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H(Hartnup's) disease E72.02
Haas' disease or osteochondrosis(juvenile) (head of humerus) --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, humerus
Habit, habituation
  bad sleep Z72.821
  chorea F95.8
  disturbance, child F98.9
  drug --see Dependence, drug
  irregular sleep Z72.821
  laxative F55.2
  spasm --see Tic
  tic --see Tic
Haemophilus(H.) influenzae, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.3
Haff disease --see Poisoning, mercury
Hageman's factor defect, deficiency or disease D68.2
Haglund's disease or osteochondrosis(juvenile) (os tibiale externum) --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tarsus
Hailey-Hailey disease Q82.8
Hair --see also condition
  plucking F63.3
    in stereotyped movement disorder F98.4
  tourniquet syndrome --see also Constriction, external, by site
    finger S60.44-
    penis S30.842
    thumb S60.34-
    toe S90.44-
Hairball in stomach T18.2
Hair-pulling, pathological(compulsive) F63.3
Hairy black tongue K14.3
Half vertebra Q76.49
Halitosis R19.6
Hallerman-Streiff syndrome Q87.0
Hallervorden-Spatz disease G23.0
Hallopeau's acrodermatitis or disease L40.2
Hallucination R44.3
  auditory R44.0
  gustatory R44.2
  olfactory R44.2
  specified NEC R44.2
  tactile R44.2
  visual R44.1
Hallucinosis(chronic) F28
  alcoholic(acute) F10.951
      abuse F10.151
      dependence F10.251
  drug-induced F19.951
    cannabis F12.951
    cocaine F14.951
    hallucinogen F16.151
      abuse F19.151
        cannabis F12.151
        cocaine F14.151
        hallucinogen F16.151
        inhalant F18.151
        opioid F11.151
        sedative, anxiolytic or hypnotic F13.151
        stimulant NEC F15.151
      dependence F19.251
        cannabis F12.251
        cocaine F14.251
        hallucinogen F16.251
        inhalant F18.251
        opioid F11.251
        sedative, anxiolytic or hypnotic F13.251
        stimulant NEC F15.251
    inhalant F18.951
    opioid F11.951
    sedative, anxiolytic or hypnotic F13.951
    stimulant NEC F15.951
  organic F06.0
  deformity(acquired) NEC M20.5X-
  limitus M20.5X-
  malleus(acquired) NEC M20.3-
  rigidus(acquired) M20.2-
    congenital Q74.2
    sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
  valgus(acquired) M20.1-
    congenital Q66.6
  varus(acquired) M20.3-
    congenital Q66.3
Halo, visual H53.19
Hamartoma, hamartoblastoma Q85.9
  epithelial(gingival), odontogenic, central or peripheral --see Cyst, calcifying odontogenic
Hamartosis Q85.9
Hamman-Rich syndrome J84.114
Hammer toe(acquired) NEC --see also Deformity, toe, hammer toe
  congenital Q66.89
  sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
Hand --see condition
Hand-foot syndrome L27.1
Handicap, handicapped
  educational Z55.9
    specified NEC Z55.8
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease or syndrome C96.5
Hanging(asphyxia) (strangulation) (suffocation) --see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat
Hangnail --see also Cellulitis, digit
  with lymphangitis --see Lymphangitis, acute, digit
Hangover(alcohol) F10.129
Hanhart's syndrome Q87.0
Hanot-Chauffard(-Troisier) syndrome E83.19
Hanot's cirrhosis or disease K74.3
Hansen's disease --see Leprosy
Hantaan virus disease(Korean hemorrhagic fever) A98.5
Hantavirus disease(with renal manifestations) (Dobrava) (Puumala) (Seoul) A98.5
  with pulmonary manifestations(Andes) (Bayou) (Bermejo) (Black Creek Canal) (Choclo) (Juquitiba) (Laguna negra) (Lechiguanas) (New York) (Oran) (Sin nombre) B33.4
Happy puppet syndrome Q93.5
Harada's disease or syndrome H30.81-
  artery --see Arteriosclerosis
  brain G93.89
Harelip(complete) (incomplete) --see Cleft, lip
Harlequin(newborn) Q80.4
Harley's disease D59.6
Harmful use(of)
  alcohol F10.10
  anxiolytics --see Abuse, drug, sedative
  cannabinoids --see Abuse, drug, cannabis
  cocaine --see Abuse, drug, cocaine
  drug --see Abuse, drug
  hallucinogens --see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen
  hypnotics --see Abuse, drug, sedative
  opioids --see Abuse, drug, opioid
  PCP(phencyclidine) --see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen
  sedatives --see Abuse, drug, sedative
  stimulants NEC --see Abuse, drug, stimulant
Harris' lines --see Arrest, epiphyseal
Hartnup's disease E72.02
Harvester's lung J67.0
Harvesting ovum for in vitro fertilization Z31.83
Hashimoto's disease or thyroiditis E06.3
Hashitoxicosis(transient) E06.3
Hassal-Henle bodies or warts(cornea) H18.49
Haut mal --see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC
Haverhill fever A25.1
Hay fever --see also Fever, hayJ30.1
Hayem-Widal syndrome D59.8
Haygarth's nodes M15.8
Haymaker's lung J67.0
  Bart's disease D56.0
  disease --see Disease, hemoglobin
  trait --see Trait
Head --see condition
Headache R51
  allergic NEC G44.89
  associated with sexual activity G44.82
  chronic daily R51
  cluster G44.009
    chronic G44.029
      intractable G44.021
      not intractable G44.029
    episodic G44.019
      intractable G44.011
      not intractable G44.019
    intractable G44.001
    not intractable G44.009
  cough(primary) G44.83
  daily chronic R51
  drug-induced NEC G44.40
    intractable G44.41
    not intractable G44.40
  exertional(primary) G44.84
  histamine G44.009
    intractable G44.001
    not intractable G44.009
  hypnic G44.81
  lumbar puncture G97.1
  medication overuse G44.40
    intractable G44.41
    not intractable G44.40
  menstrual --see Migraine, menstrual
  migraine(type) --see also MigraineG43.909
  nasal septum R51
  neuralgiform, short lasting unilateral, with conjunctival injection and tearing(SUNCT) G44.059
    intractable G44.051
    not intractable G44.059
  new daily persistent(NDPH) G44.52
  orgasmic G44.82
  periodic syndromes in adults and children G43.C0
    with refractory migraine G43.C1
    intractable G43.C1
    not intractable G43.C0
    without refractory migraine G43.C0
  postspinal puncture G97.1
  post-traumatic G44.309
    acute G44.319
      intractable G44.311
      not intractable G44.319
    chronic G44.329
      intractable G44.321
      not intractable G44.329
    intractable G44.301
    not intractable G44.309
  pre-menstrual --see Migraine, menstrual
  preorgasmic G44.82
    cough G44.83
    exertional G44.84
    stabbing G44.85
    thunderclap G44.53
  rebound G44.40
    intractable G44.41
    not intractable G44.40
  short lasting unilateral neuralgiform, with conjunctival injection and tearing(SUNCT) G44.059
    intractable G44.051
    not intractable G44.059
  specified syndrome NEC G44.89
  spinal and epidural anesthesia - induced T88.59
    in labor and delivery O74.5
    in pregnancy O29.4-
    postpartum, puerperal O89.4
  spinal fluid loss(from puncture) G97.1
  stabbing(primary) G44.85
  tension(-type) G44.209
    chronic G44.229
      intractable G44.221
      not intractable G44.229
    episodic G44.219
      intractable G44.211
      not intractable G44.219
    intractable G44.201
    not intractable G44.209
  thunderclap(primary) G44.53
  vascular NEC G44.1
    accompanying sick mother Z76.3
    receiving care Z76.2
  person accompanying sick person Z76.3
Hearing examination Z01.10
  with abnormal findings NEC Z01.118
  following failed hearing screening Z01.110
  for hearing conservation and treatment Z01.12
Heart --see condition
Heart beat
  abnormality R00.9
    specified NEC R00.8
  awareness R00.2
  rapid R00.0
  slow R00.1
Heartburn R12
  psychogenic F45.8
Heat(effects) T67.9
  apoplexy T67.0
  burn --see also BurnL55.9
  collapse T67.1
  cramps T67.2
  dermatitis or eczema L59.0
  edema T67.7
  erythema - code by site under Burn, first degree
  excessive T67.9
    specified effect NEC T67.8
  exhaustion T67.5
    anhydrotic T67.3
    due to
      salt(and water) depletion T67.4
      water depletion T67.3
        with salt depletion T67.4
  fatigue(transient) T67.6
  fever T67.0
  hyperpyrexia T67.0
  prickly L74.0
  prostration --see Heat, exhaustion
  pyrexia T67.0
  rash L74.0
  specified effect NEC T67.8
  stroke T67.0
  sunburn --see Sunburn
  syncope T67.1
Heavy-for-dates NEC(infant) (4000g to 4499g) P08.1
  exceptionally(4500g or more) P08.0
Hebephrenia, hebephrenic(schizophrenia) F20.1
Heberden's disease or nodes(with arthropathy) M15.1
  pityriasis L26
  prurigo L28.2
Heel --see condition
Heerfordt's disease D86.89
Hegglin's anomaly or syndrome D72.0
Heilmeyer-Schoner disease D45
Heine-Medin disease A80.9
Heinz body anemia, congenital D58.2
Heliophobia F40.228
Heller's disease or syndrome F84.3
HELLP syndrome(hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count) O14.2-
Helminthiasis --see also Infestation, helminth
  Ancylostoma B76.0
  intestinal B82.0
    mixed types(types classifiable to more than one of the titles B65.0-B81.3 and B81.8) B81.4
    specified type NEC B81.8
  mixed types(intestinal) (types classifiable to more than one of the titles B65.0-B81.3 and B81.8) B81.4
  Necator(americanus) B76.1
  specified type NEC B83.8
Heloma L84
Hemangioblastoma --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
  malignant --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Hemangioendothelioma --see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
  benign D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  bone(diffuse) --see Neoplasm, bone, malignant
  epithelioid --see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
    malignant --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
  malignant --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Hemangiofibroma --see Neoplasm, benign, by site
Hemangiolipoma --see Lipoma
Hemangioma D18.00
  arteriovenous D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  capillary D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  cavernous D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  epithelioid D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  histiocytoid D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  infantile D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  intra-abdominal D18.03
  intracranial D18.02
  intramuscular D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  juvenile D18.00
  malignant --see Neoplasm,connective tissue, malignant
  plexiform D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  racemose D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  sclerosing --see Neoplasm,skin, benign
  simplex D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  skin D18.01
  specified site NEC D18.09
  venous D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
  verrucous keratotic D18.00
    intra-abdominal D18.03
    intracranial D18.02
    skin D18.01
    specified site NEC D18.09
Hemangiomatosis(systemic) I78.8
  involving single site --see Hemangioma
Hemangiopericytoma --see also Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
  benign --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, benign
  malignant --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Hemangiosarcoma --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Hemarthrosis(nontraumatic) M25.00
  ankle M25.07-
  elbow M25.02-
  foot joint M25.07-
  hand joint M25.04-
  hip M25.05-
  in hemophilic arthropathy --see Arthropathy, hemophilic
  knee M25.06-
  shoulder M25.01-
  specified joint NEC M25.08
  traumatic --see Sprain, by site
  vertebrae M25.08
  wrist M25.03-
Hematemesis K92.0
  with ulcer - code by site under Ulcer, with hemorrhage K27.4
  newborn, neonatal P54.0
    due to swallowed maternal blood P78.2
Hematidrosis L74.8
Hematinuria --see also Hemoglobinuria
  malarial B50.8
Hematobilia K83.8
  female NEC N94.89
    with ectopic pregnancy O00.9
    ovary N83.8
  male N50.1
Hematochezia --see also MelenaK92.1
Hematochyluria --see also Infestation, filarial
  schistosomiasis(bilharziasis) B65.0
Hematocolpos(with hematometra or hematosalpinx) N89.7
Hematocornea --see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal
Hematogenous --see condition
Hematoma(traumatic) (skin surface intact) --see also Contusion
    injury of internal organs --see Injury, by site
    open wound --see Wound, open
  amputation stump(surgical) (late) T87.89
  aorta, dissecting I71.00
    abdominal I71.02
    thoracic I71.01
    thoracoabdominal I71.03
  aortic intramural --see Dissection, aorta
  arterial(complicating trauma) --see Injury, blood vessel, by site
  auricle --see Contusion, ear
