.3 |
hydrocephalic fetus O66.3 |
shoulder O66.0 |
face presentation O64.2 |
fetopelvic disproportion O65.4 |
footling presentation O64.8 |
impacted shoulders O66.0 |
incomplete rotation of fetal head O64.0 |
large fetus O66.2 |
locked twins O66.1 |
malposition O64.9 |
specified NEC O64.8 |
malpresentation O64.9 |
specified NEC O64.8 |
multiple fetuses NEC O66.6 |
pelvic |
abnormality(maternal) O65.9 |
organ O65.5 |
specified NEC O65.8 |
contraction |
inlet O65.2 |
mid-cavity O65.3 |
outlet O65.3 |
persistent(position) |
occipitoiliac O64.0 |
occipitoposterior O64.0 |
occipitosacral O64.0 |
occipitotransverse O64.0 |
prolapsed arm O64.4 |
shoulder presentation O64.4 |
specified NEC O66.8 |
pathological retraction ring, uterus O62.4 |
penetration, pregnant uterus by instrument O71.1 |
perforation --see Delivery, complicated by, laceration |
placenta, placental |
ablatio --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9- |
abnormality O43.9- |
specified NEC O43.89- |
abruptio --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9- |
accreta O43.21- |
adherent(with hemorrhage) O72.0 |
without hemorrhage O73.0 |
detachment(premature) --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9- |
disorder O43.9- |
specified NEC O43.89- |
hemorrhage NEC O67.8 |
increta O43.22- |
low(implantation) O44.1- |
without hemorrhage O44.0- |
malformation O43.10- |
malposition O44.1- |
without hemorrhage O44.0- |
percreta O43.23- |
previa(central) (lateral) (low) (marginal) (partial) (total) O44.1- |
without hemorrhage O44.0- |
retained(with hemorrhage) O72.0 |
without hemorrhage O73.0 |
separation(premature) O45.9- |
specified NEC O45.8X- |
vicious insertion O44.1- |
precipitate labor O62.3 |
premature rupture, membranes --see also Pregnancy, complicated by, premature rupture of membranesO42.90 |
prolapse |
arm or hand O32.2 |
cord(umbilical) O69.0 |
foot or leg O32.8 |
uterus O34.52- |
prolonged labor O63.9 |
first stage O63.0 |
second stage O63.1 |
protozoal disease(maternal) O98.62 |
respiratory disease NEC O99.52 |
retained membranes or portions of placenta O72.2 |
without hemorrhage O73.1 |
retarded birth O63.9 |
retention of secundines(with hemorrhage) O72.0 |
without hemorrhage O73.0 |
partial O72.2 |
without hemorrhage O73.1 |
rupture |
bladder(urinary) O71.5 |
cervix O71.3 |
pelvic organ NEC O71.5 |
urethra O71.5 |
uterus(during or after labor) O71.1 |
before labor O71.0- |
separation, pubic bone(symphysis pubis) O71.6 |
shock O75.1 |
shoulder presentation O64.4 |
skin disorder NEC O99.72 |
spasm, cervix O62.4 |
stenosis or stricture, cervix O65.5 |
streptococcus B carrier state O99.824 |
subluxation of symphysis(pubis) O26.72 |
syphilis(maternal) O98.12 |
tear --see Delivery, complicated by, laceration |
tetanic uterus O62.4 |
trauma(obstetrical) --see also Delivery, complicated, by, damage toO71.9 |
non-obstetric O9A.22 |
periurethral O71.82 |
specified NEC O71.89 |
tuberculosis(maternal) O98.02 |
tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC O65.5 |
umbilical cord around neck |
with compression O69.1 |
without compression O69.81 |
uterine inertia O62.2 |
during latent phase of labor O62.0 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
vasa previa O69.4 |
velamentous insertion of cord O43.12- |
specified complication NEC O75.89 |
delayed NOS O63.9 |
following rupture of membranes |
artificial O75.5 |
second twin, triplet, etc. O63.2 |
forceps, low following failed vacuum extraction O66.5 |
missed(at or near term) O36.4 |
normal O80 |
obstructed --see Delivery, complicated by, obstruction |
precipitate O62.3 |
preterm --see also Pregnancy, complicated by, preterm laborO60.10 |
spontaneous O80 |
term pregnancy NOS O80 |
uncomplicated O80 |
vaginal, following previous cesarean delivery O34.21 |
Delusions(paranoid) --see Disorder, delusional |
Dementia(degenerative (primary)) (old age) (persisting) F03.90 |
with |
aggressive behavior F03.91 |
behavioral disturbance F03.91 |
combative behavior F03.91 |
Lewy bodies G31.83F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.83F02.81 |
Parkinsonism G31.83F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.83F02.81 |
Parkinson's disease G20F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G20F02.81 |
violent behavior F03.91 |
alcoholic F10.97 |
with dependence F10.27 |
Alzheimer's type --see Disease, Alzheimer's |
arteriosclerotic --see Dementia, vascular |
atypical, Alzheimer's type --see Disease, Alzheimer's, specified NEC |
congenital --see Disability, intellectual |
frontal(lobe) G31.09F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.09F02.81 |
frontotemporal G31.09F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.09F02.81 |
specified NEC G31.09F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.09F02.81 |
in(due to) |
alcohol F10.97 |
with dependence F10.27 |
Alzheimer's disease --see Disease, Alzheimer's |
arteriosclerotic brain disease --see Dementia, vascular |
cerebral lipidoses E75.-F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E75.-F02.81 |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease --see also Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome (with dementia)A81.00 |
epilepsy G40.-F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G40.-F02.81 |
hepatolenticular degeneration E83.01F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E83.01F02.81 |
human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) disease B20F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance B20F02.81 |
Huntington's disease or chorea G10 |
hypercalcemia E83.52F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E83.52F02.81 |
hypothyroidism, acquired E03.9F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E03.9F02.81 |
due to iodine deficiency E01.8F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E01.8F02.81 |
inhalants F18.97 |
with dependence F18.27 |
multiple |
etiologies F03 |
sclerosis G35F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G35F02.81 |
neurosyphilis A52.17F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance A52.17F02.81 |
juvenile A50.49F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance A50.49F02.81 |
niacin deficiency E52F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E52F02.81 |
paralysis agitans G20F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G20F02.81 |
Parkinson's disease G20F02.80 |
pellagra E52F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E52F02.81 |
Pick's G31.01F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.01F02.81 |
polyarteritis nodosa M30.0F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance M30.0F02.81 |
psychoactive drug F19.97 |
with dependence F19.27 |
inhalants F18.97 |
with dependence F18.27 |
sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics F13.97 |
with dependence F13.27 |
sedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics F13.97 |
with dependence F13.27 |
systemic lupus erythematosus M32.-F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance M32.-F02.81 |
trypanosomiasis |
African B56.9F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance B56.9F02.81 |
unknown etiology F03 |
vitamin B12 deficiency E53.8F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance E53.8F02.81 |
volatile solvents F18.97 |
with dependence F18.27 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.83F02.81 |
infantile, infantilis F84.3 |
Lewy body G31.83F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.83F02.81 |
multi-infarct --see Dementia, vascular |
paralytica, paralytic(syphilitic) A52.17F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance A52.17F02.81 |
juvenilis A50.45 |
paretic A52.17 |
praecox --see Schizophrenia |
presenile F03 |
Alzheimer's type --see Disease, Alzheimer's, early onset |
primary degenerative F03 |
progressive, syphilitic A52.17 |
senile F03 |
with acute confusional state F05 |
Alzheimer's type --see Disease, Alzheimer's, late onset |
depressed or paranoid type F03 |
vascular(acute onset) (mixed) (multi-infarct) (subcortical) F01.50 |
with behavioral disturbance F01.51 |
Demineralization, bone --see Osteoporosis |
Demodex folliculorum(infestation) B88.0 |
Demophobia F40.248 |
Demoralization R45.3 |
Demyelination, demyelinization |
central nervous system G37.9 |
specified NEC G37.8 |
corpus callosum(central) G37.1 |
disseminated, acute G36.9 |
specified NEC G36.8 |
global G35 |
in optic neuritis G36.0 |
Dengue(classical) (fever) A90 |
hemorrhagic A91 |
sandfly A93.1 |
Dennie-Marfan syphilitic syndrome A50.45 |
Dens evaginatus, in dente or invaginatus K00.2 |
Dense breasts R92.2 |
Density |
increased, bone(disseminated) (generalized) (spotted) --see Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified type NEC |
lung(nodular) J98.4 |
Dental --see also condition |
examination Z01.20 |
with abnormal findings Z01.21 |
restoration |
aesthetically inadequate or displeasing K08.56 |
defective K08.50 |
specified NEC K08.59 |
failure of marginal integrity K08.51 |
failure of periodontal anatomical integrity K08.54 |
Dentia praecox K00.6 |
Denticles(pulp) K04.2 |
Dentigerous cyst K09.0 |
Dentin |
irregular(in pulp) K04.3 |
opalescent K00.5 |
secondary(in pulp) K04.3 |
sensitive K03.89 |
Dentinogenesis imperfecta K00.5 |
Dentinoma --see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic |
Dentition(syndrome) K00.7 |
delayed K00.6 |
difficult K00.7 |
precocious K00.6 |
premature K00.6 |
retarded K00.6 |
Dependence(on) (syndrome) F19.20 |
with remission F19.21 |
alcohol(ethyl) (methyl) (without remission) F10.20 |
with |
amnestic disorder, persisting F10.26 |
anxiety disorder F10.280 |
dementia, persisting F10.27 |
intoxication F10.229 |
with delirium F10.221 |
uncomplicated F10.220 |
mood disorder F10.24 |
psychotic disorder F10.259 |
with |
delusions F10.250 |
hallucinations F10.251 |
remission F10.21 |
sexual dysfunction F10.281 |
sleep disorder F10.282 |
specified disorder NEC F10.288 |
withdrawal F10.239 |
with |
delirium F10.231 |
perceptual disturbance F10.232 |
uncomplicated F10.230 |
counseling and surveillance Z71.41 |
amobarbital --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
amphetamine(s) (type) --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
amytal(sodium) --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
analgesic NEC F55.8 |
anesthetic(agent) (gas) (general) (local) NEC --see Dependence, drug, psychoactive NEC |
anxiolytic NEC --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
barbital(s) --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
barbiturate(s) (compounds) (drugs classifiable to T42) --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
benzedrine --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
bhang --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
bromide(s) NEC --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
caffeine --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
cannabis(sativa) (indica) (resin) (derivatives) (type) --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
chloral(betaine) (hydrate) --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
chlordiazepoxide --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
coca(leaf) (derivatives) --see Dependence, drug, cocaine |
cocaine --see Dependence, drug, cocaine |
codeine --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
combinations of drugs F19.20 |
dagga --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
demerol --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
dexamphetamine --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
dexedrine --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
dextromethorphan --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
dextromoramide --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
dextro-nor-pseudo-ephedrine --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
dextrorphan --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
diazepam --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
dilaudid --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
D-lysergic acid diethylamide --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
drug NEC F19.20 |
with sleep disorder F19.282 |
cannabis F12.20 |
with |
anxiety disorder F12.280 |
intoxication F12.229 |
with |
delirium F12.221 |
perceptual disturbance F12.222 |
uncomplicated F12.220 |
other specified disorder F12.288 |
psychosis F12.259 |
delusions F12.250 |
hallucinations F12.251 |
unspecified disorder F12.29 |
in remission F12.21 |
cocaine F14.20 |
with |
anxiety disorder F14.280 |
intoxication F14.229 |
with |
delirium F14.221 |
perceptual disturbance F14.222 |
uncomplicated F14.220 |
mood disorder F14.24 |
other specified disorder F14.288 |
psychosis F14.259 |
delusions F14.250 |
hallucinations F14.251 |
sexual dysfunction F14.281 |
sleep disorder F14.282 |
unspecified disorder F14.29 |
withdrawal F14.23 |
in remission F14.21 |
withdrawal symptoms in newborn P96.1 |
counseling and surveillance Z71.51 |
hallucinogen F16.20 |
with |
anxiety disorder F16.280 |
flashbacks F16.283 |
intoxication F16.229 |
with delirium F16.221 |
uncomplicated F16.220 |
mood disorder F16.24 |
other specified disorder F16.288 |
perception disorder, persisting F16.283 |
psychosis F16.259 |
delusions F16.250 |
hallucinations F16.251 |
unspecified disorder F16.29 |
in remission F16.21 |
in remission F19.21 |
inhalant F18.20 |
with |
anxiety disorder F18.280 |
dementia, persisting F18.27 |
intoxication F18.229 |
with delirium F18.221 |
uncomplicated F18.220 |
mood disorder F18.24 |
other specified disorder F18.288 |
psychosis F18.259 |
delusions F18.250 |
hallucinations F18.251 |
unspecified disorder F18.29 |
in remission F18.21 |
nicotine F17.200 |
with disorder F17.209 |
remission F17.201 |
specified disorder NEC F17.208 |
withdrawal F17.203 |
chewing tobacco F17.220 |
with disorder F17.229 |
remission F17.221 |
specified disorder NEC F17.228 |
withdrawal F17.223 |
cigarettes F17.210 |
with disorder F17.219 |
remission F17.211 |
specified disorder NEC F17.218 |
withdrawal F17.213 |
specified product NEC F17.290 |
with disorder F17.299 |
remission F17.291 |
specified disorder NEC F17.298 |
withdrawal F17.293 |
opioid F11.20 |
with |
intoxication F11.229 |
with |
delirium F11.221 |
perceptual disturbance F11.222 |
uncomplicated F11.220 |
mood disorder F11.24 |
other specified disorder F11.288 |
psychosis F11.259 |
delusions F11.250 |
hallucinations F11.251 |
sexual dysfunction F11.281 |
sleep disorder F11.282 |
unspecified disorder F11.29 |
withdrawal F11.23 |
in remission F11.21 |
psychoactive NEC F19.20 |
with |
amnestic disorder F19.26 |
anxiety disorder F19.280 |
dementia F19.27 |
intoxication F19.229 |
with |
delirium F19.221 |
perceptual disturbance F19.222 |
uncomplicated F19.220 |
mood disorder F19.24 |
other specified disorder F19.288 |
psychosis F19.259 |
delusions F19.250 |
hallucinations F19.251 |
sexual dysfunction F19.281 |
sleep disorder F19.282 |
unspecified disorder F19.29 |
withdrawal F19.239 |
with |
delirium F19.231 |
perceptual disturbance F19.232 |
uncomplicated F19.230 |
sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic F13.20 |
with |
amnestic disorder F13.26 |
anxiety disorder F13.280 |
dementia, persisting F13.27 |
intoxication F13.229 |
with delirium F13.221 |
uncomplicated F13.220 |
mood disorder F13.24 |
other specified disorder F13.288 |
psychosis F13.259 |
delusions F13.250 |
hallucinations F13.251 |
sexual dysfunction F13.281 |
sleep disorder F13.282 |
unspecified disorder F13.29 |
withdrawal F13.239 |
with |
delirium F13.231 |
perceptual disturbance F13.232 |
uncomplicated F13.230 |
in remission F13.21 |
stimulant NEC F15.20 |
with |
anxiety disorder F15.280 |
intoxication F15.229 |
with |
delirium F15.221 |
perceptual disturbance F15.222 |
uncomplicated F15.220 |
mood disorder F15.24 |
other specified disorder F15.288 |
psychosis F15.259 |
delusions F15.250 |
hallucinations F15.251 |
sexual dysfunction F15.281 |
sleep disorder F15.282 |
unspecified disorder F15.29 |
withdrawal F15.23 |
in remission F15.21 |
ethyl |
alcohol(without remission) F10.20 |
with remission F10.21 |
bromide --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
carbamate F19.20 |
chloride F19.20 |
morphine --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
ganja --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
glue(airplane) (sniffing) --see Dependence, drug, inhalant |
glutethimide --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
hallucinogenics --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
hashish --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
hemp --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
heroin(salt) (any) --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
hypnotic NEC --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
Indian hemp --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
inhalants --see Dependence, drug, inhalant |
khat --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
laudanum --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
LSD(-25) (derivatives) --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
luminal --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
lysergic acid --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
maconha --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
marihuana --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
meprobamate --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
mescaline --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
methadone --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
methamphetamine(s) --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
methaqualone --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
methyl |
alcohol(without remission) F10.20 |
with remission F10.21 |
bromide --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
morphine --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
phenidate --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
sulfonal --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
morphine(sulfate) (sulfite) (type) --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
narcotic(drug) NEC --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
nembutal --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
neraval --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
neravan --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
neurobarb --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
nicotine --see Dependence, drug, nicotine |
nitrous oxide F19.20 |
nonbarbiturate sedatives and tranquilizers with similar effect --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
on |
artificial heart(fully implantable) (mechanical) Z95.812 |
aspirator Z99.0 |
care provider(because of) Z74.9 |
impaired mobility Z74.09 |
need for |
assistance with personal care Z74.1 |
continuous supervision Z74.3 |
no other household member able to render care Z74.2 |
specified reason NEC Z74.8 |
machine Z99.89 |
enabling NEC Z99.89 |
specified type NEC Z99.89 |
renal dialysis(hemodialysis) (peritoneal) Z99.2 |
respirator Z99.11 |
ventilator Z99.11 |
wheelchair Z99.3 |
opiate --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
opioids --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
opium(alkaloids) (derivatives) (tincture) --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
oxygen(long-term) (supplemental) Z99.81 |
paraldehyde --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
paregoric --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
PCP(phencyclidine) --see also Abuse, drug, hallucinogenF16.20 |
pentobarbital --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
pentobarbitone(sodium) --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
pentothal --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
peyote --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
phencyclidine(PCP) (and related substances) --see also Abuse, drug, hallucinogenF16.20 |
phenmetrazine --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
phenobarbital --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
polysubstance F19.20 |
psilocibin, psilocin, psilocyn, psilocyline --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
psychostimulant NEC --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
secobarbital --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
seconal --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
sedative NEC --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
specified drug NEC --see Dependence, drug |
stimulant NEC --see Dependence, drug, stimulant NEC |
substance NEC --see Dependence, drug |
supplemental oxygen Z99.81 |
tobacco --see Dependence, drug, nicotine |
counseling and surveillance Z71.6 |
tranquilizer NEC --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
vitamin B6 E53.1 |
volatile solvents --see Dependence, drug, inhalant |
Dependency |
care-provider Z74.9 |
passive F60.7 |
reactions(persistent) F60.7 |
Depersonalization(in neurotic state) (neurotic) (syndrome) F48.1 |
Depletion |
extracellular fluid E86.9 |
plasma E86.1 |
potassium E87.6 |
nephropathy N25.89 |
salt or sodium E87.1 |
causing heat exhaustion or prostration T67.4 |
nephropathy N28.9 |
volume NOS E86.9 |
Deployment(current) (military) status Z56.82 |
in theater or in support of military war, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations Z56.82 |
personal history of Z91.82 |
military war, peacekeeping and humanitarian deployment(current or past conflict) Z91.82 |
returned from Z91.82 |
Depolarization, premature I49.40 |
atrial I49.1 |
junctional I49.2 |
specified NEC I49.49 |
ventricular I49.3 |
Deposit |
bone in Boeck's sarcoid D86.89 |
calcareous, calcium --see Calcification |
cholesterol |
retina H35.89 |
vitreous(body) (humor) --see Deposit, crystalline |
conjunctiva H11.11- |
cornea H18.00- |
argentous H18.02- |
due to metabolic disorder H18.03- |
Kayser-Fleischer ring H18.04- |
pigmentation --see Pigmentation, cornea |
crystalline, vitreous(body) (humor) H43.2- |
hemosiderin in old scars of cornea --see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal |
metallic in lens --see Cataract, specified NEC |
skin R23.8 |
tooth, teeth(betel) (black) (green) (materia alba) (orange) (tobacco) K03.6 |
urate, kidney --see Calculus, kidney |
Depraved appetite --see Pica |
Depressed |
HDL cholesterol E78.6 |
Depression(acute) (mental) F32.9 |
agitated(single episode) F32.2 |
anaclitic --see Disorder, adjustment |
anxiety F41.8 |
persistent F34.1 |
arches --see also Deformity, limb, flat foot |
atypical(single episode) F32.8 |
basal metabolic rate R94.8 |
bone marrow D75.89 |
central nervous system R09.2 |
cerebral R29.818 |
newborn P91.4 |
cerebrovascular I67.9 |
chest wall M95.4 |
climacteric(single episode) F32.8 |
endogenous(without psychotic symptoms) F33.2 |
with psychotic symptoms F33.3 |
functional activity R68.89 |
hysterical F44.89 |
involutional(single episode) F32.8 |
major F32.9 |
with psychotic symptoms F32.3 |
recurrent --see Disorder, depressive, recurrent |
manic-depressive --see Disorder, depressive, recurrent |
masked(single episode) F32.8 |
medullary G93.89 |
menopausal(single episode) F32.8 |
metatarsus --see Depression, arches |
monopolar F33.9 |
nervous F34.1 |
neurotic F34.1 |
nose M95.0 |
postnatal F53 |
postpartum F53 |
post-psychotic of schizophrenia F32.8 |
post-schizophrenic F32.8 |
psychogenic(reactive) (single episode) F32.9 |
psychoneurotic F34.1 |
psychotic(single episode) F32.3 |
recurrent F33.3 |
reactive(psychogenic) (single episode) F32.9 |
psychotic(single episode) F32.3 |
recurrent --see Disorder, depressive, recurrent |
respiratory center G93.89 |
seasonal --see Disorder, depressive, recurrent |
senile F03 |
severe, single episode F32.2 |
situational F43.21 |
skull Q67.4 |
specified NEC(single episode) F32.8 |
sternum M95.4 |
visual field --see Defect, visual field |
vital(recurrent) (without psychotic symptoms) F33.2 |
with psychotic symptoms F33.3 |
single episode F32.2 |
Deprivation |
cultural Z60.3 |
effects NOS T73.9 |
specified NEC T73.8 |
emotional NEC Z65.8 |
affecting infant or child --see Maltreatment, child, psychological |
food T73.0 |
protein --see Malnutrition |
sleep Z72.820 |
social Z60.4 |
affecting infant or child --see Maltreatment, child, psychological |
specified NEC T73.8 |
vitamins --see Deficiency, vitamin |
water T73.1 |
Derangement |
ankle(internal) --see Derangement, joint, ankle |
cartilage(articular) NEC --see Derangement, joint, articular cartilage, by site |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent |
cruciate ligament, anterior, current injury --see Sprain, knee, cruciate, anterior |
elbow(internal) --see Derangement, joint, elbow |
hip(joint) (internal) (old) --see Derangement, joint, hip |
joint(internal) M24.9 |
ankylosis --see Ankylosis |
articular cartilage M24.10 |
ankle M24.17- |
elbow M24.12- |
foot M24.17- |
hand M24.14- |
hip M24.15- |
knee NEC M23.9- |
loose body --see Loose, body |
shoulder M24.11- |
wrist M24.13- |
contracture --see Contraction, joint |
current injury --see also Dislocation |
knee, meniscus or cartilage --see Tear, meniscus |
dislocation |
pathological --see Dislocation, pathological |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent |
knee --see Derangement, knee |
ligament --see Disorder, ligament |
loose body --see Loose, body |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent |
specified type NEC M24.80 |
ankle M24.87- |
elbow M24.82- |
foot joint M24.87- |
hand joint M24.84- |
hip M24.85- |
shoulder M24.81- |
wrist M24.83- |
temporomandibular M26.69 |
knee(recurrent) M23.9- |
ligament disruption, spontaneous M23.60- |
anterior cruciate M23.61- |
capsular M23.67- |
instability, chronic M23.5- |
lateral collateral M23.64- |
medial collateral M23.63- |
posterior cruciate M23.62- |
loose body M23.4- |
meniscus M23.30- |
cystic M23.00- |
lateral M23.002 |
anterior horn M23.04- |
posterior horn M23.05- |
specified NEC M23.06- |
medial M23.005 |
anterior horn M23.01- |
posterior horn M23.02- |
specified NEC M23.03- |
degenerate --see Derangement, knee, meniscus, specified NEC |
detached --see Derangement, knee, meniscus, specified NEC |
due to old tear or injury M23.20- |
lateral M23.20- |
anterior horn M23.24- |
posterior horn M23.25- |
specified NEC M23.26- |
medial M23.20- |
anterior horn M23.21- |
posterior horn M23.22- |
specified NEC M23.23- |
retained --see Derangement, knee, meniscus, specified NEC |
specified NEC M23.30- |
lateral M23.30- |
anterior horn M23.34- |
posterior horn M23.35- |
specified NEC M23.36- |
medial M23.30- |
anterior horn M23.31- |
posterior horn M23.32- |
specified NEC M23.33- |
old M23.8X- |
specified NEC M23.8 |
low back NEC --see Dorsopathy, specified NEC |
meniscus --see Derangement, knee, meniscus |
mental --see Psychosis |
patella, specified NEC --see Disorder, patella, derangement NEC |
semilunar cartilage(knee) --see Derangement, knee, meniscus, specified NEC |
shoulder(internal) --see Derangement, joint, shoulder |
Dercum's disease E88.2 |
Derealization(neurotic) F48.1 |
Dermal --see condition |
Dermaphytid --see Dermatophytosis |
Dermatitis(eczematous) L30.9 |
ab igne L59.0 |
acarine B88.0 |
actinic(due to sun) L57.8 |
other than from sun L59.8 |
allergic --see Dermatitis, contact, allergic |
ambustionis, due to burn or scald --see Burn |
amebic A06.7 |
ammonia L22 |
arsenical(ingested) L27.8 |
artefacta L98.1 |
psychogenic F54 |
atopic L20.9 |
psychogenic F54 |
specified NEC L20.89 |
autoimmune progesterone L30.8 |
berlock, berloque L56.2 |