    nontraumatic --see Disorder, pinna, hematoma
  birth injury NEC P15.8
      cerebral laceration or contusion(diffuse) --see Injury, intracranial, diffuse
        focal --see Injury, intracranial, focal
    cerebellar, traumatic S06.37-
    newborn NEC P52.4
      birth injury P10.1
    intracerebral, traumatic --see Injury, intracranial, intracerebral hemorrhage
    nontraumatic --see Hemorrhage, intracranial
    subarachnoid, arachnoid, traumatic --see Injury, intracranial, subarachnoid hemorrhage
    subdural, traumatic --see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage
  breast(nontraumatic) N64.89
  broad ligament(nontraumatic) N83.7
    traumatic S37.892
  cerebellar, traumatic S06.37-
  cerebral --see Hematoma, brain
  cerebrum S06.36-
    left S06.35-
    right S06.34-
  cesarean delivery wound O90.2
  complicating delivery(perineal) (pelvic) (vagina) (vulva) O71.7
  corpus cavernosum(nontraumatic) N48.89
  epididymis(nontraumatic) N50.1
  epidural(traumatic) --see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
    spinal --see Injury, spinal cord, by region
  episiotomy O90.2
  face, birth injury P15.4
  genital organ NEC(nontraumatic)
    female(nonobstetric) N94.89
      traumatic S30.202
    male N50.1
      traumatic S30.201
  internal organs --see Injury, by site
  intracerebral, traumatic --see Injury, intracranial, intracerebral hemorrhage
  intraoperative --see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage
  labia(nontraumatic) (nonobstetric) N90.89
  liver(subcapsular) (nontraumatic) K76.89
    birth injury P15.0
  mediastinum --see Injury, intrathoracic
  mesosalpinx(nontraumatic) N83.7
    traumatic S37.898
  muscle - code by site under Contusion
    muscle M79.81
    soft tissue M79.81
  obstetrical surgical wound O90.2
  orbit, orbital(nontraumatic) --see also Hemorrhage, orbit
    traumatic --see Contusion, orbit
  pelvis(female) (nontraumatic) (nonobstetric) N94.89
    obstetric O71.7
    traumatic --see Injury, by site
  penis(nontraumatic) N48.89
    birth injury P15.5
  perianal(nontraumatic) K64.5
  perineal S30.23
    complicating delivery O71.7
  perirenal --see Injury, kidney
  pinna --see Contusion, ear
    nontraumatic --see Disorder, pinna, hematoma
  placenta O43.89-
  postoperative(postprocedural) --see Complication, postprocedural, hemorrhage
  retroperitoneal(nontraumatic) K66.1
    traumatic S36.892
  scrotum, superficial S30.22
    birth injury P15.5
  seminal vesicle(nontraumatic) N50.1
    traumatic S37.892
  spermatic cord(traumatic) S37.892
    nontraumatic N50.1
  spinal(cord) (meninges) --see also Injury, spinal cord, by region
    newborn(birth injury) P11.5
  spleen D73.5
    intraoperative --see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage, spleen
    postprocedural(postoperative) --see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, spleen
  sternocleidomastoid, birth injury P15.2
  sternomastoid, birth injury P15.2
  subarachnoid(traumatic) --see Injury, intracranial, subarachnoid hemorrhage
    newborn(nontraumatic) P52.5
      due to birth injury P10.3
    nontraumatic --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
  subdural(traumatic) --see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage
    newborn(localized) P52.8
      birth injury P10.0
    nontraumatic --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
  superficial, newborn P54.5
  testis(nontraumatic) N50.1
    birth injury P15.5
  tunica vaginalis(nontraumatic) N50.1
  umbilical cord, complicating delivery O69.5
  uterine ligament(broad) (nontraumatic) N83.7
    traumatic S37.892
  vagina(ruptured) (nontraumatic) N89.8
    complicating delivery O71.7
  vas deferens(nontraumatic) N50.1
    traumatic S37.892
  vitreous --see Hemorrhage, vitreous
  vulva(nontraumatic) (nonobstetric) N90.89
    complicating delivery O71.7
    newborn(birth injury) P15.5
Hematometra N85.7
  with hematocolpos N89.7
Hematomyelia(central) G95.19
  newborn(birth injury) P11.5
  traumatic T14.8
Hematomyelitis G04.90
Hematoperitoneum --see Hemoperitoneum
Hematophobia F40.230
Hematopneumothorax(see Hemothorax)
Hematopoiesis, cyclic D70.4
Hematoporphyria --see Porphyria
Hematorachis, hematorrhachis G95.19
  newborn(birth injury) P11.5
Hematosalpinx N83.6
    hematocolpos N89.7
    hematometra N85.7
      with hematocolpos N89.7
  infectional --see Salpingitis
Hematospermia R36.1
Hematothorax(see Hemothorax)
Hematuria R31.9
  due to sulphonamide, sulfonamide --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug
  benign(familial) (of childhood) --see also Hematuria, idiopathic
    essential microscopic R31.1
  endemic --see also SchistosomiasisB65.0
  gross R31.0
  idiopathic N02.9
    with glomerular lesion
      crescentic(diffuse) glomerulonephritis N02.7
      dense deposit disease N02.6
      endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis N02.4
      focal and segmental hyalinosis or sclerosis N02.1
      membranoproliferative(diffuse) N02.5
      membranous(diffuse) N02.2
      mesangial proliferative(diffuse) N02.3
      mesangiocapillary(diffuse) N02.5
      minor abnormality N02.0
      proliferative NEC N02.8
      specified pathology NEC N02.8
  intermittent --see Hematuria, idiopathic
  malarial B50.8
  microscopic NEC R31.2
    benign essential R31.1
  paroxysmal --see also Hematuria, idiopathic
    nocturnal D59.5
  persistent --see Hematuria, idiopathic
  recurrent --see Hematuria, idiopathic
  tropical --see also SchistosomiasisB65.0
  tuberculous A18.13
Hemeralopia(day blindness) H53.11
  vitamin A deficiency E50.5
Hemi-akinesia R41.4
Hemianalgesia R20.0
Hemianencephaly Q00.0
Hemianesthesia R20.0
Hemianopia, hemianopsia(heteronymous) H53.47
  homonymous H53.46-
  syphilitic A52.71
Hemiathetosis R25.8
Hemiatrophy R68.89
  cerebellar G31.9
  face, facial, progressive(Romberg) G51.8
  tongue K14.8
Hemiballism(us) G25.5
Hemicardia Q24.8
Hemicephalus, hemicephaly Q00.0
Hemichorea G25.5
Hemicolitis, left --see Colitis, left sided
  congenital malformation Q00.0
  continua G44.51
  meaning migraine --see also MigraineG43.909
  paroxysmal G44.039
    chronic G44.049
      intractable G44.041
      not intractable G44.049
    episodic G44.039
      intractable G44.031
      not intractable G44.039
    intractable G44.031
    not intractable G44.039
Hemidystrophy --see Hemiatrophy
Hemiectromelia Q73.8
Hemihypalgesia R20.8
Hemihypesthesia R20.1
Hemi-inattention R41.4
Hemimelia Q73.8
  lower limb --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  upper limb --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
Hemiparalysis --see Hemiplegia
Hemiparesis --see Hemiplegia
Hemiparesthesia R20.2
Hemiparkinsonism G20
Hemiplegia G81.9-
  alternans facialis G83.89
  ascending NEC G81.90
    spinal G95.89
  congenital(cerebral) G80.8
    spastic G80.2
  embolic(current episode) I63.4-
  flaccid G81.0-
    cerebrovascular disease I69.959
      cerebral infarction I69.35-
      intracerebral hemorrhage I69.15-
      nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage NEC I69.25-
      specified disease NEC I69.85-
      stroke NOS I69.35-
      subarachnoid hemorrhage I69.05-
  hysterical F44.4
  newborn NEC P91.8
    birth injury P11.9
  spastic G81.1-
    congenital G80.2
  thrombotic(current episode) I63.3
Hemisection, spinal cord --see Injury, spinal cord, by region
Hemispasm(facial) R25.2
Hemisporosis B48.8
Hemitremor R25.1
Hemivertebra Q76.49
  failure of segmentation with scoliosis Q76.3
  fusion with scoliosis Q76.3
Hemochromatosis E83.119
  with refractory anemia D46.1
  due to repeated red blood cell transfusion E83.111
  hereditary(primary) E83.110
  primary E83.110
  specified NEC E83.118
Hemoglobin --see also condition
  abnormal(disease) --see Disease, hemoglobin
  AS genotype D57.3
  Constant Spring D58.2
  E-beta thalassemia D56.5
  fetal, hereditary persistence(HPFH) D56.4
  H Constant Spring D56.0
  low NOS D64.9
  S(Hb S), heterozygous D57.3
Hemoglobinemia D59.9
  due to blood transfusion T80.89
  paroxysmal D59.6
    nocturnal D59.5
Hemoglobinopathy(mixed) D58.2
  with thalassemia D56.8
  sickle-cell D57.1
    with thalassemia D57.40
      with crisis(vasoocclusive pain) D57.419
          acute chest syndrome D57.411
          splenic sequestration D57.412
      without crisis D57.40
Hemoglobinuria R82.3
  with anemia, hemolytic, acquired(chronic) NEC D59.6
  cold(agglutinin) (paroxysmal) (with Raynaud's syndrome) D59.6
  due to exertion or hemolysis NEC D59.6
  intermittent D59.6
  malarial B50.8
  march D59.6
  nocturnal(paroxysmal) D59.5
  paroxysmal(cold) D59.6
    nocturnal D59.5
Hemolymphangioma D18.1
      abortion --see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage
      ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1
        antepartum --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect
        intrapartum --see also Hemorrhage, complicating, deliveryO67.0
    postpartum O72.3
  neonatal(excessive) P58.9
    specified NEC P58.8
Hemolytic --see condition
Hemopericardium I31.2
  following acute myocardial infarction(current complication) I23.0
  newborn P54.8
  traumatic --see Injury, heart, with hemopericardium
Hemoperitoneum K66.1
  infectional K65.9
  traumatic S36.899
    with open wound --see Wound, open, with penetration into peritoneal cavity
Hemophilia(classical) (familial) (hereditary) D66
  A D66
  B D67
  C D68.1
  acquired D68.311
  autoimmune D68.311
  calcipriva --see also Defect, coagulationD68.4
  nonfamilial --see also Defect, coagulationD68.4
  secondary D68.311
  vascular D68.0
Hemophthalmos H44.81-
Hemopneumothorax --see also Hemothorax
  traumatic S27.2
Hemoptysis R04.2
  newborn P26.9
  tuberculous --see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic(concealed) R58
  abdomen R58
  accidental antepartum --see Hemorrhage, antepartum
  acute idiopathic pulmonary, in infants R04.81
  adenoid J35.8
  adrenal(capsule) (gland) E27.49
    medulla E27.8
    newborn P54.4
  after delivery --see Hemorrhage, postpartum
    lung, newborn P26.8
    process K08.8
  alveolus K08.8
  amputation stump(surgical) T87.89
  anemia(chronic) D50.0
    acute D62
  antepartum(with) O46.90
    with coagulation defect O46.00-
      afibrinogenemia O46.01-
      disseminated intravascular coagulation O46.02-
      hypofibrinogenemia O46.01-
      specified defect NEC O46.09-
    before 20 weeks gestation O20.9
      specified type NEC O20.8
      threatened abortion O20.0
    due to
      abruptio placenta --see also Abruptio placentaeO45.9-
      leiomyoma, uterus --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, specified cause NEC
      placenta previa O44.1-
    specified cause NEC O46.8X-
  anus(sphincter) K62.5
  apoplexy(stroke) --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
  arachnoid --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
  artery R58
    brain --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
  basilar(ganglion) I61.0
  bladder N32.89
  bowel K92.2
    newborn P54.3
  brain(miliary) (nontraumatic) --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
    due to
      birth injury P10.1
      syphilis A52.05
    epidural or extradural(traumatic) --see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
    newborn P52.4
      birth injury P10.1
    subarachnoid --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
    subdural --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
  brainstem(nontraumatic) I61.3
    traumatic S06.38-
  breast N64.59
  bronchial tube --see Hemorrhage, lung
  bronchopulmonary --see Hemorrhage, lung
  bronchus --see Hemorrhage, lung
  bulbar I61.5
  capillary I78.8
    primary D69.8
  cecum K92.2
  cerebellar, cerebellum(nontraumatic) I61.4
    newborn P52.6
    traumatic S06.37-
  cerebral, cerebrum --see also Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
    newborn(anoxic) P52.4
      birth injury P10.1
    lobe I61.1
  cerebromeningeal I61.8
  cerebrospinal --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
  cervix(uteri) (stump) NEC N88.8
  chamber, anterior(eye) --see Hyphema
  childbirth --see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
  choroid H31.30-
    expulsive H31.31-
  ciliary body --see Hyphema
  cochlea H83.8
  colon K92.2
    abortion --see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage
    delivery O67.9
      associated with coagulation defect(afibrinogenemia) (DIC) (hyperfibrinolysis) O67.0
      specified cause NEC O67.8
    surgical procedure --see Hemorrhage, intraoperative
  conjunctiva H11.3-
    newborn P54.8
  cord, newborn(stump) P51.9
  corpus luteum(ruptured) cyst N83.1
  cortical(brain) I61.1
  cranial --see Hemorrhage, intracranial
  cutaneous R23.3
    due to autosensitivity, erythrocyte D69.2
    newborn P54.5
    following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1
    postpartum O72.2
  diathesis(familial) D69.9
  disease D69.9
    newborn P53
    specified type NEC D69.8
  due to or associated with
    afibrinogenemia or other coagulation defect(conditions in categories D65-D69)
      antepartum --see Hemorrhage, antepartum, with coagulation defect
      intrapartum O67.0
    dental implant M27.61
    device, implant or graft --see also Complications, by site and type, specified NECT85.83
      arterial graft NEC T82.838
      breast T85.83
      catheter NEC T85.83
        dialysis(renal) T82.838
          intraperitoneal T85.83
        infusion NEC T82.838
          spinal(epidural) (subdural) T85.83
        urinary(indwelling) T83.83
      electronic(electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator)
        bone T84.83
        cardiac T82.837
        nervous system(brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.83
        urinary T83.83
      fixation, internal(orthopedic) NEC T84.83
      gastrointestinal(bile duct) (esophagus) T85.83
      genital NEC T83.83
      heart NEC T82.837
      joint prosthesis T84.83
      ocular(corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.83
      orthopedic NEC T84.83
        bone graft T86.838
      specified NEC T85.83
      urinary NEC T83.83
      vascular NEC T82.838
      ventricular intracranial shunt T85.83
  duodenum, duodenal K92.2
    ulcer --see Ulcer, duodenum, with hemorrhage
  dura mater --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
  endotracheal --see Hemorrhage, lung
  epicranial subaponeurotic(massive), birth injury P12.2
  epidural(traumatic) --see also Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
    nontraumatic I62.1
  esophagus K22.8
    varix I85.01
      secondary I85.11
  excessive, following ectopic gestation(subsequent episode) O08.1
  extradural(traumatic) --see Injury, intracranial, epidural hemorrhage
    birth injury P10.8
    newborn(anoxic) (nontraumatic) P52.8
    nontraumatic I62.1
  eye NEC H57.8
    fundus --see Hemorrhage, retina
    lid --see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC
  fallopian tube N83.6
  fibrinogenolysis --see Fibrinolysis
  fibrinolytic(acquired) --see Fibrinolysis
    ear(nontraumatic) --see Otorrhagia
    tracheostomy stoma J95.01
  fundus, eye --see Hemorrhage, retina
  funis --see Hemorrhage, umbilicus, cord
  gastric --see Hemorrhage, stomach
  gastroenteric K92.2
    newborn P54.3
  gastrointestinal(tract) K92.2
    newborn P54.3
  genital organ, male N50.1
  genitourinary(tract) NOS R31.9
  gingiva K06.8
  globe(eye) --see Hemophthalmos
  graafian follicle cyst(ruptured) N83.0
  gum K06.8
  heart I51.89
  hypopharyngeal(throat) R04.1
  intermenstrual(regular) N92.3
    irregular N92.1
  internal(organs) NEC R58
    capsule I61.0
    ear H83.8
    newborn P54.8
  intestine K92.2
    newborn P54.3
  intra-abdominal R58
  intra-alveolar(lung), newborn P26.8
  intracerebral(nontraumatic) --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, intracerebral
  intracranial(nontraumatic) I62.9
    birth injury P10.9
    epidural, nontraumatic I62.1
    extradural, nontraumatic I62.1
    newborn P52.9
      specified NEC P52.8
    intracerebral(nontraumatic) (in) I61.9
      brain stem I61.3
      cerebellum I61.4
      newborn P52.4
        birth injury P10.1
      hemisphere I61.2
        cortical(superficial) I61.1
        subcortical(deep) I61.0
        during a nervous system procedure G97.31
        during other procedure G97.32
      intraventricular I61.5
      multiple localized I61.6
        following a nervous system procedure G97.51
        following other procedure G97.52
      specified NEC I61.8
      superficial I61.1
      traumatic(diffuse) --see Injury, intracranial, diffuse
        focal --see Injury, intracranial, focal
    subarachnoid(nontraumatic) (from) I60.9
      newborn P52.5
        birth injury P10.3
      intracranial(cerebral) artery I60.7
        anterior communicating I60.2-
        basilar I60.4
        carotid siphon and bifurcation I60.0-
        communicating I60.7
          anterior I60.2-
          posterior I60.3-
        middle cerebral I60.1-
        posterior communicating I60.3-
        specified artery NEC I60.6
        vertebral I60.5-
      specified NEC I60.8
      traumatic S06.6X-
    subdural(nontraumatic) I62.00
      acute I62.01
      birth injury P10.0
      chronic I62.03
      newborn(anoxic) (hypoxic) P52.8
        birth injury P10.0
      spinal G95.19
      subacute I62.02
      traumatic --see Injury, intracranial, subdural hemorrhage
    traumatic --see Injury, intracranial, focal brain injury
  intramedullary NEC G95.19
  intraocular --see Hemophthalmos
  intraoperative, intraprocedural --see Complication, hemorrhage (hematoma), intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site
  intrapartum --see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
    female N94.89
    male K66.1
  intraperitoneal K66.1
  intrapontine I61.3
  intraprocedural --see Complication, hemorrhage (hematoma), intraoperative (intraprocedural), by site
  intrauterine N85.7
    complicating delivery --see also Hemorrhage, complicating, deliveryO67.9
    postpartum --see Hemorrhage, postpartum
  intraventricular I61.5
    newborn(nontraumatic) --see also Newborn, affected by, hemorrhageP52.3
      due to birth injury P10.2
        1 P52.0
        2 P52.1
        3 P52.21
        4 P52.22
  intravesical N32.89
  iris(postinfectional) (postinflammatory) (toxic) --see Hyphema
  joint(nontraumatic) --see Hemarthrosis
  kidney N28.89
  knee(joint) (nontraumatic) --see Hemarthrosis, knee
  labyrinth H83.8
  lenticular striate artery I61.0
  ligature, vessel --see Hemorrhage, postoperative
  liver K76.89
  lung R04.89
    newborn P26.9
      massive P26.1
      specified NEC P26.8
    tuberculous --see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
  massive umbilical, newborn P51.0
  mediastinum --see Hemorrhage, lung
  medulla I61.3
  membrane(brain) I60.8
    spinal cord --see Hemorrhage, spinal cord
  meninges, meningeal(brain) (middle) I60.8
    spinal cord --see Hemorrhage, spinal cord
  mesentery K66.1
  metritis --see Endometritis
  mouth K13.79
  mucous membrane NEC R58
    newborn P54.8
  muscle M62.89
  nail(subungual) L60.8
  nasal turbinate R04.0
    newborn P54.8
  navel, newborn P51.9
  newborn P54.9
    specified NEC P54.8
  nipple N64.59
  nose R04.0
    newborn P54.8
  omentum K66.1
  optic nerve(sheath) H47.02-
  orbit, orbital H05.23-
  ovary NEC N83.8
  oviduct N83.6
  pancreas K86.8
  parathyroid(gland) (spontaneous) E21.4
  parturition --see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
  penis N48.89
  pericardium, pericarditis I31.2
  peritoneum, peritoneal K66.1
  peritonsillar tissue J35.8
    due to infection J36
  petechial R23.3
    due to autosensitivity, erythrocyte D69.2
  pituitary(gland) E23.6
  pleura --see Hemorrhage, lung
  polioencephalitis, superior E51.2
  polymyositis --see Polymyositis
  pons, pontine I61.3
  posterior fossa(nontraumatic) I61.8
    newborn P52.6
  postmenopausal N95.0
  postnasal R04.0
  postoperative --see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, by site
  postpartum NEC(following delivery of placenta) O72.1
    delayed or secondary O72.2
    retained placenta O72.0
    third stage O72.0
  pregnancy --see Hemorrhage, antepartum
  preretinal --see Hemorrhage, retina
  prostate N42.1
  puerperal --see Hemorrhage, postpartum
    delayed or secondary O72.2
  pulmonary R04.89
    newborn P26.9
      massive P26.1
      specified NEC P26.8
    tuberculous --see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
  purpura(primary) D69.3
  rectum(sphincter) K62.5
    newborn P54.2
  recurring, following initial hemorrhage at time of injury T79.2
  renal N28.89
  respiratory passage or tract R04.9
    specified NEC R04.89
  retina, retinal(vessels) H35.6-
    diabetic --see Diabetes, retinal, hemorrhage
  retroperitoneal R58
  scalp R58
  scrotum N50.1
  secondary(nontraumatic) R58
    following initial hemorrhage at time of injury T79.2
  seminal vesicle N50.1
  skin R23.3
    newborn P54.5
  slipped umbilical ligature P51.8
  spermatic cord N50.1
  spinal(cord) G95.19
    newborn(birth injury) P11.5
  spleen D73.5
    intraoperative --see Complications, intraoperative, hemorrhage, spleen
    postprocedural --see Complications, postprocedural, hemorrhage, spleen
  stomach K92.2
    newborn P54.3
    ulcer --see Ulcer, stomach, with hemorrhage
  subarachnoid(nontraumatic) --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subarachnoid
  subconjunctival --see also Hemorrhage, conjunctiva
    birth injury P15.3
  subcortical(brain) I61.0
  subcutaneous R23.3
  subdiaphragmatic R58
  subdural(acute) (nontraumatic) --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
    newborn P52.0
      with intraventricular extension P52.1
        and intracerebral extension P52.22
  subgaleal P12.1
  subhyaloid --see Hemorrhage, retina
  subperiosteal --see Disorder, bone, specified type NEC
  subretinal --see Hemorrhage, retina
  subtentorial --see Hemorrhage, intracranial, subdural
  subungual L60.8
  suprarenal(capsule) (gland) E27.49
    newborn P54.4
  tentorium(traumatic) NEC --see Hemorrhage, brain
    newborn(birth injury) P10.4
  testis N50.1
  third stage(postpartum) O72.0
  thorax --see Hemorrhage, lung
  throat R04.1
  thymus(gland) E32.8
  thyroid(cyst) (gland) E07.89
  tongue K14.8
  tonsil J35.8
  trachea --see Hemorrhage, lung
  tracheobronchial R04.89
    newborn P26.0
  traumatic - code to specific injury
    cerebellar --see Hemorrhage, brain
    intracranial --see Hemorrhage, brain
    recurring or secondary(following initial hemorrhage at time of injury) T79.2
  tuberculous NEC --see also Tuberculosis, pulmonaryA15.0
  tunica vaginalis N50.1
  ulcer - code by site under Ulcer, with hemorrhage K27.4
  umbilicus, umbilical
      after birth, newborn P51.9
      complicating delivery O69.5
    newborn P51.9
      massive P51.0
      slipped ligature P51.8
    stump P51.9
  urethra(idiopathic) N36.8
  uterus, uterine(abnormal) N93.9
    climacteric N92.4
    complicating delivery --see Hemorrhage, complicating, delivery
    dysfunctional or functional N93.8
    intermenstrual(regular) N92.3
      irregular N92.1
    postmenopausal N95.0
    postpartum --see Hemorrhage, postpartum
    preclimacteric or premenopausal N92.4
    prepubertal N93.8
    pubertal N92.2
  vagina(abnormal) N93.9
    newborn P54.6
  vas deferens N50.1
  vasa previa O69.4
  ventricular I61.5
  vesical N32.89
  viscera NEC R58
    newborn P54.8
  vitreous(humor) (intraocular) H43.1-
  vulva N90.89
Hemorrhoids(bleeding) (without mention of degree) K64.9
  1st degree(grade/stage I) (without prolapse outside of anal canal) K64.0
  2nd degree(grade/stage II) (that prolapse with straining but retract spontaneously) K64.1
  3rd degree(grade/stage III) (that prolapse with straining and require manual replacement back inside anal canal) K64.2
  4th degree(grade/stage IV) (with prolapsed tissue that cannot be manually replaced) K64.3
    pregnancy O22.4
    puerperium O87.2
  external K64.4
      thrombosis K64.5
  internal(without mention of degree) K64.8
  prolapsed K64.8
  skin tags
    anus K64.4
    residual K64.4
  specified NEC K64.8
  strangulated --see also Hemorrhoids, by degreeK64.8
  thrombosed --see also Hemorrhoids, by degreeK64.5
  ulcerated --see also Hemorrhoids, by degreeK64.8
Hemosalpinx N83.6
    hematocolpos N89.7
    hematometra N85.7
      with hematocolpos N89.7
Hemosiderosis(dietary) E83.19
  pulmonary, idiopathic E83.1-J84.03
  transfusion T80.89
Hemothorax(bacterial) (nontuberculous) J94.2
  newborn P54.8
  traumatic S27.1
    with pneumothorax S27.2
  tuberculous NEC A15.6
Henoch(-Schönlein) disease or syndrome (purpura) D69.0
Henpue, henpuye A66.6
Hepar lobatum(syphilitic) A52.74
Hepatalgia K76.89
Hepatitis K75.9
  acute B17.9