blastomycotic B40.3 |
blister beetle L24.89 |
bullous, bullosa L13.9 |
mucosynechial, atrophic L12.1 |
seasonal L30.8 |
specified NEC L13.8 |
calorica L59.0 |
due to burn or scald --see Burn |
caterpillar L24.89 |
cercarial B65.3 |
combustionis L59.0 |
due to burn or scald --see Burn |
congelationis T69.1 |
contact(occupational) L25.9 |
allergic L23.9 |
due to |
adhesives L23.1 |
cement L23.5 |
chemical products NEC L23.5 |
chromium L23.0 |
cosmetics L23.2 |
dander(cat) (dog) L23.81 |
drugs in contact with skin L23.3 |
dyes L23.4 |
food in contact with skin L23.6 |
hair(cat) (dog) L23.81 |
insecticide L23.5 |
metals L23.0 |
nickel L23.0 |
plants, non-food L23.7 |
plastic L23.5 |
rubber L23.5 |
specified agent NEC L23.89 |
due to |
cement L25.3 |
chemical products NEC L25.3 |
cosmetics L25.0 |
dander(cat) (dog) L23.81 |
drugs in contact with skin L25.1 |
dyes L25.2 |
food in contact with skin L25.4 |
hair(cat) (dog) L23.81 |
plants, non-food L25.5 |
specified agent NEC L25.8 |
irritant L24.9 |
due to |
cement L25.3 |
chemical products NEC L24.5 |
cosmetics L24.3 |
detergents L24.0 |
drugs in contact with skin L24.4 |
food in contact with skin L24.6 |
oils and greases L24.1 |
plants, non-food L24.7 |
solvents L24.2 |
specified agent NEC L24.89 |
contusiformis L52 |
diabetic --see E08-E13 with .620 |
diaper L22 |
diphtheritica A36.3 |
dry skin L85.3 |
due to |
acetone(contact) (irritant) L24.2 |
acids(contact) (irritant) L24.5 |
adhesive(s) (allergic) (contact) (plaster) L23.1 |
irritant L24.5 |
alcohol(irritant) (skin contact) (substances in category T51) L24.2 |
taken internally L27.8 |
alkalis(contact) (irritant) L24.5 |
arsenic(ingested) L27.8 |
carbon disulfide(contact) (irritant) L24.2 |
caustics(contact) (irritant) L24.5 |
cement(contact) L25.3 |
cereal(ingested) L27.2 |
chemical(s) NEC L25.3 |
taken internally L27.8 |
chlorocompounds L24.2 |
chromium(contact) (irritant) L24.81 |
coffee(ingested) L27.2 |
cold weather L30.8 |
cosmetics(contact) L25.0 |
allergic L23.2 |
irritant L24.3 |
cyclohexanes L24.2 |
dander(cat) (dog) L23.81 |
Demodex species B88.0 |
Dermanyssus gallinae B88.0 |
detergents(contact) (irritant) L24.0 |
dichromate L24.81 |
drugs and medicaments(generalized) (internal use) L27.0 |
external --see Dermatitis, due to, drugs, in contact with skin |
in contact with skin L25.1 |
allergic L23.3 |
irritant L24.4 |
localized skin eruption L27.1 |
specified substance --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
dyes(contact) L25.2 |
allergic L23.4 |
irritant L24.89 |
epidermophytosis --see Dermatophytosis |
esters L24.2 |
external irritant NEC L24.9 |
fish(ingested) L27.2 |
flour(ingested) L27.2 |
food(ingested) L27.2 |
in contact with skin L25.4 |
fruit(ingested) L27.2 |
furs(allergic) (contact) L23.81 |
glues --see Dermatitis, due to, adhesives |
glycols L24.2 |
greases NEC(contact) (irritant) L24.1 |
hair(cat) (dog) L23.81 |
hot |
objects and materials --see Burn |
weather or places L59.0 |
hydrocarbons L24.2 |
infrared rays L59.8 |
ingestion, ingested substance L27.9 |
chemical NEC L27.8 |
drugs and medicaments --see Dermatitis, due to, drugs |
food L27.2 |
specified NEC L27.8 |
insecticide in contact with skin L24.5 |
internal agent L27.9 |
drugs and medicaments(generalized) --see Dermatitis, due to, drugs |
food L27.2 |
irradiation --see Dermatitis, due to, radioactive substance |
ketones L24.2 |
lacquer tree(allergic) (contact) L23.7 |
light(sun) NEC L57.8 |
acute L56.8 |
other L59.8 |
Liponyssoides sanguineus B88.0 |
low temperature L30.8 |
meat(ingested) L27.2 |
metals, metal salts(contact) (irritant) L24.81 |
milk(ingested) L27.2 |
nickel(contact) (irritant) L24.81 |
nylon(contact) (irritant) L24.5 |
oils NEC(contact) (irritant) L24.1 |
paint solvent(contact) (irritant) L24.2 |
petroleum products(contact) (irritant) (substances in T52.0) L24.2 |
plants NEC(contact) L25.5 |
allergic L23.7 |
irritant L24.7 |
plasters(adhesive) (any) (allergic) (contact) L23.1 |
irritant L24.5 |
plastic(contact) L25.3 |
preservatives(contact) --see Dermatitis, due to, chemical, in contact with skin |
primrose(allergic) (contact) L23.7 |
primula(allergic) (contact) L23.7 |
radiation L59.8 |
nonionizing(chronic exposure) L57.8 |
sun NEC L57.8 |
acute L56.8 |
radioactive substance L58.9 |
acute L58.0 |
chronic L58.1 |
radium L58.9 |
acute L58.0 |
chronic L58.1 |
ragweed(allergic) (contact) L23.7 |
Rhus(allergic) (contact) (diversiloba) (radicans) (toxicodendron) (venenata) (verniciflua) L23.7 |
rubber(contact) L24.5 |
Senecio jacobaea(allergic) (contact) L23.7 |
solvents(contact) (irritant) (substances in categories T52) L24.2 |
specified agent NEC(contact) L25.8 |
allergic L23.89 |
irritant L24.89 |
sunshine NEC L57.8 |
acute L56.8 |
tetrachlorethylene(contact) (irritant) L24.2 |
toluene(contact) (irritant) L24.2 |
turpentine(contact) L24.2 |
ultraviolet rays(sun NEC) (chronic exposure) L57.8 |
acute L56.8 |
vaccine or vaccination L27.0 |
specified substance --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
varicose veins --see Varix, leg, with, inflammation |
X-rays L58.9 |
acute L58.0 |
chronic L58.1 |
dyshydrotic L30.1 |
dysmenorrheica N94.6 |
escharotica --see Burn |
exfoliative, exfoliativa(generalized) L26 |
neonatorum L00 |
eyelid --see also Dermatosis, eyelid |
allergic H01.119 |
left H01.116 |
lower H01.115 |
upper H01.114 |
right H01.113 |
lower H01.112 |
upper H01.111 |
contact --see Dermatitis, eyelid, allergic |
due to |
Demodex species B88.0 |
herpes(zoster) B02.39 |
simplex B00.59 |
eczematous H01.139 |
left H01.136 |
lower H01.135 |
upper H01.134 |
right H01.133 |
lower H01.132 |
upper H01.131 |
facta, factitia, factitial L98.1 |
psychogenic F54 |
flexural NEC L20.82 |
friction L30.4 |
fungus B36.9 |
specified type NEC B36.8 |
gangrenosa, gangrenous infantum L08.0 |
harvest mite B88.0 |
heat L59.0 |
herpesviral, vesicular(ear) (lip) B00.1 |
herpetiformis(bullous) (erythematous) (pustular) (vesicular) L13.0 |
juvenile L12.2 |
senile L12.0 |
hiemalis L30.8 |
hypostatic, hypostatica --see Varix, leg, with, inflammation |
infectious eczematoid L30.3 |
infective L30.3 |
irritant --see Dermatitis, contact, irritant |
Jacquet's(diaper dermatitis) L22 |
Leptus B88.0 |
lichenified NEC L28.0 |
medicamentosa(generalized) (internal use) --see Dermatitis, due to drugs |
mite B88.0 |
multiformis L13.0 |
juvenile L12.2 |
napkin L22 |
neurotica L13.0 |
nummular L30.0 |
papillaris capillitii L73.0 |
pellagrous E52 |
perioral L71.0 |
photocontact L56.2 |
polymorpha dolorosa L13.0 |
pruriginosa L13.0 |
pruritic NEC L30.8 |
psychogenic F54 |
purulent L08.0 |
pustular |
contagious B08.02 |
subcorneal L13.1 |
pyococcal L08.0 |
pyogenica L08.0 |
repens L40.2 |
Ritter's(exfoliativa) L00 |
Schamberg's L81.7 |
schistosome B65.3 |
seasonal bullous L30.8 |
seborrheic L21.9 |
infantile L21.1 |
specified NEC L21.8 |
sensitization NOS L23.9 |
septic L08.0 |
solare L57.8 |
specified NEC L30.8 |
stasis I87.2 |
with varicose ulcer --see Varix, leg, with ulcer, with inflammation |
due to postthrombotic syndrome --see Syndrome, postthrombotic |
suppurative L08.0 |
traumatic NEC L30.4 |
trophoneurotica L13.0 |
ultraviolet(sun) (chronic exposure) L57.8 |
acute L56.8 |
varicose --see Varix, leg, with, inflammation |
vegetans L10.1 |
verrucosa B43.0 |
vesicular, herpesviral B00.1 |
Dermatoarthritis, lipoid E78.81 |
Dermatochalasis, eyelid H02.839 |
left H02.836 |
lower H02.835 |
upper H02.834 |
right H02.833 |
lower H02.832 |
upper H02.831 |
Dermatofibroma(lenticulare) --see Neoplasm, skin, benign |
protuberans --see Neoplasm, skin, uncertain behavior |
Dermatofibrosarcoma(pigmented) (protuberans) --see Neoplasm, skin, malignant |
Dermatographia L50.3 |
Dermatolysis(exfoliativa) (congenital) Q82.8 |
acquired L57.4 |
eyelids --see Blepharochalasis |
palpebrarum --see Blepharochalasis |
senile L57.4 |
Dermatomegaly NEC Q82.8 |
Dermatomucosomyositis M33.10 |
with |
myopathy M33.12 |
respiratory involvement M33.11 |
specified organ involvement NEC M33.19 |
Dermatomycosis B36.9 |
furfuracea B36.0 |
specified type NEC B36.8 |
Dermatomyositis(acute) (chronic) --see also Dermatopolymyositis |
in(due to) neoplastic disease --see also NeoplasmD49.9M36.0 |
Dermatoneuritis of children --see Poisoning, mercury |
Dermatophilosis A48.8 |
Dermatophytid L30.2 |
Dermatophytide --see Dermatophytosis |
Dermatophytosis(epidermophyton) (infection) (Microsporum) (tinea) (Trichophyton) B35.9 |
beard B35.0 |
body B35.4 |
capitis B35.0 |
corporis B35.4 |
deep-seated B35.8 |
disseminated B35.8 |
foot B35.3 |
granulomatous B35.8 |
groin B35.6 |
hand B35.2 |
nail B35.1 |
perianal(area) B35.6 |
scalp B35.0 |
specified NEC B35.8 |
Dermatopolymyositis M33.90 |
with |
myopathy M33.92 |
respiratory involvement M33.91 |
specified organ involvement NEC M33.99 |
in neoplastic disease --see also NeoplasmD49.9M36.0 |
juvenile M33.00 |
with |
myopathy M33.02 |
respiratory involvement M33.01 |
specified organ involvement NEC M33.09 |
specified NEC M33.10 |
myopathy M33.12 |
respiratory involvement M33.11 |
specified organ involvement NEC M33.19 |
Dermatopolyneuritis --see Poisoning, mercury |
Dermatorrhexis Q79.6 |
acquired L57.4 |
Dermatosclerosis --see also Scleroderma |
localized L94.0 |
Dermatosis L98.9 |
Andrews' L08.89 |
Bowen's --see Neoplasm, skin, in situ |
bullous L13.9 |
specified NEC L13.8 |
exfoliativa L26 |
eyelid(noninfectious) |
dermatitis --see Dermatitis, eyelid |
discoid lupus erythematosus --see Lupus, erythematosus, eyelid |
xeroderma --see Xeroderma, acquired, eyelid |
factitial L98.1 |
febrile neutrophilic L98.2 |
gonococcal A54.89 |
herpetiformis L13.0 |
juvenile L12.2 |
linear IgA L13.8 |
menstrual NEC L98.8 |
neutrophilic, febrile L98.2 |
occupational --see Dermatitis, contact |
papulosa nigra L82.1 |
pigmentary L81.9 |
progressive L81.7 |
Schamberg's L81.7 |
psychogenic F54 |
purpuric, pigmented L81.7 |
pustular, subcorneal L13.1 |
transient acantholytic L11.1 |
Dermographia, dermographism L50.3 |
Dermoid(cyst) --see also Neoplasm, benign, by site |
with malignant transformation C56- |
due to radiation(nonionizing) L57.8 |
Dermopathy |
infiltrative with thyrotoxicosis --see Thyrotoxicosis |
nephrogenic fibrosing L90.8 |
Dermophytosis --see Dermatophytosis |
Descemetocele H18.73- |
Descemet's membrane --see condition |
Descending --see condition |
Descensus uteri --see Prolapse, uterus |
Desert |
rheumatism B38.0 |
sore --see Ulcer, skin |
Desertion(newborn) --see Maltreatment |
Desmoid(extra-abdominal) (tumor) --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior |
abdominal D48.1 |
Despondency F32.9 |
Desquamation, skin R23.4 |
Destruction, destructive --see also Damage |
articular facet --see also Derangement, joint, specified type NEC |
knee M23.8X- |
vertebra --see Spondylosis |
bone --see also Disorder, bone, specified type NEC |
syphilitic A52.77 |
joint --see also Derangement, joint, specified type NEC |
sacroiliac M53.3 |
rectal sphincter K62.89 |
septum(nasal) J34.89 |
tuberculous NEC --see Tuberculosis |
tympanum, tympanic membrane(nontraumatic) --see Disorder, tympanic membrane, specified NEC |
vertebral disc --see Degeneration, intervertebral disc |
Destructiveness --see also Disorder, conduct |
adjustment reaction --see Disorder, adjustment |
Desultory labor O62.2 |
Detachment |
cartilage --see Sprain |
cervix, annular N88.8 |
complicating delivery O71.3 |
choroid(old) (postinfectional) (simple) (spontaneous) H31.40- |
hemorrhagic H31.41- |
serous H31.42- |
ligament --see Sprain |
meniscus(knee) --see also Derangement, knee, meniscus, specified NEC |
current injury --see Tear, meniscus |
due to old tear or injury --see Derangement, knee, meniscus, due to old tear |
retina(without retinal break) (serous) H33.2- |
with retinal: |
break H33.00- |
giant H33.03- |
multiple H33.02- |
single H33.01- |
dialysis H33.04- |
pigment epithelium --see Degeneration, retina, separation of layers, pigment epithelium detachment |
rhegmatogenous --see Detachment, retina, with retinal, break |
specified NEC H33.8 |
total H33.05- |
traction H33.4- |
vitreous(body) H43.81 |
Detergent asthma J69.8 |
Deterioration |
epileptic F06.8 |
general physical R53.81 |
heart, cardiac --see Degeneration, myocardial |
mental --see Psychosis |
myocardial, myocardium --see Degeneration, myocardial |
senile(simple) R54 |
Deuteranomaly(anomalous trichromat) H53.53 |
Deuteranopia(complete) (incomplete) H53.53 |
Development |
abnormal, bone Q79.9 |
arrested R62.50 |
bone --see Arrest, development or growth, bone |
child R62.50 |
due to malnutrition E45 |
defective, congenital --see also Anomaly, by site |
cauda equina Q06.3 |
left ventricle Q24.8 |
in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4 |
valve Q24.8 |
pulmonary Q22.3 |
delayed --see also Delay, developmentR62.50 |
arithmetical skills F81.2 |
language(skills) (expressive) F80.1 |
learning skill F81.9 |
mixed skills F88 |
motor coordination F82 |
reading F81.0 |
specified learning skill NEC F81.89 |
speech F80.9 |
spelling F81.81 |
written expression F81.81 |
imperfect, congenital --see also Anomaly, by site |
heart Q24.9 |
lungs Q33.6 |
incomplete |
bronchial tree Q32.4 |
organ or site not listed --see Hypoplasia, by site |
respiratory system Q34.9 |
sexual, precocious NEC E30.1 |
tardy, mental --see also Disability, intellectualF79 |
Developmental --see condition |
testing, child --see Examination, child |
Devergie's disease(pityriasis rubra pilaris) L44.0 |
Deviation(in) |
conjugate palsy(eye) (spastic) H51.0 |
esophagus(acquired) K22.8 |
eye, skew H51.8 |
midline(jaw) (teeth) (dental arch) M26.29 |
specified site NEC --see Malposition |
nasal septum J34.2 |
congenital Q67.4 |
opening and closing of the mandible M26.53 |
organ or site, congenital NEC --see Malposition, congenital |
septum(nasal) (acquired) J34.2 |
congenital Q67.4 |
sexual F65.9 |
bestiality F65.89 |
erotomania F52.8 |
exhibitionism F65.2 |
fetishism, fetishistic F65.0 |
transvestism F65.1 |
frotteurism F65.81 |
masochism F65.51 |
multiple F65.89 |
necrophilia F65.89 |
nymphomania F52.8 |
pederosis F65.4 |
pedophilia F65.4 |
sadism, sadomasochism F65.52 |
satyriasis F52.8 |
specified type NEC F65.89 |
transvestism F64.1 |
voyeurism F65.3 |
teeth, midline M26.29 |
trachea J39.8 |
ureter, congenital Q62.61 |
Device |
cerebral ventricle(communicating) in situ Z98.2 |
contraceptive --see Contraceptive, device |
drainage, cerebrospinal fluid, in situ Z98.2 |
Devic's disease G36.0 |
Devil's |
grip B33.0 |
pinches(purpura simplex) D69.2 |
Devitalized tooth K04.99 |
Devonshire colic --see Poisoning, lead |
Dextraposition, aorta Q20.3 |
in tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3 |
Dextrinosis, limit(debrancher enzyme deficiency) E74.03 |
Dextrocardia(true) Q24.0 |
with |
complete transposition of viscera Q89.3 |
situs inversus Q89.3 |
Dextrotransposition, aorta Q20.3 |
d-glycericacidemia E72.59 |
Dhat syndrome F48.8 |
Dhobi itch B35.6 |
Di George's syndrome D82.1 |
Di Guglielmo's disease C94.0- |
Diabetes, diabetic(mellitus) (sugar) E11.9 |
with |
amyotrophy E11.44 |
arthropathy NEC E11.618 |
autonomic(poly)neuropathy E11.43 |
cataract E11.36 |
Charcot's joints E11.610 |
chronic kidney disease E11.22 |
circulatory complication NEC E11.59 |
complication E11.8 |
specified NEC E11.69 |
dermatitis E11.620 |
foot ulcer E11.621 |
gangrene E11.52 |
gastroparesis E11.43 |
glomerulonephrosis, intracapillary E11.21 |
glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary E11.21 |
hyperglycemia E11.65 |
hyperosmolarity E11.00 |
with coma E11.01 |
hypoglycemia E11.649 |
with coma E11.641 |
kidney complications NEC E11.29 |
Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease E11.21 |
loss of protective sensation(LOPS) --see Diabetes, by type, with neuropathy |
mononeuropathy E11.41 |
myasthenia E11.44 |
necrobiosis lipoidica E11.620 |
nephropathy E11.21 |
neuralgia E11.42 |
neurologic complication NEC E11.49 |
neuropathic arthropathy E11.610 |
neuropathy E11.40 |
ophthalmic complication NEC E11.39 |
oral complication NEC E11.638 |
periodontal disease E11.630 |
peripheral angiopathy E11.51 |
with gangrene E11.52 |
polyneuropathy E11.42 |
renal complication NEC E11.29 |
renal tubular degeneration E11.29 |
retinopathy E11.319 |
with macular edema E11.311 |
nonproliferative E11.329 |
with macular edema E11.321 |
mild E11.329 |
with macular edema E11.321 |
moderate E11.339 |
with macular edema E11.331 |
severe E11.349 |
with macular edema E11.341 |
proliferative E11.359 |
with macular edema E11.351 |
skin complication NEC E11.628 |
skin ulcer NEC E11.622 |
bronzed E83.110 |
complicating pregnancy --see Pregnancy, complicated by, diabetes |
dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3 |
due to drug or chemical E09.9 |
with |
amyotrophy E09.44 |
arthropathy NEC E09.618 |
autonomic(poly)neuropathy E09.43 |
cataract E09.36 |
Charcot's joints E09.610 |
chronic kidney disease E09.22 |
circulatory complication NEC E09.59 |
complication E09.8 |
specified NEC E09.69 |
dermatitis E09.620 |
foot ulcer E09.621 |
gangrene E09.52 |
gastroparesis E09.43 |
glomerulonephrosis, intracapillary E09.21 |
glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary E09.21 |
hyperglycemia E09.65 |
hyperosmolarity E09.00 |
with coma E09.01 |
hypoglycemia E09.649 |
with coma E09.641 |
ketoacidosis E09.10 |
with coma E09.11 |
kidney complications NEC E09.29 |
Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease E09.21 |
mononeuropathy E09.41 |
myasthenia E09.44 |
necrobiosis lipoidica E09.620 |
nephropathy E09.21 |
neuralgia E09.42 |
neurologic complication NEC E09.49 |
neuropathic arthropathy E09.610 |
neuropathy E09.40 |
ophthalmic complication NEC E09.39 |
oral complication NEC E09.638 |
periodontal disease E09.630 |
peripheral angiopathy E09.51 |
with gangrene E09.52 |
polyneuropathy E09.42 |
renal complication NEC E09.29 |
renal tubular degeneration E09.29 |
retinopathy E09.319 |
with macular edema E09.311 |
nonproliferative E09.329 |
with macular edema E09.321 |
mild E09.329 |
with macular edema E09.321 |
moderate E09.339 |
with macular edema E09.331 |
severe E09.349 |
with macular edema E09.341 |
proliferative E09.359 |
with macular edema E09.351 |
skin complication NEC E09.628 |
skin ulcer NEC E09.622 |
due to underlying condition E08.9 |
with |
amyotrophy E08.44 |
arthropathy NEC E08.618 |
autonomic(poly)neuropathy E08.43 |
cataract E08.36 |
Charcot's joints E08.610 |
chronic kidney disease E08.22 |
circulatory complication NEC E08.59 |
complication E08.8 |
specified NEC E08.69 |
dermatitis E08.620 |
foot ulcer E08.621 |
gangrene E08.52 |
gastroparesis E08.43 |
glomerulonephrosis, intracapillary E08.21 |
glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary E08.21 |
hyperglycemia E08.65 |
hyperosmolarity E08.00 |
with coma E08.01 |
hypoglycemia E08.649 |
with coma E08.641 |
ketoacidosis E08.10 |
with coma E08.11 |
kidney complications NEC E08.29 |
Kimmelsteil-WIlson disease E08.21 |
mononeuropathy E08.41 |
myasthenia E08.44 |
necrobiosis lipoidica E08.620 |
nephropathy E08.21 |
neuralgia E08.42 |
neurologic complication NEC E08.49 |
neuropathic arthropathy E08.610 |
neuropathy E08.40 |
ophthalmic complication NEC E08.39 |
oral complication NEC E08.638 |
periodontal disease E08.630 |
peripheral angiopathy E08.51 |
with gangrene E08.52 |
polyneuropathy E08.42 |
renal complication NEC E08.29 |
renal tubular degeneration E08.29 |
retinopathy E08.319 |
with macular edema E08.311 |
nonproliferative E08.329 |
with macular edema E08.321 |
mild E08.329 |
with macular edema E08.321 |
moderate E08.339 |
with macular edema E08.331 |
severe E08.349 |
with macular edema E08.341 |
proliferative E08.359 |
with macular edema E08.351 |
skin complication NEC E08.628 |
skin ulcer NEC E08.622 |
gestational(in pregnancy) O24.419 |
affecting newborn P70.0 |
diet controlled O24.410 |
in childbirth O24.429 |
diet controlled O24.420 |
insulin(and diet) controlled O24.424 |
insulin(and diet) controlled O24.414 |
puerperal O24.439 |
diet controlled O24.430 |
insulin(and diet) controlled O24.434 |
hepatogenous E13.9 |
inadequately controlled - code to Diabetes, by type, with hyperglycemia |
insipidus E23.2 |
nephrogenic N25.1 |
pituitary E23.2 |
vasopressin resistant N25.1 |
insulin dependent - code to type of diabetes |
juvenile-onset --see Diabetes, type 1 |
ketosis-prone --see Diabetes, type 1 |
latent R73.09 |
neonatal(transient) P70.2 |
non-insulin dependent - code to type of diabetes |
out of control - code to Diabetes, by type, with hyperglycemia |
phosphate E83.39 |
poorly controlled - code to Diabetes, by type, with hyperglycemia |
postpancreatectomy --see Diabetes, specified type NEC |
postprocedural --see Diabetes, specified type NEC |
secondary diabetes mellitus NEC --see Diabetes, specified type NEC |
specified type NEC E13.9 |
with |
amyotrophy E13.44 |
arthropathy NEC E13.618 |
autonomic(poly)neuropathy E13.43 |
cataract E13.36 |
Charcot's joints E13.610 |
chronic kidney disease E13.22 |
circulatory complication NEC E13.59 |
complication E13.8 |
specified NEC E13.69 |
dermatitis E13.620 |
foot ulcer E13.621 |
gangrene E13.52 |
gastroparesis E13.43 |
glomerulonephrosis, intracapillary E13.21 |
glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary E13.21 |
hyperglycemia E13.65 |
hyperosmolarity E13.00 |
with coma E13.01 |
hypoglycemia E13.649 |
with coma E13.641 |
ketoacidosis E13.10 |
with coma E13.11 |
kidney complications NEC E13.29 |
Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease E13.21 |
mononeuropathy E13.41 |
myasthenia E13.44 |
necrobiosis lipoidica E13.620 |
nephropathy E13.21 |
neuralgia E13.42 |
neurologic complication NEC E13.49 |
neuropathic arthropathy E13.610 |
neuropathy E13.40 |
ophthalmic complication NEC E13.39 |
oral complication NEC E13.638 |
periodontal disease E13.630 |
peripheral angiopathy E13.51 |
with gangrene E13.52 |
polyneuropathy E13.42 |
renal complication NEC E13.29 |
renal tubular degeneration E13.29 |
retinopathy E13.319 |
with macular edema E13.311 |
nonproliferative E13.329 |
with macular edema E13.321 |
mild E13.329 |
with macular edema E13.321 |
moderate E13.339 |
with macular edema E13.331 |
severe E13.349 |
with macular edema E13.341 |
proliferative E13.359 |
with macular edema E13.351 |
skin complication NEC E13.628 |
skin ulcer NEC E13.622 |
steroid-induced --see Diabetes, due to, drug or chemical |
type 1 E10.9 |
with |
amyotrophy E10.44 |
arthropathy NEC E10.618 |
autonomic(poly)neuropathy E10.43 |
cataract E10.36 |
Charcot's joints E10.610 |
chronic kidney disease E10.22 |
circulatory complication NEC E10.59 |
complication E10.8 |
specified NEC E10.69 |
dermatitis E10.620 |
foot ulcer E10.621 |
gangrene E10.52 |
gastroparesis E10.43 |
glomerulonephrosis, intracapillary E10.21 |
glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary E10.21 |
hyperglycemia E10.65 |
hypoglycemia E10.649 |
with coma E10.641 |
ketoacidosis E10.10 |
with coma E10.11 |
kidney complications NEC E10.29 |
Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease E10.21 |
mononeuropathy E10.41 |
myasthenia E10.44 |
necrobiosis lipoidica E10.620 |
nephropathy E10.21 |
neuralgia E10.42 |
neurologic complication NEC E10.49 |
neuropathic arthropathy E10.610 |
neuropathy E10.40 |
ophthalmic complication NEC E10.39 |
oral complication NEC E10.638 |
periodontal disease E10.630 |
peripheral angiopathy E10.51 |
with gangrene E10.52 |
polyneuropathy E10.42 |
renal complication NEC E10.29 |
renal tubular degeneration E10.29 |
retinopathy E10.319 |
with macular edema E10.311 |
nonproliferative E10.329 |
with macular edema E10.321 |
mild E10.329 |
with macular edema E10.321 |
moderate E10.339 |
with macular edema E10.331 |
severe E10.349 |
with macular edema E10.341 |
proliferative E10.359 |
with macular edema E10.351 |
skin complication NEC E10.628 |
skin ulcer NEC E10.622 |
type 2 E11.9 |
with |
amyotrophy E11.44 |
arthropathy NEC E11.618 |
autonomic(poly)neuropathy E11.43 |
cataract E11.36 |
Charcot's joints E11.610 |
chronic kidney disease E11.22 |
circulatory complication NEC E11.59 |
complication E11.8 |
specified NEC E11.69 |
dermatitis E11.620 |
foot ulcer E11.621 |
gangrene E11.52 |
gastroparesis E11.43 |
glomerulonephrosis, intracapillary E11.21 |
glomerulosclerosis, intercapillary E11.21 |
hyperglycemia E11.65 |
hyperosmolarity E11.00 |
with coma E11.01 |
hypoglycemia E11.649 |
with coma E11.641 |
kidney complications NEC E11.29 |
Kimmelsteil-Wilson disease E11.21 |
mononeuropathy E11.41 |
myasthenia E11.44 |
necrobiosis lipoidica E11.620 |
nephropathy E11.21 |
neuralgia E11.42 |
neurologic complication NEC E11.49 |
neuropathic arthropathy E11.610 |
neuropathy E11.40 |
ophthalmic complication NEC E11.39 |
oral complication NEC E11.638 |
periodontal disease E11.630 |
peripheral angiopathy E11.51 |
with gangrene E11.52 |
polyneuropathy E11.42 |
renal complication NEC E11.29 |
renal tubular degeneration E11.29 |
retinopathy E11.319 |
with macular edema E11.311 |
nonproliferative E11.329 |
with macular edema E11.321 |
mild E11.329 |
with macular edema E11.321 |
moderate E11.339 |
with macular edema E11.331 |
severe E11.349 |
with macular edema E11.341 |
proliferative E11.359 |
with macular edema E11.351 |
skin complication NEC E11.628 |
skin ulcer NEC E11.622 |
Diacyclothrombopathia D69.1 |
Diagnosis deferred R69 |
Dialysis(intermittent) (treatment) |
noncompliance(with) Z91.15 |
renal(hemodialysis) (peritoneal), status Z99.2 |
retina, retinal --see Detachment, retina, with retinal, dialysis |
Diamond-Blackfan anemia(congenital hypoplastic) D61.01 |
Diamond-Gardener syndrome(autoerythrocyte sensitization) D69.2 |
Diaper rash L22 |
Diaphoresis(excessive) R61 |
Diaphragm --see condition |
Diaphragmalgia R07.1 |
Diaphragmatitis, diaphragmitis J98.6 |
Diaphysial aclasis Q78.6 |
Diaphysitis --see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC |
Diarrhea, diarrheal(disease) (infantile) (inflammatory) R19.7 |
achlorhydric K31.83 |
allergic K52.2 |
amebic --see also AmebiasisA06.0 |
with abscess --see Abscess, amebic |
acute A06.0 |
chronic A06.1 |
nondysenteric A06.2 |
bacillary --see Dysentery, bacillary |
balantidial A07.0 |
cachectic NEC K52.89 |
Chilomastix A07.8 |
choleriformis A00.1 |
chronic(noninfectious) K52.9 |
coccidial A07.3 |
Cochin-China K90.1 |
strongyloidiasis B78.0 |
Dientamoeba A07.8 |
dietetic K52.2 |
drug-induced K52.1 |
due to |
bacteria A04.9 |
specified NEC A04.8 |
Campylobacter A04.5 |
Capillaria philippinensis B81.1 |
Clostridium difficile A04.7 |
Clostridium perfringens(C) (F) A04.8 |
Cryptosporidium A07.2 |
drugs K52.1 |
Escherichia coli A04.4 |
enteroaggregative A04.4 |
enterohemorrhagic A04.3 |
enteroinvasive A04.2 |
enteropathogenic A04.0 |
enterotoxigenic A04.1 |
specified NEC A04.4 |
food hypersensitivity K52.2 |
Necator americanus B76.1 |
S. japonicum B65.2 |
specified organism NEC A08.8 |
bacterial A04.8 |
viral A08.39 |
Staphylococcus A04.8 |
Trichuris trichiuria B79 |
virus --see Enteritis, viral |
Yersinia enterocolitica A04.6 |
dysenteric A09 |
endemic A09 |
epidemic A09 |
flagellate A07.9 |
Flexner's(ulcerative) A03.1 |
functional K59.1 |
following gastrointestinal surgery K91.89 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
Giardia lamblia A07.1 |
giardial A07.1 |
hill K90.1 |
infectious A09 |
malarial --see Malaria |
mite B88.0 |
mycotic NEC B49 |
neonatal(noninfectious) P78.3 |
nervous F45.8 |
neurogenic K59.1 |
noninfectious K52.9 |
postgastrectomy K91.1 |
postvagotomy K91.1 |
protozoal A07.9 |
specified NEC A07.8 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified |
bacterium NEC A04.8 |
virus NEC A08.39 |