    with coma K72.01
    with hepatic failure --see Failure, hepatic
    alcoholic --see Hepatitis, alcoholic
    infectious B15.9
      with hepatic coma B15.0
    viral B17.9
  alcoholic(acute) (chronic) K70.10
    with ascites K70.11
  amebic --see Abscess, liver, amebic
  anicteric,(viral) --see Hepatitis, viral
  antigen-associated(HAA) --see Hepatitis, B
  Australia-antigen(positive) --see Hepatitis, B
  autoimmune K75.4
  B B19.10
    with hepatic coma B19.11
    acute B16.9
        delta-agent(coinfection) (without hepatic coma) B16.1
          with hepatic coma B16.0
        hepatic coma(without delta-agent coinfection) B16.2
    chronic B18.1
      with delta-agent B18.0
  bacterial NEC K75.89
  C(viral) B19.20
    with hepatic coma B19.21
    acute B17.10
      with hepatic coma B17.11
    chronic B18.2
  catarrhal(acute) B15.9
    with hepatic coma B15.0
  cholangiolitic K75.89
  cholestatic K75.89
  chronic K73.9
    active NEC K73.2
    lobular NEC K73.1
    persistent NEC K73.0
    specified NEC K73.8
  cytomegaloviral B25.1
  due to ethanol(acute) (chronic) --see Hepatitis, alcoholic
  epidemic B15.9
    with hepatic coma B15.0
  fulminant NEC(viral) --see Hepatitis, viral
  neonatal giant cell P59.29
  granulomatous NEC K75.3
  herpesviral B00.81
  history of
    B Z86.19
    C Z86.19
  homologous serum --see Hepatitis, viral, type B
  in(due to)
    mumps B26.81
    toxoplasmosis(acquired) B58.1
      congenital(active) P37.1K77
  infectious, infective(acute) (chronic) (subacute) B15.9
    with hepatic coma B15.0
  inoculation --see Hepatitis, viral, type B
  interstitial(chronic) K74.69
  lupoid NEC K75.4
  malignant NEC(with hepatic failure) K72.90
    with coma K72.91
  neonatal(idiopathic) (toxic) P59.29
  newborn P59.29
  postimmunization --see Hepatitis, viral, type B
  post-transfusion --see Hepatitis, viral, type B
  reactive, nonspecific K75.2
  serum --see Hepatitis, viral, type B
  specified type NEC
    with hepatic failure --see Failure, hepatic
  syphilitic(late) A52.74
    congenital(early) A50.08K77
      late A50.59K77
    secondary A51.45
  toxic --see also Disease, liver, toxicK71.6
  tuberculous A18.83
  viral, virus B19.9
    with hepatic coma B19.0
    acute B17.9
    chronic B18.9
      specified NEC B18.8
        B B18.1
          with delta-agent B18.0
        C B18.2
    congenital P35.3
    coxsackie B33.8K77
    cytomegalic inclusion B25.1
    in remission, any type - code to Hepatitis, chronic, by type
    non-A, non-B B17.8
    specified type NEC(with or without coma) B17.8
      A B15.9
        with hepatic coma B15.0
      B B19.10
        with hepatic coma B19.11
        acute B16.9
            delta-agent(coinfection) (without hepatic coma) B16.1
              with hepatic coma B16.0
            hepatic coma(without delta-agent coinfection) B16.2
        chronic B18.1
          with delta-agent B18.0
      C B19.20
        with hepatic coma B19.21
        acute B17.10
          with hepatic coma B17.11
        chronic B18.2
      E B17.2
      non-A, non-B B17.8
Hepatization lung(acute) --see Pneumonia, lobar
Hepatoblastoma C22.2
Hepatocarcinoma C22.0
Hepatocholangiocarcinoma C22.0
Hepatocholangioma, benign D13.4
Hepatocholangitis K75.89
Hepatolenticular degeneration E83.01
Hepatoma(malignant) C22.0
  benign D13.4
  embryonal C22.0
Hepatomegaly --see also Hypertrophy, liver
  with splenomegaly R16.2
  congenital Q44.7
  in mononucleosis
    gammaherpesviral B27.09
    infectious specified NEC B27.89
Hepatoptosis K76.89
Hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery O90.4
Hepatosis K76.89
Hepatosplenomegaly R16.2
  hyperlipemic(Bürger-Grütz type) E78.3K77
Hereditary --see condition
Heredodegeneration, macular --see Dystrophy, retina
Heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis G60.1
Heredosyphilis --see Syphilis, congenital
Herlitz' syndrome Q81.1
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome E70.331
Hermaphrodite, hermaphroditism(true) Q56.0
  46,XX with streak gonads Q99.1
  46,XX/46,XY Q99.0
  46,XY with streak gonads Q99.1
  chimera 46,XX/46,XY Q99.0
Hernia, hernial(acquired) (recurrent) K46.9
    gangrene --see Hernia, by site, with, gangrene
    incarceration --see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
    irreducible --see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
    obstruction --see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
    strangulation --see Hernia, by site, with, obstruction
  abdomen, abdominal K46.9
      gangrene(and obstruction) K46.1
      obstruction K46.0
    femoral --see Hernia, femoral
    incisional --see Hernia, incisional
    inguinal --see Hernia, inguinal
    specified site NEC K45.8
        gangrene(and obstruction) K45.1
        obstruction K45.0
    umbilical --see Hernia, umbilical
    wall --see Hernia, ventral
  appendix --see Hernia, abdomen
  bladder(mucosa) (sphincter)
    congenital(female) (male) Q79.51
    female --see Cystocele
    male N32.89
  brain, congenital --see Encephalocele
  cartilage, vertebra --see Displacement, intervertebral disc
  cerebral, congenital --see also Encephalocele
    endaural Q01.8
  ciliary body(traumatic) S05.2-
  colon --see Hernia, abdomen
  Cooper's --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  crural --see Hernia, femoral
  diaphragm, diaphragmatic K44.9
      gangrene(and obstruction) K44.1
      obstruction K44.0
    congenital Q79.0
  direct(inguinal) --see Hernia, inguinal
  diverticulum, intestine --see Hernia, abdomen
  double(inguinal) --see Hernia, inguinal, bilateral
  due to adhesions(with obstruction) K56.5
  epigastric --see also Hernia, ventralK43.9
  esophageal hiatus --see Hernia, hiatal
  external(inguinal) --see Hernia, inguinal
  fallopian tube N83.4
  fascia M62.89
  femoral K41.90
      gangrene(and obstruction) K41.40
        not specified as recurrent K41.40
        recurrent K41.41
      obstruction K41.30
        not specified as recurrent K41.30
        recurrent K41.31
    bilateral K41.20
        gangrene(and obstruction) K41.10
          not specified as recurrent K41.10
          recurrent K41.11
        obstruction K41.00
          not specified as recurrent K41.00
          recurrent K41.01
      not specified as recurrent K41.20
      recurrent K41.21
    unilateral K41.90
        gangrene(and obstruction) K41.40
          not specified as recurrent K41.40
          recurrent K41.41
        obstruction K41.30
          not specified as recurrent K41.30
          recurrent K41.31
      not specified as recurrent K41.90
      recurrent K41.91
    not specified as recurrent K41.90
    recurrent K41.91
  foramen magnum G93.5
    congenital Q01.8
  funicular(umbilical) --see also Hernia, umbilicus
    spermatic(cord) --see Hernia, inguinal
  gastrointestinal tract --see Hernia, abdomen
  Hesselbach's --see Hernia, femoral, specified site NEC
  hiatal(esophageal) (sliding) K44.9
      gangrene(and obstruction) K44.1
      obstruction K44.0
    congenital Q40.1
  hypogastric --see Hernia, ventral
  incarcerated --see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
    with gangrene --see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
  incisional K43.2
      gangrene(and obstruction) K43.1
      obstruction K43.0
  indirect(inguinal) --see Hernia, inguinal
  inguinal(direct) (external) (funicular) (indirect) (internal) (oblique) (scrotal) (sliding) K40.90
      gangrene(and obstruction) K40.40
        not specified as recurrent K40.40
        recurrent K40.41
      obstruction K40.30
        not specified as recurrent K40.30
        recurrent K40.31
    not specified as recurrent K40.90
    recurrent K40.91
    bilateral K40.20
        gangrene(and obstruction) K40.10
          not specified as recurrent K40.10
          recurrent K40.11
        obstruction K40.00
          not specified as recurrent K40.00
          recurrent K40.01
      not specified as recurrent K40.20
      recurrent K40.21
    unilateral K40.90
        gangrene(and obstruction) K40.40
          not specified as recurrent K40.40
          recurrent K40.41
        obstruction K40.30
          not specified as recurrent K40.30
          recurrent K40.31
      not specified as recurrent K40.90
      recurrent K40.91
  internal --see also Hernia, abdomen
    inguinal --see Hernia, inguinal
  interstitial --see Hernia, abdomen
  intervertebral cartilage or disc --see Displacement, intervertebral disc
  intestine, intestinal --see Hernia, by site
  intra-abdominal --see Hernia, abdomen
  iris(traumatic) S05.2-
  irreducible --see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
    with gangrene --see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
  ischiatic --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  ischiorectal --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  lens(traumatic) S05.2-
  linea(alba) (semilunaris) --see Hernia, ventral
  Littre's --see Hernia, abdomen
  lumbar --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  lung(subcutaneous) J98.4
  mediastinum J98.5
  mesenteric(internal) --see Hernia, abdomen
  midline --see Hernia, ventral
  muscle(sheath) M62.89
  nucleus pulposus --see Displacement, intervertebral disc
  oblique(inguinal) --see Hernia, inguinal
  obstructive --see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
    with gangrene --see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
  obturator --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  omental --see Hernia, abdomen
  ovary N83.4
  oviduct N83.4
  paraesophageal --see also Hernia, diaphragm
    congenital Q40.1
  parastomal K43.5
      gangrene(and obstruction) K43.4
      obstruction K43.3
  paraumbilical --see Hernia, umbilicus
  perineal --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  Petit's --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  postoperative --see Hernia, incisional
  pregnant uterus --see Abnormal, uterus in pregnancy or childbirth
  prevesical N32.89
  properitoneal --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  pudendal --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  rectovaginal N81.6
  retroperitoneal --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  Richter's --see Hernia, abdomen, with obstruction
  Rieux's, Riex's --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  sac condition(adhesion) (dropsy) (inflammation) (laceration) (suppuration) - code by site under Hernia
  sciatic --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  scrotum, scrotal --see Hernia, inguinal
  sliding(inguinal) --see also Hernia, inguinal
    hiatus --see Hernia, hiatal
  spigelian --see Hernia, ventral
  spinal --see Spina bifida
  strangulated --see also Hernia, by site, with obstruction
    with gangrene --see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
  subxiphoid --see Hernia, ventral
  supra-umbilicus --see Hernia, ventral
  tendon --see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC
  Treitz's(fossa) --see Hernia, abdomen, specified site NEC
  tunica vaginalis Q55.29
  umbilicus, umbilical K42.9
      gangrene(and obstruction) K42.1
      obstruction K42.0
  ureter N28.89
  urethra, congenital Q64.79
  urinary meatus, congenital Q64.79
  uterus N81.4
    pregnant --see Abnormal, uterus in pregnancy or childbirth
  vaginal(anterior) (wall) --see Cystocele
  Velpeau's --see Hernia, femoral
  ventral K43.9
      gangrene(and obstruction) K43.7
      obstruction K43.6
    recurrent --see Hernia, incisional
    incisional K43.2
        gangrene(and obstruction) K43.1
        obstruction K43.0
    specified NEC K43.9
        gangrene(and obstruction) K43.7
        obstruction K43.6
    congenital(female) (male) Q79.51
    female --see Cystocele
    male N32.89
  vitreous(into wound) S05.2-
    into anterior chamber --see Prolapse, vitreous
Herniation --see also Hernia
  brain(stem) G93.5
  cerebral G93.5
  mediastinum J98.5
  nucleus pulposus --see Displacement, intervertebral disc
Herpangina B08.5
Herpes, herpesvirus, herpetic B00.9
  anogenital A60.9
    perianal skin A60.1
    rectum A60.1
    urogenital tract A60.00
      cervix A60.03
      male genital organ NEC A60.02
      penis A60.01
      specified site NEC A60.09
      vagina A60.04
      vulva A60.04
  blepharitis(zoster) B02.39
    simplex B00.59
  circinatus B35.4
    bullosus L12.0
  conjunctivitis(simplex) B00.53
    zoster B02.31
  cornea B02.33
  encephalitis B00.4
    due to herpesvirus 6 B10.01
    due to herpesvirus 7 B10.09
    specified NEC B10.09
  eye(zoster) B02.30
    simplex B00.50
  eyelid(zoster) B02.39
    simplex B00.59
  facialis B00.1
  febrilis B00.1
  geniculate ganglionitis B02.21
  genital, genitalis A60.00
    female A60.09
    male A60.02
  gestational, gestationis O26.4-
  gingivostomatitis B00.2
  human B00.9
    1 --see Herpes, simplex
    2 --see Herpes, simplex
    3 --see Varicella
    4 --see Mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr (virus)
    5 --see Disease, cytomegalic inclusion (generalized)
      encephalitis B10.01
      specified NEC B10.81
      encephalitis B10.09
      specified NEC B10.82
    8 B10.89
  infection NEC B10.89
    Kaposi's sarcoma associated B10.89
  iridocyclitis(simplex) B00.51
    zoster B02.32
  iris(vesicular erythema multiforme) L51.9
  iritis(simplex) B00.51
  Kaposi's sarcoma associated B10.89
  keratitis(simplex) (dendritic) (disciform) (interstitial) B00.52
    zoster(interstitial) B02.33
  keratoconjunctivitis(simplex) B00.52
    zoster B02.33
  labialis B00.1
  lip B00.1
  meningitis(simplex) B00.3
    zoster B02.1
  ophthalmicus(zoster) NEC B02.30
    simplex B00.50
  penis A60.01
  perianal skin A60.1
  pharyngitis, pharyngotonsillitis B00.2
  rectum A60.1
  scrotum A60.02
  sepsis B00.7
  simplex B00.9
    complicated NEC B00.89
    congenital P35.2
    conjunctivitis B00.53
    external ear B00.1
    eyelid B00.59
    hepatitis B00.81
    keratitis(interstitial) B00.52
    myleitis B00.82
    specified complication NEC B00.89
    visceral B00.89
  stomatitis B00.2
  tonsurans B35.0
  visceral B00.89
  vulva A60.04
  whitlow B00.89
  zoster --see also conditionB02.9
    auricularis B02.21
    complicated NEC B02.8
    conjunctivitis B02.31
    disseminated B02.7
    encephalitis B02.0
    eye(lid) B02.39
    geniculate ganglionitis B02.21
    keratitis(interstitial) B02.33
    meningitis B02.1
    myelitis B02.24
    neuritis, neuralgia B02.29
    ophthalmicus NEC B02.30
    oticus B02.21
    polyneuropathy B02.23
    specified complication NEC B02.8
    trigeminal neuralgia B02.22
Herpesvirus(human) --see Herpes
Herpetophobia F40.218
Herrick's anemia --see Disease, sickle-cell
Hers' disease E74.09
Herter-Gee syndrome K90.0
Herxheimer's reaction R68.89
  of micturition R39.11
  urinary R39.11
Hesselbach's hernia --see Hernia, femoral, specified site NEC
Heterochromia(congenital) Q13.2
  cataract --see Cataract, complicated
  cyclitis(Fuchs) --see Cyclitis, Fuchs' heterochromic
  hair L67.1
  iritis --see Cyclitis, Fuchs' heterochromic
  retained metallic foreign body(nonmagnetic) --see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained
    magnetic --see Foreign body, intraocular, old, retained, magnetic
  uveitis --see Cyclitis, Fuchs' heterochromic
Heterophoria --see Strabismus, heterophoria
Heterophyes, heterophyiasis(small intestine) B66.8
Heterotopia, heterotopic --see also Malposition, congenital
  cerebralis Q04.8
Heterotropia --see Strabismus
Heubner-Herter disease K90.0
Hexadactylism Q69.9
HGSIL(cytology finding) (high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear) (Pap smear finding)
  anus R85.613
  cervix R87.613
    biopsy(histology) finding - code to CIN II or CIN III
  vagina R87.623
    biopsy(histology) finding - code to VAIN II or VAIN III
Hibernoma --see Lipoma
Hiccup, hiccough R06.6
  epidemic B33.0
  psychogenic F45.8
Hidden penis(congenital) Q55.64
  acquired N48.83
Hidradenitis(axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2
Hidradenoma(nodular) --see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
  clear cell --see Neoplasm, skin, benign
  papillary --see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Hidrocystoma --see Neoplasm, skin, benign
  altitude effects T70.20
    anoxia T70.29
      ears T70.0
      sinuses T70.1
    polycythemia D75.1
    foot Q66.7
    palate, congenital Q38.5
  arterial tension --see Hypertension
  basal metabolic rate R94.8
  blood pressure --see also Hypertension
    borderline R03.0
    reading(incidental) (isolated) (nonspecific), without diagnosis of hypertension R03.0
  cholesterol E78.0
    with high triglycerides E78.2
  diaphragm(congenital) Q79.1
  expressed emotional level within family Z63.8
  head at term O32.4
  palate, congenital Q38.5
    infant NEC Z76.2
    sexual behavior(heterosexual) Z72.51
      bisexual Z72.53
      homosexual Z72.52
  temperature(of unknown origin) R50.9
  thoracic rib Q76.6
  triglycerides E78.1
    with high cholesterol E78.2
Hildenbrand's disease A75.0
Hilum --see condition
Hip --see condition
Hippel's disease Q85.8
Hippophobia F40.218
Hippus H57.09
Hirschsprung's disease or megacolon Q43.1
Hirsutism, hirsuties L68.0
  external B88.3
  internal B83.4
Hiss-Russell dysentery A03.1
Histidinemia, histidinuria E70.41
Histiocytoma --see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
  fibrous --see also Neoplasm, skin, benign
    atypical --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, uncertain behavior
    malignant --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
Histiocytosis D76.3
  acute differentiated progressive C96.0
  Langerhans' cell NEC C96.6
    multifocal X
      multisystemic(disseminated) C96.0
      unisystemic C96.5
    pulmonary, adult(adult PLCH) J84.82
    unifocal(X) C96.6
  lipid, lipoid D76.3
    essential E75.29
  malignant C96.A
  mononuclear phagocytes NEC D76.1
    Langerhans' cells C96.6
  non-Langerhans cell D76.3
  polyostotic sclerosing D76.3
  sinus, with massive lymphadenopathy D76.3
  syndrome NEC D76.3
  X NEC C96.6
    acute(progressive) C96.0
    chronic C96.6
    multifocal C96.5
    multisystemic C96.0
    unifocal C96.6
Histoplasmosis B39.9
  with pneumonia NEC B39.2
  African B39.5
  American --see Histoplasmosis, capsulati
  capsulati B39.4
    disseminated B39.3
    generalized B39.3
    pulmonary B39.2
      acute B39.0
      chronic B39.1
  Darling's B39.4
  duboisii B39.5
  lung NEC B39.2
  family(of) --see also History, personal (of)
    alcohol abuse Z81.1
    allergy NEC Z84.89
    anemia Z83.2
    arthritis Z82.61
    asthma Z82.5
    blindness Z82.1
    cardiac death(sudden) Z82.41
    carrier of genetic disease Z84.81
    chromosomal anomaly Z82.79
      disabling disease NEC Z82.8
      lower respiratory disease Z82.5
    colonic polyps Z83.71
    congenital malformations and deformations Z82.79
      polycystic kidney Z82.71
    consanguinity Z84.3
    deafness Z82.2
    diabetes mellitus Z83.3
    disability NEC Z82.8
    disease or disorder(of)
      allergic NEC Z84.89
      behavioral NEC Z81.8
      blood and blood-forming organs Z83.2
      cardiovascular NEC Z82.49
      chronic disabling NEC Z82.8
      digestive Z83.79
      ear NEC Z83.52
      endocrine NEC Z83.49
      eye NEC Z83.518
        glaucoma Z83.511
      genitourinary NEC Z84.2
      glaucoma Z83.511
      hematological Z83.2
      immune mechanism Z83.2
      infectious NEC Z83.1
      ischemic heart Z82.49
      kidney Z84.1
      mental NEC Z81.8
      metabolic Z83.49
      musculoskeletal NEC Z82.69
      neurological NEC Z82.0
      nutritional Z83.49
      parasitic NEC Z83.1
      psychiatric NEC Z81.8
      respiratory NEC Z83.6
      skin and subcutaneous tissue NEC Z84.0
      specified NEC Z84.89
    drug abuse NEC Z81.3
    epilepsy Z82.0
    genetic disease carrier Z84.81
    glaucoma Z83.511
    hearing loss Z82.2
    human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection Z83.0
    Huntington's chorea Z82.0
    intellectual disability Z81.0
    leukemia Z80.6
    malignant neoplasm(of) NOS Z80.9
      bladder Z80.52
      breast Z80.3
      bronchus Z80.1
      digestive organ Z80.0
      gastrointestinal tract Z80.0
      genital organ Z80.49
        ovary Z80.41
        prostate Z80.42
        specified organ NEC Z80.49
        testis Z80.43
      hematopoietic NEC Z80.7
      intrathoracic organ NEC Z80.2
      kidney Z80.51
      lung Z80.1
      lymphatic NEC Z80.7
      ovary Z80.41
      prostate Z80.42
      respiratory organ NEC Z80.2
      specified site NEC Z80.8
      testis Z80.43
      trachea Z80.1
      urinary organ or tract Z80.59
        bladder Z80.52
        kidney Z80.51
      disorder NEC Z81.8
    multiple endocrine neoplasia(MEN) syndrome Z83.41
    osteoporosis Z82.62
    polycystic kidney Z82.71
    polyps(colon) Z83.71
    psychiatric disorder Z81.8
    psychoactive substance abuse NEC Z81.3
    respiratory condition NEC Z83.6
      asthma and other lower respiratory conditions Z82.5
    self-harmful behavior Z81.8
    skin condition Z84.0
    specified condition NEC Z84.89
    stroke(cerebrovascular) Z82.3
    substance abuse NEC Z81.4
      alcohol Z81.1
      drug NEC Z81.3
      psychoactive NEC Z81.3
      tobacco Z81.2
    sudden cardiac death Z82.41
    tobacco abuse Z81.2
    violence, violent behavior Z81.8
    visual loss Z82.1
  personal(of) --see also History, family (of)
      childhood Z62.819
        physical Z62.810
        psychological Z62.811
        sexual Z62.810
      adult Z91.419
        physical and sexual Z91.410
        psychological Z91.411
    alcohol dependence F10.21
    allergy(to) Z88.9
      analgesic agent NEC Z88.6
      anesthetic Z88.4
      antibiotic agent NEC Z88.1
      anti-infective agent NEC Z88.3
      contrast media Z91.041
      drugs, medicaments and biological substances Z88.9
        specified NEC Z88.8
      food Z91.018
        additives Z91.02
        eggs Z91.012
        milk products Z91.011
        peanuts Z91.010
        seafood Z91.013
        specified food NEC Z91.018
      insect Z91.038
        bee Z91.030
      latex Z91.040
      medicinal agents Z88.9
        specified NEC Z88.8
      narcotic agent NEC Z88.5
      nonmedicinal agents Z91.048
      penicillin Z88.0
      serum Z88.7
      specified NEC Z91.09
      sulfonamides Z88.2
      vaccine Z88.7
    anaphylactic shock Z87.892
    anaphylaxis Z87.892
    behavioral disorders Z86.59
    benign carcinoid tumor Z86.012
    benign neoplasm Z86.018
      carcinoid Z86.012
      brain Z86.011
      colonic polyps Z86.010
    brain injury(traumatic) Z87.820
    breast implant removal Z98.86
    calculi, renal Z87.442
    cancer --see History, personal (of), malignant neoplasm (of)
    cardiac arrest(death), suscessfully resuscitated Z86.74
    cerebral infarction without residual deficit Z86.73
    cervical dysplasia Z87.410
    chemotherapy for neoplastic condition Z92.21
    childhood abuse --see History, personal (of), abuse
    cleft lip(corrected) Z87.730
    cleft palate(corrected) Z87.730
    collapsed vertebra(healed) Z87.311
      due to osteoporosis Z87.310
    combat and operational stress reaction Z86.51
    congenital malformation(corrected) Z87.798
      circulatory system(corrected) Z87.74
      digestive system(corrected) NEC Z87.738
      ear(corrected) Z87.720
      eye(corrected) Z87.721
      face and neck(corrected) Z87.790
      genitourinary system(corrected) NEC Z87.718
      heart(corrected) Z87.74
      integument(corrected) Z87.76
      limb(s) (corrected) Z87.76
      musculoskeletal system(corrected) Z87.76
      neck(corrected) Z87.790
      nervous system(corrected) NEC Z87.728
      respiratory system(corrected) Z87.75
      sense organs(corrected) NEC Z87.728
      specified NEC Z87.798
    contraception Z92.0
    deployment(military) Z91.82
    diabetic foot ulcer Z86.31
    disease or disorder(of) Z87.898
      blood and blood-forming organs Z86.2
      circulatory system Z86.79
        specified condition NEC Z86.79
      connective tissue NEC Z87.39
      digestive system Z87.19
        colonic polyp Z86.010
        peptic ulcer disease Z87.11
        specified condition NEC Z87.19
      ear Z86.69
      endocrine Z86.39
        diabetic foot ulcer Z86.31
        gestational diabetes Z86.32
        specified type NEC Z86.39
      eye Z86.69
      genital(track) system NEC
        female Z87.42
        male Z87.438
      hematological Z86.2
      Hodgkin Z85.71
      immune mechanism Z86.2
      infectious Z86.19
        malaria Z86.13
        Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) Z86.14
        poliomyelitis Z86.12
        specified NEC Z86.19
        tuberculosis Z86.11
      mental NEC Z86.59
      metabolic Z86.39
        diabetic foot ulcer Z86.31