strongyloidiasis B78.0 |
toxic K52.1 |
trichomonal A07.8 |
tropical K90.1 |
tuberculous A18.32 |
viral --see Enteritis, viral |
Diastasis |
cranial bones M84.88 |
congenital NEC Q75.8 |
joint(traumatic) --see Dislocation |
muscle M62.00 |
ankle M62.07- |
congenital Q79.8 |
foot M62.07- |
forearm M62.03- |
hand M62.04- |
lower leg M62.06- |
pelvic region M62.05- |
shoulder region M62.01- |
specified site NEC M62.08 |
thigh M62.05- |
upper arm M62.02- |
recti(abdomen) |
complicating delivery O71.89 |
congenital Q79.59 |
Diastema, tooth, teeth, fully erupted M26.32 |
Diastematomyelia Q06.2 |
Diataxia, cerebral G80.4 |
Diathesis |
allergic --see History, allergy |
bleeding(familial) D69.9 |
cystine(familial) E72.00 |
gouty --see Gout |
hemorrhagic(familial) D69.9 |
newborn NEC P53 |
spasmophilic R29.0 |
Diaz's disease or osteochondrosis(juvenile) (talus) --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus |
Dibothriocephalus, dibothriocephaliasis(latus) (infection) (infestation) B70.0 |
larval B70.1 |
Dicephalus, dicephaly Q89.4 |
Dichotomy, teeth K00.2 |
Dichromat, dichromatopsia(congenital) --see Deficiency, color vision |
Dichuchwa A65 |
Dicroceliasis B66.2 |
Didelphia, didelphys --see Double uterus |
Didymytis N45.1 |
with orchitis N45.3 |
Dietary |
inadequacy or deficiency E63.9 |
surveillance and counseling Z71.3 |
Dietl's crisis N13.8 |
Dieulafoy lesion(hemorrhagic) |
duodenum K31.82 |
esophagus K22.8 |
intestine(colon) K63.81 |
stomach K31.82 |
Difficult, difficulty(in) |
acculturation Z60.3 |
feeding R63.3 |
newborn P92.9 |
breast P92.5 |
specified NEC P92.8 |
nonorganic(infant or child) F98.29 |
intubation, in anesthesia T88.4 |
mechanical, gastroduodenal stoma K91.89 |
causing obstruction K91.3 |
reading(developmental) F81.0 |
secondary to emotional disorders F93.9 |
spelling(specific) F81.81 |
with reading disorder F81.89 |
due to inadequate teaching Z55.8 |
swallowing --see Dysphagia |
walking R26.2 |
work |
conditions NEC Z56.5 |
schedule Z56.3 |
Diffuse --see condition |
DiGeorge's syndrome(thymic hypoplasia) D82.1 |
Digestive --see condition |
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase disease(DPD) E88.89 |
Diktyoma --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site |
Dilaceration, tooth K00.4 |
Dilatation |
anus K59.8 |
venule --see Hemorrhoids |
aorta(focal) (general) --see Ectasia, aorta |
with aneuysm --see Aneurysm, aorta |
artery --see Aneurysm |
bladder(sphincter) N32.89 |
congenital Q64.79 |
blood vessel I99.8 |
bronchial J47.9 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J47.1 |
lower respiratory infection J47.0 |
calyx(due to obstruction) --see Hydronephrosis |
capillaries I78.8 |
cardiac(acute) (chronic) --see also Hypertrophy, cardiac |
congenital Q24.8 |
valve NEC Q24.8 |
pulmonary Q22.3 |
valve --see Endocarditis |
cavum septi pellucidi Q06.8 |
cervix(uteri) --see also Incompetency, cervix |
incomplete, poor, slow complicating delivery O62.0 |
colon K59.3 |
congenital Q43.1 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
common duct(acquired) K83.8 |
congenital Q44.5 |
cystic duct(acquired) K82.8 |
congenital Q44.5 |
duct, mammary --see Ectasia, mammary duct |
duodenum K59.8 |
esophagus K22.8 |
congenital Q39.5 |
due to achalasia K22.0 |
eustachian tube, congenital Q17.8 |
gallbladder K82.8 |
gastric --see Dilatation, stomach |
heart(acute) (chronic) --see also Hypertrophy, cardiac |
congenital Q24.8 |
valve --see Endocarditis |
ileum K59.8 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
jejunum K59.8 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
kidney(calyx) (collecting structures) (cystic) (parenchyma) (pelvis) (idiopathic) N28.89 |
lacrimal passages or duct --see Disorder, lacrimal system, changes |
lymphatic vessel I89.0 |
mammary duct --see Ectasia, mammary duct |
Meckel's diverticulum(congenital) Q43.0 |
malignant --see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant |
myocardium(acute) (chronic) --see Hypertrophy, cardiac |
organ or site, congenital NEC --see Distortion |
pancreatic duct K86.8 |
pericardium --see Pericarditis |
pharynx J39.2 |
prostate N42.89 |
pulmonary |
artery(idiopathic) I28.8 |
valve, congenital Q22.3 |
pupil H57.04 |
rectum K59.3 |
saccule, congenital Q16.5 |
salivary gland(duct) K11.8 |
sphincter ani K62.89 |
stomach K31.89 |
acute K31.0 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
submaxillary duct K11.8 |
trachea, congenital Q32.1 |
ureter(idiopathic) N28.82 |
congenital Q62.2 |
due to obstruction N13.4 |
urethra(acquired) N36.8 |
vasomotor I73.9 |
vein I86.8 |
ventricular, ventricle(acute) (chronic) --see also Hypertrophy, cardiac |
cerebral, congenital Q04.8 |
venule NEC I86.8 |
vesical orifice N32.89 |
Dilated, dilation --see Dilatation |
Diminished, diminution |
hearing(acuity) --see Deafness |
sense or sensation(cold) (heat) (tactile) (vibratory) R20.8 |
vision NEC H54.7 |
vital capacity R94.2 |
Diminuta taenia B71.0 |
Dimitri-Sturge-Weber disease Q85.8 |
Dimple |
parasacral, pilonidal or postanal --see Cyst, pilonidal |
Dioctophyme renalis(infection) (infestation) B83.8 |
Dipetalonemiasis B74.4 |
Diphallus Q55.69 |
Diphtheria, diphtheritic(gangrenous) (hemorrhagic) A36.9 |
carrier(suspected) Z22.2 |
cutaneous A36.3 |
faucial A36.0 |
infection of wound A36.3 |
laryngeal A36.2 |
myocarditis A36.81 |
nasal, anterior A36.89 |
nasopharyngeal A36.1 |
neurological complication A36.89 |
pharyngeal A36.0 |
specified site NEC A36.89 |
tonsillar A36.0 |
Diphyllobothriasis(intestine) B70.0 |
larval B70.1 |
Diplacusis H93.22- |
Diplegia(upper limbs) G83.0 |
congenital(cerebral) G80.8 |
facial G51.0 |
lower limbs G82.20 |
spastic G80.1 |
Diplococcus, diplococcal --see condition |
Diplopia H53.2 |
Dipsomania F10.20 |
with |
psychosis --see Psychosis, alcoholic |
remission F10.21 |
Dipylidiasis B71.1 |
Direction, teeth, abnormal, fully erupted M26.30 |
Dirofilariasis B74.8 |
Dirt-eating child F98.3 |
Disability, disabilities |
heart --see Disease, heart |
intellectual F79 |
with |
autistic features F84.9 |
mild(I.Q.50-69) F70 |
moderate(I.Q.35-49) F71 |
profound(I.Q. under 20) F73 |
severe(I.Q.20-34) F72 |
specified level NEC F78 |
knowledge acquisition F81.9 |
learning F81.9 |
limiting activities Z73.6 |
spelling, specific F81.81 |
Disappearance of family member Z63.4 |
Disarticulation --see Amputation |
meaning traumatic amputation --see Amputation, traumatic |
Discharge(from) |
abnormal finding in --see Abnormal, specimen |
breast(female) (male) N64.52 |
diencephalic autonomic idiopathic --see Epilepsy, specified NEC |
ear --see also Otorrhea |
blood --see Otorrhagia |
excessive urine R35.8 |
nipple N64.52 |
penile R36.9 |
postnasal R09.82 |
prison, anxiety concerning Z65.2 |
urethral R36.9 |
without blood R36.0 |
hematospermia R36.1 |
vaginal N89.8 |
Discitis, diskitis M46.40 |
cervical region M46.42 |
cervicothoracic region M46.43 |
lumbar region M46.46 |
lumbosacral region M46.47 |
multiple sites M46.49 |
occipito-atlanto-axial region M46.41 |
pyogenic --see Infection, intervertebral disc, pyogenic |
sacrococcygeal region M46.48 |
thoracic region M46.44 |
thoracolumbar region M46.45 |
Discoid |
meniscus(congenital) Q68.6 |
semilunar cartilage(congenital) --see Derangement, knee, meniscus, specified NEC |
Discoloration |
nails L60.8 |
teeth(posteruptive) K03.7 |
during formation K00.8 |
Discomfort |
chest R07.89 |
visual H53.14- |
Discontinuity, ossicles, ear H74.2- |
Discord(with) |
boss Z56.4 |
classmates Z55.4 |
counselor Z64.4 |
employer Z56.4 |
family Z63.8 |
fellow employees Z56.4 |
in-laws Z63.1 |
landlord Z59.2 |
lodgers Z59.2 |
neighbors Z59.2 |
probation officer Z64.4 |
social worker Z64.4 |
teachers Z55.4 |
workmates Z56.4 |
Discordant connection |
atrioventricular(congenital) Q20.5 |
ventriculoarterial Q20.3 |
Discrepancy |
centric occlusion maximum intercuspation M26.55 |
leg length(acquired) --see Deformity, limb, unequal length |
congenital --see Defect, reduction, lower limb |
uterine size date O26.84- |
Discrimination |
ethnic Z60.5 |
political Z60.5 |
racial Z60.5 |
religious Z60.5 |
sex Z60.5 |
Disease, diseased --see also Syndrome |
absorbent system I87.8 |
acid-peptic K30 |
Acosta's T70.29 |
Adams-Stokes(-Morgagni) (syncope with heart block) I45.9 |
Addison's anemia(pernicious) D51.0 |
adenoids(and tonsils) J35.9 |
adrenal(capsule) (cortex) (gland) (medullary) E27.9 |
hyperfunction E27.0 |
specified NEC E27.8 |
ainhum L94.6 |
airway |
obstructive, chronic J44.9 |
due to |
cotton dust J66.0 |
specific organic dusts NEC J66.8 |
reactive --see Asthma |
akamushi(scrub typhus) A75.3 |
Albers-Schönberg(marble bones) Q78.2 |
Albert's --see Tendinitis, Achilles |
alimentary canal K63.9 |
alligator-skin Q80.9 |
acquired L85.0 |
alpha heavy chain C88.3 |
alpine T70.29 |
altitude T70.20 |
alveolar ridge |
edentulous K06.9 |
specified NEC K06.8 |
alveoli, teeth K08.9 |
Alzheimer's G30.9F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G30.9F02.81 |
early onset G30.0F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G30.0F02.81 |
late onset G30.1F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G30.1F02.81 |
specified NEC G30.8F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G30.8F02.81 |
amyloid --see Amyloidosis |
Andersen's(glycogenosis IV) E74.09 |
Andes T70.29 |
Andrews'(bacterid) L08.89 |
angiospastic I73.9 |
cerebral G45.9 |
vein I87.8 |
anterior |
chamber H21.9 |
horn cell G12.29 |
antiglomerular basement membrane(anti- GBM) antibody M31.0 |
tubulo-interstitial nephritis N12 |
antral --see Sinusitis, maxillary |
anus K62.9 |
specified NEC K62.89 |
aorta(nonsyphilitic) I77.9 |
syphilitic NEC A52.02 |
aortic(heart) (valve) I35.9 |
rheumatic I06.9 |
Apollo B30.3 |
aponeuroses --see Enthesopathy |
appendix K38.9 |
specified NEC K38.8 |
aqueous(chamber) H21.9 |
Arnold-Chiari --see Arnold-Chiari disease |
arterial I77.9 |
occlusive --see Occlusion, by site |
due to stricture or stenosis I77.1 |
arteriocardiorenal --see Hypertension, cardiorenal |
arteriolar(generalized) (obliterative) I77.9 |
arteriorenal --see Hypertension, kidney |
arteriosclerotic --see also Arteriosclerosis |
cardiovascular --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
coronary(artery) --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
heart --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
artery I77.9 |
cerebral I67.9 |
coronary I25.10 |
with angina pectoris --see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), |
arthropod-borne NOS(viral) A94 |
specified type NEC A93.8 |
atticoantral, chronic H66.20 |
left H66.22 |
with right H66.23 |
right H66.21 |
with left H66.23 |
auditory canal --see Disorder, ear, external |
auricle, ear NEC --see Disorder, pinna |
Australian X A83.4 |
autoimmune(systemic) NOS M35.9 |
hemolytic(cold type) (warm type) D59.1 |
drug-induced D59.0 |
thyroid E06.3 |
aviator's --see Effect, adverse, high altitude |
Ayala's Q78.5 |
Ayerza's(pulmonary artery sclerosis with pulmonary hypertension) I27.0 |
Babington's(familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0 |
bacterial A49.9 |
specified NEC A48.8 |
zoonotic A28.9 |
specified type NEC A28.8 |
Baelz's(cheilitis glandularis apostematosa) K13.0 |
bagasse J67.1 |
balloon --see Effect, adverse, high altitude |
Bang's(brucella abortus) A23.1 |
Bannister's T78.3 |
barometer makers' --see Poisoning, mercury |
Barraquer(-Simons') (progressive lipodystrophy) E88.1 |
Barrett's --see Barrett's, esophagus |
Bartholin's gland N75.9 |
basal ganglia G25.9 |
degenerative G23.9 |
specified NEC G23.8 |
specified NEC G25.89 |
Basedow's(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
Bateman's B08.1 |
Batten-Steinert G71.11 |
Battey A31.0 |
Beard's(neurasthenia) F48.8 |
Becker |
idiopathic mural endomyocardial I42.3 |
myotonia congenita G71.12 |
Begbie's(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
behavioral, organic F07.9 |
Beigel's(white piedra) B36.2 |
Benson's --see Deposit, crystalline |
Bernard-Soulier(thrombopathy) D69.1 |
Bernhardt(-Roth) --see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, meralgia paresthetica |
Biermer's(pernicious anemia) D51.0 |
bile duct(common) (hepatic) K83.9 |
with calculus, stones --see Calculus, bile duct |
specified NEC K83.8 |
biliary(tract) K83.9 |
specified NEC K83.8 |
Billroth's --see Spina bifida |
bird fancier's J67.2 |
black lung J60 |
bladder N32.9 |
in(due to) |
schistosomiasis(bilharziasis) B65.0N33 |
specified NEC N32.89 |
bleeder's D66 |
blood D75.9 |
forming organs D75.9 |
vessel I99.9 |
Bloodgood's --see Mastopathy, cystic |
Bodechtel-Guttmann(subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) A81.1 |
bone --see also Disorder, bone |
aluminum M83.4 |
fibrocystic NEC |
jaw M27.49 |
bone-marrow D75.9 |
Borna A83.9 |
Bornholm(epidemic pleurodynia) B33.0 |
Bouchard's(myopathic dilatation of the stomach) K31.0 |
Bouillaud's(rheumatic heart disease) I01.9 |
Bourneville(-Brissaud) (tuberous sclerosis) Q85.1 |
Bouveret(-Hoffmann) (paroxysmal tachycardia) I47.9 |
bowel K63.9 |
functional K59.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
brain G93.9 |
arterial, artery I67.9 |
arteriosclerotic I67.2 |
congenital Q04.9 |
degenerative --see Degeneration, brain |
inflammatory --see Encephalitis |
organic G93.9 |
arteriosclerotic I67.2 |
parasitic NEC B71.9G94 |
senile NEC G31.1 |
specified NEC G93.89 |
breast --see also Disorder, breastN64.9 |
cystic(chronic) --see Mastopathy, cystic |
fibrocystic --see Mastopathy, cystic |
Paget's |
female, unspecified side C50.91- |
male, unspecified side C50.92- |
specified NEC N64.89 |
Breda's --see Yaws |
Bretonneau's(diphtheritic malignant angina) A36.0 |
Bright's --see Nephritis |
arteriosclerotic --see Hypertension, kidney |
Brill's(recrudescent typhus) A75.1 |
Brill-Zinsser(recrudescent typhus) A75.1 |
Brion-Kayser --see Fever, paratyphoid |
broad |
beta E78.2 |
ligament(noninflammatory) N83.9 |
inflammatory --see Disease, pelvis, inflammatory |
specified NEC N83.8 |
Brocq-Duhring(dermatitis herpetiformis) L13.0 |
Brocq's |
meaning |
dermatitis herpetiformis L13.0 |
prurigo L28.2 |
bronchopulmonary J98.4 |
bronchus NEC J98.09 |
bronze Addison's E27.1 |
tuberculous A18.7 |
budgerigar fancier's J67.2 |
bullous L13.9 |
chronic of childhood L12.2 |
specified NEC L13.8 |
Buerger's(thromboangiitis obliterans) I73.1 |
Bürger-Grütz(essential familial hyperlipemia) E78.3 |
bursa --see Bursopathy |
caisson T70.3 |
California --see Coccidioidomycosis |
capillaries I78.9 |
specified NEC I78.8 |
Carapata A68.0 |
cardiac --see Disease, heart |
cardiopulmonary, chronic I27.9 |
cardiorenal(hepatic) (hypertensive) (vascular) --see Hypertension, cardiorenal |
cardiovascular(atherosclerotic) I25.10 |
with angina pectoris --see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), |
congenital Q28.9 |
newborn P29.9 |
specified NEC P29.89 |
hypertensive --see Hypertension, heart |
renal(hypertensive) --see Hypertension, cardiorenal |
syphilitic(asymptomatic) A52.00 |
cartilage --see Disorder, cartilage |
Castellani's A69.8 |
cat-scratch A28.1 |
Cavare's(familial periodic paralysis) G72.3 |
cecum K63.9 |
celiac(adult) (infantile) K90.0 |
cellular tissue L98.9 |
central core G71.2 |
cerebellar, cerebellum --see Disease, brain |
cerebral --see also Disease, brain |
degenerative --see Degeneration, brain |
cerebrospinal G96.9 |
cerebrovascular I67.9 |
acute I67.89 |
embolic I63.4- |
thrombotic I63.3- |
arteriosclerotic I67.2 |
specified NEC I67.89 |
cervix(uteri) (noninflammatory) N88.9 |
inflammatory --see Cervicitis |
specified NEC N88.8 |
Chabert's A22.9 |
Chandler's(osteochondritis dissecans, hip) --see Osteochondritis, dissecans, hip |
Charlouis --see Yaws |
Chédiak-Steinbrinck(-Higashi) (congenital gigantism of peroxidase granules) E70.330 |
chest J98.9 |
Chiari's(hepatic vein thrombosis) I82.0 |
Chicago B40.9 |
Chignon B36.8 |
chigo, chigoe B88.1 |
childhood granulomatous D71 |
Chinese liver fluke B66.1 |
chlamydial A74.9 |
specified NEC A74.89 |
cholecystic K82.9 |
choroid H31.9 |
specified NEC H31.8 |
Christmas D67 |
chronic bullous of childhood L12.2 |
chylomicron retention E78.3 |
ciliary body H21.9 |
specified NEC H21.89 |
circulatory(system) NEC I99.8 |
newborn P29.9 |
syphilitic A52.00 |
congenital A50.54 |
coagulation factor deficiency(congenital) --see Defect, coagulation |
coccidioidal --see Coccidioidomycosis |
cold |
agglutinin or hemoglobinuria D59.1 |
paroxysmal D59.6 |
hemagglutinin(chronic) D59.1 |
collagen NOS(nonvascular) (vascular) M35.9 |
specified NEC M35.8 |
colon K63.9 |
functional K59.9 |
congenital Q43.2 |
ischemic K55.0 |
combined system --see Degeneration, combined |
compressed air T70.3 |
Concato's(pericardial polyserositis) A19.9 |
nontubercular I31.1 |
pleural --see Pleurisy, with effusion |
conjunctiva H11.9 |
chlamydial A74.0 |
specified NEC H11.89 |
viral B30.9 |
specified NEC B30.8 |
connective tissue, systemic(diffuse) M35.9 |
in(due to) |
hypogammaglobulinemia D80.1M36.8 |
ochronosis E70.29M36.8 |
specified NEC M35.8 |
Conor and Bruch's(boutonneuse fever) A77.1 |
Cooper's --see Mastopathy, cystic |
Cori's(glycogenosis III) E74.03 |
corkhandler's or corkworker's J67.3 |
cornea H18.9 |
specified NEC H18.89- |
coronary(artery) --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
congenital Q24.5 |
ostial, syphilitic(aortic) (mitral) (pulmonary) A52.03 |
corpus cavernosum N48.9 |
specified NEC N48.89 |
Cotugno's --see Sciatica |
coxsackie(virus) NEC B34.1 |
cranial nerve NOS G52.9 |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob --see Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome |
Crocq's(acrocyanosis) I73.89 |
Crohn's --see Enteritis, regional |
Curschmann G71.11 |
cystic |
breast(chronic) --see Mastopathy, cystic |
kidney, congenital Q61.9 |
liver, congenital Q44.6 |
lung J98.4 |
congenital Q33.0 |
cytomegalic inclusion(generalized) B25.9 |
with pneumonia B25.0 |
congenital P35.1 |
cytomegaloviral B25.9 |
specified NEC B25.8 |
Czerny's(periodic hydrarthrosis of the knee) --see Effusion, joint, knee |
Daae(-Finsen) (epidemic pleurodynia) B33.0 |
Darling's --see Histoplasmosis capsulati |
Débove's(splenomegaly) R16.1 |
deer fly --see Tularemia |
Degos' I77.89 |
demyelinating, demyelinizating(nervous system) G37.9 |
multiple sclerosis G35 |
specified NEC G37.8 |
dense deposit --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .6N05.6 |
deposition, hydroxyapatite --see Disease, hydroxyapatite deposition |
de Quervain's(tendon sheath) M65.4 |
thyroid(subacute granulomatous thyroiditis) E06.1 |
Devergie's(pityriasis rubra pilaris) L44.0 |
Devic's G36.0 |
diaphorase deficiency D74.0 |
diaphragm J98.6 |
diarrheal, infectious NEC A09 |
digestive system K92.9 |
specified NEC K92.89 |
disc, degenerative --see Degeneration, intervertebral disc |
discogenic --see also Displacement, intervertebral disc NEC |
with myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy |
diverticular --see Diverticula |
Dubois(thymus) A50.59E35 |
Duchenne-Griesinger G71.0 |
Duchenne's |
muscular dystrophy G71.0 |
pseudohypertrophy, muscles G71.0 |
ductless glands E34.9 |
Duhring's(dermatitis herpetiformis) L13.0 |
duodenum K31.9 |
specified NEC K31.89 |
Dupré's(meningism) R29.1 |
Dupuytren's(muscle contracture) M72.0 |
Durand-Nicholas-Favre(climatic bubo) A55 |
Duroziez's(congenital mitral stenosis) Q23.2 |
ear --see Disorder, ear |
Eberth's --see Fever, typhoid |
Ebola(virus) A98.4 |
Ebstein's heart Q22.5 |
Echinococcus --see Echinococcus |
echovirus NEC B34.1 |
Eddowes'(brittle bones and blue sclera) Q78.0 |
edentulous(alveolar) ridge K06.9 |
specified NEC K06.8 |
Edsall's T67.2 |
Eichstedt's(pityriasis versicolor) B36.0 |
Ellis-van Creveld(chondroectodermal dysplasia) Q77.6 |
end stage renal(ESRD) N18.6 |
due to hypertension I12.0 |
endocrine glands or system NEC E34.9 |
endomyocardial(eosinophilic) I42.3 |
English(rickets) E55.0 |
enteroviral, enterovirus NEC B34.1 |
central nervous system NEC A88.8 |
epidemic B99.9 |
specified NEC B99.8 |
epididymis N50.9 |
Erb(-Landouzy) G71.0 |
Erdheim-Chester(ECD) E88.89 |
esophagus K22.9 |
functional K22.4 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified NEC K22.8 |
Eulenburg's(congenital paramyotonia) G71.19 |
eustachian tube --see Disorder, eustachian tube |
external |
auditory canal --see Disorder, ear, external |
ear --see Disorder, ear, external |
extrapyramidal G25.9 |
specified NEC G25.89 |
eye H57.9 |
anterior chamber H21.9 |
inflammatory NEC H57.8 |
muscle(external) --see Strabismus |
specified NEC H57.8 |
syphilitic --see Oculopathy, syphilitic |
eyeball H44.9 |
specified NEC H44.89 |
eyelid --see Disorder, eyelid |
specified NEC --see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC |
eyeworm of Africa B74.3 |
facial nerve(seventh) G51.9 |
newborn(birth injury) P11.3 |
Fahr(of brain) G23.8 |
Fahr Volhard(of kidney) I12.- |
fallopian tube(noninflammatory) N83.9 |
inflammatory --see Salpingo-oophoritis |
specified NEC N83.8 |
familial periodic paralysis G72.3 |
Fanconi's(congenital pancytopenia) D61.09 |
fascia NEC --see also Disorder, muscle |
inflammatory --see Myositis |
specified NEC M62.89 |
Fauchard's(periodontitis) --see Periodontitis |
Favre-Durand-Nicolas(climatic bubo) A55 |
Fede's K14.0 |
Feer's --see Poisoning, mercury |
female pelvic inflammatory --see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatoryN73.9 |
syphilitic(secondary) A51.42 |
tuberculous A18.17 |
Fernels'(aortic aneurysm) I71.9 |
fibrocaseous of lung --see Tuberculosis, pulmonary |
fibrocystic --see Fibrocystic disease |
Fiedler's(leptospiral jaundice) A27.0 |
fifth B08.3 |
file-cutter's --see Poisoning, lead |
fish-skin Q80.9 |
acquired L85.0 |
Flajani(-Basedow) (exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
flax-dresser's J66.1 |
fluke --see Infestation, fluke |
foot and mouth B08.8 |
foot process N04.9 |
Forbes'(glycogenosis III) E74.03 |
Fordyce-Fox(apocrine miliaria) L75.2 |
Fordyce's(ectopic sebaceous glands) (mouth) Q38.6 |
Forestier's(rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis) M35.3 |
meaning ankylosing hyperostosis --see Hyperostosis, ankylosing |
Fothergill's |
neuralgia --see Neuralgia, trigeminal |
scarlatina anginosa A38.9 |
Fournier(gangrene) N49.3 |
female N76.89 |
fourth B08.8 |
Fox(-Fordyce) (apocrine miliaria) L75.2 |
Francis' --see Tularemia |
Franklin C88.2 |
Frei's(climatic bubo) A55 |
Friedreich's |
combined systemic or ataxia G11.1 |
myoclonia G25.3 |
frontal sinus --see Sinusitis, frontal |
fungus NEC B49 |
Gaisböck's(polycythemia hypertonica) D75.1 |
gallbladder K82.9 |
calculus --see Calculus, gallbladder |
cholecystitis --see Cholecystitis |
cholesterolosis K82.4 |
fistula --see Fistula, gallbladder |
hydrops K82.1 |
obstruction --see Obstruction, gallbladder |
perforation K82.2 |
specified NEC K82.8 |
gamma heavy chain C88.2 |
Gamna's(siderotic splenomegaly) D73.2 |
Gamstorp's(adynamia episodica hereditaria) G72.3 |
Gandy-Nanta(siderotic splenomegaly) D73.2 |
ganister J62.8 |
gastric --see Disease, stomach |
gastroesophageal reflux(GERD) K21.9 |
with esophagitis K21.0 |
gastrointestinal(tract) K92.9 |
amyloid E85.4 |
functional K59.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified NEC K92.89 |
Gee(-Herter) (-Heubner) (-Thaysen) (nontropical sprue) K90.0 |
genital organs |
female N94.9 |
male N50.9 |
Gerhardt's(erythromelalgia) I73.81 |
Gibert's(pityriasis rosea) L42 |
Gierke's(glycogenosis I) E74.01 |
Gilles de la Tourette's(motor-verbal tic) F95.2 |
gingiva K06.9 |
specified NEC K06.8 |
gland(lymph) I89.9 |
Glanzmann's(hereditary hemorrhagic thrombasthenia) D69.1 |
glass-blower's(cataract) --see Cataract, specified NEC |
salivary gland hypertrophy K11.1 |
Glisson's --see Rickets |
globe H44.9 |
specified NEC H44.89 |
glomerular --see also Glomerulonephritis |
with edema --see Nephrosis |
acute --see Nephritis, acute |
chronic --see Nephritis, chronic |
minimal change N05.0 |
rapidly progressive N01.9 |
glycogen storage E74.00 |
Andersen's E74.09 |
Cori's E74.03 |
Forbes' E74.03 |
generalized E74.00 |
glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency E74.01 |
heart E74.02I43 |
hepatorenal E74.09 |
Hers' E74.09 |
liver and kidney E74.09 |
McArdle's E74.04 |
muscle phosphofructokinase E74.09 |
myocardium E74.02I43 |
Pompe's E74.02 |
Tauri's E74.09 |
type 0 E74.09 |
type I E74.01 |
type II E74.02 |
type III E74.03 |
type IV E74.09 |
type V E74.04 |
type VI-XI E74.09 |
Von Gierke's E74.01 |
Goldstein's(familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0 |
gonococcal NOS A54.9 |
graft-versus-host(GVH) D89.813 |
acute D89.810 |
acute on chronic D89.812 |
chronic D89.811 |
grainhandler's J67.8 |
granulomatous(childhood) (chronic) D71 |
Graves'(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
Griesinger's --see Ancylostomiasis |
Grisel's M43.6 |
Gruby's(tinea tonsurans) B35.0 |
Guillain-Barré G61.0 |
Guinon's(motor-verbal tic) F95.2 |
gum K06.9 |
gynecological N94.9 |
H(Hartnup's) E72.02 |
Haff --see Poisoning, mercury |
Hageman(congenital factor XII deficiency) D68.2 |
hair(color) (shaft) L67.9 |
follicles L73.9 |
specified NEC L73.8 |
Hamman's(spontaneous mediastinal emphysema) J98.2 |
hand, foot and mouth B08.4 |
Hansen's --see Leprosy |
Hantavirus, with pulmonary manifestations B33.4 |
with renal manifestations A98.5 |
Harada's H30.81- |
Hartnup(pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria) E72.02 |
Hart's(pellagra-cerebellar ataxia-renal aminoaciduria) E72.02 |
Hashimoto's(struma lymphomatosa) E06.3 |
Hb --see Disease, hemoglobin |
heart(organic) I51.9 |
with |
pulmonary edema(acute) --see also Failure, ventricular, leftI50.1 |
rheumatic fever(conditions in I00) |
active I01.9 |
with chorea I02.0 |
specified NEC I01.8 |
inactive or quiescent(with chorea) I09.9 |
specified NEC I09.89 |
amyloid E85.4I43 |
aortic(valve) I35.9 |
arteriosclerotic or sclerotic(senile) --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
artery, arterial --see Disease, heart, ischemic, atherosclerotic |
beer drinkers' I42.6 |
beriberi(wet) E51.12 |
black I27.0 |
congenital Q24.9 |
cyanotic Q24.9 |
specified NEC Q24.8 |
coronary --see Disease, heart, ischemic |
cryptogenic I51.9 |
fibroid --see Myocarditis |
functional I51.89 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
glycogen storage E74.02I43 |
gonococcal A54.83 |
hypertensive --see Hypertension, heart |
hyperthyroid --see also HyperthyroidismE05.90I43 |
with thyroid storm E05.91I43 |
ischemic(chronic or with a stated duration of over 4 weeks) I25.9 |
atherosclerotic(of) I25.10 |
with angina pectoris --see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery) |
coronary artery bypass graft --see Arteriosclerosis, coronary (artery), |
cardiomyopathy I25.5 |
diagnosed on ECG or other special investigation, but currently presenting no symptoms I25.6 |
silent I25.6 |
specified form NEC I25.89 |
kyphoscoliotic I27.1 |
meningococcal A39.50 |
endocarditis A39.51 |
myocarditis A39.52 |
pericarditis A39.53 |
mitral I05.9 |
specified NEC I05.8 |
muscular --see Degeneration, myocardial |
psychogenic(functional) F45.8 |
pulmonary(chronic) I27.9 |
in schistosomiasis B65.9I52 |
specified NEC I27.89 |
rheumatic(chronic) (inactive) (old) (quiescent) (with chorea) I09.9 |
active or acute I01.9 |
with chorea(acute) (rheumatic) (Sydenham's) I02.0 |
specified NEC I09.89 |
senile --see Myocarditis |
syphilitic A52.06 |
aortic A52.03 |
aneurysm A52.01 |
congenital A50.54I52 |
thyrotoxic --see also ThyrotoxicosisE05.90I43 |
with thyroid storm E05.91I43 |
valve, valvular(obstructive) (regurgitant) --see also Endocarditis |
congenital NEC Q24.8 |
pulmonary Q22.3 |
vascular --see Disease, cardiovascular |
heavy chain NEC C88.2 |
alpha C88.3 |
gamma C88.2 |
mu C88.2 |
Hebra's |
pityriasis |
maculata et circinata L42 |
rubra pilaris L44.0 |
prurigo L28.2 |
hematopoietic organs D75.9 |
hemoglobin or Hb |
abnormal(mixed) NEC D58.2 |
with thalassemia D56.9 |
AS genotype D57.3 |
Bart's D56.0 |
C(Hb-C) D58.2 |
with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC D58.2 |
elliptocytosis D58.1 |
Hb-S D57.2- |
sickle-cell D57.2- |
thalassemia D56.8 |
Constant Spring D58.2 |
D(Hb-D) D58.2 |
E(Hb-E) D58.2 |
E-beta thalassemia D56.5 |
elliptocytosis D58.1 |
H(Hb-H) (thalassemia) D56.0 |
with other abnormal hemoglobin NEC D56.9 |
Constant Spring D56.0 |
I thalassemia D56.9 |
M D74.0 |
S or SS D57.1 |
SC D57.2- |
SD D57.8- |
SE D57.8- |
spherocytosis D58.0 |
unstable, hemolytic D58.2 |
hemolytic(newborn) P55.9 |
autoimmune(cold type) (warm type) D59.1 |
drug-induced D59.0 |
due to or with |
incompatibility |
ABO(blood group) P55.1 |
blood(group) (Duffy) (K(ell)) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (S) NEC P55.8 |
Rh(blood group) (factor) P55.0 |
Rh negative mother P55.0 |
specified type NEC P55.8 |
unstable hemoglobin D58.2 |
hemorrhagic D69.9 |
newborn P53 |
Henoch(-Schönlein) (purpura nervosa) D69.0 |
hepatic --see Disease, liver |
hepatobiliary K83.9 |
toxic K71.9 |
hepatolenticular E83.01 |
heredodegenerative NEC |
spinal cord G95.89 |
herpesviral, disseminated B00.7 |
Hers'(glycogenosis VI) E74.09 |
Herter(-Gee) (-Heubner) (nontropical sprue) K90.0 |
Heubner-Herter(nontropical sprue) K90.0 |
high fetal gene or hemoglobin thalassemia D56.9 |
Hildenbrand's --see Typhus |
hip(joint) M25.9 |
congenital Q65.89 |
suppurative M00.9 |
tuberculous A18.02 |
His(-Werner) (trench fever) A79.0 |
Hodgson's I71.2 |
ruptured I71.1 |
Holla --see Spherocytosis |
hookworm B76.9 |
specified NEC B76.8 |
host-versus-graft D89.813 |
acute D89.810 |
acute on chronic D89.812 |
chronic D89.811 |
human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) B20 |
Huntington's G10 |
Hutchinson's(cheiropompholyx) --see Hutchinson's disease |
hyaline(diffuse) (generalized) |
membrane(lung) (newborn) P22.0 |
adult J80 |
hydatid --see Echinococcus |
hydroxyapatite deposition M11.00 |
ankle M11.07- |
elbow M11.02- |
foot joint M11.07- |
hand joint M11.04- |
hip M11.05- |
knee M11.06- |
multiple site M11.09 |
shoulder M11.01- |
vertebra M11.08 |
wrist M11.03- |
hyperkinetic --see Hyperkinesia |
hypertensive --see Hypertension |
hypophysis E23.7 |
Iceland G93.3 |
I-cell E77.0 |
immune D89.9 |
immunoproliferative(malignant) C88.9 |
small intestinal C88.3 |
specified NEC C88.8 |
inclusion B25.9 |
salivary gland B25.9 |
infectious, infective B99.9 |
congenital P37.9 |
specified NEC P37.8 |
viral P35.9 |
specified type NEC P35.8 |
specified NEC B99.8 |
inflammatory |
penis N48.29 |
abscess N48.21 |
cellulitis N48.22 |
prepuce N47.7 |
balanoposthitis N47.6 |
tubo-ovarian --see Salpingo-oophoritis |
intervertebral disc --see also Disorder, disc |
with myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy |
cervical, cervicothoracic --see Disorder, disc, cervical |
with |
myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, cervical, with myelopathy |
neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy --see Disorder, disc, cervical, with neuritis |
specified NEC --see Disorder, disc, cervical, specified type NEC |
lumbar(with) |
myelopathy M51.06 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.16 |
specified NEC M51.86 |
lumbosacral(with) |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.17 |
specified NEC M51.87 |
specified NEC --see Disorder, disc, specified NEC |
thoracic(with) |
myelopathy M51.04 |
neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy M51.14 |
specified NEC M51.84 |
thoracolumbar(with) |
myelopathy M51.05 |
neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy M51.15 |
specified NEC M51.85 |
intestine K63.9 |
functional K59.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified NEC K59.8 |
organic K63.9 |
protozoal A07.9 |
specified NEC K63.89 |
iris H21.9 |
specified NEC H21.89 |
iron metabolism or storage E83.10 |
island(scrub typhus) A75.3 |
itai-itai --see Poisoning, cadmium |
Jakob-Creutzfeldt --see Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or syndrome |
jaw M27.9 |
fibrocystic M27.49 |
specified NEC M27.8 |
jigger B88.1 |
joint --see also Disorder, joint |
Charcot's --see Arthropathy, neuropathic (Charcot) |
degenerative --see Osteoarthritis |
multiple M15.9 |
spine --see Spondylosis |
hypertrophic --see Osteoarthritis |
sacroiliac M53.3 |
specified NEC --see Disorder, joint, specified type NEC |
spine NEC --see Dorsopathy |
suppurative --see Arthritis, pyogenic or pyemic |
Jourdain's(acute gingivitis) K05.00 |
nonplaque induced K05.01 |
plaque induced K05.00 |
Kaschin-Beck(endemic polyarthritis) M12.10 |
ankle M12.17- |
elbow M12.12- |
foot joint M12.17- |
hand joint M12.14- |
hip M12.15- |
knee M12.16- |
multiple site M12.19 |
shoulder M12.11- |
vertebra M12.18 |
wrist M12.13- |
Katayama B65.2 |
Kedani(scrub typhus) A75.3 |
Keshan E59 |
kidney(functional) (pelvis) N28.9 |
chronic N18.9 |
hypertensive --see Hypertension, kidney |
stage 1 N18.1 |
stage 2(mild) N18.2 |
stage 3(moderate) N18.3 |
stage 4(severe) N18.4 |
stage 5 N18.5 |
complicating pregnancy --see Pregnancy, complicated by, renal disease |
cystic(congenital) Q61.9 |
diabetic --see E08-E13 with .22 |
fibrocystic(congenital) Q61.8 |
hypertensive --see Hypertension, kidney |
in(due to) |
schistosomiasis(bilharziasis) B65.9N29 |
multicystic Q61.4 |
polycystic Q61.3 |
adult type Q61.2 |
childhood type NEC Q61.19 |
collecting duct dilatation Q61.11 |
Kimmelstiel(-Wilson) (intercapillary polycystic (congenital) glomerulosclerosis) --see E08-E13 with .21 |
Kimura D21.9 |
specified site(see Neoplasm, connective tissue benign) |
Kinnier Wilson's(hepatolenticular degeneration) E83.01 |
kissing --see Mononucleosis, infectious |
Klebs' --see also GlomerulonephritisN05.- |
Klippel-Feil(brevicollis) Q76.1 |
Köhler-Pellegrini-Stieda(calcification, knee joint) --see Bursitis, tibial collateral |
Kok Q89.8 |
König's(osteochondritis dissecans) --see Osteochondritis, dissecans |
Korsakoff's(nonalcoholic) F04 |
alcoholic F10.96 |
with dependence F10.26 |
Kostmann's(infantile genetic agranulocytosis) D70.0 |
kuru A81.81 |
Kyasanur Forest A98.2 |
labyrinth, ear --see Disorder, ear, inner |
lacrimal system --see Disorder, lacrimal system |
Lafora's --see Epilepsy, generalized, idiopathic |
Lancereaux-Mathieu(leptospiral jaundice) A27.0 |
Landry's G61.0 |
Larrey-Weil(leptospiral jaundice) A27.0 |
larynx J38.7 |
legionnaires' A48.1 |
nonpneumonic A48.2 |
Lenegre's I44.2 |
lens H27.9 |
specified NEC H27.8 |
Lev's(acquired complete heart block) I44.2 |
Lewy body(dementia) G31.83F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.83F02.81 |
Lichtheim's(subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) D51.0 |
Lightwood's(renal tubular acidosis) N25.89 |
Lignac's(cystinosis) E72.04 |
lip K13.0 |
lipid-storage E75.6 |
specified NEC E75.5 |
Lipschütz's N76.6 |
liver(chronic) (organic) K76.9 |
alcoholic(chronic) K70.9 |
acute --see Disease, liver, alcoholic, hepatitis |
cirrhosis K70.30 |
with ascites K70.31 |
failure K70.40 |
with coma K70.41 |
fatty liver K70.0 |
fibrosis K70.2 |
hepatitis K70.10 |
with ascites K70.11 |
sclerosis K70.2 |
cystic, congenital Q44.6 |
drug-induced(idiosyncratic) (toxic) (predictable) (unpredictable) --see Disease, liver, toxic |
end stage K72.90 |
due to hepatitis --see Hepatitis |
fatty, nonalcoholic(NAFLD) K76.0 |
alcoholic K70.0 |
fibrocystic(congenital) Q44.6 |
fluke |
Chinese B66.1 |
oriental B66.1 |
sheep B66.3 |
glycogen storage E74.09K77 |
in(due to) |
schistosomiasis(bilharziasis) B65.9K77 |
inflammatory K75.9 |
alcoholic K70.1 |
specified NEC K75.89 |
polycystic(congenital) Q44.6 |
toxic K71.9 |
with |
cholestasis K71.0 |
cirrhosis(liver) K71.7 |
fibrosis(liver) K71.7 |
focal nodular hyperplasia K71.8 |
hepatic granuloma K71.8 |
hepatic necrosis K71.10 |
with coma K71.11 |
hepatitis NEC K71.6 |
acute K71.2 |
chronic |
active K71.50 |
with ascites K71.51 |
lobular K71.4 |
persistent K71.3 |
lupoid K71.50 |
with ascites K71.51 |
peliosis hepatis K71.8 |
veno-occlusive disease(VOD) of liver K71.8 |
veno-occlusive K76.5 |
Lobo's(keloid blastomycosis) B48.0 |
Lobstein's(brittle bones and blue sclera) Q78.0 |
Ludwig's(submaxillary cellulitis) K12.2 |
lumbosacral region M53.87 |
lung J98.4 |
black J60 |
congenital Q33.9 |
cystic J98.4 |
congenital Q33.0 |
fibroid(chronic) --see Fibrosis, lung |
fluke B66.4 |
oriental B66.4 |
in |
amyloidosis E85.4J99 |
sarcoidosis D86.0 |
Sjögren's syndrome M35.02 |
systemic |
lupus erythematosus M32.13 |
sclerosis M34.81 |
interstitial J84.9 |
of childhood, specified NEC J84.848 |
respiratory bronchiolitis J84.115 |
specified NEC J84.89 |
obstructive(chronic) J44.9 |
with |
acute |
bronchitis J44.0 |
exacerbation NEC J44.1 |
lower respiratory infection J44.0 |
alveolitis, allergic J67.9 |
asthma J44.9 |
bronchiectasis J47.9 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J47.1 |
lower respiratory infection J47.0 |
bronchitis J44.9 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J44.1 |
lower respiratory infection J44.0 |
emphysema J44.9 |
hypersensitivity pneumonitis J67.9 |
decompensated J44.1 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J44.1 |
polycystic J98.4 |
congenital Q33.0 |
rheumatoid(diffuse) (interstitial) --see Rheumatoid, lung |
Lutembacher's(atrial septal defect with mitral stenosis) Q21.1 |
Lyme A69.20 |
lymphatic(gland) (system) (channel) (vessel) I89.9 |
lymphoproliferative D47.9 |
specified NEC D47.Z9 |
T-gamma D47.Z9 |
X-linked D82.3 |
Magitot's M27.2 |
malarial --see Malaria |
malignant --see also Neoplasm, malignant, by site |
Manson's B65.1 |
maple bark J67.6 |
maple-syrup-urine E71.0 |
Marburg(virus) A98.3 |
Marion's(bladder neck obstruction) N32.0 |
Marsh's(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
mastoid(process) --see Disorder, ear, middle |
Mathieu's(leptospiral jaundice) A27.0 |
Maxcy's A75.2 |
McArdle(-Schmid-Pearson) (glycogenosis V) E74.04 |
mediastinum J98.5 |
medullary center(idiopathic) (respiratory) G93.89 |
Meige's(chronic hereditary edema) Q82.0 |
meningococcal --see Infection, meningococcal |
mental F99 |
organic F09 |
mesenchymal M35.9 |
mesenteric embolic K55.0 |
metabolic, metabolism E88.9 |
bilirubin E80.7 |
metal-polisher's J62.8 |
metastatic --see also Neoplasm, secondary, by siteC79.9 |
microvascular - code to condition |
microvillus |
atrophy Q43.8 |
inclusion(MVD) Q43.8 |
middle ear --see Disorder, ear, middle |
Mikulicz'(dryness of mouth, absent or decreased lacrimation) K11.8 |
Milroy's(chronic hereditary edema) Q82.0 |
Minamata --see Poisoning, mercury |
minicore G71.2 |
Minor's G95.19 |
Minot's(hemorrhagic disease, newborn) P53 |
Minot-von Willebrand-Jürgens(angiohemophilia) D68.0 |
Mitchell's(erythromelalgia) I73.81 |
mitral(valve) I05.9 |
nonrheumatic I34.9 |
mixed connective tissue M35.1 |
moldy hay J67.0 |
Monge's T70.29 |
Morgagni-Adams-Stokes(syncope with heart block) I45.9 |
Morgagni's(syndrome) (hyperostosis frontalis interna) M85.2 |
Morton's(with metatarsalgia) --see Lesion, nerve, plantar |
Morvan's G60.8 |
motor neuron(bulbar) (familial) (mixed type) (spinal) G12.20 |
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis G12.21 |
progressive bulbar palsy G12.22 |
specified NEC G12.29 |
moyamoya I67.5 |
mu heavy chain disease C88.2 |
multicore G71.2 |
muscle --see also Disorder, muscle |
inflammatory --see Myositis |
ocular(external) --see Strabismus |
musculoskeletal system, soft tissue --see also Disorder, soft tissue |
specified NEC --see Disorder, soft tissue, specified type NEC |
mushroom workers' J67.5 |
mycotic B49 |
myelodysplastic, not classified C94.6 |
myeloproliferative, not classified C94.6 |
chronic D47.1 |
myocardium, myocardial --see also Degeneration, myocardialI51.5 |
primary(idiopathic) I42.9 |
myoneural G70.9 |
Naegeli's D69.1 |
nails L60.9 |
specified NEC L60.8 |
Nairobi(sheep virus) A93.8 |
nasal J34.9 |
nemaline body G71.2 |
nerve --see Disorder, nerve |
nervous system G98.8 |
autonomic G90.9 |
central G96.9 |
specified NEC G96.8 |
congenital Q07.9 |
parasympathetic G90.9 |
specified NEC G98.8 |
sympathetic G90.9 |
vegetative G90.9 |
neuromuscular system G70.9 |
Newcastle B30.8 |
Nicolas(-Durand)-Favre (climatic bubo) A55 |
nipple N64.9 |
Paget's C50.01- |
female C50.01- |
male C50.02- |
Nishimoto(-Takeuchi) I67.5 |
nonarthropod-borne NOS(viral) B34.9 |
enterovirus NEC B34.1 |
nonautoimmune hemolytic D59.4 |
drug-induced D59.2 |
Nonne-Milroy-Meige(chronic hereditary edema) Q82.0 |
nose J34.9 |
nucleus pulposus --see Disorder, disc |
nutritional E63.9 |
oast-house-urine E72.19 |
ocular |
herpesviral B00.50 |
zoster B02.30 |
obliterative vascular I77.1 |
Ohara's --see Tularemia |
Opitz's(congestive splenomegaly) D73.2 |
Oppenheim-Urbach(necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum) --see E08-E13 with .620 |
optic nerve NEC --see Disorder, nerve, optic |
orbit --see Disorder, orbit |
Oriental liver fluke B66.1 |
Oriental lung fluke B66.4 |
Ormond's N13.5 |
Oropouche virus A93.0 |
Osler-Rendu(familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0 |
osteofibrocystic E21.0 |
Otto's M24.7 |
outer ear --see Disorder, ear, external |
ovary(noninflammatory) N83.9 |
cystic N83.20 |
inflammatory --see Salpingo-oophoritis |
polycystic E28.2 |
specified NEC N83.8 |
Owren's(congenital) --see Defect, coagulation |
pancreas K86.9 |
cystic K86.2 |
fibrocystic E84.9 |
specified NEC K86.8 |
panvalvular I08.9 |
specified NEC I08.8 |
parametrium(noninflammatory) N83.9 |
parasitic B89 |
cerebral NEC B71.9G94 |
intestinal NOS B82.9 |
mouth B37.0 |
skin NOS B88.9 |
specified type --see Infestation |
tongue B37.0 |
parathyroid(gland) E21.5 |
specified NEC E21.4 |
Parkinson's G20 |
parodontal K05.6 |
Parrot's(syphilitic osteochondritis) A50.02 |
Parry's(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
Parson's(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
Paxton's(white piedra) B36.2 |
pearl-worker's --see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC |
Pellegrini-Stieda(calcification, knee joint) --see Bursitis, tibial collateral |
pelvis, pelvic |
female NOS N94.9 |
specified NEC N94.89 |
gonococcal(acute) (chronic) A54.24 |
inflammatory(female) N73.9 |
acute N73.0 |
chronic N73.1 |
specified NEC N73.8 |
syphilitic(secondary) A51.42 |
late A52.76 |
tuberculous A18.17 |
organ, female N94.9 |
peritoneum, female NEC N94.89 |
penis N48.9 |
inflammatory N48.29 |
abscess N48.21 |
cellulitis N48.22 |
specified NEC N48.89 |
periapical tissues NOS K04.90 |
periodontal K05.6 |
specified NEC K05.5 |
periosteum --see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC |
peripheral |
arterial I73.9 |
autonomic nervous system G90.9 |
nerves --see Polyneuropathy |
vascular NOS I73.9 |
peritoneum K66.9 |
pelvic, female NEC N94.89 |
specified NEC K66.8 |
persistent mucosal(middle ear) H66.20 |
left H66.22 |
with right H66.23 |
right H66.21 |
with left H66.23 |
Petit's --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC |
pharynx J39.2 |
specified NEC J39.2 |
Phocas' --see Mastopathy, cystic |
photochromogenic(acid-fast bacilli) (pulmonary) A31.0 |
nonpulmonary A31.9 |
Pick's G31.01F02.80 |
with behavioral disturbance G31.01F02.81 |
pigeon fancier's J67.2 |
pineal gland E34.8 |
pink --see Poisoning, mercury |
Pinkus'(lichen nitidus) L44.1 |
pinworm B80 |
Piry virus A93.8 |
pituitary(gland) E23.7 |
pituitary-snuff-taker's J67.8 |
pleura(cavity) J94.9 |
specified NEC J94.8 |
pneumatic drill(hammer) T75.21 |
Pollitzer's(hidradenitis suppurativa) L73.2 |
polycystic |
kidney or renal Q61.3 |
adult type Q61.2 |
childhood type NEC Q61.19 |
collecting duct dilatation Q61.11 |
liver or hepatic Q44.6 |
lung or pulmonary J98.4 |
congenital Q33.0 |
ovary, ovaries E28.2 |
spleen Q89.09 |
polyethylene T84.05- |
Pompe's(glycogenosis II) E74.02 |
Posadas-Wernicke B38.9 |
Potain's(pulmonary edema) --see Edema, lung |
prepuce N47.8 |
inflammatory N47.7 |
balanoposthitis N47.6 |
Pringle's(tuberous sclerosis) Q85.1 |
prion, central nervous system A81.9 |
specified NEC A81.89 |
prostate N42.9 |
specified NEC N42.89 |
protozoal B64 |
acanthamebiasis --see Acanthamebiasis |
African trypanosomiasis --see African trypanosomiasis |
babesiosis B60.0 |
Chagas disease --see Chagas disease |
intestine, intestinal A07.9 |
leishmaniasis --see Leishmaniasis |
malaria --see Malaria |
naegleriasis B60.2 |
pneumocystosis B59 |
specified organism NEC B60.8 |
toxoplasmosis --see Toxoplasmosis |
pseudo-Hurler's E77.0 |
psychiatric F99 |
psychotic --see Psychosis |
Puente's(simple glandular cheilitis) K13.0 |
puerperal --see also PuerperalO90.89 |
pulmonary --see also Disease, lung |
artery I28.9 |
chronic obstructive J44.9 |
with |
acute bronchitis J44.0 |
exacerbation(acute) J44.1 |
lower respiratory infection(acute) J44.0 |
decompensated J44.1 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J44.1 |
heart I27.9 |
specified NEC I27.89 |
hypertensive(vascular) I27.0 |
valve I37.9 |
rheumatic I09.89 |
pulp(dental) NOS K04.90 |
pulseless M31.4 |
Putnam's(subacute combined sclerosis with pernicious anemia) D51.0 |
Pyle(-Cohn) (craniometaphyseal dysplasia) Q78.5 |
ragpicker's or ragsorter's A22.1 |
Raynaud's --see Raynaud's disease |
reactive airway --see Asthma |
Reclus'(cystic) --see Mastopathy, cystic |
rectum K62.9 |
specified NEC K62.89 |
Refsum's(heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis) G60.1 |
renal(functional) (pelvis) --see also Disease, kidneyN28.9 |
with |
edema --see Nephrosis |
glomerular lesion --see Glomerulonephritis |
with edema --see Nephrosis |
interstitial nephritis N12 |
acute N28.9 |
chronic --see also Disease, kidney, chronicN18.9 |
cystic, congenital Q61.9 |
diabetic --see E08-E13 with .22 |
end-stage(failure) N18.6 |
due to hypertension I12.0 |
fibrocystic(congenital) Q61.8 |
hypertensive --see Hypertension, kidney |
lupus M32.14 |
phosphate-losing(tubular) N25.0 |
polycystic(congenital) Q61.3 |
adult type Q61.2 |
childhood type NEC Q61.19 |
collecting duct dilatation Q61.11 |
rapidly progressive N01.9 |
subacute N01.9 |
Rendu-Osler-Weber(familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0 |
renovascular(arteriosclerotic) --see Hypertension, kidney |
respiratory(tract) J98.9 |
acute or subacute NOS J06.9 |
due to |
chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors(inhalation) J68.3 |
external agent J70.9 |
specified NEC J70.8 |
radiation J70.0 |
smoke inhalation J70.5 |
noninfectious J39.8 |
chronic NOS J98.9 |
due to |
chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors J68.4 |
external agent J70.9 |
specified NEC J70.8 |
radiation J70.1 |
newborn P27.9 |
specified NEC P27.8 |
due to |
chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors J68.9 |
acute or subacute NEC J68.3 |
chronic J68.4 |
external agent J70.9 |
specified NEC J70.8 |
newborn P28.9 |
specified type NEC P28.89 |
upper J39.9 |
acute or subacute J06.9 |
noninfectious NEC J39.8 |
specified NEC J39.8 |
streptococcal J06.9 |
retina, retinal H35.9 |
Batten's or Batten-Mayou E75.4H36 |
specified NEC H35.89 |
rheumatoid --see Arthritis, rheumatoid |
rickettsial NOS A79.9 |
specified type NEC A79.89 |
Riga(-Fede) (cachectic aphthae) K14.0 |
Riggs'(compound periodontitis) --see Periodontitis |
Ritter's L00 |
Rivalta's(cervicofacial actinomycosis) A42.2 |
Robles'(onchocerciasis) B73.01 |
Roger's(congenital interventricular septal defect) Q21.0 |
Rosenthal's(factor XI deficiency) D68.1 |
Rossbach's(hyperchlorhydria) K30 |
Ross River B33.1 |
Rotes Quérol --see Hyperostosis, ankylosing |
Roth(-Bernhardt) --see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, meralgia paresthetica |
Runeberg's(progressive pernicious anemia) D51.0 |
sacroiliac NEC M53.3 |
salivary gland or duct K11.9 |
inclusion B25.9 |
specified NEC K11.8 |
virus B25.9 |
sandworm B76.9 |
Schimmelbusch's --see Mastopathy, cystic |
Schmorl's --see Schmorl's disease or nodes |
Schönlein(-Henoch) (purpura rheumatica) D69.0 |
Schottmüller's --see Fever, paratyphoid |
Schultz's(agranulocytosis) --see Agranulocytosis |
Schwalbe-Ziehen-Oppenheim G24.1 |
Schwartz-Jampel G71.13 |
sclera H15.9 |
specified NEC H15.89 |
scrofulous(tuberculous) A18.2 |
scrotum N50.9 |
sebaceous glands L73.9 |
semilunar cartilage, cystic --see also Derangement, knee, meniscus, cystic |
seminal vesicle N50.9 |
serum NEC --see also Reaction, serumT80.69 |
sexually transmitted A64 |
anogenital |
herpesviral infection --see Herpes, anogenital |
warts A63.0 |
chancroid A57 |
chlamydial infection --see Chlamydia |
gonorrhea --see Gonorrhea |
granuloma inguinale A58 |
specified organism NEC A63.8 |
syphilis --see Syphilis |
trichomoniasis --see Trichomoniasis |
Sézary C84.1- |
shimamushi(scrub typhus) A75.3 |
shipyard B30.0 |
sickle-cell D57.1 |
with crisis(vasoocclusive pain) D57.00 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.01 |
splenic sequestration D57.02 |
elliptocytosis D57.8- |
Hb-C D57.20 |
with crisis(vasoocclusive pain) D57.219 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.211 |
splenic sequestration D57.212 |
without crisis D57.20 |
Hb-SD D57.80 |
with crisis D57.819 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.811 |
splenic sequestration D57.812 |
Hb-SE D57.80 |
with crisis D57.819 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.811 |
splenic sequestration D57.812 |
specified NEC D57.80 |
with crisis D57.819 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.811 |
splenic sequestration D57.812 |
spherocytosis D57.80 |
with crisis D57.819 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.811 |
splenic sequestration D57.812 |
thalassemia D57.40 |
with crisis(vasoocclusive pain) D57.419 |
with |
acute chest syndrome D57.411 |
splenic sequestration D57.412 |
without crisis D57.40 |
silo-filler's J68.8 |
bronchitis J68.0 |
pneumonitis J68.0 |
pulmonary edema J68.1 |
simian B B00.4 |
Simons'(progressive lipodystrophy) E88.1 |
sin nombre virus B33.4 |
sinus --see Sinusitis |
Sirkari's B55.0 |
sixth B08.20 |
due to human herpesvirus 6 B08.21 |
due to human herpesvirus 7 B08.22 |
skin L98.9 |
due to metabolic disorder NEC E88.9L99 |
specified NEC L98.8 |
slim(HIV) B20 |
small vessel I73.9 |
Sneddon-Wilkinson(subcorneal pustular dermatosis) L13.1 |
South African creeping B88.0 |
spinal(cord) G95.9 |
congenital Q06.9 |
specified NEC G95.89 |
spine --see also Spondylopathy |
joint --see Dorsopathy |
tuberculous A18.01 |
spinocerebellar(hereditary) G11.9 |
specified NEC G11.8 |
spleen D73.9 |
amyloid E85.4D77 |
organic D73.9 |
polycystic Q89.09 |
postinfectional D73.89 |
sponge-diver's --see Toxicity, venom, marine animal, sea anemone |
Startle Q89.8 |
Steinert's G71.11 |
Sticker's(erythema infectiosum) B08.3 |
Stieda's(calcification, knee joint) --see Bursitis, tibial collateral |
Stokes'(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter (diffuse) |
Stokes-Adams(syncope with heart block) I45.9 |
stomach K31.9 |
functional, psychogenic F45.8 |
specified NEC K31.89 |
stonemason's J62.8 |
storage |
glycogen --see Disease, glycogen storage |
mucopolysaccharide --see Mucopolysaccharidosis |
striatopallidal system NEC G25.89 |
Stuart-Prower(congenital factor X deficiency) D68.2 |
Stuart's(congenital factor X deficiency) D68.2 |
subcutaneous tissue --see Disease, skin |
supporting structures of teeth K08.9 |
specified NEC K08.8 |
suprarenal(capsule) (gland) E27.9 |
hyperfunction E27.0 |
specified NEC E27.8 |
sweat glands L74.9 |
specified NEC L74.8 |
Sweeley-Klionsky E75.21 |
Swift(-Feer) --see Poisoning, mercury |
swimming-pool granuloma A31.1 |
Sylvest's(epidemic pleurodynia) B33.0 |
sympathetic nervous system G90.9 |
synovium --see Disorder, synovium |
syphilitic --see Syphilis |
systemic tissue mast cell C96.2 |
tanapox(virus) B08.71 |
Tangier E78.6 |
Tarral-Besnier(pityriasis rubra pilaris) L44.0 |
Tauri's E74.09 |
tear duct --see Disorder, lacrimal system |
tendon, tendinous --see also Disorder, tendon |
nodular --see Trigger finger |
terminal vessel I73.9 |
testis N50.9 |
thalassemia Hb-S --see Disease, sickle-cell, thalassemia |
Thaysen-Gee(nontropical sprue) K90.0 |
Thomsen G71.12 |
throat J39.2 |
septic J02.0 |
thromboembolic --see Embolism |
thymus(gland) E32.9 |
specified NEC E32.8 |
thyroid(gland) E07.9 |
heart --see also HyperthyroidismE05.90I43 |
with thyroid storm E05.91I43 |
specified NEC E07.89 |
Tietze's M94.0 |
tongue K14.9 |
specified NEC K14.8 |
tonsils, tonsillar(and adenoids) J35.9 |
tooth, teeth K08.9 |
hard tissues K03.9 |
specified NEC K03.89 |
pulp NEC K04.99 |
specified NEC K08.8 |
Tourette's F95.2 |
trachea NEC J39.8 |
tricuspid I07.9 |
nonrheumatic I36.9 |
triglyceride-storage E75.5 |
trophoblastic --see Mole, hydatidiform |
tsutsugamushi A75.3 |
tube(fallopian) (noninflammatory) N83.9 |
inflammatory --see Salpingitis |
specified NEC N83.8 |
tuberculous NEC --see Tuberculosis |
tubo-ovarian(noninflammatory) N83.9 |
inflammatory --see Salpingo-oophoritis |
specified NEC N83.8 |
tubotympanic, chronic --see Otitis, media, suppurative, chronic, tubotympanic |
tubulo-interstitial N15.9 |
specified NEC N15.8 |
tympanum --see Disorder, tympanic membrane |
Uhl's Q24.8 |
Underwood's(sclerema neonatorum) P83.0 |
Unverricht(-Lundborg) --see Epilepsy, generalized, idiopathic |
Urbach-Oppenheim(necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum) --see E08-E13 with .620 |
ureter N28.9 |
in(due to) |
schistosomiasis(bilharziasis) B65.0N29 |
urethra N36.9 |
specified NEC N36.8 |
urinary(tract) N39.9 |
bladder N32.9 |
specified NEC N32.89 |
specified NEC N39.8 |
uterus(noninflammatory) N85.9 |
infective --see Endometritis |
inflammatory --see Endometritis |
specified NEC N85.8 |
uveal tract(anterior) H21.9 |
posterior H31.9 |
vagabond's B85.1 |
vagina, vaginal(noninflammatory) N89.9 |
inflammatory NEC N76.89 |
specified NEC N89.8 |
valve, valvular I38 |
multiple I08.9 |
specified NEC I08.8 |
van Creveld-von Gierke(glycogenosis I) E74.01 |
vas deferens N50.9 |
vascular I99.9 |
arteriosclerotic --see Arteriosclerosis |
ciliary body NEC --see Disorder, iris, vascular |
hypertensive --see Hypertension |
iris NEC --see Disorder, iris, vascular |
obliterative I77.1 |
peripheral I73.9 |
occlusive I99.8 |
peripheral(occlusive) I73.9 |
in diabetes mellitus --see E08-E13 with .51 |
vasomotor I73.9 |
vasospastic I73.9 |
vein I87.9 |
venereal --see also Disease, sexually transmittedA64 |
chlamydial NEC A56.8 |
anus A56.3 |
genitourinary NOS A56.2 |
pharynx A56.4 |
rectum A56.3 |
fifth A55 |
sixth A55 |
specified nature or type NEC A63.8 |
vertebra, vertebral --see also Spondylopathy |
disc --see Disorder, disc |
vibration --see Vibration, adverse effects |
viral, virus --see also Disease, by type of virusB34.9 |
arbovirus NOS A94 |
arthropod-borne NOS A94 |
congenital P35.9 |
specified NEC P35.8 |
Hanta(with renal manifestations) (Dobrava) (Puumala) (Seoul) A98.5 |
with pulmonary manifestations(Andes) (Bayou) (Bermejo) (Black Creek Canal) (Choclo) (Juquitiba) (Laguna negra) (Lechiguanas) (New York) (Oran) (Sin nombre) B33.4 |
Hantaan(Korean hemorrhagic fever) A98.5 |
human immunodeficiency(HIV) B20 |
Kunjin A83.4 |
nonarthropod-borne NOS B34.9 |
Powassan A84.8 |
Rocio(encephalitis) A83.6 |
Sin nombre(Hantavirus) (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome) B33.4 |
Tahyna B33.8 |
vesicular stomatitis A93.8 |
vitreous H43.9 |
specified NEC H43.89 |
vocal cord J38.3 |
Volkmann's, acquired T79.6 |
von Eulenburg's(congenital paramyotonia) G71.19 |