        gestational diabetes Z86.32
        specified type NEC Z86.39
      musculoskeletal NEC Z87.39
      nervous system Z86.69
      nutritional Z86.39
      parasitic Z86.19
      respiratory system NEC Z87.09
      sense organs Z86.69
      skin Z87.2
      specified site or type NEC Z87.898
      subcutaneous tissue Z87.2
      trophoblastic Z87.59
      urinary system NEC Z87.448
    drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, by type, in remission
    drug therapy
      antineoplastic chemotherapy Z92.21
      estrogen Z92.23
      immunosupression Z92.25
      inhaled steroids Z92.240
      monoclonal drug Z92.22
      specified NEC Z92.29
      steroid Z92.241
      systemic steroids Z92.241
      cervical Z87.410
      prostatic Z87.430
      vaginal Z87.411
      vulvar Z87.412
    embolism(venous) Z86.718
      pulmonary Z86.711
    encephalitis Z86.61
    estrogen therapy Z92.23
    extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) Z92.81
    failed moderate sedation Z92.83
    failed conscious sedation Z92.83
    fall, falling Z91.81
      fatigue Z87.312
      fragility Z87.310
      osteoporosis Z87.310
      pathological NEC Z87.311
      stress Z87.312
      traumatic Z87.81
    gestational diabetes Z86.32
      B Z86.19
      C Z86.19
    Hodgkin disease Z85.71
    hyperthermia, malignant Z88.4
    hypospadias(corrected) Z87.710
    hysterectomy Z90.710
    immunosupression therapy Z92.25
    in situ neoplasm
      breast Z86.000
      cervix uteri Z86.001
      specified NEC Z86.008
    infection NEC Z86.19
      central nervous system Z86.61
      Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) Z86.14
      urinary(recurrent) (tract) Z87.440
    injury NEC Z87.828
    in utero procedure during pregnancy Z98.870
    in utero procedure while a fetus Z98.871
    irradiation Z92.3
    kidney stones Z87.442
    leukemia Z85.6
    lymphoma(non-Hodgkin) Z85.72
    malignant melanoma(skin) Z85.820
    malignant neoplasm(of) Z85.9
      accessory sinuses Z85.22
      anus NEC Z85.048
        carcinoid Z85.040
      bladder Z85.51
      bone Z85.830
      brain Z85.841
      breast Z85.3
      bronchus NEC Z85.118
        carcinoid Z85.110
      carcinoid --see History, personal (of), malignant neoplasm, by site, carcinioid
      cervix Z85.41
      colon NEC Z85.038
        carcinoid Z85.030
      digestive organ Z85.00
        specified NEC Z85.09
      endocrine gland NEC Z85.858
      epididymis Z85.48
      esophagus Z85.01
      eye Z85.840
      gastrointestinal tract --see History, malignant neoplasm, digestive organ
      genital organ
        female Z85.40
          specified NEC Z85.44
        male Z85.45
          specified NEC Z85.49
      hematopoietic NEC Z85.79
      intrathoracic organ Z85.20
      kidney NEC Z85.528
        carcinoid Z85.520
      large intestine NEC Z85.038
        carcinoid Z85.030
      larynx Z85.21
      liver Z85.05
      lung NEC Z85.118
        carcinoid Z85.110
      mediastinum Z85.29
      Merkel cell Z85.821
      middle ear Z85.22
      nasal cavities Z85.22
      nervous system NEC Z85.848
      oral cavity Z85.819
        specified site NEC Z85.818
      ovary Z85.43
      pancreas Z85.07
      pharynx Z85.819
        specified site NEC Z85.818
      pelvis Z85.53
      pleura Z85.29
      prostate Z85.46
      rectosigmoid junction NEC Z85.048
        carcinoid Z85.040
      rectum NEC Z85.048
        carcinoid Z85.040
      respiratory organ Z85.20
      sinuses, accessory Z85.22
      skin NEC Z85.828
        melanoma Z85.820
        Merkel cell Z85.821
      small intestine NEC Z85.068
        carcinoid Z85.060
      soft tissue Z85.831
      specified site NEC Z85.89
      stomach NEC Z85.028
        carcinoid Z85.020
      testis Z85.47
      thymus NEC Z85.238
        carcinoid Z85.230
      thyroid Z85.850
      tongue Z85.810
      trachea Z85.12
      ureter Z85.54
      urinary organ or tract Z85.50
        specified NEC Z85.59
      uterus Z85.42
    maltreatment Z91.89
    medical treatment NEC Z92.89
    melanoma(malignant) (skin) Z85.820
    meningitis Z86.61
    mental disorder Z86.59
    Merkel cell carcinoma(skin) Z85.821
    Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) Z86.14
    military deployment Z91.82
    military war, peacekeeping and humanitarian deployment(current or past conflict) Z91.82
    myocardial infarction(old) I25.2
      adult Z91.412
      childhood Z62.812
      benign Z86.018
        brain Z86.011
        colon polyp Z86.010
      in situ
        breast Z86.000
        cervix uteri Z86.001
        specified NEC Z86.008
      malignant --see History of, malignant neoplasm
      uncertain behavior Z86.03
    nephrotic syndrome Z87.441
    nicotine dependence Z87.891
    noncompliance with medical treatment or regimen --see Noncompliance
    nutritional deficiency Z86.39
    obstetric complications Z87.59
      childbirth Z87.59
      pregnancy Z87.59
      pre-term labor Z87.51
      puerperium Z87.59
    osteoporosis fractures Z87.31
    parasuicide(attempt) Z91.5
    physical trauma NEC Z87.828
      self-harm or suicide attempt Z91.5
    poisoning NEC Z91.89
      self-harm or suicide attempt Z91.5
    poor personal hygiene Z91.89
    pneumonia(recurrent) Z87.01
    preterm labor Z87.51
    prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit(PRIND) Z86.73
    procedure during pregnancy Z98.870
    procedure while a fetus Z98.871
    prostatic dysplasia Z87.430
        adult Z91.411
        child Z62.811
      trauma, specified NEC Z91.49
    radiation therapy Z92.3
        breast Z98.86
    renal calculi Z87.442
    respiratory condition NEC Z87.09
    retained foreign body fully removed Z87.821
    risk factors NEC Z91.89
    self-harm Z91.5
    self-poisoning attempt Z91.5
    sex reassignment Z87.890
    sleep-wake cycle problem Z72.821
    specified NEC Z87.898
    steroid therapy(systemic) Z92.241
      inhaled Z92.240
    stroke without residual deficits Z86.73
    substance abuse NEC F10-F19 with fifth character 1
    sudden cardiac arrest Z86.74
    sudden cardiac death successfully resuscitated Z86.74
    suicide attempt Z91.5
    surgery NEC Z98.89
      sex reassignment Z87.890
      transplant --see Transplant
    thrombophlebitis Z86.72
    thrombosis(venous) Z86.718
      pulmonary Z86.711
    tobacco dependence Z87.891
    transient ischemic attack(TIA) without residual deficits Z86.73
    trauma(physical) NEC Z87.828
      psychological NEC Z91.49
      self-harm Z91.5
    traumatic brain injury Z87.820
    unhealthy sleep-wake cycle Z72.821
    urinary calculi Z87.442
    urinary(recurrent) (tract) infection(s) Z87.440
    vaginal dysplasia Z87.411
    venous thrombosis or embolism Z86.718
      pulmonary Z86.711
    vulvar dysplasia Z87.412
His-Werner disease A79.0
HIV --see also Human, immunodeficiency virusB20
  laboratory evidence(nonconclusive) R75
  positive, seropositive Z21
  nonconclusive test(in infants) R75
Hives(bold) --see Urticaria
Hoarseness R49.0
Hobo Z59.0
Hodgkin disease --see Lymphoma, Hodgkin
Hodgson's disease I71.2
  ruptured I71.1
Hoffa-Kastert disease E88.89
Hoffa's disease E88.89
Hoffmann-Bouveret syndrome I47.9
Hoffmann's syndrome E03.9G73.7
  macula H35.34-
  retina(without detachment) --see Break, retina, round hole
    with detachment --see Detachment, retina, with retinal, break
Holiday relief care Z75.5
Hollenhorst's plaque --see Occlusion, artery, retina
Hollow foot(congenital) Q66.7
  acquired --see Deformity, limb, foot, specified NEC
Holoprosencephaly Q04.2
Holt-Oram syndrome Q87.2
Homelessness Z59.0
Homesickness --see Disorder, adjustment
Homocystinemia, homocystinuria E72.11
Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency E70.29
Homologous serum hepatitis(prophylactic) (therapeutic) --see Hepatitis, viral, type B
Honeycomb lung J98.4
  congenital Q33.0
  clitoris Q52.6
  penis Q55.69
Hookworm(anemia) (disease) (infection) (infestation) B76.9
  specified NEC B76.8
Hordeolum(eyelid) (externum) (recurrent) H00.019
  internum H00.029
    left H00.026
      lower H00.025
      upper H00.024
    right H00.023
      lower H00.022
      upper H00.021
  left H00.016
    lower H00.015
    upper H00.014
  right H00.013
    lower H00.012
    upper H00.011
  cutaneous L85.8
  nail L60.2
    congenital Q84.6
Horner(-Claude Bernard) syndrome G90.2
  traumatic --see Injury, nerve, cervical sympathetic
Horseshoe kidney(congenital) Q63.1
Horton's headache or neuralgia G44.099
  intractable G44.091
  not intractable G44.099
Hospital hopper syndrome --see Disorder, factitious
Hospitalism in children --see Disorder, adjustment
Hostility R45.5
  towards child Z62.3
Hot flashes
  menopausal N95.1
Hourglass(contracture) --see also Contraction, hourglass
  stomach K31.89
    congenital Q40.2
    stricture K31.2
Household, housing circumstance affecting care Z59.9
  specified NEC Z59.8
Housemaid's knee --see Bursitis, prepatellar
Hudson(-Stähli) line (cornea) --see Pigmentation, cornea, anterior
  bite(open wound) --see also Bite
    intact skin surface --see Bite, superficial
  herpesvirus --see Herpes
  immunodeficiency virus(HIV) disease (infection) B20
    asymptomatic status Z21
    contact Z20.6
    counseling Z71.7
    dementia B20F02.80
      with behavioral disturbance B20F02.81
    exposure to Z20.6
    laboratory evidence R75
    type-2(HIV 2) as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.35
    DNA test positive
      high risk
        cervix R87.810
        vagina R87.811
      low risk
        cervix R87.820
        vagina R87.821
    screening for Z11.51
  T-cell lymphotropic virus
    type-1(HTLV-I) infection B33.3
      as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.33
      carrier Z22.6
    type-2(HTLV-II) as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.34
Humidifier lung or pneumonitis J67.7
Humiliation(experience) in childhood Z62.898
Humpback(acquired) --see Kyphosis
Hunchback(acquired) --see Kyphosis
Hunger T73.0
  air, psychogenic F45.8
Hungry bone syndrome E83.81
Hunner's ulcer --see Cystitis, chronic, interstitial
  glossitis D51.0
  syndrome E76.1
Huntington's disease or chorea G10
  with dementia G10F02.80
    with behavioral disturbance G10F02.81
  disease or syndrome(herpetic geniculate ganglionitis) B02.21
    dyssynergia cerebellaris myoclonica G11.1
  neuralgia B02.21
Hurler(-Scheie) disease or syndrome E76.02
Hurst's disease G36.1
Hurthle cell
  adenocarcinoma C73
  adenoma D34
  carcinoma C73
  tumor D34
Hutchinson-Boeck disease or syndrome --see Sarcoidosis
Hutchinson-Gilford disease or syndrome E34.8
  disease, meaning
    angioma serpiginosum L81.7
    pompholyx(cheiropompholyx) L30.1
    prurigo estivalis L56.4
    summer eruption or summer prurigo L56.4
  melanotic freckle --see Melanoma, in situ
    malignant melanoma in --see Melanoma
  teeth or incisors(congenital syphilis) A50.52
  triad(congenital syphilis) A50.53
Hyalin plaque, sclera, senile H15.89
Hyaline membrane(disease) (lung) (pulmonary) (newborn) P22.0
  cutis(et mucosae) E78.89
  focal and segmental(glomerular) --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .1N05.1
Hyalitis, hyalosis, asteroid --see also Deposit, crystalline
  syphilitic(late) A52.71
  cyst or tumor --see Echinococcus
  mole --see Hydatidiform mole
    female Q50.5
    male(epididymal) Q55.4
      testicular Q55.29
Hydatidiform mole(benign) (complicating pregnancy) (delivered) (undelivered) O01.9
  classical O01.0
  complete O01.0
  incomplete O01.1
  invasive D39.2
  malignant D39.2
  partial O01.1
Hydatidosis --see Echinococcus
Hydradenitis(axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2
Hydradenoma --see Hidradenoma
Hydramnios O40.-
Hydrancephaly, hydranencephaly Q04.3
  with spina bifida --see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus
Hydrargyrism NEC --see Poisoning, mercury
Hydrarthrosis --see also Effusion, joint
  gonococcal A54.42
  intermittent M12.40
    ankle M12.47-
    elbow M12.42-
    foot joint M12.47-
    hand joint M12.44-
    hip M12.45-
    knee M12.46-
    multiple site M12.49
    shoulder M12.41-
    specified joint NEC M12.48
    wrist M12.43-
  of yaws(early) (late) --see also subcategory M14.8-A66.6
  syphilitic(late) A52.77
    congenital A50.55M12.80
Hydremia D64.89
Hydrencephalocele(congenital) --see Encephalocele
Hydrencephalomeningocele(congenital) --see Encephalocele