von Gierke's(glycogenosis I) E74.01 |
von Graefe's --see Strabismus, paralytic, ophthalmoplegia, progressive |
von Willebrand(-Jürgens) (angiohemophilia) D68.0 |
Vrolik's(osteogenesis imperfecta) Q78.0 |
vulva(noninflammatory) N90.9 |
inflammatory NEC N76.89 |
specified NEC N90.89 |
Wallgren's(obstruction of splenic vein with collateral circulation) I87.8 |
Wassilieff's(leptospiral jaundice) A27.0 |
wasting NEC R64 |
due to malnutrition E41 |
Waterhouse-Friderichsen A39.1 |
Wegner's(syphilitic osteochondritis) A50.02 |
Weil's(leptospiral jaundice of lung) A27.0 |
Weir Mitchell's(erythromelalgia) I73.81 |
Werdnig-Hoffmann G12.0 |
Wermer's E31.21 |
Werner-His(trench fever) A79.0 |
Werner-Schultz(neutropenic splenomegaly) D73.81 |
Wernicke-Posadas B38.9 |
whipworm B79 |
white blood cells D72.9 |
specified NEC D72.89 |
white matter R90.82 |
white-spot, meaning lichen sclerosus et atrophicus L90.0 |
penis N48.0 |
vulva N90.4 |
Wilkie's K55.1 |
Wilkinson-Sneddon(subcorneal pustular dermatosis) L13.1 |
Willis' --see Diabetes |
Wilson's(hepatolenticular degeneration) E83.01 |
woolsorter's A22.1 |
yaba monkey tumor B08.72 |
yaba pox(virus) B08.72 |
zoonotic, bacterial A28.9 |
specified type NEC A28.8 |
Disfigurement(due to scar) L90.5 |
Disgerminoma --see Dysgerminoma |
DISH(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) --see Hyperostosis, ankylosing |
Disinsertion, retina --see Detachment, retina |
Dislocatable hip, congenital Q65.6 |
Dislocation(articular) |
with fracture --see Fracture |
acromioclavicular(joint) S43.10- |
with displacement |
100%-200% S43.12- |
more than 200% S43.13- |
inferior S43.14- |
posterior S43.15- |
ankle S93.0- |
astragalus --see Dislocation, ankle |
atlantoaxial S13.121 |
atlantooccipital S13.111 |
atloidooccipital S13.111 |
breast bone S23.29 |
capsule, joint - code by site under Dislocation |
carpal(bone) --see Dislocation, wrist |
carpometacarpal(joint) NEC S63.05- |
thumb S63.04- |
cartilage(joint) - code by site under Dislocation |
cervical spine(vertebra) --see Dislocation, vertebra, cervical |
chronic --see Dislocation, recurrent |
clavicle --see Dislocation, acromioclavicular joint |
coccyx S33.2 |
congenital NEC Q68.8 |
coracoid --see Dislocation, shoulder |
costal cartilage S23.29 |
costochondral S23.29 |
cricoarytenoid articulation S13.29 |
cricothyroid articulation S13.29 |
dorsal vertebra --see Dislocation, vertebra, thoracic |
ear ossicle --see Discontinuity, ossicles, ear |
elbow S53.10- |
congenital Q68.8 |
pathological --see Dislocation, pathological NEC, elbow |
radial head alone --see Dislocation, radial head |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent, elbow |
traumatic S53.10- |
anterior S53.11- |
lateral S53.14- |
medial S53.13- |
posterior S53.12- |
specified type NEC S53.19- |
eye, nontraumatic --see Luxation, globe |
eyeball, nontraumatic --see Luxation, globe |
femur |
distal end --see Dislocation, knee |
proximal end --see Dislocation, hip |
fibula |
distal end --see Dislocation, ankle |
proximal end --see Dislocation, knee |
finger S63.25- |
index S63.25- |
interphalangeal S63.27- |
distal S63.29- |
index S63.29- |
little S63.29- |
middle S63.29- |
ring S63.29- |
index S63.27- |
little S63.27- |
middle S63.27- |
proximal S63.28- |
index S63.28- |
little S63.28- |
middle S63.28- |
ring S63.28- |
ring S63.27- |
little S63.25- |
metacarpophalangeal S63.26- |
index S63.26- |
little S63.26- |
middle S63.26- |
ring S63.26- |
middle S63.25- |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent, finger |
ring S63.25- |
thumb --see Dislocation, thumb |
foot S93.30- |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent, foot |
specified site NEC S93.33- |
tarsal joint S93.31- |
tarsometatarsal joint S93.32- |
toe --see Dislocation, toe |
fracture --see Fracture |
glenohumeral(joint) --see Dislocation, shoulder |
glenoid --see Dislocation, shoulder |
habitual --see Dislocation, recurrent |
hip S73.00- |
anterior S73.03- |
obturator S73.02- |
central S73.04- |
congenital(total) Q65.2 |
bilateral Q65.1 |
partial Q65.5 |
bilateral Q65.4 |
unilateral Q65.3- |
unilateral Q65.0- |
developmental M24.85- |
pathological --see Dislocation, pathological NEC, hip |
posterior S73.01- |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent, hip |
humerus, proximal end --see Dislocation, shoulder |
incomplete --see Subluxation, by site |
incus --see Discontinuity, ossicles, ear |
infracoracoid --see Dislocation, shoulder |
innominate(pubic junction) (sacral junction) S33.39 |
acetabulum --see Dislocation, hip |
interphalangeal(joint(s)) |
finger S63.279 |
distal S63.29- |
index S63.29- |
little S63.29- |
middle S63.29- |
ring S63.29- |
index S63.27- |
little S63.27- |
middle S63.27- |
proximal S63.28- |
index S63.28- |
little S63.28- |
middle S63.28- |
ring S63.28- |
ring S63.27- |
foot or toe --see Dislocation, toe |
thumb S63.12- |
distal joint S63.14- |
proximal joint S63.13- |
jaw(cartilage) (meniscus) S03.0 |
joint prosthesis --see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical, displacement, by site |
knee S83.106 |
cap --see Dislocation, patella |
congenital Q68.2 |
old M23.8X- |
patella --see Dislocation, patella |
pathological --see Dislocation, pathological NEC, knee |
proximal tibia |
anteriorly S83.11- |
laterally S83.14- |
medially S83.13- |
posteriorly S83.12- |
recurrent --see also Derangement, knee, specified NEC |
specified type NEC S83.19- |
lacrimal gland H04.16- |
lens(complete) H27.10 |
anterior H27.12- |
congenital Q12.1 |
ocular implant --see Complications, intraocular lens |
partial H27.11- |
posterior H27.13- |
traumatic S05.8X- |
ligament - code by site under Dislocation |
lumbar(vertebra) --see Dislocation, vertebra, lumbar |
lumbosacral(vertebra) --see also Dislocation, vertebra, lumbar |
congenital Q76.49 |
mandible S03.0 |
meniscus(knee) --see Tear, meniscus |
other sites - code by site under Dislocation |
metacarpal(bone) |
distal end --see Dislocation, finger |
proximal end S63.06- |
metacarpophalangeal(joint) |
finger S63.26- |
index S63.26- |
little S63.26- |
middle S63.26- |
ring S63.26- |
thumb S63.11- |
metatarsal(bone) --see Dislocation, foot |
metatarsophalangeal(joint(s)) --see Dislocation, toe |
midcarpal(joint) S63.03- |
midtarsal(joint) --see Dislocation, foot |
neck S13.20 |
specified site NEC S13.29 |
vertebra --see Dislocation, vertebra, cervical |
nose(septal cartilage) S03.1 |
occipitoatloid S13.111 |
old --see Derangement, joint, specified type NEC |
ossicles, ear --see Discontinuity, ossicles, ear |
partial --see Subluxation, by site |
patella S83.006 |
congenital Q74.1 |
lateral S83.01- |
recurrent(nontraumatic) M22.0- |
incomplete M22.1- |
specified type NEC S83.09- |
pathological NEC M24.30 |
ankle M24.37- |
elbow M24.32- |
foot joint M24.37- |
hand joint M24.34- |
hip M24.35- |
knee M24.36- |
lumbosacral joint M53.2 |
pelvic region --see Dislocation, pathological, hip |
sacroiliac M53.2 |
shoulder M24.31- |
wrist M24.33- |
pelvis NEC S33.30 |
specified NEC S33.39 |
phalanx |
finger or hand --see Dislocation, finger |
foot or toe --see Dislocation, toe |
prosthesis, internal --see Complications, prosthetic device, by site, mechanical |
radial head S53.006 |
anterior S53.01- |
posterior S53.02- |
specified type NEC S53.09- |
radiocarpal(joint) S63.02- |
radiohumeral(joint) --see Dislocation, radial head |
radioulnar(joint) |
distal S63.01- |
proximal --see Dislocation, elbow |
radius |
distal end --see Dislocation, wrist |
proximal end --see Dislocation, radial head |
recurrent M24.40 |
ankle M24.47- |
elbow M24.42- |
finger M24.44- |
foot joint M24.47- |
hand joint M24.44- |
hip M24.45- |
knee M24.46- |
patella --see Dislocation, patella, recurrent |
patella --see Dislocation, patella, recurrent |
sacroiliac M53.2 |
shoulder M24.41- |
toe M24.47- |
vertebra --see also subcategoryM43.5 |
atlantoaxial M43.4 |
with myelopathy M43.3 |
wrist M24.43- |
rib(cartilage) S23.29 |
sacrococcygeal S33.2 |
sacroiliac(joint) (ligament) S33.2 |
congenital Q74.2 |
recurrent M53.2 |
sacrum S33.2 |
scaphoid(bone) (hand) (wrist) --see Dislocation, wrist |
foot --see Dislocation, foot |
scapula --see Dislocation, shoulder, girdle, scapula |
semilunar cartilage, knee --see Tear, meniscus |
septal cartilage(nose) S03.1 |
septum(nasal) (old) J34.2 |
sesamoid bone - code by site under Dislocation |
shoulder(blade) (ligament) (joint) (traumatic) S43.006 |
acromioclavicular --see Dislocation, acromioclavicular |
chronic --see Dislocation, recurrent, shoulder |
congenital Q68.8 |
girdle S43.30- |
scapula S43.31- |
specified site NEC S43.39- |
humerus S43.00- |
anterior S43.01- |
inferior S43.03- |
posterior S43.02- |
pathological --see Dislocation, pathological NEC, shoulder |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent, shoulder |
specified type NEC S43.08- |
spine |
cervical --see Dislocation, vertebra, cervical |
congenital Q76.49 |
due to birth trauma P11.5 |
lumbar --see Dislocation, vertebra, lumbar |
thoracic --see Dislocation, vertebra, thoracic |
spontaneous --see Dislocation, pathological |
sternoclavicular(joint) S43.206 |
anterior S43.21- |
posterior S43.22- |
sternum S23.29 |
subglenoid --see Dislocation, shoulder |
symphysis pubis S33.4 |
talus --see Dislocation, ankle |
tarsal(bone(s)) (joint(s)) --see Dislocation, foot |
tarsometatarsal(joint(s)) --see Dislocation, foot |
temporomandibular(joint) S03.0 |
thigh, proximal end --see Dislocation, hip |
thorax S23.20 |
specified site NEC S23.29 |
vertebra --see Dislocation, vertebra |
thumb S63.10- |
interphalangeal joint --see Dislocation, interphalangeal (joint), thumb |
metacarpophalangeal joint --see Dislocation, metacarpophalangeal (joint), thumb |
thyroid cartilage S13.29 |
tibia |
distal end --see Dislocation, ankle |
proximal end --see Dislocation, knee |
tibiofibular(joint) |
distal --see Dislocation, ankle |
superior --see Dislocation, knee |
toe(s) S93.106 |
great S93.10- |
interphalangeal joint S93.11- |
metatarsophalangeal joint S93.12- |
interphalangeal joint S93.119 |
lesser S93.106 |
interphalangeal joint S93.11- |
metatarsophalangeal joint S93.12- |
metatarsophalangeal joint S93.12- |
tooth S03.2 |
trachea S23.29 |
ulna |
distal end S63.07- |
proximal end --see Dislocation, elbow |
ulnohumeral(joint) --see Dislocation, elbow |
vertebra(articular process) (body) (traumatic) |
cervical S13.101 |
atlantoaxial joint S13.121 |
atlantooccipital joint S13.111 |
atloidooccipital joint S13.111 |
joint between |
C0 and C1 S13.111 |
C1 and C2 S13.121 |
C2 and C3 S13.131 |
C3 and C4 S13.141 |
C4 and C5 S13.151 |
C5and C6 S13.161 |
C6and C7 S13.171 |
C7and T1 S13.181 |
occipitoatloid joint S13.111 |
congenital Q76.49 |
lumbar S33.101 |
joint between |
L1and L2 S33.111 |
L2and L3 S33.121 |
L3 and L4 S33.131 |
L4and L5 S33.141 |
nontraumatic --see Displacement, intervertebral disc |
partial --see Subluxation, by site |
recurrent NEC M43.5 |
thoracic S23.101 |
joint between |
T1 and T2 S23.111 |
T2 and T3 S23.121 |
T3 and T4 S23.123 |
T4 and T5 S23.131 |
T5 and T6 S23.133 |
T6 and T7 S23.141 |
T7 and T8 S23.143 |
T8 and T9 S23.151 |
T9 and T10 S23.153 |
T10 and T11 S23.161 |
T11 and T12 S23.163 |
T12 and L1 S23.171 |
wrist(carpal bone) S63.006 |
carpometacarpal joint --see Dislocation, carpometacarpal (joint) |
distal radioulnar joint --see Dislocation, radioulnar (joint), distal |
metacarpal bone, proximal --see Dislocation, metacarpal (bone), proximal end |
midcarpal --see Dislocation, midcarpal (joint) |
radiocarpal joint --see Dislocation, radiocarpal (joint) |
recurrent --see Dislocation, recurrent, wrist |
specified site NEC S63.09- |
ulna --see Dislocation, ulna, distal end |
xiphoid cartilage S23.29 |
Disorder(of) --see also Disease |
acantholytic L11.9 |
specified NEC L11.8 |
acute |
psychotic --see Psychosis, acute |
stress F43.0 |
adjustment(grief) F43.20 |
with |
anxiety F43.22 |
with depressed mood F43.23 |
conduct disturbance F43.24 |
with emotional disturbance F43.25 |
depressed mood F43.21 |
with anxiety F43.23 |
other specified symptom F43.29 |
adrenal(capsule) (gland) (medullary) E27.9 |
specified NEC E27.8 |
adrenogenital E25.9 |
drug-induced E25.8 |
iatrogenic E25.8 |
idiopathic E25.8 |
adult personality(and behavior) F69 |
specified NEC F68.8 |
affective(mood) --see Disorder, mood |
aggressive, unsocialized F91.1 |
alcohol-related F10.99 |
with |
amnestic disorder, persisting F10.96 |
anxiety disorder F10.980 |
dementia, persisting F10.97 |
intoxication F10.929 |
with delirium F10.921 |
uncomplicated F10.920 |
mood disorder F10.94 |
other specified F10.988 |
psychotic disorder F10.959 |
with |
delusions F10.950 |
hallucinations F10.951 |
sexual dysfunction F10.981 |
sleep disorder F10.982 |
allergic --see Allergy |
alveolar NEC J84.09 |
amino-acid |
cystathioninuria E72.19 |
cystinosis E72.04 |
cystinuria E72.01 |
glycinuria E72.09 |
homocystinuria E72.11 |
metabolism --see Disturbance, metabolism, amino-acid |
specified NEC E72.8 |
neonatal, transitory P74.8 |
renal transport NEC E72.09 |
transport NEC E72.09 |
amnesic, amnestic |
alcohol-induced F10.96 |
with dependence F10.26 |
due to(secondary to) general medical condition F04 |
psychoactive NEC-induced F19.96 |
with |
abuse F19.16 |
dependence F19.26 |
sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced F13.96 |
with dependence F13.26 |
anaerobic glycolysis with anemia D55.2 |
anxiety F41.9 |
due to(secondary to) |
alcohol F10.980 |
amphetamine F15.980 |
in |
abuse F15.180 |
dependence F15.280 |
anxiolytic F13.980 |
in |
abuse F13.180 |
dependence F13.280 |
caffeine F15.980 |
in |
abuse F15.180 |
dependence F15.280 |
cannabis F12.980 |
in |
abuse F12.180 |
dependence F12.280 |
cocaine F14.980 |
in |
abuse F14.180 |
dependence F14.180 |
general medical condition F06.4 |
hallucinogen F16.980 |
in |
abuse F16.180 |
dependence F16.280 |
hypnotic F13.980 |
in |
abuse F13.180 |
dependence F13.280 |
inhalant F18.980 |
in |
abuse F18.180 |
dependence F18.280 |
phencyclidine F16.980 |
in |
abuse F16.180 |
dependence F16.280 |
psychoactive substance NEC F19.980 |
in |
abuse F19.180 |
dependence F19.280 |
sedative F13.980 |
in |
abuse F13.180 |
dependence F13.280 |
volatile solvents F18.980 |
in |
abuse F18.180 |
dependence F18.280 |
generalized F41.1 |
mixed |
with depression(mild) F41.8 |
specified NEC F41.3 |
organic F06.4 |
phobic F40.9 |
of childhood F40.8 |
specified NEC F41.8 |
aortic valve --see Endocarditis, aortic |
aromatic amino-acid metabolism E70.9 |
specified NEC E70.8 |
arteriole NEC I77.89 |
artery NEC I77.89 |
articulation --see Disorder, joint |
attachment(childhood) |
disinhibited F94.2 |
reactive F94.1 |
attention-deficit hyperactivity(adolescent) (adult) (child) F90.9 |
combined type F90.2 |
hyperactive type F90.1 |
inattentive type F90.0 |
specified type NEC F90.8 |
attention-deficit without hyperactivity(adolescent) (adult) (child) F90.0 |
auditory processing(central) H93.25 |
autistic F84.0 |
autonomic nervous system G90.9 |
specified NEC G90.8 |
avoidant, child or adolescent F40.10 |
balance |
acid-base E87.8 |
mixed E87.4 |
electrolyte E87.8 |
fluid NEC E87.8 |
behavioral(disruptive) --see Disorder, conduct |
beta-amino-acid metabolism E72.8 |
bile acid and cholesterol metabolism E78.70 |
Barth syndrome E78.71 |
other specified E78.79 |
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome E78.72 |
bilirubin excretion E80.6 |
binocular |
movement H51.9 |
convergence |
excess H51.12 |
insufficiency H51.11 |
internuclear ophthalmoplegia --see Ophthalmoplegia, internuclear |
palsy of conjugate gaze H51.0 |
specified type NEC H51.8 |
vision NEC --see Disorder, vision, binocular |
bipolar(I) F31.9 |
current episode |
depressed F31.9 |
with psychotic features F31.5 |
without psychotic features F31.30 |
mild F31.31 |
moderate F31.32 |
severe(without psychotic features) F31.4 |
with psychotic features F31.5 |
hypomanic F31.0 |
manic F31.9 |
with psychotic features F31.2 |
without psychotic features F31.10 |
mild F31.11 |
moderate F31.12 |
severe(without psychotic features) F31.13 |
with psychotic features F31.2 |
mixed F31.60 |
mild F31.61 |
moderate F31.62 |
severe(without psychotic features) F31.63 |
with psychotic features F31.64 |
severe depression(without psychotic features) F31.4 |
with psychotic features F31.5 |
in remission(currently) F31.70 |
in full remission |
most recent episode |
depressed F31.76 |
hypomanic F31.72 |
manic F31.74 |
mixed F31.78 |
in partial remission |
most recent episode |
depressed F31.75 |
hypomanic F31.71 |
manic F31.73 |
mixed F31.77 |
specified NEC F31.89 |
II F31.81 |
organic F06.30 |
single manic episode F30.9 |
mild F30.11 |
moderate F30.12 |
severe(without psychotic symptoms) F30.13 |
with psychotic symptoms F30.2 |
bladder N32.9 |
functional NEC N31.9 |
in schistosomiasis B65.0N33 |
specified NEC N32.89 |
bleeding D68.9 |
blood D75.9 |
in congenital early syphilis A50.09D77 |
body dysmorphic F45.22 |
bone M89.9 |
continuity M84.9 |
specified type NEC M84.80 |
ankle M84.87- |
fibula M84.86- |
foot M84.87- |
hand M84.84- |
humerus M84.82- |
neck M84.88 |
pelvis M84.859 |
radius M84.83- |
rib M84.88 |
shoulder M84.81- |
skull M84.88 |
thigh M84.85- |
tibia M84.86- |
ulna M84.83- |
vertebra M84.88 |
density and structure M85.9 |
cyst --see also Cyst, bone, specified type NEC |
aneurysmal --see Cyst, bone, aneurysmal |
solitary --see Cyst, bone, solitary |
diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis --see Hyperostosis, ankylosing |
fibrous dysplasia(monostotic) --see Dysplasia, fibrous, bone |
fluorosis --see Fluorosis, skeletal |
hyperostosis of skull M85.2 |
osteitis condensans --see Osteitis, condensans |
specified type NEC M85.8- |
ankle M85.87- |
foot M85.87- |
forearm M85.83- |
hand M85.84- |
lower leg M85.86- |
multiple sites M85.89 |
neck M85.88 |
rib M85.88 |
shoulder M85.81- |
skull M85.88 |
thigh M85.85- |
upper arm M85.82- |
vertebra M85.88 |
development and growth NEC M89.20 |
carpus M89.24- |
clavicle M89.21- |
femur M89.25- |
fibula M89.26- |
finger M89.24- |
humerus M89.22- |
ilium M89.259 |
ischium M89.259 |
metacarpus M89.24- |
metatarsus M89.27- |
multiple sites M89.29 |
neck M89.28 |
radius M89.23- |
rib M89.28 |
scapula M89.21- |
skull M89.28 |
tarsus M89.27- |
tibia M89.26- |
toe M89.27- |
ulna M89.23- |
vertebra M89.28 |
specified type NEC M89.8X- |
brachial plexus G54.0 |
branched-chain amino-acid metabolism E71.2 |
specified NEC E71.19 |
breast N64.9 |
agalactia --see Agalactia |
associated with |
lactation O92.70 |
specified NEC O92.79 |
pregnancy O92.20 |
specified NEC O92.29 |
puerperium O92.20 |
specified NEC O92.29 |
cracked nipple --see Cracked nipple |
galactorrhea --see Galactorrhea |
hypogalactia O92.4 |
lactation disorder NEC O92.79 |
mastitis --see Mastitis |
nipple infection --see Infection, nipple |
retracted nipple --see Retraction, nipple |
specified type NEC N64.89 |
Briquet's F45.0 |
bullous, in diseases classified elsewhere L14 |
cannabis use |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, cannabis |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
carbohydrate |
absorption, intestinal NEC E74.39 |
metabolism(congenital) E74.9 |
specified NEC E74.8 |
cardiac, functional I51.89 |
carnitine metabolism E71.40 |
cartilage M94.9 |
articular NEC --see Derangement, joint, articular cartilage |
chondrocalcinosis --see Chondrocalcinosis |
specified type NEC M94.8X- |
articular --see Derangement, joint, articular cartilage |
multiple sites M94.8X0 |
catatonic |
due to(secondary to) known physiological condition F06.1 |
organic F06.1 |
central auditory processing H93.25 |
cervical |
region NEC M53.82 |
root(nerve) NEC G54.2 |
character NOS F60.9 |
childhood disintegrative NEC F84.3 |
cholesterol and bile acid metabolism E78.70 |
Barth syndrome E78.71 |
other specified E78.79 |
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome E78.72 |
choroid H31.9 |
atrophy --see Atrophy, choroid |
degeneration --see Degeneration, choroid |
detachment --see Detachment, choroid |
dystrophy --see Dystrophy, choroid |
hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, choroid |
rupture --see Rupture, choroid |
scar --see Scar, chorioretinal |
solar retinopathy --see Retinopathy, solar |
specified type NEC H31.8 |
ciliary body --see Disorder, iris |
degeneration --see Degeneration, ciliary body |
coagulation(factor) --see also Defect, coagulationD68.9 |
newborn, transient P61.6 |
coccyx NEC M53.3 |
cognitive F09 |
due to(secondary to) general medical condition F09 |
persisting R41.89 |
due to |
alcohol F10.97 |
with dependence F10.27 |
anxiolytics F13.97 |
with dependence F13.27 |
hypnotics F13.97 |
with dependence F13.27 |
sedatives F13.97 |
with dependence F13.27 |
specified substance NEC F19.97 |
with |
abuse F19.17 |
dependence F19.27 |
communication F80.9 |
conduct(childhood) F91.9 |
adjustment reaction --see Disorder, adjustment |
adolescent onset type F91.2 |
childhood onset type F91.1 |
compulsive F63.9 |
confined to family context F91.0 |
depressive F91.8 |
group type F91.2 |
hyperkinetic --see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity |
oppositional defiance F91.3 |
socialized F91.2 |
solitary aggressive type F91.1 |
specified NEC F91.8 |
unsocialized(aggressive) F91.1 |
conduction, heart I45.9 |
congenital glycosylation(CDG) E74.8 |
conjunctiva H11.9 |
infection --see Conjunctivitis |
connective tissue, localized L94.9 |
specified NEC L94.8 |
conversion --see Disorder, dissociative |
convulsive(secondary) --see Convulsions |
cornea H18.9 |
deformity --see Deformity, cornea |
degeneration --see Degeneration, cornea |
deposits --see Deposit, cornea |
due to contact lens H18.82- |
specified as edema --see Edema, cornea |
edema --see Edema, cornea |
keratitis --see Keratitis |
keratoconjunctivitis --see Keratoconjunctivitis |
membrane change --see Change, corneal membrane |
neovascularization --see Neovascularization, cornea |
scar --see Opacity, cornea |
specified type NEC H18.89- |
ulcer --see Ulcer, cornea |
corpus cavernosum N48.9 |
cranial nerve --see Disorder, nerve, cranial |
cyclothymic F34.0 |
defiant oppositional F91.3 |
delusional(persistent) (systematized) F22 |
induced F24 |
depersonalization F48.1 |
depressive F32.9 |
major F32.9 |
with psychotic symptoms F32.3 |
in remission(full) F32.5 |
partial F32.4 |
recurrent F33.9 |
single episode F32.9 |
mild F32.0 |
moderate F32.1 |
severe(without psychotic symptoms) F32.2 |
with psychotic symptoms F32.3 |
organic F06.31 |
recurrent F33.9 |
current episode |
mild F33.0 |
moderate F33.1 |
severe(without psychotic symptoms) F33.2 |
with psychotic symptoms F33.3 |
in remission F33.40 |
full F33.42 |
partial F33.41 |
specified NEC F33.8 |
single episode --see Episode, depressive |
developmental F89 |
arithmetical skills F81.2 |
coordination(motor) F82 |
expressive writing F81.81 |
language F80.9 |
expressive F80.1 |
mixed receptive and expressive F80.2 |
receptive type F80.2 |
specified NEC F80.89 |
learning F81.9 |
arithmetical F81.2 |
reading F81.0 |
mixed F88 |
motor coordination or function F82 |
pervasive F84.9 |
specified NEC F84.8 |
phonological F80.0 |
reading F81.0 |
scholastic skills --see also Disorder, learning |
mixed F81.89 |
specified NEC F88 |
speech F80.9 |
articulation F80.0 |
specified NEC F80.89 |
written expression F81.81 |
diaphragm J98.6 |
digestive(system) K92.9 |
newborn P78.9 |
specified NEC P78.89 |
postprocedural --see Complication, gastrointestinal |
psychogenic F45.8 |
disc(intervertebral) M51.9 |
with |
myelopathy |
cervical region M50.00 |
cervicothoracic region M50.03 |
high cervical region M50.01 |
lumbar region M51.06 |
mid-cervical region M50.02 |
sacrococcygeal region M53.3 |
thoracic region M51.04 |
thoracolumbar region M51.05 |
radiculopathy |
cervical region M50.10 |
cervicothoracic region M50.13 |
high cervical region M50.11 |
lumbar region M51.16 |
lumbosacral region M51.17 |
mid-cervical region M50.12 |
sacrococcygeal region M53.3 |
thoracic region M51.14 |
thoracolumbar region M51.15 |
cervical M50.90 |
with |
myelopathy M50.00 |
C2-C3 M50.01 |
C3-C4 M50.01 |
C4-C5 M50.02 |
C5-C6 M50.02 |
C6-C7 M50.02 |
C7-T1 M50.03 |
cervicothoracic region M50.03 |
high cervical region M50.01 |
mid-cervical region M50.02 |
neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy M50.10 |
C2-C3 M50.11 |
C3-C4 M50.11 |
C4-C5 M50.12 |
C5-C6 M50.12 |
C6-C7 M50.12 |
C7-T1 M50.13 |
cervicothoracic region M50.13 |
high cervical region M50.11 |
mid-cervical region M50.12 |
C2-C3 M50.91 |
C3-C4 M50.91 |
C4-C5 M50.92 |
C5-C6 M50.92 |
C6-C7 M50.92 |
C7-T1 M50.93 |
cervicothoracic region M50.93 |
degeneration M50.30 |
C2-C3 M50.31 |
C3-C4 M50.31 |
C4-C5 M50.32 |
C5-C6 M50.32 |
C6-C7 M50.32 |
C7-T1 M50.33 |
cervicothoracic region M50.33 |
high cervical region M50.31 |
mid-cervical region M50.32 |
displacement M50.20 |
C2-C3 M50.21 |
C3-C4 M50.21 |
C4-C5 M50.22 |
C5-C6 M50.22 |
C6-C7 M50.22 |
C7-T1 M50.23 |
cervicothoracic region M50.23 |
high cervical region M50.21 |
mid-cervical region M50.22 |
high cervical region M50.91 |
mid-cervical region M50.92 |
specified type NEC M50.80 |
C2-C3 M50.81 |
C3-C4 M50.81 |
C4-C5 M50.82 |
C5-C6 M50.82 |
C6-C7 M50.82 |
C7-T1 M50.83 |
cervicothoracic region M50.83 |
high cervical region M50.81 |
mid-cervical region M50.82 |
specified NEC |
lumbar region M51.86 |
lumbosacral region M51.87 |
sacrococcygeal region M53.3 |
thoracic region M51.84 |
thoracolumbar region M51.85 |
disinhibited attachment(childhood) F94.2 |
disintegrative, childhood NEC F84.3 |
disruptive behavior F98.9 |
dissocial personality F60.2 |
dissociative F44.9 |
affecting |
motor function F44.4 |
and sensation F44.7 |
sensation F44.6 |
and motor function F44.7 |
brief reactive F43.0 |
due to(secondary to) general medical condition F06.8 |
mixed F44.7 |
organic F06.8 |
other specified NEC F44.89 |
double heterozygous sickling --see Disease, sickle-cell |
dream anxiety F51.5 |
drug induced hemorrhagic D68.32 |
drug related F19.99 |
abuse --see Abuse, drug |
dependence --see Dependence, drug |
dysmorphic body F45.1 |
dysthymic F34.1 |
ear H93.9- |
bleeding --see Otorrhagia |
deafness --see Deafness |
degenerative H93.09- |
discharge --see Otorrhea |
external H61.9- |
auditory canal stenosis --see Stenosis, external ear canal |
exostosis --see Exostosis, external ear canal |
impacted cerumen --see Impaction, cerumen |
otitis --see Otitis, externa |
perichondritis --see Perichondritis, ear |
pinna --see Disorder, pinna |
specified type NEC H61.89- |
in diseases classified elsewhere H62.8X- |
inner H83.9- |
vestibular dysfunction --see Disorder, vestibular function |
middle H74.9- |
adhesive H74.1- |
ossicle --see Abnormal, ear ossicles |
polyp --see Polyp, ear (middle) |
specified NEC, in diseases classified elsewhere H75.8- |
postprocedural --see Complications, ear, procedure |
specified NEC, in diseases classified elsewhere H94.8- |
eating(adult) (psychogenic) F50.9 |
anorexia --see Anorexia |
bulimia F50.2 |
child F98.29 |
pica F98.3 |
rumination disorder F98.21 |
pica F50.8 |
childhood F98.3 |
electrolyte(balance) NEC E87.8 |
with |
abortion --see Abortion by type complicated by specified condition NEC |
ectopic pregnancy O08.5 |
molar pregnancy O08.5 |
acidosis(metabolic) (respiratory) E87.2 |
alkalosis(metabolic) (respiratory) E87.3 |
elimination, transepidermal L87.9 |
specified NEC L87.8 |
emotional(persistent) F34.9 |
of childhood F93.9 |
specified NEC F93.8 |
endocrine E34.9 |
postprocedural E89.89 |
specified NEC E89.89 |
erectile(male) (organic) --see also Dysfunction, sexual, male, erectileN52.9 |
nonorganic F52.21 |
erythematous --see Erythema |