Hydroa R23.8
  aestivale L56.4
  vacciniforme L56.4
Hydroadenitis(axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2
Hydrocalycosis --see Hydronephrosis
Hydrocele(spermatic cord) (testis) (tunica vaginalis) N43.3
  canal of Nuck N94.89
  communicating N43.2
    congenital P83.5
  congenital P83.5
  encysted N43.0
  female NEC N94.89
  infected N43.1
  newborn P83.5
  round ligament N94.89
  specified NEC N43.2
  spinalis --see Spina bifida
  vulva N90.89
Hydrocephalus(acquired) (external) (internal) (malignant) (recurrent) G91.9
  aqueduct Sylvius stricture Q03.0
  causing disproportion O33.6
    with obstructed labor O66.3
  communicating G91.0
  congenital(external) (internal) Q03.9
    with spina bifida Q05.4
      cervical Q05.0
      dorsal Q05.1
      lumbar Q05.2
      lumbosacral Q05.2
      sacral Q05.3
      thoracic Q05.1
      thoracolumbar Q05.1
    specified NEC Q03.8
  due to toxoplasmosis(congenital) P37.1
  foramen Magendie block(acquired) G91.1
    congenital --see also Hydrocephalus, congenitalQ03.1
  in(due to)
    infectious disease NEC B89G91.4
    neoplastic disease NEC(see also Neoplasm) G91.4
    parasitic disease B89G91.4
  newborn Q03.9
    with spina bifida --see Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus
  noncommunicating G91.1
  normal pressure G91.2
    secondary G91.0
  obstructive G91.1
  otitic G93.2
  post-traumatic NEC G91.3
  secondary G91.4
    post-traumatic G91.3
  specified NEC G91.8
  syphilitic, congenital A50.49
Hydrocolpos(congenital) N89.8
Hydrocystoma --see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Hydroencephalocele(congenital) --see Encephalocele
Hydroencephalomeningocele(congenital) --see Encephalocele
Hydrohematopneumothorax --see Hemothorax
Hydromeningitis --see Meningitis
Hydromeningocele(spinal) --see also Spina bifida
  cranial --see Encephalocele
Hydrometra N85.8
Hydrometrocolpos N89.8
Hydromicrocephaly Q02
Hydromphalos(since birth) Q45.8
Hydromyelia Q06.4
Hydromyelocele --see Spina bifida
Hydronephrosis(atrophic) (early) (functionless) (intermittent) (primary) (secondary) NEC N13.30
    infection N13.6
    obstruction(by) (of)
      renal calculus N13.2
        with infection N13.6
      ureteral NEC N13.1
        with infection N13.6
        calculus N13.2
          with infection N13.6
      ureteropelvic junction(congenital) Q62.0
        with infection N13.6
    ureteral stricture NEC N13.1
      with infection N13.6
  congenital Q62.0
  specified type NEC N13.39
  tuberculous A18.11
Hydropericarditis --see Pericarditis
Hydropericardium --see Pericarditis
Hydroperitoneum R18.8
Hydrophobia --see Rabies
Hydrophthalmos Q15.0
Hydropneumohemothorax --see Hemothorax
Hydropneumopericarditis --see Pericarditis
Hydropneumopericardium --see Pericarditis
Hydropneumothorax J94.8
  traumatic --see Injury, intrathoracic, lung
  tuberculous NEC A15.6
Hydrops R60.9
  abdominis R18.8
  articulorum intermittens --see Hydrarthrosis, intermittent
  cardiac --see Failure, heart, congestive
  causing obstructed labor(mother) O66.3
  endolymphatic H81.0-
  fetal --see Pregnancy, complicated by, hydrops, fetalis
  fetalis P83.2
    due to
      ABO isoimmunization P56.0
      alpha thalassemia D56.0
      hemolytic disease P56.90
        specified NEC P56.99
      isoimmunization(ABO) (Rh) P56.0
      other specified nonhemolytic disease NEC P83.2
      Rh incompatibility P56.0
    during pregnancy --see Pregnancy, complicated by, hydrops, fetalis
  gallbladder K82.1
  joint --see Effusion, joint
  labyrinth H81.0-
  newborn(idiopathic) P83.2
    due to
      ABO isoimmunization P56.0
      alpha thalassemia D56.0
      hemolytic disease P56.90
        specified NEC P56.99
      isoimmunization(ABO) (Rh) P56.0
      Rh incompatibility P56.0
  nutritional --see Malnutrition, severe
  pericardium --see Pericarditis
  pleura --see Hydrothorax
  spermatic cord --see Hydrocele
Hydropyonephrosis N13.6
Hydrorachis Q06.4
Hydrorrhea(nasal) J34.89
  pregnancy --see Rupture, membranes, premature
Hydrosadenitis(axillaris) (suppurative) L73.2
Hydrosalpinx(fallopian tube) (follicularis) N70.11
Hydrothorax(double) (pleura) J94.8
  chylous(nonfilarial) I89.8
    filarial --see also Infestation, filarialB74.9J91.8
  traumatic --see Injury, intrathoracic
  tuberculous NEC(non primary) A15.6
Hydroureter --see also HydronephrosisN13.4
  with infection N13.6
  congenital Q62.39
Hydroureteronephrosis --see Hydronephrosis
Hydrourethra N36.8
Hydroxykynureninuria E70.8
Hydroxylysinemia E72.3
Hydroxyprolinemia E72.59
Hygiene, sleep
  abuse Z72.821
  inadequate Z72.821
  poor Z72.821
Hygroma(congenital) (cystic) D18.1
  praepatellare, prepatellar --see Bursitis, prepatellar
Hymen --see condition
Hymenolepis, hymenolepiasis(diminuta) (infection) (infestation) (nana) B71.0
Hypalgesia R20.8
Hyperacidity(gastric) K31.89
  psychogenic F45.8
Hyperactive, hyperactivity F90.9
  basal cell, uterine cervix --see Dysplasia, cervix
  bowel sounds R19.12
  cervix epithelial(basal) --see Dysplasia, cervix
  child F90.9
    attention deficit --see Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity
  detrusor muscle N32.81
  gastrointestinal K31.89
    psychogenic F45.8
  nasal mucous membrane J34.3
  stomach K31.89
  thyroid(gland) --see Hyperthyroidism
Hyperacusis H93.23-
Hyperadrenalism E27.5
Hyperadrenocorticism E24.9
  congenital E25.0
  iatrogenic E24.2
    correct substance properly administered --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect
    overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning
  not associated with Cushing's syndrome E27.0
  pituitary-dependent E24.0
Hyperaldosteronism E26.9
  familial(type I) E26.02
  glucocorticoid-remediable E26.02
  primary(due to (bilateral) adrenal hyperplasia) E26.09
  primary NEC E26.09
  secondary E26.1
  specified NEC E26.89
Hyperalgesia R20.8
Hyperalimentation R63.2
  carotene, carotin E67.1
  specified NEC E67.8
    A E67.0
    D E67.3
  arginine E72.21
  cystine E72.01
  lysine E72.3
  ornithine E72.4
Hyperammonemia(congenital) E72.20
Hyperazotemia --see Uremia
Hyperbetalipoproteinemia(familial) E78.0
  with prebetalipoproteinemia E78.2
  constitutional E80.6
  familial conjugated E80.6
  neonatal(transient) --see Jaundice, newborn
Hypercalcemia, hypocalciuric, familial E83.52
Hypercalciuria, idiopathic E83.52
Hypercapnia R06.89
  newborn P84
Hypercarotenemia, hypercarotinemia(dietary) E67.1
Hypercementosis K03.4
Hyperchloremia E87.8
Hyperchlorhydria K31.89
  neurotic F45.8
  psychogenic F45.8
Hypercholesterinemia --see Hypercholesterolemia
Hypercholesterolemia(essential) (familial) (hereditary) (primary) (pure) E78.0
  with hyperglyceridemia, endogenous E78.2
  dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3
Hyperchylia gastrica, psychogenic F45.8
Hyperchylomicronemia(familial) (primary) E78.3
  with hyperbetalipoproteinemia E78.3
Hypercoagulable(state) D68.59
  activated protein C resistance D68.51
  antithrombin(III) deficiency D68.59
  factor V Leiden mutation D68.51
  primary NEC D68.59
  protein C deficiency D68.59
  protein S deficiency D68.59
  prothrombin gene mutation D68.52
  secondary D68.69
  specified NEC D68.69
Hypercoagulation(state) D68.59
Hypercorticalism, pituitary-dependent E24.0
Hypercorticosolism --see Cushing's, syndrome
Hypercorticosteronism E24.2
  correct substance properly administered --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect
  overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning
Hypercortisonism E24.2
  correct substance properly administered --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect
  overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning
Hyperekplexia Q89.8
Hyperelectrolytemia E87.8
Hyperemesis R11.10
  with nausea R11.2
  gravidarum(mild) O21.0
      carbohydrate depletion O21.1
      dehydration O21.1
      electrolyte imbalance O21.1
      metabolic disturbance O21.1
    severe(with metabolic disturbance) O21.1
  projectile R11.12
  psychogenic F45.8
Hyperemia(acute) (passive) R68.89
  anal mucosa K62.89
  bladder N32.89
  cerebral I67.89
  conjunctiva H11.43-
  ear internal, acute H83.0
  enteric K59.8
  eye --see Hyperemia, conjunctiva
  eyelid(active) (passive) --see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC
  intestine K59.8
  iris --see Disorder, iris, vascular
  kidney N28.89
  labyrinth H83.0
  liver(active) K76.89
  lung(passive) --see Edema, lung
  pulmonary(passive) --see Edema, lung
  renal N28.89
  retina H35.89
  stomach K31.89
Hyperesthesia(body surface) R20.3
  larynx(reflex) J38.7
    hysterical F44.89
  pharynx(reflex) J39.2
    hysterical F44.89
Hyperestrogenism(drug-induced) (iatrogenic) E28.0
Hyperexplexia Q89.8
Hyperfibrinolysis --see Fibrinolysis
Hyperfructosemia E74.19
  adrenal cortex, not associated with Cushing's syndrome E27.0
    medulla E27.5
      adrenomedullary E27.5
    virilism E25.9
      congenital E25.0
  ovarian E28.8
  pancreas K86.8
  parathyroid(gland) E21.3
  pituitary(gland) (anterior) E22.9
    specified NEC E22.8
  polyglandular E31.1
  testicular E29.0
Hypergammaglobulinemia D89.2
  polyclonal D89.0
  Waldenström D89.0
Hypergastrinemia E16.4
Hyperglobulinemia R77.1
Hyperglycemia, hyperglycemic(transient) R73.9
  coma --see Diabetes, by type, with coma
  postpancreatectomy E89.1
Hyperglyceridemia(endogenous) (essential) (familial) (hereditary) (pure) E78.1
  mixed E78.3
Hyperglycinemia(non-ketotic) E72.51
  ovarian E28.8
  testicular(primary) (infantile) E29.0
Hyperheparinemia D68.32
Hyperhidrosis, hyperidrosis R61
    primary L74.519
      axilla L74.510
      face L74.511
      palms L74.512
      soles L74.513
    secondary L74.52
  generalized R61
    primary L74.519
      axilla L74.510
      face L74.511
      palms L74.512
      soles L74.513
    secondary L74.52
  psychogenic F45.8
  secondary R61
    focal L74.52
Hyperhistidinemia E70.41
Hyperhomocysteinemia E72.11
Hyperhydroxyprolinemia E72.59
Hyperinsulinism(functional) E16.1
    coma(hypoglycemic) E15
    encephalopathy E16.1G94
  ectopic E16.1
  therapeutic misadventure(from administration of insulin) T38.3
Hyperkalemia E87.5
Hyperkeratosis --see also KeratosisL85.9
  cervix N88.0
  due to yaws(early) (late) (palmar or plantar) A66.3
  follicularis Q82.8
    penetrans(in cutem) L87.0
  palmoplantaris climacterica L85.1
  pinta A67.1
  senile(with pruritus) L57.0
  universalis congenita Q80.8
  vocal cord J38.3
  vulva N90.4
Hyperkinesia, hyperkinetic(disease) (reaction) (syndrome) (childhood) (adolescence) --see also Disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity
  heart I51.89
Hyperleucine-isoleucinemia E71.19
Hyperlipemia, hyperlipidemia E78.5
  combined E78.2
    familial E78.4
    A E78.0
    B E78.1
    C E78.2
    D E78.3
  mixed E78.2
  specified NEC E78.4
Hyperlipidosis E75.6
  hereditary NEC E75.5
Hyperlipoproteinemia E78.5
  Fredrickson's type
    I E78.3
    IIa E78.0
    IIb E78.2
    III E78.2
    IV E78.1
    V E78.3
  low-density-lipoprotein-type(LDL) E78.0
  very-low-density-lipoprotein-type(VLDL) E78.1
Hyperlucent lung, unilateral J43.0
Hyperlysinemia E72.3
Hypermagnesemia E83.41
  neonatal P71.8
Hypermenorrhea N92.0
Hypermethioninemia E72.19
Hypermetropia(congenital) H52.0-
Hypermobility, hypermotility
  cecum --see Syndrome, irritable bowel
  coccyx M53.2
  colon --see Syndrome, irritable bowel
    psychogenic F45.8
  ileum K58.9
  intestine --see also Syndrome, irritable bowelK58.9
    psychogenic F45.8
  meniscus(knee) --see Derangement, knee, meniscus
  scapula --see Instability, joint, shoulder
  stomach K31.89
    psychogenic F45.8
  syndrome M35.7
  urethra N36.41
    with intrinsic sphincter deficiency N36.43
Hypernasality R49.21
Hypernatremia E87.0
Hypernephroma C64.-
Hyperopia --see Hypermetropia
Hyperorexia nervosa F50.2
Hyperornithinemia E72.4
Hyperosmia R43.1
Hyperosmolality E87.0
Hyperostosis(monomelic) --see also Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified NEC
  ankylosing(spine) M48.10
    cervical region M48.12
    cervicothoracic region M48.13
    lumbar region M48.16
    lumbosacral region M48.17
    multiple sites M48.19
    occipito-atlanto-axial region M48.11
    sacrococcygeal region M48.18
    thoracic region M48.14
    thoracolumbar region M48.15
  cortical(skull) M85.2
    infantile M89.8X-
  frontal, internal of skull M85.2
  interna frontalis M85.2
  skeletal, diffuse idiopathic --see Hyperostosis, ankylosing