esophagus K22.9 |
functional K22.4 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
eustachian tube H69.9- |
infection --see Salpingitis, eustachian |
obstruction --see Obstruction, eustachian tube |
patulous --see Patulous, eustachian tube |
specified NEC H69.8- |
extrapyramidal G25.9 |
in diseases classified elsewhere G26 |
specified type NEC G25.89 |
eye H57.9 |
postprocedural --see Complication, postprocedural, eye |
eyelid H02.9 |
cyst --see Cyst, eyelid |
degenerative H02.70 |
chloasma --see Chloasma, eyelid |
madarosis --see Madarosis |
specified type NEC H02.79 |
vitiligo --see Vitiligo, eyelid |
xanthelasma --see Xanthelasma |
dermatochalasis --see Dermatochalasis |
edema --see Edema, eyelid |
elephantiasis --see Elephantiasis, eyelid |
foreign body, retained --see Foreign body, retained, eyelid |
function H02.59 |
abnormal innervation syndrome --see Syndrome, abnormal innervation |
blepharochalasis --see Blepharochalasis |
blepharoclonus --see Blepharoclonus |
blepharophimosis --see Blepharophimosis |
blepharoptosis --see Blepharoptosis |
lagophthalmos --see Lagophthalmos |
lid retraction --see Retraction, lid |
hypertrichosis --see Hypertrichosis, eyelid |
specified type NEC H02.89 |
vascular H02.879 |
left H02.876 |
lower H02.875 |
upper H02.874 |
right H02.873 |
lower H02.872 |
upper H02.871 |
factitious F68.10 |
with predominantly |
psychological symptoms F68.11 |
with physical symptoms F68.13 |
physical symptoms F68.12 |
with psychological symptoms F68.13 |
factor, coagulation --see Defect, coagulation |
fatty acid |
metabolism E71.30 |
specified NEC E71.39 |
oxidation |
LCAD E71.310 |
MCAD E71.311 |
SCAD E71.312 |
specified deficiency NEC E71.318 |
feeding(infant or child) --see also Disorder, eatingR63.3 |
feigned(with obvious motivation) Z76.5 |
without obvious motivation --see Disorder, factitious |
female |
hypoactive sexual desire F52.0 |
orgasmic F52.31 |
sexual arousal F52.22 |
fibroblastic M72.9 |
specified NEC M72.8 |
fluency |
adult onset F98.5 |
childhood onset F80.81 |
following |
cerebral infarction I69.323 |
cerebrovascular disease I69.923 |
specified disease NEC I69.823 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.123 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.223 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.023 |
in conditions classified elsewhere R47.82 |
fluid balance E87.8 |
follicular(skin) L73.9 |
specified NEC L73.8 |
fructose metabolism E74.10 |
essential fructosuria E74.11 |
fructokinase deficiency E74.11 |
fructose-1, 6-diphosphatase deficiency E74.19 |
hereditary fructose intolerance E74.12 |
other specified E74.19 |
functional polymorphonuclear neutrophils D71 |
gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas in diseases classified elsewhere K87 |
gamma-glutamyl cycle E72.8 |
gastric(functional) K31.9 |
motility K30 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
secretion K30 |
gastrointestinal(functional) NOS K92.9 |
newborn P78.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
gender-identity or -role F64.9 |
childhood F64.2 |
effect on relationship F66 |
of adolescence or adulthood(nontranssexual) F64.1 |
specified NEC F64.8 |
uncertainty F66 |
genitourinary system |
female N94.9 |
male N50.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
globe H44.9 |
degenerated condition H44.50 |
absolute glaucoma H44.51- |
atrophy H44.52- |
leucocoria H44.53- |
degenerative H44.30 |
chalcosis H44.31- |
myopia H44.2- |
siderosis H44.32- |
specified type NEC H44.39- |
endophthalmitis --see Endophthalmitis |
foreign body, retained --see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained |
hemophthalmos --see Hemophthalmos |
hypotony H44.40 |
due to |
ocular fistula H44.42- |
specified disorder NEC H44.43- |
flat anterior chamber H44.41- |
primary H44.44- |
luxation --see Luxation, globe |
specified type NEC H44.89 |
glomerular(in) N05.9 |
amyloidosis E85.4N08 |
cryoglobulinemia D89.1N08 |
disseminated intravascular coagulation D65N08 |
Fabry's disease E75.21N08 |
familial lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency E78.6N08 |
Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0 |
hemolytic-uremic syndrome D59.3 |
Henoch(-Schönlein) purpura D69.0N08 |
malariae malaria B52.0 |
microscopic polyangiitis M31.7N08 |
multiple myeloma C90.0-N08 |
mumps B26.83 |
schistosomiasis B65.9N08 |
sepsis NEC A41.-N08 |
streptococcal A40.-N08 |
sickle-cell disorders D57.-N08 |
strongyloidiasis B78.9N08 |
subacute bacterial endocarditis I33.0N08 |
syphilis A52.75 |
systemic lupus erythematosus M32.14 |
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura M31.1N08 |
Waldenström macroglobulinemia C88.0N08 |
Wegener's granulomatosis M31.31 |
gluconeogenesis E74.4 |
glucosaminoglycan metabolism --see Disorder, metabolism, glucosaminoglycan |
glycine metabolism E72.50 |
d-glycericacidemia E72.59 |
hyperhydroxyprolinemia E72.59 |
hyperoxaluria E72.53 |
hyperprolinemia E72.59 |
non-ketotic hyperglycinemia E72.51 |
oxalosis E72.53 |
oxaluria E72.53 |
sarcosinemia E72.59 |
trimethylaminuria E72.52 |
glycoprotein metabolism E77.9 |
specified NEC E77.8 |
habit(and impulse) F63.9 |
involving sexual behavior NEC F65.9 |
specified NEC F63.89 |
heart action I49.9 |
hematological D75.9 |
newborn(transient) P61.9 |
specified NEC P61.8 |
hematopoietic organs D75.9 |
hemorrhagic NEC D69.9 |
drug-induced D68.32 |
due to |
extrinsic circulating anticoagulants D68.32 |
increase in |
anti-IIa D68.32 |
anti-Xa D68.32 |
intrinsic |
circulating anticoagulants D68.318 |
increase in |
antithrombin D68.318 |
anti-VIIIa D68.318 |
anti-IXa D68.318 |
anti-XIa D68.318 |
following childbirth O72.3 |
hemostasis --see Defect, coagulation |
histidine metabolism E70.40 |
histidinemia E70.41 |
other specified E70.49 |
hyperkinetic --see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity |
hyperleucine-isoleucinemia E71.19 |
hypervalinemia E71.19 |
hypoactive sexual desire F52.0 |
hypochondriacal F45.20 |
body dysmorphic F45.22 |
neurosis F45.21 |
other specified F45.29 |
identity |
dissociative F44.81 |
of childhood F93.8 |
immune mechanism(immunity) D89.9 |
specified type NEC D89.89 |
impaired renal tubular function N25.9 |
specified NEC N25.89 |
impulse(control) F63.9 |
inflammatory |
pelvic, in diseases classified elsewhere N74 |
penis N48.29 |
abscess N48.21 |
cellulitis N48.22 |
integument, newborn P83.9 |
specified NEC P83.8 |
intermittent explosive F63.81 |
internal secretion pancreas --see Increased, secretion, pancreas, endocrine |
intestine, intestinal |
carbohydrate absorption NEC E74.39 |
postoperative K91.2 |
functional NEC K59.9 |
postoperative K91.89 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
vascular K55.9 |
chronic K55.1 |
specified NEC K55.8 |
intraoperative(intraprocedural) --see Complications, intraoperative |
involuntary emotional expression(IEED) F48.2 |
iris H21.9 |
adhesions --see Adhesions, iris |
atrophy --see Atrophy, iris |
chamber angle recession --see Recession, chamber angle |
cyst --see Cyst, iris |
degeneration --see Degeneration, iris |
in diseases classified elsewhere H22 |
iridodialysis --see Iridodialysis |
iridoschisis --see Iridoschisis |
miotic pupillary cyst --see Cyst, pupillary |
pupillary |
abnormality --see Abnormality, pupillary |
membrane --see Membrane, pupillary |
specified type NEC H21.89 |
vascular NEC H21.1X- |
iron metabolism E83.10 |
specified NEC E83.19 |
isovaleric acidemia E71.110 |
jaw, developmental M27.0 |
temporomandibular --see Anomaly, dentofacial, temporomandibular joint |
joint M25.9 |
derangement --see Derangement, joint |
effusion --see Effusion, joint |
fistula --see Fistula, joint |
hemarthrosis --see Hemarthrosis |
instability --see Instability, joint |
osteophyte --see Osteophyte |
pain --see Pain, joint |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified type NEC M25.80 |
ankle M25.87- |
elbow M25.82- |
foot joint M25.87- |
hand joint M25.84- |
hip M25.85- |
knee M25.86- |
shoulder M25.81- |
wrist M25.83- |
stiffness --see Stiffness, joint |
ketone metabolism E71.32 |
kidney N28.9 |
functional(tubular) N25.9 |
in |
schistosomiasis B65.9N29 |
tubular function N25.9 |
specified NEC N25.89 |
lacrimal system H04.9 |
changes H04.69 |
fistula --see Fistula, lacrimal |
gland H04.19 |
atrophy --see Atrophy, lacrimal gland |
cyst --see Cyst, lacrimal, gland |
dacryops --see Dacryops |
dislocation --see Dislocation, lacrimal gland |
dry eye syndrome --see Syndrome, dry eye |
infection --see Dacryoadenitis |
granuloma --see Granuloma, lacrimal |
inflammation --see Inflammation, lacrimal |
obstruction --see Obstruction, lacrimal |
specified NEC H04.89 |
lactation NEC O92.79 |
language(developmental) F80.9 |
expressive F80.1 |
mixed receptive and expressive F80.2 |
receptive F80.2 |
late luteal phase dysphoric N94.89 |
learning(specific) F81.9 |
acalculia R48.8 |
alexia R48.0 |
mathematics F81.2 |
reading F81.0 |
specified NEC F81.89 |
spelling F81.81 |
written expression F81.81 |
lens H27.9 |
aphakia --see Aphakia |
cataract --see Cataract |
dislocation --see Dislocation, lens |
specified type NEC H27.8 |
ligament M24.20 |
ankle M24.27- |
attachment, spine --see Enthesopathy, spinal |
elbow M24.22- |
foot joint M24.27- |
hand joint M24.24- |
hip M24.25- |
knee --see Derangement, knee, specified NEC |
shoulder M24.21- |
vertebra M24.28 |
wrist M24.23- |
ligamentous attachments --see also Enthesopathy |
spine --see Enthesopathy, spinal |
lipid |
metabolism, congenital E78.9 |
storage E75.6 |
specified NEC E75.5 |
lipoprotein |
deficiency(familial) E78.6 |
metabolism E78.9 |
specified NEC E78.89 |
liver K76.9 |
malarial B54K77 |
low back --see also Dorsopathy, specified NEC |
lumbosacral |
plexus G54.1 |
root(nerve) NEC G54.4 |
lung, interstitial, drug-induced J70.4 |
acute J70.2 |
chronic J70.3 |
lymphoproliferative, post-transplant(PTLD) D47.Z1 |
lysine and hydroxylysine metabolism E72.3 |
male |
erectile(organic) --see also Dysfunction, sexual, male, erectileN52.9 |
nonorganic F52.21 |
hypoactive sexual desire F52.0 |
orgasmic F52.32 |
manic F30.9 |
organic F06.33 |
mastoid --see also Disorder, ear, middle |
postprocedural --see Complications, ear, procedure |
meniscus --see Derangement, knee, meniscus |
menopausal N95.9 |
specified NEC N95.8 |
menstrual N92.6 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified NEC N92.5 |
mental(or behavioral) (nonpsychotic) F99 |
due to(secondary to) |
amphetamine |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, stimulant |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, stimulant |
brain disease, damage and dysfunction F09 |
caffeine use |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, stimulant |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, stimulant |
cannabis use |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, cannabis |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, cannabis |
general medical condition F09 |
sedative or hypnotic use |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, sedative |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, sedative |
tobacco(nicotine) use --see Dependence, drug, nicotine |
following organic brain damage F07.9 |
frontal lobe syndrome F07.0 |
personality change F07.0 |
postconcussional syndrome F07.81 |
specified NEC F07.89 |
infancy, childhood or adolescence F98.9 |
neurotic --see Neurosis |
organic or symptomatic F09 |
presenile, psychotic F03 |
problem NEC |
psychoneurotic --see Neurosis |
psychotic --see Psychosis |
puerperal F53 |
senile, psychotic NEC F03 |
metabolic, amino acid, transitory, newborn P74.8 |
metabolism NOS E88.9 |
amino-acid E72.9 |
aromatic E70.9 |
albinism --see Albinism |
histidine E70.40 |
histidinemia E70.41 |
other specified E70.49 |
hyperphenylalaninemia E70.1 |
classical phenylketonuria E70.0 |
other specified E70.8 |
tryptophan E70.5 |
tyrosine E70.20 |
hypertyrosinemia E70.21 |
other specified E70.29 |
branched chain E71.2 |
3-methylglutaconic aciduria E71.111 |
hyperleucine-isoleucinemia E71.19 |
hypervalinemia E71.19 |
isovaleric acidemia E71.110 |
maple syrup urine disease E71.0 |
methylmalonic acidemia E71.120 |
organic aciduria NEC E71.118 |
other specified E71.19 |
proprionate NEC E71.128 |
proprionic acidemia E71.121 |
glycine E72.50 |
d-glycericacidemia E72.59 |
hyperhydroxyprolinemia E72.59 |
hyperoxaluria E72.53 |
hyperprolinemia E72.59 |
non-ketotic hyperglycinemia E72.51 |
other specified E72.59 |
sarcosinemia E72.59 |
trimethylaminuria E72.52 |
hydroxylysine E72.3 |
lysine E72.3 |
ornithine E72.4 |
other specified E72.8 |
beta-amino acid E72.8 |
gamma-glutamyl cycle E72.8 |
straight-chain E72.8 |
sulfur-bearing E72.10 |
homocystinuria E72.11 |
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency E72.12 |
other specified E72.19 |
bile acid and cholesterol metabolism E78.70 |
bilirubin E80.7 |
specified NEC E80.6 |
calcium E83.50 |
hypercalcemia E83.52 |
hypocalcemia E83.51 |
other specified E83.59 |
carbohydrate E74.9 |
specified NEC E74.8 |
cholesterol and bile acid metabolism E78.70 |
congenital E88.9 |
copper E83.00 |
Wilson's disease E83.01 |
specified type NEC E83.09 |
cystinuria E72.01 |
fructose E74.10 |
galactose E74.20 |
glucosaminoglycan E76.9 |
mucopolysaccharidosis --see Mucopolysaccharidosis |
specified NEC E76.8 |
glutamine E72.8 |
glycine E72.50 |
glycogen storage(hepatorenal) E74.09 |
glycoprotein E77.9 |
specified NEC E77.8 |
glycosaminoglycan E76.9 |
specified NEC E76.8 |
in labor and delivery O75.89 |
iron E83.10 |
isoleucine E71.19 |
leucine E71.19 |
lipoid E78.9 |
lipoprotein E78.9 |
specified NEC E78.89 |
magnesium E83.40 |
hypermagnesemia E83.41 |
hypomagnesemia E83.42 |
other specified E83.49 |
mineral E83.9 |
specified NEC E83.89 |
mitochondrial E88.40 |
MELAS syndrome E88.41 |
MERRF syndrome(myoclonic epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers) E88.42 |
other specified E88.49 |
ornithine E72.4 |
phosphatases E83.30 |
phosphorus E83.30 |
acid phosphatase deficiency E83.39 |
hypophosphatasia E83.39 |
hypophosphatemia E83.39 |
familial E83.31 |
other specified E83.39 |
pseudovitamin D deficiency E83.32 |
plasma protein NEC E88.09 |
porphyrin --see Porphyria |
postprocedural E89.89 |
specified NEC E89.89 |
purine E79.9 |
specified NEC E79.8 |
pyrimidine E79.9 |
specified NEC E79.8 |
pyruvate E74.4 |
serine E72.8 |
sodium E87.8 |
specified NEC E88.89 |
threonine E72.8 |
valine E71.19 |
zinc E83.2 |
methylmalonic acidemia E71.120 |
micturition NEC R39.19 |
feeling of incomplete emptying R39.14 |
hesitancy R39.11 |
poor stream R39.12 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
split stream R39.13 |
straining R39.16 |
urgency R39.15 |
mitochondrial metabolism E88.40 |
mitral(valve) --see Endocarditis, mitral |
mixed |
anxiety and depressive F41.8 |
of scholastic skills(developmental) F81.89 |
receptive expressive language F80.2 |
mood F39 |
bipolar --see Disorder, bipolar |
depressive --see Disorder, depressive |
due to(secondary to) |
alcohol F10.94 |
amphetamine F15.94 |
in |
abuse F15.14 |
dependence F15.24 |
anxiolytic F13.94 |
in |
abuse F13.14 |
dependence F13.24 |
cocaine F14.94 |
in |
abuse F14.14 |
dependence F14.24 |
general medical condition F06.30 |
hallucinogen F16.94 |
in |
abuse F16.14 |
dependence F16.24 |
hypnotic F13.94 |
in |
abuse F13.14 |
dependence F13.24 |
inhalant F18.94 |
in |
abuse F18.14 |
dependence F18.24 |
opioid F11.94 |
in |
abuse F11.14 |
dependence F11.24 |
phencyclidine(PCP) F16.94 |
in |
abuse F16.14 |
dependence F16.24 |
physiological condition F06.30 |
with |
depressive features F06.31 |
major depressive-like episode F06.32 |
manic features F06.33 |
mixed features F06.34 |
psychoactive substance NEC F19.94 |
in |
abuse F19.14 |
dependence F19.24 |
sedative F13.94 |
in |
abuse F13.14 |
dependence F13.24 |
volatile solvents F18.94 |
in |
abuse F18.14 |
dependence F18.24 |
manic episode F30.9 |
with psychotic symptoms F30.2 |
in remission(full) F30.4 |
partial F30.3 |
specified type NEC F30.8 |
without psychotic symptoms F30.10 |
mild F30.11 |
moderate F30.12 |
severe F30.13 |
organic F06.30 |
right hemisphere F07.89 |
persistent F34.9 |
cyclothymia F34.0 |
dysthymia F34.1 |
specified type NEC F34.8 |
recurrent F39 |
right hemisphere organic F07.89 |
movement G25.9 |
drug-induced G25.70 |
akathisia G25.71 |
specified NEC G25.79 |
hysterical F44.4 |
in diseases classified elsewhere G26 |
periodic limb G47.61 |
sleep related G47.61 |
specified NEC G25.89 |
sleep related NEC G47.69 |
stereotyped F98.4 |
treatment-induced G25.9 |
multiple personality F44.81 |
muscle M62.9 |
attachment, spine --see Enthesopathy, spinal |
in trichinellosis --see Trichinellosis, with muscle disorder |
psychogenic F45.8 |
specified type NEC M62.89 |
tone, newborn P94.9 |
specified NEC P94.8 |
muscular |
attachments --see also Enthesopathy |
spine --see Enthesopathy, spinal |
urethra N36.44 |
musculoskeletal system, soft tissue --see Disorder, soft tissue |
postprocedural M96.89 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
myoneural G70.9 |
due to lead G70.1 |
specified NEC G70.89 |
toxic G70.1 |
myotonic NEC G71.19 |
nail, in diseases classified elsewhere L62 |
neck region NEC --see Dorsopathy, specified NEC |
nerve G58.9 |
abducent NEC --see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve |
accessory G52.8 |
acoustic H93.3 |
auditory H93.3 |
auriculotemporal G50.8 |
axillary G54.0 |
cerebral --see Disorder, nerve, cranial |
cranial G52.9 |
eighth H93.3 |
eleventh G52.8 |
fifth G50.9 |
first G52.0 |
fourth NEC --see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve |
multiple G52.7 |
ninth G52.1 |
second NEC --see Disorder, nerve, optic |
seventh NEC G51.8 |
sixth NEC --see Strabismus, paralytic, sixth nerve |
specified NEC G52.8 |
tenth G52.2 |
third NEC --see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve |
twelfth G52.3 |
entrapment --see Neuropathy, entrapment |
facial G51.9 |
specified NEC G51.8 |
femoral --see Lesion, nerve, femoral |
glossopharyngeal NEC G52.1 |
hypoglossal G52.3 |
intercostal G58.0 |
lateral |
cutaneous of thigh --see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, meralgia paresthetica |
popliteal --see Lesion, nerve, popliteal |
lower limb --see Mononeuropathy, lower limb |
medial popliteal --see Lesion, nerve, popliteal, medial |
median NEC --see Lesion, nerve, median |
multiple G58.7 |
oculomotor NEC --see Strabismus, paralytic, third nerve |
olfactory G52.0 |
optic NEC H47.09- |
hemorrhage into sheath --see Hemorrhage, optic nerve |
ischemic H47.01- |
peroneal --see Lesion, nerve, popliteal |
phrenic G58.8 |
plantar --see Lesion, nerve, plantar |
pneumogastric G52.2 |
posterior tibial --see Syndrome, tarsal tunnel |
radial --see Lesion, nerve, radial |
recurrent laryngeal G52.2 |
root G54.9 |
cervical G54.2 |
lumbosacral G54.1 |
specified NEC G54.8 |
thoracic G54.3 |
sciatic NEC --see Lesion, nerve, sciatic |
specified NEC G58.8 |
lower limb --see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, specified NEC |
upper limb --see Mononeuropathy, upper limb, specified NEC |
sympathetic G90.9 |
tibial --see Lesion, nerve, popliteal, medial |
trigeminal G50.9 |
specified NEC G50.8 |
trochlear NEC --see Strabismus, paralytic, fourth nerve |
ulnar --see Lesion, nerve, ulnar |
upper limb --see Mononeuropathy, upper limb |
vagus G52.2 |
nervous system G98.8 |
autonomic(peripheral) G90.9 |
specified NEC G90.8 |
central G96.9 |
specified NEC G96.8 |
parasympathetic G90.9 |
specified NEC G98.8 |
sympathetic G90.9 |
vegetative G90.9 |
neurohypophysis NEC E23.3 |
neurological NEC R29.818 |
neuromuscular G70.9 |
hereditary NEC G71.9 |
specified NEC G70.89 |
toxic G70.1 |
neurotic F48.9 |
specified NEC F48.8 |
neutrophil, polymorphonuclear D71 |
nicotine use --see Dependence, drug, nicotine |
nightmare F51.5 |
nose J34.9 |
specified NEC J34.89 |
obsessive-compulsive F42 |
odontogenesis NOS K00.9 |
opioid use |
with |
opioid-induced psychotic disorder F11.959 |
with |
delusions F11.950 |
hallucinations F11.951 |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, opioid |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, opioid |
oppositional defiant F91.3 |
optic |
chiasm H47.49 |
due to |
inflammatory disorder H47.41 |
neoplasm H47.42 |
vascular disorder H47.43 |
disc H47.39- |
coloboma --see Coloboma, optic disc |
drusen --see Drusen, optic disc |
pseudopapilledema --see Pseudopapilledema |
radiations --see Disorder, visual, pathway |
tracts --see Disorder, visual, pathway |
orbit H05.9 |
cyst --see Cyst, orbit |
deformity --see Deformity, orbit |
edema --see Edema, orbit |
enophthalmos --see Enophthalmos |
exophthalmos --see Exophthalmos |
hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, orbit |
inflammation --see Inflammation, orbit |
myopathy --see Myopathy, extraocular muscles |
retained foreign body --see Foreign body, orbit, old |
specified type NEC H05.89 |
organic |
anxiety F06.4 |
catatonic F06.1 |
delusional F06.2 |
dissociative F06.8 |
emotionally labile(asthenic) F06.8 |
mood(affective) F06.30 |
schizophrenia-like F06.2 |
orgasmic(female) F52.31 |
male F52.32 |
ornithine metabolism E72.4 |
overanxious F41.1 |
of childhood F93.8 |
pain |
with related psychological factors F45.42 |
exclusively related to psychological factors F45.41 |
pancreatic internal secretion E16.9 |
specified NEC E16.8 |
panic F41.0 |
with agoraphobia F40.01 |
papulosquamous L44.9 |
in diseases classified elsewhere L45 |
specified NEC L44.8 |
paranoid F22 |
induced F24 |
shared F24 |
parathyroid(gland) E21.5 |
specified NEC E21.4 |
parietoalveolar NEC J84.09 |
paroxysmal, mixed R56.9 |
patella M22.9- |
chondromalacia --see Chondromalacia, patella |
derangement NEC M22.3X- |
recurrent |
dislocation --see Dislocation, patella, recurrent |
subluxation --see Dislocation, patella, recurrent, incomplete |
specified NEC M22.8X- |
patellofemoral M22.2X- |
pentose phosphate pathway with anemia D55.1 |
perception, due to hallucinogens F16.983 |
in |
abuse F16.183 |
dependence F16.283 |
peripheral nervous system NEC G64 |
peroxisomal E71.50 |
biogenesis |
neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy E71.511 |
specified disorder NEC E71.518 |
Zellweger syndrome E71.510 |
rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata E71.540 |
specified form NEC E71.548 |
group 1 E71.518 |
group 2 E71.53 |
group 3 E71.542 |
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy E71.529 |
adolescent E71.521 |
adrenomyeloneuropathy E71.522 |
childhood E71.520 |
specified form NEC E71.528 |
Zellweger-like syndrome E71.541 |
persistent |
(somatoform) pain F45.41 |
affective(mood) F34.9 |
personality --see also PersonalityF60.9 |
affective F34.0 |
aggressive F60.3 |
amoral F60.2 |
anankastic F60.5 |
antisocial F60.2 |
anxious F60.6 |
asocial F60.2 |
asthenic F60.7 |
avoidant F60.6 |
borderline F60.3 |
change(secondary) due to general medical condition F07.0 |
compulsive F60.5 |
cyclothymic F34.0 |
dependent(passive) F60.7 |
depressive F34.1 |
dissocial F60.2 |
emotional instability F60.3 |
expansive paranoid F60.0 |
explosive F60.3 |
following organic brain damage F07.9 |
histrionic F60.4 |
hyperthymic F34.0 |
hypothymic F34.1 |
hysterical F60.4 |
immature F60.89 |
inadequate F60.7 |
labile F60.3 |
mixed(nonspecific) F60.89 |
moral deficiency F60.2 |
narcissistic F60.81 |
negativistic F60.89 |
obsessional F60.5 |
obsessive(-compulsive) F60.5 |
organic F07.9 |
overconscientious F60.5 |
paranoid F60.0 |
passive(-dependent) F60.7 |
passive-aggressive F60.89 |
pathological NEC F60.9 |
pseudosocial F60.2 |
psychopathic F60.2 |
schizoid F60.1 |
schizotypal F21 |
self-defeating F60.7 |
specified NEC F60.89 |
type A F60.5 |
unstable(emotional) F60.3 |
pervasive, developmental F84.9 |
phobic anxiety, childhood F40.8 |
phosphate-losing tubular N25.0 |
pigmentation L81.9 |
choroid, congenital Q14.3 |
diminished melanin formation L81.6 |
iron L81.8 |
specified NEC L81.8 |
pinna(noninfective) H61.10- |
deformity, acquired H61.11- |
hematoma H61.12- |
perichondritis --see Perichondritis, ear |
specified type NEC H61.19- |
pituitary gland E23.7 |
iatrogenic(postprocedural) E89.3 |
specified NEC E23.6 |
platelets D69.1 |
plexus G54.9 |
specified NEC G54.8 |
polymorphonuclear neutrophils D71 |
porphyrin metabolism --see Porphyria |
postconcussional F07.81 |
posthallucinogen perception F16.983 |
in |
abuse F16.183 |
dependence F16.283 |
postmenopausal N95.9 |
specified NEC N95.8 |
postprocedural(postoperative) --see Complications, postprocedural |
post-transplant lymphoproliferative D47.Z1 |
post-traumatic stress(PTSD) F43.10 |
acute F43.11 |
chronic F43.12 |
premenstrual dysphoric(PMDD) N94.3 |
prepuce N47.8 |
propionic acidemia E71.121 |
prostate N42.9 |
specified NEC N42.89 |
psychogenic NOS --see also conditionF45.9 |
anxiety F41.8 |
appetite F50.9 |
asthenic F48.8 |
cardiovascular(system) F45.8 |
compulsive F42 |
cutaneous F54 |
depressive F32.9 |
digestive(system) F45.8 |
dysmenorrheic F45.8 |
dyspneic F45.8 |
endocrine(system) F54 |
eye NEC F45.8 |
feeding --see Disorder, eating |
functional NEC F45.8 |
gastric F45.8 |
gastrointestinal(system) F45.8 |
genitourinary(system) F45.8 |
heart(function) (rhythm) F45.8 |
hyperventilatory F45.8 |
hypochondriacal --see Disorder, hypochondriacal |
intestinal F45.8 |
joint F45.8 |
learning F81.9 |
limb F45.8 |
lymphatic(system) F45.8 |
menstrual F45.8 |
micturition F45.8 |
monoplegic NEC F44.4 |
motor F44.4 |
muscle F45.8 |
musculoskeletal F45.8 |
neurocirculatory F45.8 |
obsessive F42 |
occupational F48.8 |
organ or part of body NEC F45.8 |
paralytic NEC F44.4 |
phobic F40.9 |
physical NEC F45.8 |
rectal F45.8 |
respiratory(system) F45.8 |
rheumatic F45.8 |
sexual(function) F52.9 |
skin(allergic) (eczematous) F54 |
sleep F51.9 |
specified part of body NEC F45.8 |
stomach F45.8 |
psychological F99 |
associated with |
disease classified elsewhere F54 |
sexual |
development F66 |
relationship F66 |
uncertainty about gender identity F66 |
psychomotor NEC F44.4 |
hysterical F44.4 |
psychoneurotic --see also Neurosis |
mixed NEC F48.8 |
psychophysiologic --see Disorder, somatoform |
psychosexual F65.9 |
development F66 |
identity of childhood F64.2 |
psychosomatic NOS --see Disorder, somatoform |
multiple F45.0 |
undifferentiated F45.1 |
psychotic --see Psychosis |
transient(acute) F23 |
puberty E30.9 |
specified NEC E30.8 |
pulmonary(valve) --see Endocarditis, pulmonary |
purine metabolism E79.9 |
pyrimidine metabolism E79.9 |
pyruvate metabolism E74.4 |
reactive attachment(childhood) F94.1 |
reading R48.0 |
developmental(specific) F81.0 |
receptive language F80.2 |
receptor, hormonal, peripheral --see also Syndrome, androgen insensitivityE34.50 |
recurrent brief depressive F33.8 |
reflex R29.2 |
refraction H52.7 |
aniseikonia H52.32 |
anisometropia H52.31 |
astigmatism --see Astigmatism |
hypermetropia --see Hypermetropia |
myopia --see Myopia |
presbyopia H52.4 |
specified NEC H52.6 |
relationship F68.8 |
due to sexual orientation F66 |
REM sleep behavior G47.52 |
renal function, impaired(tubular) N25.9 |
resonance R49.9 |
specified NEC R49.8 |
respiratory function, impaired --see also Failure, respiration |
postprocedural --see Complication, postoperative, respiratory system |
psychogenic F45.8 |
retina H35.9 |
angioid streaks H35.33 |
changes in vascular appearance H35.01- |
degeneration --see Degeneration, retina |
dystrophy(hereditary) --see Dystrophy, retina |
edema H35.81 |
hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, retina |
ischemia H35.82 |
macular degeneration --see Degeneration, macula |
microaneurysms H35.04- |
microvascular abnormality NEC H35.09 |
neovascularization --see Neovascularization, retina |
retinopathy --see Retinopathy |
separation of layers H35.70 |
central serous chorioretinopathy H35.71- |
pigment epithelium detachment(serous) H35.72- |
hemorrhagic H35.73- |
specified type NEC H35.89 |
telangiectasis --see Telangiectasis, retina |
vasculitis --see Vasculitis, retina |
retroperitoneal K68.9 |
right hemisphere organic affective F07.89 |
rumination(infant or child) F98.21 |
sacrum, sacrococcygeal NEC M53.3 |
schizoaffective F25.9 |
bipolar type F25.0 |
depressive type F25.1 |
manic type F25.0 |
mixed type F25.0 |
specified NEC F25.8 |
schizoid of childhood F84.5 |
schizophreniform F20.81 |
brief F23 |
schizotypal(personality) F21 |
secretion, thyrocalcitonin E07.0 |
seizure --see also EpilepsyG40.909 |
intractable G40.919 |
with status epilepticus G40.911 |
semantic pragmatic F80.89 |
with autism F84.0 |
sense of smell R43.1 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
separation anxiety, of childhood F93.0 |
sexual |
arousal, female F52.22 |
aversion F52.1 |
function, psychogenic F52.9 |
maturation F66 |
nonorganic F52.9 |
preference --see also Deviation, sexualF65.9 |
fetishistic transvestism F65.1 |
relationship F66 |
shyness, of childhood and adolescence F40.10 |
sibling rivalry F93.8 |
sickle-cell(sickling) (homozygous) --see Disease, sickle-cell |
heterozygous D57.3 |
specified type NEC D57.8- |
trait D57.3 |
sinus(nasal) J34.9 |
specified NEC J34.89 |
skin L98.9 |
atrophic L90.9 |
specified NEC L90.8 |
granulomatous L92.9 |
specified NEC L92.8 |
hypertrophic L91.9 |
specified NEC L91.8 |
infiltrative NEC L98.6 |
newborn P83.9 |
specified NEC P83.8 |
psychogenic(allergic) (eczematous) F54 |
sleep G47.9 |
breathing-related --see Apnea, sleep |
circadian rhythm G47.20 |
advance sleep phase type G47.22 |
delayed sleep phase type G47.21 |
due to |
alcohol |
abuse F10.182 |
dependence F10.282 |
use F10.982 |
amphetamines |
abuse F15.182 |
dependence F15.282 |
use F15.982 |
caffeine |
abuse F15.182 |
dependence F15.282 |
use F15.982 |
cocaine |
abuse F14.182 |
dependence F14.282 |
use F14.982 |
drug NEC |
abuse F19.182 |
dependence F19.282 |
use F19.982 |
opioid |
abuse F11.182 |
dependence F11.282 |
use F11.982 |
psychoactive substance NEC |
abuse F19.182 |
dependence F19.282 |
use F19.982 |
sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic |
abuse F13.182 |
dependence F13.282 |
use F13.982 |
stimulant NEC |
abuse F15.182 |
dependence F15.282 |
use F15.982 |
free running type G47.24 |
in conditions classified elsewhere G47.27 |
irregular sleep wake type G47.23 |
jet lag type G47.25 |
shift work type G47.26 |
specified NEC G47.29 |
due to |
alcohol |
abuse F10.182 |
dependence F10.282 |
use F10.982 |
amphetamine |
abuse F15.182 |
dependence F15.282 |
use F15.982 |
anxiolytic |
abuse F13.182 |
dependence F13.282 |
use F13.982 |
caffeine |
abuse F15.182 |
dependence F15.282 |
use F15.982 |
cocaine |
abuse F14.182 |
dependence F14.282 |
use F14.982 |
drug NEC |
abuse F19.182 |
dependence F19.282 |
use F19.982 |
hypnotic |
abuse F13.182 |
dependence F13.282 |
use F13.982 |
opioid |
abuse F11.182 |
dependence F11.282 |
use F11.982 |
psychoactive substance NEC |
abuse F19.182 |
dependence F19.282 |
use F19.982 |
sedative |
abuse F13.182 |
dependence F13.282 |
use F13.982 |
stimulant NEC |
abuse F15.182 |
dependence F15.282 |
use F15.982 |
emotional F51.9 |
excessive somnolence --see Hypersomnia |
hypersomnia type --see Hypersomnia |
initiating or maintaining --see Insomnia |
nightmares F51.5 |
nonorganic F51.9 |
specified NEC F51.8 |
parasomnia type G47.50 |
specified NEC G47.8 |
terrors F51.4 |
walking F51.3 |
sleep-wake pattern or schedule --see Disorder, sleep, circadian rhythm |
social |
anxiety of childhood F40.10 |
functioning in childhood F94.9 |
specified NEC F94.8 |
soft tissue M79.9 |
ankle M79.9 |
due to use, overuse and pressure M70.90 |
ankle M70.97- |
bursitis --see Bursitis |
foot M70.97- |
forearm M70.93- |
hand M70.94- |
lower leg M70.96- |
multiple sites M70.99 |
pelvic region M70.95- |
shoulder region M70.91- |
specified site NEC M70.98 |
specified type NEC M70.80 |
ankle M70.87- |
foot M70.87- |
forearm M70.83- |
hand M70.84- |
lower leg M70.86- |
multiple sites M70.89 |
pelvic region M70.85- |
shoulder region M70.81- |
specified site NEC M70.88 |
thigh M70.85- |
upper arm M70.82- |
thigh M70.95- |
upper arm M70.92- |
foot M79.9 |
forearm M79.9 |
hand M79.9 |
lower leg M79.9 |
multiple sites M79.9 |
occupational --see Disorder, soft tissue, due to use, overuse and pressure |
pelvic region M79.9 |
shoulder region M79.9 |
specified type NEC M79.89 |
thigh M79.9 |
upper arm M79.9 |
somatization F45.0 |
somatoform F45.9 |
pain(persistent) F45.41 |
somatization(multiple) (long-lasting) F45.0 |
specified NEC F45.8 |
undifferentiated F45.1 |
somnolence, excessive --see Hypersomnia |
specific |
arithmetical F81.2 |
developmental, of motor F82 |
reading F81.0 |
speech and language F80.9 |
spelling F81.81 |
written expression F81.81 |
speech R47.9 |
articulation(functional) (specific) F80.0 |
developmental F80.9 |
specified NEC R47.89 |
spelling(specific) F81.81 |
spine --see also Dorsopathy |
ligamentous or muscular attachments, peripheral --see Enthesopathy, spinal |
specified NEC --see Dorsopathy, specified NEC |
stereotyped, habit or movement F98.4 |
stomach(functional) --see Disorder, gastric |
stress F43.9 |
post-traumatic F43.10 |
acute F43.11 |
chronic F43.12 |
sulfur-bearing amino-acid metabolism E72.10 |
sweat gland(eccrine) L74.9 |
apocrine L75.9 |
specified NEC L75.8 |
specified NEC L74.8 |
synovium M67.90 |
acromioclavicular M67.91- |
ankle M67.97- |
elbow M67.92- |
foot M67.97- |
forearm M67.93- |
hand M67.94- |
hip M67.95- |
knee M67.96- |
multiple sites M67.99 |
rupture --see Rupture, synovium |
shoulder M67.91- |
specified type NEC M67.80 |
acromioclavicular M67.81- |
ankle M67.87- |
elbow M67.82- |
foot M67.87- |
hand M67.84- |
hip M67.85- |
knee M67.86- |
multiple sites M67.89 |
wrist M67.83- |
synovitis --see Synovitis |
upper arm M67.92- |
wrist M67.93- |
temperature regulation, newborn P81.9 |
specified NEC P81.8 |
temporomandibular joint --see Anomaly, dentofacial, temporomandibular joint |
tendon M67.90 |
acromioclavicular M67.91- |
ankle M67.97- |
contracture --see Contracture, tendon |
elbow M67.92- |
foot M67.97- |
forearm M67.93- |
hand M67.94- |
hip M67.95- |
knee M67.96- |
multiple sites M67.99 |
rupture --see Rupture, tendon |
shoulder M67.91- |
specified type NEC M67.80 |
acromioclavicular M67.81- |
ankle M67.87- |
elbow M67.82- |
foot M67.87- |
hand M67.84- |
hip M67.85- |
knee M67.86- |
multiple sites M67.89 |
trunk M67.88 |
wrist M67.83- |
synovitis --see Synovitis |
tendinitis --see Tendinitis |
tenosynovitis --see Tenosynovitis |
trunk M67.98 |
upper arm M67.92- |
wrist M67.93- |
thoracic root(nerve) NEC G54.3 |
thyrocalcitonin hypersecretion E07.0 |
thyroid(gland) E07.9 |
function NEC, neonatal, transitory P72.2 |
iodine-deficiency related E01.8 |
specified NEC E07.89 |
tic --see Tic |
tooth K08.9 |
development K00.9 |
specified NEC K00.8 |
eruption K00.6 |
Tourette's F95.2 |
trance and possession F44.89 |
tricuspid(valve) --see Endocarditis, tricuspid |
tryptophan metabolism E70.5 |
tubular, phosphate-losing N25.0 |
tubulo-interstitial(in) |
brucellosis A23.9N16 |
cystinosis E72.04 |
diphtheria A36.84 |
glycogen storage disease E74.00N16 |
leukemia NEC C95.9-N16 |
lymphoma NEC C85.9-N16 |
mixed cryoglobulinemia D89.1N16 |
multiple myeloma C90.0-N16 |
Salmonella infection A02.25 |
sarcoidosis D86.84 |
sepsis A41.9N16 |
streptococcal A40.9N16 |
systemic lupus erythematosus M32.15 |
toxoplasmosis B58.83 |
transplant rejection T86.91N16 |
Wilson's disease E83.01N16 |
tubulo-renal function, impaired N25.9 |
specified NEC N25.89 |
tympanic membrane H73.9- |
atrophy --see Atrophy, tympanic membrane |
infection --see Myringitis |
perforation --see Perforation, tympanum |
specified NEC H73.89- |
unsocialized aggressive F91.1 |
urea cycle metabolism E72.20 |
argininemia E72.21 |
arginosuccinic aciduria E72.22 |
citrullinemia E72.23 |
ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency E72.4 |
other specified E72.29 |
ureter(in) N28.9 |
schistosomiasis B65.0N29 |
tuberculosis A18.11 |
urethra N36.9 |
specified NEC N36.8 |
urinary system N39.9 |
specified NEC N39.8 |
valve, heart |
aortic --see Endocarditis, aortic |
mitral --see Endocarditis, mitral |
pulmonary --see Endocarditis, pulmonary |
rheumatic |
aortic --see Endocarditis, aortic, rheumatic |
mitral --see Endocarditis, mitral |
pulmonary --see Endocarditis, pulmonary, rheumatic |
tricuspid --see Endocarditis, tricuspid |
tricuspid --see Endocarditis, tricuspid |
vestibular function H81.9- |
specified NEC H81.8 |
in diseases classified elsewhere H82.- |
vertigo --see Vertigo |
vision, binocular H53.30 |
abnormal retinal correspondence H53.31 |
diplopia H53.2 |
fusion with defective stereopsis H53.32 |
simultaneous perception H53.33 |
suppression H53.34 |
visual |
cortex |
blindness H47.619 |
left brain H47.612 |
right brain H47.611 |
due to |
inflammatory disorder H47.629 |
left brain H47.622 |
right brain H47.621 |
neoplasm H47.639 |
left brain H47.632 |
right brain H47.631 |
vascular disorder H47.649 |
left brain H47.642 |
right brain H47.641 |
pathway H47.9 |
due to |
inflammatory disorder H47.51- |
neoplasm H47.52- |
vascular disorder H47.53- |
optic chiasm --see Disorder, optic, chiasm |
vitreous body H43.9 |
crystalline deposits --see Deposit, crystalline |
degeneration --see Degeneration, vitreous |
hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, vitreous |
opacities --see Opacity, vitreous |
prolapse --see Prolapse, vitreous |
specified type NEC H43.89 |
voice R49.9 |
specified type NEC R49.8 |
volatile solvent use |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, inhalant |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, inhalant |
white blood cells D72.9 |
specified NEC D72.89 |
withdrawing, child or adolescent F40.10 |
Disorientation R41.0 |
Displacement, displaced |
acquired traumatic of bone, cartilage, joint, tendon NEC --see Dislocation |
adrenal gland(congenital) Q89.1 |
appendix, retrocecal(congenital) Q43.8 |
auricle(congenital) Q17.4 |
bladder(acquired) N32.89 |
congenital Q64.19 |
brachial plexus(congenital) Q07.8 |
brain stem, caudal(congenital) Q04.8 |
canaliculus(lacrimalis), congenital Q10.6 |
cardia through esophageal hiatus(congenital) Q40.1 |
cerebellum, caudal(congenital) Q04.8 |
cervix --see Malposition, uterus |
colon(congenital) Q43.3 |
device, implant or graft --see also Complications, by site and type, mechanicalT85.628 |
arterial graft NEC --see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical, vascular |
breast(implant) T85.42 |
catheter NEC T85.628 |
dialysis(renal) T82.42 |
intraperitoneal T85.621 |
infusion NEC T82.524 |
spinal(epidural) (subdural) T85.620 |
urinary(indwelling) T83.028 |
cystostomy T83.020 |
electronic(electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator) --see Complication, electronic stimulator |
fixation, internal(orthopedic) NEC --see Complication, fixation device, mechanical |
gastrointestinal --see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, gastrointestinal device |
genital NEC T83.428 |
intrauterine contraceptive device T83.32 |
penile prosthesis T83.420 |
heart NEC --see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical |
joint prosthesis --see Complications, joint prosthesis, mechanical |
ocular --see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, ocular device |
orthopedic NEC --see Complication, orthopedic, device or graft, mechanical |
specified NEC T85.628 |
urinary NEC --see also Complication, genitourinary, device, urinary, mechanical |
graft T83.22 |
vascular NEC --see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical |
ventricular intracranial shunt T85.02 |
electronic stimulator |
bone T84.320 |
cardiac --see Complications, cardiac device, electronic |
nervous system --see Complication, prosthetic device, mechanical, electronic nervous system stimulator |
urinary --see Complications, electronic stimulator, urinary |
esophageal mucosa into cardia of stomach, congenital Q39.8 |
esophagus(acquired) K22.8 |
congenital Q39.8 |
eyeball(acquired) (lateral) (old) --see Displacement, globe |
congenital Q15.8 |
current --see Avulsion, eye |
fallopian tube(acquired) N83.4 |
congenital Q50.6 |
opening(congenital) Q50.6 |
gallbladder(congenital) Q44.1 |
gastric mucosa(congenital) Q40.2 |
globe(acquired) (old) (lateral) H05.21- |
current --see Avulsion, eye |
heart(congenital) Q24.8 |
acquired I51.89 |
hymen(upward) (congenital) Q52.4 |
intervertebral disc NEC |
with myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, with, myelopathy |
cervical, cervicothoracic(with) M50.20 |
myelopathy --see Disorder, disc, cervical, with myelopathy |
neuritis, radiculitis or radiculopathy --see Disorder, disc, cervical, with neuritis |
due to trauma --see Dislocation, vertebra |
lumbar region M51.26 |
with |
myelopathy M51.06 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.16 |
lumbosacral region M51.27 |
with |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy or sciatica M51.17 |
sacrococcygeal region M53.3 |
thoracic region M51.24 |
with |
myelopathy M51.04 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy M51.14 |
thoracolumbar region M51.25 |
with |
myelopathy M51.05 |
neuritis, radiculitis, radiculopathy M51.15 |
intrauterine device T83.32 |
kidney(acquired) N28.83 |
congenital Q63.2 |
lachrymal, lacrimal apparatus or duct(congenital) Q10.6 |
lens, congenital Q12.1 |
macula(congenital) Q14.1 |
Meckel's diverticulum Q43.0 |
malignant --see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant |
nail(congenital) Q84.6 |
acquired L60.8 |
opening of Wharton's duct in mouth Q38.4 |
organ or site, congenital NEC --see Malposition, congenital |
ovary(acquired) N83.4 |
congenital Q50.39 |
free in peritoneal cavity(congenital) Q50.39 |
into hernial sac N83.4 |
oviduct(acquired) N83.4 |
congenital Q50.6 |
parathyroid(gland) E21.4 |
parotid gland(congenital) Q38.4 |
punctum lacrimale(congenital) Q10.6 |
sacro-iliac(joint) (congenital) Q74.2 |
current injury S33.2 |
old M53.2 |
salivary gland(any) (congenital) Q38.4 |
spleen(congenital) Q89.09 |
stomach, congenital Q40.2 |
sublingual duct Q38.4 |
tongue(downward) (congenital) Q38.3 |
tooth, teeth, fully erupted M26.30 |
horizontal M26.33 |
vertical M26.34 |
trachea(congenital) Q32.1 |
ureter or ureteric opening or orifice(congenital) Q62.62 |
uterine opening of oviducts or fallopian tubes Q50.6 |
uterus, uterine --see Malposition, uterus |
ventricular septum Q21.0 |
with rudimentary ventricle Q20.4 |
Disproportion |
between native and reconstructed breast N65.1 |
fiber-type G71.2 |
Disruptio uteri --see Rupture, uterus |
Disruption(of) |
ciliary body NEC H21.89 |
closure of |
cornea T81.31 |
craniotomy T81.32 |
fascia(muscular) (superficial) T81.32 |
internal organ or tissue T81.32 |
laceration(external) (internal) T81.33 |
ligament T81.32 |
mucosa T81.31 |
muscle or muscle flap T81.32 |
ribs or rib cage T81.32 |
skin and subcutaneous tissue(full-thickness) (superficial) T81.31 |
skull T81.32 |
sternum(sternotomy) T81.32 |
tendon T81.32 |
traumatic laceration(external) (internal) T81.33 |
family Z63.8 |
due to |
absence of family member due to military deployment Z63.31 |
absence of family member NEC Z63.32 |
alcoholism and drug addiction in family Z63.72 |
bereavement Z63.4 |
death(assumed) or disappearance of family member Z63.4 |
divorce or separation Z63.5 |
drug addiction in family Z63.72 |
return of family member from military deployment(current or past conflict) Z63.71 |
stressful life events NEC Z63.79 |
iris NEC H21.89 |
ligament(s) --see also Sprain |
knee |
current injury --see Dislocation, knee |
old(chronic) --see Derangement, knee, ligament, instability, chronic |
spontaneous NEC --see Derangement, knee, disruption ligament |
ossicular chain --see Discontinuity, ossicles, ear |
pelvic ring(stable) S32.810 |
unstable S32.811 |
wound T81.30 |
episiotomy O90.1 |
operation T81.31 |
cesarean O90.0 |
external operation wound(superficial) T81.31 |
internal operation wound(deep) T81.32 |
perineal(obstetric) O90.1 |
traumatic injury repair T81.33 |
traumatic injury wound repair T81.33 |
Dissatisfaction with |
employment Z56.9 |
school environment Z55.4 |
Dissecting --see condition |
Dissection |
aorta I71.00 |
abdominal I71.02 |
thoracic I71.01 |
thoracoabdominal I71.03 |
artery |
carotid I77.71 |
cerebral(nonruptured) I67.0 |
ruptured --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid |
coronary I25.42 |
iliac I77.72 |
renal I77.73 |
specified NEC I77.79 |
vertebral I77.74 |
traumatic --see Wound, open, by site |
vascular I99.8 |
wound --see Wound, open |
Disseminated --see condition |
Dissociation |
auriculoventricular or atrioventricular(AV) (any degree) (isorhythmic) I45.89 |
with heart block I44.2 |
interference I45.89 |
Dissociative reaction, state F44.9 |
Dissolution, vertebra --see Osteoporosis |
Distension, distention |
abdomen R14.0 |
bladder N32.89 |
cecum K63.89 |
colon K63.89 |
gallbladder K82.8 |
intestine K63.89 |
kidney N28.89 |
liver K76.89 |
seminal vesicle N50.8 |
stomach K31.89 |
acute K31.0 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
ureter --see Dilatation, ureter |
uterus N85.8 |
Distoma hepaticum infestation B66.3 |
Distomiasis B66.9 |
bile passages B66.3 |
hemic B65.9 |
hepatic B66.3 |
due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1 |
intestinal B66.5 |
liver B66.3 |
due to Clonorchis sinensis B66.1 |
lung B66.4 |
pulmonary B66.4 |
Distomolar(fourth molar) K00.1 |
Disto-occlusion(Division I) (Division II) M26.212 |
Distortion(s) (congenital) |
adrenal(gland) Q89.1 |
arm NEC Q68.8 |
bile duct or passage Q44.5 |
bladder Q64.79 |
brain Q04.9 |
cervix(uteri) Q51.9 |
chest(wall) Q67.8 |
bones Q76.8 |
clavicle Q74.0 |
clitoris Q52.6 |
coccyx Q76.49 |
common duct Q44.5 |
coronary Q24.5 |
cystic duct Q44.5 |
ear(auricle) (external) Q17.3 |
inner Q16.5 |
middle Q16.4 |
ossicles Q16.3 |
endocrine NEC Q89.2 |
eustachian tube Q17.8 |
eye(adnexa) Q15.8 |
face bone(s) NEC Q75.8 |
fallopian tube Q50.6 |
femur NEC Q68.8 |
fibula NEC Q68.8 |
finger(s) Q68.1 |
foot Q66.9 |
genitalia, genital organ(s) |
female Q52.8 |
external Q52.79 |
internal NEC Q52.8 |
gyri Q04.8 |
hand bone(s) Q68.1 |
heart(auricle) (ventricle) Q24.8 |
valve(cusp) Q24.8 |
hepatic duct Q44.5 |
humerus NEC Q68.8 |
hymen Q52.4 |
intrafamilial communications Z63.8 |
jaw NEC M26.89 |
labium(majus) (minus) Q52.79 |
leg NEC Q68.8 |
lens Q12.8 |
liver Q44.7 |
lumbar spine Q76.49 |
with disproportion O33.8 |
causing obstructed labor O65.0 |
lumbosacral(joint) (region) Q76.49 |
kyphosis --see Kyphosis, congenital |
lordosis --see Lordosis, congenital |
nerve Q07.8 |
nose Q30.8 |
organ |
of Corti Q16.5 |
or site not listed --see Anomaly, by site |
ossicles, ear Q16.3 |
oviduct Q50.6 |
pancreas Q45.3 |
parathyroid(gland) Q89.2 |
pituitary(gland) Q89.2 |
radius NEC Q68.8 |
sacroiliac joint Q74.2 |
sacrum Q76.49 |
scapula Q74.0 |
shoulder girdle Q74.0 |
skull bone(s) NEC Q75.8 |
with |
anencephalus Q00.0 |
encephalocele --see Encephalocele |
hydrocephalus Q03.9 |
with spina bifida --see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus |
microcephaly Q02 |
spinal cord Q06.8 |
spine Q76.49 |
kyphosis --see Kyphosis, congenital |
lordosis --see Lordosis, congenital |
spleen Q89.09 |
sternum NEC Q76.7 |
thorax(wall) Q67.8 |
bony Q76.8 |
thymus(gland) Q89.2 |
thyroid(gland) Q89.2 |
tibia NEC Q68.8 |
toe(s) Q66.9 |
tongue Q38.3 |
trachea(cartilage) Q32.1 |
ulna NEC Q68.8 |
ureter Q62.8 |
urethra Q64.79 |
causing obstruction Q64.39 |
uterus Q51.9 |
vagina Q52.4 |
vertebra Q76.49 |
kyphosis --see Kyphosis, congenital |
lordosis --see Lordosis, congenital |
visual --see also Disturbance, vision |
shape and size H53.15 |
vulva Q52.79 |
wrist(bones) (joint) Q68.8 |
Distress |
abdomen --see Pain, abdominal |
acute respiratory(adult) (child) J80 |
epigastric R10.13 |
fetal P84 |
complicating pregnancy --see Stress, fetal |
gastrointestinal(functional) K30 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
intestinal(functional) NOS K59.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
maternal, during labor and delivery O75.0 |
respiratory R06.00 |
adult J80 |
child J80 |
newborn P22.9 |
specified NEC P22.8 |
orthopnea R06.01 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
shortness of breath R06.02 |
specified type NEC R06.09 |
Distribution vessel, atypical Q27.9 |
coronary artery Q24.5 |
precerebral Q28.1 |
Districhiasis L68.8 |
Disturbance(s) --see also Disease |
absorption K90.9 |
calcium E58 |
carbohydrate K90.4 |
fat K90.4 |
pancreatic K90.3 |
protein K90.4 |
starch K90.4 |
vitamin --see Deficiency, vitamin |
acid-base equilibrium E87.8 |
mixed E87.4 |
activity and attention(with hyperkinesis) --see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity |
amino acid transport E72.00 |
assimilation, food K90.9 |
auditory nerve, except deafness H93.3 |
behavior --see Disorder, conduct |
blood clotting(mechanism) --see also Defect, coagulationD68.9 |
cerebral |
nerve --see Disorder, nerve, cranial |
status, newborn P91.9 |
specified NEC P91.8 |
circulatory I99.9 |
conduct --see also Disorder, conductF91.9 |
adjustment reaction --see Disorder, adjustment |
compulsive F63.9 |
disruptive F91.9 |
hyperkinetic --see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity |
socialized F91.2 |
specified NEC F91.8 |
unsocialized F91.1 |
coordination R27.8 |
cranial nerve --see Disorder, nerve, cranial |
deep sensibility --see Disturbance, sensation |
digestive K30 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
electrolyte --see also Imbalance, electrolyte |
newborn, transitory P74.4 |
hyperammonemia P74.6 |
potassium balance P74.3 |
sodium balance P74.2 |
specified type NEC P74.4 |
emotions specific to childhood and adolescence F93.9 |
with |
anxiety and fearfulness NEC F93.8 |
elective mutism F94.0 |
oppositional disorder F91.3 |
sensitivity(withdrawal) F40.10 |
shyness F40.10 |
social withdrawal F40.10 |
involving relationship problems F93.8 |
mixed F93.8 |
specified NEC F93.8 |
endocrine(gland) E34.9 |
neonatal, transitory P72.9 |
specified NEC P72.8 |
equilibrium R42 |
fructose metabolism E74.10 |
gait --see Gait |
hysterical F44.4 |
psychogenic F44.4 |
gastrointestinal(functional) K30 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
habit, child F98.9 |
hearing, except deafness and tinnitus --see Abnormal, auditory perception |
heart, functional(conditions in I44-I50) |
due to presence of(cardiac) prosthesis I97.19- |
postoperative I97.89 |
cardiac surgery I97.19- |
hormones E34.9 |
innervation uterus(parasympathetic) (sympathetic) N85.8 |
keratinization NEC |
gingiva K05.10 |
nonplaque induced K05.11 |
plaque induced K05.10 |
lip K13.0 |
oral(mucosa) (soft tissue) K13.29 |
tongue K13.29 |
learning(specific) --see Disorder, learning |
memory --see Amnesia |
mild, following organic brain damage F06.8 |
mental F99 |
associated with diseases classified elsewhere F54 |
metabolism E88.9 |
with |
abortion --see Abortion, by type with other specified complication |
ectopic pregnancy O08.5 |
molar pregnancy O08.5 |
amino-acid E72.9 |
aromatic E70.9 |
branched-chain E71.2 |
straight-chain E72.8 |
sulfur-bearing E72.10 |
ammonia E72.20 |
arginine E72.21 |
arginosuccinic acid E72.22 |
carbohydrate E74.9 |
cholesterol E78.9 |
citrulline E72.23 |
cystathionine E72.19 |
general E88.9 |
glutamine E72.8 |
histidine E70.40 |
homocystine E72.19 |
hydroxylysine E72.3 |
in labor or delivery O75.89 |
iron E83.10 |
lipoid E78.9 |
lysine E72.3 |
methionine E72.19 |
neonatal, transitory P74.9 |
calcium and magnesium P71.9 |
specified type NEC P71.8 |
carbohydrate metabolism P70.9 |
specified type NEC P70.8 |
specified NEC P74.8 |
ornithine E72.4 |
phosphate E83.39 |
sodium NEC E87.8 |
threonine E72.8 |
tryptophan E70.5 |
tyrosine E70.20 |
urea cycle E72.20 |
motor R29.2 |
nervous, functional R45.0 |
neuromuscular mechanism(eye), due to syphilis A52.15 |
nutritional E63.9 |
nail L60.3 |
ocular motion H51.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
oculogyric H51.8 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
oculomotor H51.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
olfactory nerve R43.1 |
optic nerve NEC --see Disorder, nerve, optic |
oral epithelium, including tongue NEC K13.29 |
perceptual due to |
alcohol withdrawal F10.232 |
amphetamine intoxication F15.922 |
in |
abuse F15.122 |
dependence F15.222 |
anxiolytic withdrawal F13.232 |
cannabis intoxication(acute) F12.922 |
in |
abuse F12.122 |
dependence F12.222 |
cocaine intoxication(acute) F14.922 |
in |
abuse F14.122 |
dependence F14.222 |
hypnotic withdrawal F13.232 |
opioid intoxication(acute) F11.922 |
in |
abuse F11.122 |
dependence F11.222 |
phencyclidine intoxication(acute) F19.922 |
in |
abuse F19.122 |
dependence F19.222 |
sedative withdrawal F13.232 |
personality(pattern) (trait) --see also Disorder, personalityF60.9 |
following organic brain damage F07.9 |
polyglandular E31.9 |
specified NEC E31.8 |
potassium balance, newborn P74.3 |
psychogenic F45.9 |
psychomotor F44.4 |
psychophysical visual H53.16 |
pupillary --see Anomaly, pupil, function |
reflex R29.2 |
rhythm, heart I49.9 |
salivary secretion K11.7 |
sensation(cold) (heat) (localization) (tactile discrimination) (texture) (vibratory) NEC R20.9 |
hysterical F44.6 |
skin R20.9 |
anesthesia R20.0 |
hyperesthesia R20.3 |
hypoesthesia R20.1 |
paresthesia R20.2 |
specified type NEC R20.8 |
smell R43.9 |
and taste(mixed) R43.8 |
anosmia R43.0 |
parosmia R43.1 |
specified NEC R43.8 |
taste R43.9 |
and smell(mixed) R43.8 |
parageusia R43.2 |
specified NEC R43.8 |
sensory --see Disturbance, sensation |
situational(transient) --see also Disorder, adjustment |
acute F43.0 |
sleep G47.9 |
nonorganic origin F51.9 |
smell --see Disturbance, sensation, smell |
sociopathic F60.2 |
sodium balance, newborn P74.2 |
speech R47.9 |
developmental F80.9 |
specified NEC R47.89 |
stomach(functional) K31.9 |
sympathetic(nerve) G90.9 |
taste --see Disturbance, sensation, taste |
temperature |
regulation, newborn P81.9 |
specified NEC P81.8 |
sense R20.8 |
hysterical F44.6 |
tooth |
eruption K00.6 |
formation K00.4 |
structure, hereditary NEC K00.5 |
touch --see Disturbance, sensation |
vascular I99.9 |
arteriosclerotic --see Arteriosclerosis |
vasomotor I73.9 |
vasospastic I73.9 |
vision, visual H53.9 |
following |
cerebral infarction I69.398 |
cerebrovascular disease I69.998 |
specified NEC I69.898 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.198 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.298 |
specified disease NEC I69.898 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.098 |
psychophysical H53.16 |
specified NEC H53.8 |
subjective H53.10 |
day blindness H53.11 |
discomfort H53.14- |
distortions of shape and size H53.15 |
loss |
sudden H53.13- |
transient H53.12- |
specified type NEC H53.19 |
voice R49.9 |
psychogenic F44.4 |
specified NEC R49.8 |
Diuresis R35.8 |
Diver's palsy, paralysis or squeeze T70.3 |
Diverticulitis(acute) K57.92 |
bladder --see Cystitis |
ileum --see Diverticulitis, intestine, small |
intestine K57.92 |
with |
abscess, perforation or peritonitis K57.80 |
with bleeding K57.81 |
bleeding K57.93 |
congenital Q43.8 |
large K57.32 |
with |
abscess, perforation or peritonitis K57.20 |
with bleeding K57.21 |
bleeding K57.33 |
small intestine K57.52 |
with |
abscess, perforation or peritonitis K57.40 |
with bleeding K57.41 |
bleeding K57.53 |
small K57.12 |
with |
abscess, perforation or peritonitis K57.00 |
with bleeding K57.01 |
bleeding K57.13 |
large intestine K57.52 |
with |
abscess, perforation or peritonitis K57.40 |
with bleeding K57.41 |
bleeding K57.53 |
Diverticulosis K57.90 |
with bleeding K57.91 |
large intestine K57.30 |
with |
bleeding K57.31 |
small intestine K57.50 |
with bleeding K57.51 |
small intestine K57.10 |
with |
bleeding K57.11 |
large intestine K57.50 |
with bleeding K57.51 |
Diverticulum, diverticula(multiple) K57.90 |
appendix(noninflammatory) K38.2 |
bladder(sphincter) N32.3 |
congenital Q64.6 |
bronchus(congenital) Q32.4 |
acquired J98.09 |
calyx, calyceal(kidney) N28.89 |
cardia(stomach) K31.4 |
cecum --see Diverticulosis, intestine, large |
congenital Q43.8 |
colon --see Diverticulosis, intestine, large |
congenital Q43.8 |
duodenum --see Diverticulosis, intestine, small |
congenital Q43.8 |
epiphrenic(esophagus) K22.5 |
esophagus(congenital) Q39.6 |
acquired(epiphrenic) (pulsion) (traction) K22.5 |
eustachian tube --see Disorder, eustachian tube, specified NEC |
fallopian tube N83.8 |
gastric K31.4 |
heart(congenital) Q24.8 |
ileum --see Diverticulosis, intestine, small |
jejunum --see Diverticulosis, intestine, small |
kidney(pelvis) (calyces) N28.89 |
with calculus --see Calculus, kidney |
Meckel's(displaced) (hypertrophic) Q43.0 |
malignant --see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant |
midthoracic K22.5 |
organ or site, congenital NEC --see Distortion |
pericardium(congenital) (cyst) Q24.8 |
acquired I31.8 |
pharyngoesophageal(congenital) Q39.6 |
acquired K22.5 |
pharynx(congenital) Q38.7 |
rectosigmoid --see Diverticulosis, intestine, large |
congenital Q43.8 |
rectum --see Diverticulosis, intestine, large |
Rokitansky's K22.5 |
seminal vesicle N50.8 |
sigmoid --see Diverticulosis, intestine, large |
congenital Q43.8 |
stomach(acquired) K31.4 |
congenital Q40.2 |
trachea(acquired) J39.8 |
ureter(acquired) N28.89 |
congenital Q62.8 |
ureterovesical orifice N28.89 |
urethra(acquired) N36.1 |
congenital Q64.79 |
ventricle, left(congenital) Q24.8 |
vesical N32.3 |
congenital Q64.6 |
Zenker's(esophagus) K22.5 |
Division |
cervix uteri(acquired) N88.8 |
glans penis Q55.69 |
labia minora(congenital) Q52.79 |
ligament(partial or complete) (current) --see also Sprain |
with open wound --see Wound, open |
muscle(partial or complete) (current) --see also Injury, muscle |
with open wound --see Wound, open |
nerve(traumatic) --see Injury, nerve |
spinal cord --see Injury, spinal cord, by region |
vein I87.8 |
Divorce, causing family disruption Z63.5 |
Dix-Hallpike neurolabyrinthitis --see Neuronitis, vestibular |
Dizziness R42 |
hysterical F44.89 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
DMAC(disseminated mycobacterium avium- intracellulare complex) A31.2 |
DNR(do not resuscitate) Z66 |
Doan-Wiseman syndrome(primary splenic neutropenia) --see Agranulocytosis |
Doehle-Heller aortitis A52.02 |
Dog bite --see Bite |
Dohle body panmyelopathic syndrome D72.0 |
Dolichocephaly Q67.2 |
Dolichocolon Q43.8 |
Dolichostenomelia --see Syndrome, Marfan's |
Donohue's syndrome E34.8 |
Donor(organ or tissue) Z52.9 |
blood(whole) Z52.000 |
autologous Z52.010 |
specified component(lymphocytes) (platelets) NEC Z52.008 |
autologous Z52.018 |
specified donor NEC Z52.098 |
specified donor NEC Z52.090 |
stem cells Z52.001 |
autologous Z52.011 |
specified donor NEC Z52.091 |
bone Z52.20 |
autologous Z52.21 |
marrow Z52.3 |
specified type NEC Z52.29 |
cornea Z52.5 |
egg(Oocyte) Z52.819 |
age 35 and over Z52.812 |
anonymous recipient Z52.812 |
designated recipient Z52.813 |
under age 35 Z52.810 |
anonymous recipient Z52.810 |
designated recipient Z52.811 |
kidney Z52.4 |
liver Z52.6 |
lung Z52.89 |
lymphocyte --see Donor, blood, specified components NEC |
Oocyte --see Donor, egg |
platelets Z52.008 |
potential, examination of Z00.5 |
semen Z52.89 |
skin Z52.10 |
autologous Z52.11 |
specified type NEC Z52.19 |
specified organ or tissue NEC Z52.89 |
sperm Z52.89 |
Donovanosis A58 |
Dorsalgia M54.9 |
psychogenic F45.41 |
specified NEC M54.89 |
Dorsopathy M53.9 |
deforming M43.9 |
specified NEC M43.8 |
specified NEC M53.80 |
cervical region M53.82 |
cervicothoracic region M53.83 |
lumbar region M53.86 |
lumbosacral region M53.87 |
occipito-atlanto-axial region M53.81 |
sacrococcygeal region M53.88 |
thoracic region M53.84 |
thoracolumbar region M53.85 |
Double |
albumin E88.09 |
aortic arch Q25.4 |
auditory canal Q17.8 |
auricle(heart) Q20.8 |
bladder Q64.79 |
cervix Q51.820 |
with doubling of uterus(and vagina) Q51.10 |
with obstruction Q51.11 |
inlet ventricle Q20.4 |
kidney with double pelvis(renal) Q63.0 |
meatus urinarius Q64.75 |
monster Q89.4 |
outlet |
left ventricle Q20.2 |
right ventricle Q20.1 |
pelvis(renal) with double ureter Q62.5 |
tongue Q38.3 |
ureter(one or both sides) Q62.5 |
with double pelvis(renal) Q62.5 |
urethra Q64.74 |
urinary meatus Q64.75 |
uterus Q51.2 |
with |
doubling of cervix(and vagina) Q51.10 |
with obstruction Q51.11 |
in pregnancy or childbirth O34.59- |
causing obstructed labor O65.5 |
vagina Q52.10 |
with doubling of uterus(and cervix) Q51.10 |
with obstruction Q51.11 |
vision H53.2 |
vulva Q52.79 |
Douglas' pouch, cul-de-sac --see condition |
Down syndrome Q90.9 |
meiotic nondisjunction Q90.0 |
mitotic nondisjunction Q90.1 |
mosaicism Q90.1 |
translocation Q90.2 |
DPD(dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency) E88.89 |
Dracontiasis B72 |
Dracunculiasis, dracunculosis B72 |
Dream state, hysterical F44.89 |
Dreschlera(hawaiiensis) (infection) B43.8 |
Drepanocytic anemia --see Disease, sickle-cell |
Dresbach's syndrome(elliptocytosis) D58.1 |
Dressler's syndrome I24.1 |
Drift, ulnar --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm |
Drinking(alcohol) |
excessive, to excess NEC(without dependence) F10.10 |
habitual(continual) (without remission) F10.20 |
with remission F10.21 |
Drip, postnasal(chronic) R09.82 |
due to |
allergic rhinitis --see Rhinitis, allergic |
common cold J00 |
gastroesophageal reflux --see Reflux, gastroesophageal |
nasopharyngitis --see Nasopharyngitis |
other know condition - code to condition |
sinusitis --see Sinusitis |
Droop |
facial R29.810 |
cerebrovascular disease I69.992 |
cerebral infarction I69.392 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.192 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.292 |
specified disease NEC I69.892 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.092 |
Drop(in) |
attack NEC R55 |
finger --see Deformity, finger |
foot --see Deformity, limb, foot, drop |
hematocrit(precipitous) R71.0 |
hemoglobin R71.0 |
toe --see Deformity, toe, specified NEC |
wrist --see Deformity, limb, wrist drop |
Dropped heart beats I45.9 |
Dropsy, dropsical --see also Hydrops |
abdomen R18.8 |
brain --see Hydrocephalus |
cardiac, heart --see Failure, heart, congestive |
gangrenous --see Gangrene |
heart --see Failure, heart, congestive |
kidney --see Nephrosis |
lung --see Edema, lung |
newborn due to isoimmunization P56.0 |
pericardium --see Pericarditis |
Drowned, drowning(near) T75.1 |
Drowsiness R40.0 |
Drug |
abuse counseling and surveillance Z71.51 |
addiction --see Dependence |
dependence --see Dependence |
habit --see Dependence |
harmful use --see Abuse, drug |
induced fever R50.2 |
overdose --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning |
poisoning --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning |
resistant organism infection --see also Resistant, organism, to, drugZ16.30 |
therapy |
long term(current) (prophylactic) --see Therapy, drug long-term (current) (prophylactic) |
short term - omit code |
wrong substance given or taken in error --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning |
Drunkenness(without dependence) F10.129 |
acute in alcoholism F10.229 |
chronic(without remission) F10.20 |
with remission F10.21 |
pathological(without dependence) F10.129 |
with dependence F10.229 |
sleep F51.9 |
Drusen |
macula(degenerative) (retina) --see Degeneration, macula, drusen |
optic disc H47.32- |
Dry, dryness --see also condition |
larynx J38.7 |
mouth R68.2 |
due to dehydration E86.0 |
nose J34.89 |
socket(teeth) M27.3 |
throat J39.2 |
DSAP L56.5 |
Duane's syndrome H50.81- |
Dubin-Johnson disease or syndrome E80.6 |
Dubois' disease(thymus gland) A50.59E35 |
Dubowitz' syndrome Q87.1 |
Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy G12.21 |
Duchenne-Griesinger disease G71.0 |
Duchenne's |
disease or syndrome |
motor neuron disease G12.22 |
muscular dystrophy G71.0 |
locomotor ataxia(syphilitic) A52.11 |
paralysis |
birth injury P14.0 |
due to or associated with |
motor neuron disease G12.22 |
muscular dystrophy G71.0 |
Ducrey's chancre A57 |
Duct, ductus --see condition |
Duhring's disease(dermatitis herpetiformis) L13.0 |
Dullness, cardiac(decreased) (increased) R01.2 |
Dumb ague --see Malaria |
Dumbness --see Aphasia |
Dumdum fever B55.0 |
Dumping syndrome(postgastrectomy) K91.1 |
Duodenitis(nonspecific) (peptic) K29.80 |
with bleeding K29.81 |
Duodenocholangitis --see Cholangitis |
Duodenum, duodenal --see condition |
Duplay's bursitis or periarthritis --see Tendinitis, calcific, shoulder |
Duplication, duplex --see also Accessory |
alimentary tract Q45.8 |
anus Q43.4 |
appendix(and cecum) Q43.4 |
biliary duct(any) Q44.5 |
bladder Q64.79 |
cecum(and appendix) Q43.4 |
cervix Q51.820 |
chromosome NEC |
with complex rearrangements NEC Q92.5 |
seen only at prometaphase Q92.8 |
cystic duct Q44.5 |
digestive organs Q45.8 |
esophagus Q39.8 |
frontonasal process Q75.8 |
intestine(large) (small) Q43.4 |
kidney Q63.0 |
liver Q44.7 |
pancreas Q45.3 |
penis Q55.69 |
respiratory organs NEC Q34.8 |
salivary duct Q38.4 |
spinal cord(incomplete) Q06.2 |
stomach Q40.2 |
Dupré's disease(meningism) R29.1 |
Dupuytren's contraction or disease M72.0 |
Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease A55 |
Durotomy(inadvertent) (incidental) G97.41 |
Duroziez's disease(congenital mitral stenosis) Q23.2 |
Dutton's relapsing fever(West African) A68.1 |
Dwarfism E34.3 |
achondroplastic Q77.4 |
congenital E34.3 |
constitutional E34.3 |
hypochondroplastic Q77.4 |
hypophyseal E23.0 |
infantile E34.3 |
Laron-type E34.3 |
Lorain(-Levi) type E23.0 |
metatropic Q77.8 |
nephrotic-glycosuric(with hypophosphatemic rickets) E72.09 |
nutritional E45 |
pancreatic K86.8 |
pituitary E23.0 |
renal N25.0 |
thanatophoric Q77.1 |
Dyke-Young anemia(secondary) (symptomatic) D59.1 |
Dysacusis --see Abnormal, auditory perception |
Dysadrenocortism E27.9 |
hyperfunction E27.0 |
Dysarthria R47.1 |
following |
cerebral infarction I69.322 |
cerebrovascular disease I69.922 |
specified disease NEC I69.822 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.122 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.222 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.022 |
Dysautonomia(familial) G90.1 |
Dysbarism T70.3 |
Dysbasia R26.2 |
angiosclerotica intermittens I73.9 |
hysterical F44.4 |
lordotica(progressiva) G24.1 |
nonorganic origin F44.4 |
psychogenic F44.4 |
Dysbetalipoproteinemia(familial) E78.2 |
Dyscalculia R48.8 |
developmental F81.2 |
Dyschezia K59.00 |
Dyschondroplasia(with hemangiomata) Q78.4 |
Dyschromia(skin) L81.9 |
Dyscollagenosis M35.9 |
Dyscranio-pygo-phalangy Q87.0 |
Dyscrasia |
blood(with) D75.9 |
antepartum hemorrhage --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect |
newborn P61.9 |
specified type NEC P61.8 |
intrapartum hemorrhage O67.0 |
puerperal, postpartum O72.3 |
polyglandular, pluriglandular E31.9 |
Dysendocrinism E34.9 |
Dysentery, dysenteric(catarrhal) (diarrhea) (epidemic) (hemorrhagic) (infectious) (sporadic) (tropical) A09 |
abscess, liver A06.4 |
amebic --see also AmebiasisA06.0 |
with abscess --see Abscess, amebic |
acute A06.0 |
chronic A06.1 |
arthritis --see also category M01A09 |
bacillary --see also category M01A03.9 |
bacillary A03.9 |
arthritis --see also category M01A03.9 |
Boyd A03.2 |
Flexner A03.1 |
Schmitz(-Stutzer) A03.0 |
Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0 |
Shigella A03.9 |
boydii A03.2 |
dysenteriae A03.0 |
flexneri A03.1 |
group A A03.0 |
group B A03.1 |
group C A03.2 |
group D A03.3 |
sonnei A03.3 |
specified type NEC A03.8 |
Sonne A03.3 |
specified type NEC A03.8 |
balantidial A07.0 |
Balantidium coli A07.0 |
Boyd's A03.2 |
candidal B37.82 |
Chilomastix A07.8 |
Chinese A03.9 |
coccidial A07.3 |
Dientamoeba(fragilis) A07.8 |
Embadomonas A07.8 |
Entamoeba, entamebic --see Dysentery, amebic |
Flexner-Boyd A03.2 |
Flexner's A03.1 |
Giardia lamblia A07.1 |
Hiss-Russell A03.1 |
Lamblia A07.1 |
leishmanial B55.0 |
malarial --see Malaria |
metazoal B82.0 |
monilial B37.82 |
protozoal A07.9 |
Salmonella A02.0 |
schistosomal B65.1 |
Schmitz(-Stutzer) A03.0 |
Shiga(-Kruse) A03.0 |
Shigella NOS --see Dysentery, bacillary |
Sonne A03.3 |
strongyloidiasis B78.0 |
trichomonal A07.8 |
viral --see also Enteritis, viralA08.4 |
Dysequilibrium R42 |
Dysesthesia R20.8 |
hysterical F44.6 |
Dysfibrinogenemia(congenital) D68.2 |
Dysfunction |
adrenal E27.9 |
hyperfunction E27.0 |
autonomic |
due to alcohol G31.2 |
somatoform F45.8 |
bladder N31.9 |
neurogenic NOS --see Dysfunction, bladder, neuromuscular |
neuromuscular NOS N31.9 |
atonic(motor) (sensory) N31.2 |
autonomous N31.2 |
flaccid N31.2 |
nonreflex N31.2 |
reflex N31.1 |
specified NEC N31.8 |
uninhibited N31.0 |
bleeding, uterus N93.8 |
cerebral G93.89 |
colon K59.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
colostomy K94.03 |
cystic duct K82.8 |
cystostomy(stoma) --see Complications, cystostomy |
ejaculatory N53.19 |
anejaculatory orgasm N53.13 |
painful N53.12 |
premature F52.4 |
retarded N53.11 |
endocrine NOS E34.9 |
endometrium N85.8 |
enterostomy K94.13 |
gallbladder K82.8 |
gastrostomy(stoma) K94.23 |
gland, glandular NOS E34.9 |
heart I51.89 |
hemoglobin D75.89 |
hepatic K76.89 |
hypophysis E23.7 |
hypothalamic NEC E23.3 |
ileostomy(stoma) K94.13 |
jejunostomy(stoma) K94.13 |
kidney --see Disease, renal |
labyrinthine H83.2 |
left ventricular, following sudden emotional stress I51.81 |
liver K76.89 |
male --see Dysfunction, sexual, male |
orgasmic(female) F52.31 |
male F52.32 |
ovary E28.9 |
specified NEC E28.8 |
papillary muscle I51.89 |
parathyroid E21.4 |
physiological NEC R68.89 |
psychogenic F59 |
pineal gland E34.8 |
pituitary(gland) E23.3 |
platelets D69.1 |
polyglandular E31.9 |
specified NEC E31.8 |
psychophysiologic F59 |
psychosexual F52.9 |
with |
dyspareunia F52.6 |
premature ejaculation F52.4 |
vaginismus F52.5 |
pylorus K31.9 |
rectum K59.9 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
reflex(sympathetic) --see Syndrome, pain, complex regional I |
segmental --see Dysfunction, somatic |
senile R54 |
sexual(due to) R37 |
alcohol F10.981 |
amphetamine F15.981 |
in |
abuse F15.181 |
dependence F15.281 |
anxiolytic F13.981 |
in |
abuse F13.181 |
dependence F13.281 |
cocaine F14.981 |
in |
abuse F14.181 |
dependence F14.281 |
excessive sexual drive F52.8 |
failure of genital response(male) F52.21 |
female F52.22 |
female N94.9 |
aversion F52.1 |
dyspareunia N94.1 |
psychogenic F52.6 |
frigidity F52.22 |
nymphomania F52.8 |
orgasmic F52.31 |
psychogenic F52.9 |
aversion F52.1 |
dyspareunia F52.6 |
frigidity F52.22 |
nymphomania F52.8 |
orgasmic F52.31 |
vaginismus F52.5 |
vaginismus N94.2 |
psychogenic F52.5 |
hypnotic F13.981 |
in |
abuse F13.181 |
dependence F13.281 |
inhibited orgasm(female) F52.31 |
male F52.32 |
lack |
of sexual enjoyment F52.1 |
or loss of sexual desire F52.0 |
male N53.9 |
anejaculatory orgasm N53.13 |
ejaculatory N53.19 |
painful N53.12 |
premature F52.4 |
retarded N53.11 |
erectile N52.9 |
drug induced N52.2 |
due to |
disease classified elsewhere N52.1 |
drug N52.2 |
postoperative(postprocedural) N52.39 |
following |
prostatectomy N52.34 |
radical N52.31 |
radical cystectomy N52.32 |
urethral surgery N52.33 |
psychogenic F52.21 |
specified cause NEC N52.8 |
vasculogenic |
arterial insufficiency N52.01 |
with corporo-venous occlusive N52.03 |
corporo-venous occlusive N52.02 |
with arterial insufficiency N52.03 |
impotence --see Dysfunction, sexual, male, erectile |
psychogenic F52.9 |
aversion F52.1 |
erectile F52.21 |
orgasmic F52.32 |
premature ejaculation F52.4 |
satyriasis F52.8 |
specified type NEC F52.8 |
specified type NEC N53.8 |
nonorganic F52.9 |
specified NEC F52.8 |
opioid F11.981 |
in |
abuse F11.181 |
dependence F11.281 |
orgasmic dysfunction(female) F52.31 |
male F52.32 |
premature ejaculation F52.4 |
psychoactive substances NEC F19.981 |
in |
abuse F19.181 |
dependence F19.281 |
psychogenic F52.9 |
sedative F13.981 |
in |
abuse F13.181 |
dependence F13.281 |
sexual aversion F52.1 |
vaginismus(nonorganic) (psychogenic) F52.5 |
sinoatrial node I49.5 |
somatic M99.09 |
abdomen M99.09 |
acromioclavicular M99.07 |
cervical region M99.01 |
cervicothoracic M99.01 |
costochondral M99.08 |
costovertebral M99.08 |
head region M99.00 |
hip M99.05 |
lower extremity M99.06 |
lumbar region M99.03 |
lumbosacral M99.03 |
occipitocervical M99.00 |
pelvic region M99.05 |
pubic M99.05 |
rib cage M99.08 |
sacral region M99.04 |
sacrococcygeal M99.04 |
sacroiliac M99.04 |
specified NEC M99.09 |
sternochondral M99.08 |
sternoclavicular M99.07 |
thoracic region M99.02 |
thoracolumbar M99.02 |
upper extremity M99.07 |
somatoform autonomic F45.8 |
stomach K31.89 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
suprarenal E27.9 |
hyperfunction E27.0 |
symbolic R48.9 |
specified type NEC R48.8 |
temporomandibular(joint) M26.69 |
joint-pain syndrome M26.62 |
testicular(endocrine) E29.9 |
specified NEC E29.8 |
thymus E32.9 |
thyroid E07.9 |
ureterostomy(stoma) --see Complications, stoma, urinary tract |
urethrostomy(stoma) --see Complications, stoma, urinary tract |
uterus, complicating delivery O62.9 |
hypertonic O62.4 |
hypotonic O62.2 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
ventricular I51.9 |
with congestive heart failure I50.9- - left, reversible, following sudden emotional stress I51.81 |
Dysgenesis |
gonadal(due to chromosomal anomaly) Q96.9 |
pure Q99.1 |
renal Q60.5 |
bilateral Q60.4 |
unilateral Q60.3 |
reticular D72.0 |
tidal platelet D69.3 |
Dysgerminoma |
specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site |
unspecified site |
female C56.9 |
male C62.90 |
Dysgeusia R43.2 |
Dysgraphia R27.8 |
Dyshidrosis, dysidrosis L30.1 |
Dyskaryotic cervical smear R87.619 |
Dyskeratosis L85.8 |
cervix --see Dysplasia, cervix |
congenital Q82.8 |
uterus NEC N85.8 |
Dyskinesia G24.9 |
biliary(cystic duct or gallbladder) K82.8 |
drug induced |
orofacial G24.01 |
esophagus K22.4 |
hysterical F44.4 |
intestinal K59.8 |
nonorganic origin F44.4 |
orofacial(idiopathic) G24.4 |
drug induced G24.01 |
psychogenic F44.4 |
subacute, drug induced G24.01 |
tardive G24.01 |
neuroleptic induced G24.01 |
trachea J39.8 |
tracheobronchial J98.09 |
Dyslalia(developmental) F80.0 |
Dyslexia R48.0 |
developmental F81.0 |
Dyslipidemia E78.5 |
depressed HDL cholesterol E78.6 |
elevated fasting triglycerides E78.1 |
Dysmaturity --see also Light for dates |
pulmonary(newborn) (Wilson-Mikity) P27.0 |
Dysmenorrhea(essential) (exfoliative) N94.6 |
congestive(syndrome) N94.6 |
primary N94.4 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
secondary N94.5 |
Dysmetabolic syndrome X E88.81 |
Dysmetria R27.8 |
Dysmorphism(due to) |
alcohol Q86.0 |
exogenous cause NEC Q86.8 |
hydantoin Q86.1 |
warfarin Q86.2 |
Dysmorphophobia(nondelusional) F45.22 |
delusional F22 |
Dysnomia R47.01 |
Dysorexia R63.0 |
psychogenic F50.8 |
Dysostosis |
cleidocranial, cleidocranialis Q74.0 |
craniofacial Q75.1 |
Fairbank's(idiopathic familial generalized osteophytosis) Q78.9 |
mandibulofacial(incomplete) Q75.4 |
multiplex E76.01 |
oculomandibular Q75.5 |
Dyspareunia(female) N94.1 |
male N53.12 |
nonorganic F52.6 |
psychogenic F52.6 |
secondary N94.1 |
Dyspepsia R10.13 |
atonic K30 |
functional(allergic) (congenital) (gastrointestinal) (occupational) (reflex) K30 |
intestinal K59.8 |
nervous F45.8 |
neurotic F45.8 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
Dysphagia R13.10 |
cervical R13.19 |
following |
cerebral infarction I69.391 |
cerebrovascular disease I69.991 |
specified NEC I69.891 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.191 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.291 |
specified disease NEC I69.891 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.091 |
functional(hysterical) F45.8 |
hysterical F45.8 |
nervous(hysterical) F45.8 |
neurogenic R13.19 |
oral phase R13.11 |
oropharyngeal phase R13.12 |
pharyneal phase R13.13 |
pharyngoesophageal phase R13.14 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
sideropenic D50.1 |
spastica K22.4 |
specified NEC R13.19 |
Dysphagocytosis, congenital D71 |
Dysphasia R47.02 |
developmental |
expressive type F80.1 |
receptive type F80.2 |
following |
cerebrovascular disease I69.921 |
cerebral infarction I69.321 |
intracerebral hemorrhage I69.121 |
nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.221 |
specified disease NEC I69.821 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.021 |
Dysphonia R49.0 |
functional F44.4 |
hysterical F44.4 |
psychogenic F44.4 |
spastica J38.3 |
Dysphoria, postpartal O90.6 |
Dyspituitarism E23.3 |
Dysplasia --see also Anomaly |
acetabular, congenital Q65.89 |
alveolar capillary, with vein misalignment J84.843 |
anus(histologically confirmed) (mild) (moderate) K62.82 |
severe D01.3 |
arrhythmogenic right ventricular I42.8 |
arterial, fibromuscular I77.3 |
asphyxiating thoracic(congenital) Q77.2 |
brain Q07.9 |
bronchopulmonary, perinatal P27.1 |
cervix(uteri) N87.9 |
mild N87.0 |
moderate N87.1 |
severe D06.9 |
chondroectodermal Q77.6 |
colon D12.6 |
craniometaphyseal Q78.5 |
dentinal K00.5 |
diaphyseal, progressive Q78.3 |
dystrophic Q77.5 |
ectodermal(anhidrotic) (congenital) (hereditary) Q82.4 |
hydrotic Q82.8 |
epithelial, uterine cervix --see Dysplasia, cervix |
eye(congenital) Q11.2 |
fibrous |
bone NEC(monostotic) M85.00 |
ankle M85.07- |
foot M85.07- |
forearm M85.03- |
hand M85.04- |
lower leg M85.06- |
multiple site M85.09 |
neck M85.08 |
rib M85.08 |
shoulder M85.01- |
skull M85.08 |
specified site NEC M85.08 |
thigh M85.05- |
toe M85.07- |
upper arm M85.02- |
vertebra M85.08 |
diaphyseal, progressive Q78.3 |
jaw M27.8 |
polyostotic Q78.1 |
florid osseous --see also Cyst, calcifying odontogenic |
high grade, focal D12.6 |
hip, congenital Q65.89 |
joint, congenital Q74.8 |
kidney Q61.4 |
multicystic Q61.4 |
leg Q74.2 |
lung, congenital(not associated with short gestation) Q33.6 |
mammary(gland) (benign) N60.9- |
cyst(solitary) --see Cyst, breast |
cystic --see Mastopathy, cystic |
duct ectasia --see Ectasia, mammary duct |
fibroadenosis --see Fibroadenosis, breast |
fibrosclerosis --see Fibrosclerosis, breast |
specified type NEC N60.8- |
metaphyseal(Jansen's) (McKusick's) (Schmid's) Q78.5 |
muscle Q79.8 |
oculodentodigital Q87.0 |
periapical(cemental) (cemento-osseous) --see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic |
periosteum --see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC |
polyostotic fibrous Q78.1 |
prostate --see also Neoplasia, intraepithelial, prostateN42.3 |
severe D07.5 |
renal Q61.4 |
multicystic Q61.4 |
retinal, congenital Q14.1 |
right ventricular, arrhythmogenic I42.8 |
septo-optic Q04.4 |
skin L98.8 |
spinal cord Q06.1 |
spondyloepiphyseal Q77.7 |
thymic, with immunodeficiency D82.1 |
vagina N89.3 |
mild N89.0 |
moderate N89.1 |
severe NEC D07.2 |
vulva N90.3 |
mild N90.0 |
moderate N90.1 |
severe NEC D07.1 |
Dyspnea(nocturnal) (paroxysmal) R06.00 |
asthmatic(bronchial) J45.909 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J45.901 |
bronchitis J45.909 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J45.901 |
status asthmaticus J45.902 |
chronic J44.9 |
status asthmaticus J45.902 |
cardiac --see Failure, ventricular, left |
cardiac --see Failure, ventricular, left |
functional F45.8 |
hyperventilation R06.4 |
hysterical F45.8 |
newborn P28.89 |
orthopnea R06.01 |
psychogenic F45.8 |
shortness of breath R06.02 |
specified type NEC R06.09 |
Dyspraxia R27.8 |
developmental(syndrome) F82 |
Dysproteinemia E88.09 |
Dysreflexia, autonomic G90.4 |
Dysrhythmia |
cardiac I49.9 |
newborn |
bradycardia P29.12 |
occurring before birth P03.819 |
before onset of labor P03.810 |
during labor P03.811 |
tachycardia P29.11 |
postoperative I97.89 |
cerebral or cortical --see Epilepsy |
Dyssomnia --see Disorder, sleep |
Dyssynergia |
biliary K83.8 |
bladder sphincter N36.44 |
cerebellaris myoclonica(Hunt's ataxia) G11.1 |
Dysthymia F34.1 |
Dysthyroidism E07.9 |
Dystocia O66.9 |
affecting newborn P03.1 |
cervical(hypotonic) O62.2 |
affecting newborn P03.6 |
primary O62.0 |
secondary O62.1 |
contraction ring O62.4 |
fetal O66.9 |
abnormality NEC O66.3 |
conjoined twins O66.3 |
oversize O66.2 |
maternal O66.9 |
positional O64.9 |
shoulder(girdle) O66.0 |
causing obstructed labor O66.0 |
uterine NEC O62.4 |
Dystonia G24.9 |
deformans progressiva G24.1 |
drug induced NEC G24.09 |
acute G24.02 |
specified NEC G24.09 |
familial G24.1 |
idiopathic G24.1 |
familial G24.1 |
nonfamilial G24.2 |
orofacial G24.4 |
lenticularis G24.8 |
musculorum deformans G24.1 |
neuroleptic induced(acute) G24.02 |
orofacial(idiopathic) G24.4 |
oromandibular G24.4 |
due to drug G24.01 |
specified NEC G24.8 |
torsion(familial) (idiopathic) G24.1 |
acquired G24.8 |
genetic G24.1 |
symptomatic(nonfamilial) G24.2 |
Dystonic movements R25.8 |
Dystrophy, dystrophia |
adiposogenital E23.6 |
Becker's type G71.0 |
cervical sympathetic G90.2 |
choroid(hereditary) H31.20 |
central areolar H31.22 |
choroideremia H31.21 |
gyrate atrophy H31.23 |
specified type NEC H31.29 |
cornea(hereditary) H18.50 |
endothelial H18.51 |
epithelial H18.52 |
granular H18.53 |
lattice H18.54 |
macular H18.55 |
specified type NEC H18.59 |
Duchenne's type G71.0 |
due to malnutrition E45 |
Erb's G71.0 |
Fuchs' H18.51 |
Gower's muscular G71.0 |
hair L67.8 |
infantile neuraxonal G31.89 |
Landouzy-Déjérine G71.0 |
Leyden-Möbius G71.0 |
muscular G71.0 |
benign(Becker type) G71.0 |
congenital(hereditary) (progressive) (with specific morphological abnormalities of the muscle fiber) G71.0 |
myotonic G71.11 |
distal G71.0 |
Duchenne type G71.0 |
Emery-Dreifuss G71.0 |
Erb type G71.0 |
facioscapulohumeral G71.0 |
Gower's G71.0 |
hereditary(progressive) G71.0 |
Landouzy-Déjérine type G71.0 |
limb-girdle G71.0 |
myotonic G71.11 |
progressive(hereditary) G71.0 |
Charcot-Marie(-Tooth) type G60.0 |
pseudohypertrophic(infantile) G71.0 |
severe(Duchenne type) G71.0 |
myocardium, myocardial --see Degeneration, myocardial |
myotonic, myotonica G71.11 |
nail L60.3 |
congenital Q84.6 |
nutritional E45 |
ocular G71.0 |
oculocerebrorenal E72.03 |
oculopharyngeal G71.0 |
ovarian N83.8 |
polyglandular E31.8 |
reflex(neuromuscular) (sympathetic) --see Syndrome, pain, complex regional I |
retinal(hereditary) H35.50 |
in |
lipid storage disorders E75.6H36 |
systemic lipidoses E75.6H36 |
involving |
pigment epithelium H35.54 |
sensory area H35.53 |
pigmentary H35.52 |
vitreoretinal H35.51 |
Salzmann's nodular --see Degeneration, cornea, nodular |
scapuloperoneal G71.0 |
skin NEC L98.8 |
sympathetic(reflex) --see Syndrome, pain, complex regional I |
cervical G90.2 |
tapetoretinal H35.54 |
thoracic, asphyxiating Q77.2 |
unguium L60.3 |
congenital Q84.6 |
vitreoretinal H35.51 |
vulva N90.4 |
yellow(liver) --see Failure, hepatic |
Dysuria R30.0 |
psychogenic F45.8 |