  skull M85.2
    congenital Q75.8
  vertebral, ankylosing --see Hyperostosis, ankylosing
Hyperovarism E28.8
Hyperoxaluria(primary) E72.53
Hyperparathyroidism E21.3
  primary E21.0
  secondary(renal) N25.81
    non-renal E21.1
  specified NEC E21.2
  tertiary E21.2
Hyperpathia R20.8
Hyperperistalsis R19.2
  psychogenic F45.8
Hyperpermeability, capillary I78.8
Hyperphagia R63.2
Hyperphenylalaninemia NEC E70.1
Hyperphoria(alternating) H50.53
Hyperphosphatemia E83.39
Hyperpiesis, hyperpiesia --see Hypertension
Hyperpigmentation --see also Pigmentation
  melanin NEC L81.4
  postinflammatory L81.0
Hyperpinealism E34.8
Hyperpituitarism E22.9
Hyperplasia, hyperplastic
  adenoids J35.2
  adrenal(capsule) (cortex) (gland) E27.8
      sexual precocity(male) E25.9
        congenital E25.0
      virilism, adrenal E25.9
        congenital E25.0
      virilization(female) E25.9
        congenital E25.0
    congenital E25.0
      salt-losing E25.0
  adrenomedullary E27.5
  angiolymphoid, eosinophilia(ALHE) D18.01
  appendix(lymphoid) K38.0
  artery, fibromuscular I77.3
  bone --see also Hypertrophy, bone
    marrow D75.89
  breast --see also Hypertrophy, breast
    ductal(atypical) N60.9-
  C-cell, thyroid E07.0
  cementation(tooth) (teeth) K03.4
  cervical gland R59.0
  cervix(uteri) (basal cell) (endometrium) (polypoid) --see also Dysplasia, cervix
    congenital Q51.828
  clitoris, congenital Q52.6
  denture K06.2
  endocervicitis N72
  endometrium, endometrial(adenomatous) (benign) (cystic) (glandular) (glandular-cystic) (polypoid) N85.00
    with atypia N85.02
    cervix --see Dysplasia, cervix
    complex(without atypia) N85.01
    simple(without atypia) N85.01
  epithelial L85.9
    focal, oral, including tongue K13.29
    nipple N62
    skin L85.9
    tongue K13.29
    vaginal wall N89.3
  erythroid D75.89
  fibromuscular of artery(carotid) (renal) I77.3
    female NEC N94.89
    male N50.8
  gingiva K06.1
  glandularis cystica uteri(interstitialis) --see also Hyperplasia, endometrialN85.00-
  gum K06.1
  hymen, congenital Q52.4
  irritative, edentulous(alveolar) K06.2
  jaw M26.09
    alveolar M26.79
    lower M26.03
      alveolar M26.72
    upper M26.01
      alveolar M26.71
  kidney(congenital) Q63.3
  labia N90.6
    epithelial N90.3
  liver(congenital) Q44.7
    nodular, focal K76.89
  lymph gland or node R59.9
  mandible, mandibular M26.03
    alveolar M26.72
    unilateral condylar M27.8
  maxilla, maxillary M26.01
    alveolar M26.71
  myometrium, myometrial N85.2
  neuroendocrine cell, of infancy J84.841
    lymphoid J34.89
    polypoid J33.9
  oral mucosa(irritative) K13.6
  organ or site, congenital NEC --see Anomaly, by site
  ovary N83.8
  palate, papillary(irritative) K13.6
  pancreatic islet cells E16.9
    alpha E16.8
      with excess
        gastrin E16.4
        glucagon E16.3
    beta E16.1
  parathyroid(gland) E21.0
  pharynx(lymphoid) J39.2
  prostate(adenofibromatous) (nodular) N40.0
    with lower urinary tract symptoms(LUTS) N40.1
    without lower urinary tract symtpoms(LUTS) N40.0
  renal artery I77.89
  reticulo-endothelial(cell) D75.89
  salivary gland(any) K11.1
  Schimmelbusch's --see Mastopathy, cystic
  suprarenal capsule(gland) E27.8
  thymus(gland) (persistent) E32.0
  thyroid(gland) --see Goiter
  tonsils(faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid) J35.1
    with adenoids J35.3
  unilateral condylar M27.8
  uterus, uterine N85.2
    endometrium(glandular) --see also Hyperplasia, endometrialN85.00-
  vulva N90.6
    epithelial N90.3
Hyperpnea --see Hyperventilation
Hyperpotassemia E87.5
Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia(familial) E78.1
Hyperprolactinemia E22.1
Hyperprolinemia(type I) (type II) E72.59
Hyperproteinemia E88.09
Hyperprothrombinemia, causing coagulation factor deficiency D68.4
Hyperpyrexia R50.9
  heat(effects) T67.0
  malignant, due to anesthetic T88.3
  rheumatic --see Fever, rheumatic
  unknown origin R50.9
Hyper-reflexia R29.2
Hypersalivation K11.7
  ACTH(not associated with Cushing's syndrome) E27.0
    pituitary E24.0
  adrenaline E27.5
  adrenomedullary E27.5
  androgen(testicular) E29.0
    ovarian(drug-induced) (iatrogenic) E28.1
  calcitonin E07.0
  catecholamine E27.5
  corticoadrenal E24.9
  cortisol E24.9
  epinephrine E27.5
  estrogen E28.0
  gastric K31.89
    psychogenic F45.8
  gastrin E16.4
  glucagon E16.3
    ACTH(not associated with Cushing's syndrome) E27.0
      pituitary E24.0
    antidiuretic E22.2
    growth E22.0
    intestinal NEC E34.1
    ovarian androgen E28.1
    pituitary E22.9
    testicular E29.0
    thyroid stimulating E05.80
      with thyroid storm E05.81
  insulin --see Hyperinsulinism
  lacrimal glands --see Epiphora
  medulloadrenal E27.5
  milk O92.6
  ovarian androgens E28.1
  salivary gland(any) K11.7
  thyrocalcitonin E07.0
  upper respiratory J39.8
Hypersegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary D72.0
Hypersensitive, hypersensitiveness, hypersensitivity --see also Allergy
  carotid sinus G90.01
  colon --see Irritable, colon
  drug T88.7
  gastrointestinal K52.2
    psychogenic F45.8
  labyrinth H83.2
  pain R20.8
  pneumonitis --see Pneumonitis, allergic
  reaction T78.40
    upper respiratory tract NEC J39.3
Hypersomnia(organic) G47.10
  due to
      abuse F10.182
      dependence F10.282
      use F10.982
      abuse F15.182
      dependence F15.282
      use F15.982
      abuse F15.182
      dependence F15.282
      use F15.982
      abuse F14.182
      dependence F14.282
      use F14.982
    drug NEC
      abuse F19.182
      dependence F19.282
      use F19.982
    medical condition G47.14
    mental disorder F51.13
      abuse F11.182
      dependence F11.282
      use F11.982
    psychoactive substance NEC
      abuse F19.182
      dependence F19.282
      use F19.982
    sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic
      abuse F13.182
      dependence F13.282
      use F13.982
    stimulant NEC
      abuse F15.182
      dependence F15.282
      use F15.982
  idiopathic G47.11
    with long sleep time G47.11
    without long sleep time G47.12
  menstrual related G47.13
  nonorganic origin F51.11
    specified NEC F51.19
  not due to a substance or known physiological condition F51.11
    specified NEC F51.19
  primary F51.11
  recurrent G47.13
  specified NEC G47.19
Hypersplenia, hypersplenism D73.1
Hyperstimulation, ovaries(associated with induced ovulation) N98.1
Hypersusceptibility --see Allergy
Hypertelorism(ocular) (orbital) Q75.2
Hypertension, hypertensive(accelerated) (benign) (essential) (idiopathic) (malignant) (systemic) I10
    heart involvement(conditions in I51.4- I51.9 due to hypertension) --see Hypertension, heart
    kidney involvement --see Hypertension, kidney
  benign, intracranial G93.2
  borderline R03.0
  cardiorenal(disease) I13.10
    with heart failure I13.0
      with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease I13.0
      with stage 5 or end stage renal disease I13.2
    without heart failure I13.10
      with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease I13.10
      with stage 5 or end stage renal disease I13.11
    disease(arteriosclerotic) (sclerotic) --see Hypertension, heart
    renal(disease) --see Hypertension, cardiorenal
  chronic venous --see Hypertension, venous (chronic)
    childbirth(labor) O10.92
        heart disease O10.12
          with renal disease O10.32
        renal disease O10.22
          with heart disease O10.32
      essential O10.02
      secondary O10.42
    pregnancy O16.-
      with edema --see also Pre-eclampsiaO14.9-
      gestational(pregnancy induced) (transient) (without proteinuria) O13.-
        with proteinuria O14.9-
          mild pre-eclampsia O14.0-
          moderate pre-eclampsia O14.0-
          severe pre-eclampsia O14.1-
            with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count(HELLP) O14.2-
      pre-existing O10.91-
          heart disease O10.11-
            with renal disease O10.31-
          pre-eclampsia O11.-
          renal disease O10.21-
            with heart disease O10.31-
        essential O10.01-
        secondary O10.41-
    puerperium, pre-existing O10.93
        heart disease O10.13
          with renal disease O10.33
        renal disease O10.23
          with heart disease O10.33
      essential O10.03
      pregnancy-induced O13.9
      secondary O10.43
  due to
    endocrine disorders I15.2
    pheochromocytoma I15.2
    renal disorders NEC I15.1
      arterial I15.0
    renovascular disorders I15.0
    specified disease NEC I15.8
  encephalopathy I67.4
  gestational(without significant proteinuria) (pregnancy-induced) (transient) O13.-
    with significant proteinuria --see Pre-eclampsia
  Goldblatt's I70.1
  heart(disease) (conditions in I51.4-I51.9 due to hypertension) I11.9
      heart failure(congestive) I11.0
      kidney disease(chronic) --see Hypertension, cardiorenal
  intracranial(benign) G93.2
  kidney I12.9
      heart disease --see Hypertension, cardiorenal
      stage 5 chronic kidney disease(CKD) or end stage renal disease (ESRD) I12.0
      stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease I12.9
  lesser circulation I27.0
  newborn P29.2
    pulmonary(persistent) P29.3
  ocular H40.05-
  pancreatic duct - code to underlying condition
    with chronic pancreatitis K86.1
  portal(due to chronic liver disease) (idiopathic) K76.6
    gastropathy K31.89
    in(due to) schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) B65.9K77
  postoperative I97.3
  psychogenic F45.8
  pulmonary(artery) (secondary) NEC I27.2
      cor pulmonale(chronic) I27.2
        acute I26.09
      right heart ventricular strain/failure I27.2
        acute I26.09
    of newborn(persistent) P29.3
    primary(idiopathic) I27.0
  renal --see Hypertension, kidney
  renovascular I15.0
  secondary NEC I15.9
    due to
      endocrine disorders I15.2
      pheochromocytoma I15.2
      renal disorders NEC I15.1
        arterial I15.0
      renovascular disorders I15.0
    specified NEC I15.8
    due to
      deep vein thrombosis --see Syndrome, postthrombotic
    idiopathic I87.309
        inflammation I87.32-
          with ulcer I87.33-
        specified complication NEC I87.39-
        ulcer I87.31-
          with inflammation I87.33-
      asymptomatic I87.30-
Hypertensive urgency --see Hypertension
Hyperthecosis ovary E28.8
Hyperthermia(of unknown origin) --see also Hyperpyrexia
  malignant, due to anesthesia T88.3
  newborn P81.9
    environmental P81.0
Hyperthyroid(recurrent) --see Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism(latent) (pre-adult) (recurrent) E05.90
    goiter(diffuse) E05.00
      with thyroid storm E05.01
      nodular(multinodular) E05.20
        with thyroid storm E05.21
        uninodular E05.10
          with thyroid storm E05.11
    storm E05.91
  due to ectopic thyroid tissue E05.30
    with thyroid storm E05.31
  neonatal, transitory P72.1
  specified NEC E05.80
    with thyroid storm E05.81
Hypertony, hypertonia, hypertonicity
  bladder N31.8
  congenital P94.1
  stomach K31.89
    psychogenic F45.8
  uterus, uterine(contractions) (complicating delivery) O62.4
Hypertrichosis L68.9
  congenital Q84.2
  eyelid H02.869
    left H02.866
      lower H02.865
      upper H02.864
    right H02.863
      lower H02.862
      upper H02.861
  lanuginosa Q84.2
    acquired L68.1
  localized L68.2
  specified NEC L68.8
Hypertriglyceridemia, essential E78.1
Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
  adenofibromatous, prostate --see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate
  adenoids(infective) J35.2
    with tonsils J35.3
  adrenal cortex E27.8
  alveolar process or ridge --see Anomaly, alveolar
  anal papillae K62.89
  artery I77.89
    congenital NEC Q27.8
      digestive system Q27.8
      lower limb Q27.8
      specified site NEC Q27.8
      upper limb Q27.8
  auricular --see Hypertrophy, cardiac
  Bartholin's gland N75.8
  bile duct(common) (hepatic) K83.8
  bladder(sphincter) (trigone) N32.89
  bone M89.30
    carpus M89.34-
    clavicle M89.31-
    femur M89.35-
    fibula M89.36-
    finger M89.34-
    humerus M89.32-
    ilium M89.359
    ischium M89.359
    metacarpus M89.34-
    metatarsus M89.37-
    multiple sites M89.39
    neck M89.38
    radius M89.33-
    rib M89.38
    scapula M89.31-
    skull M89.38
    tarsus M89.37-
    tibia M89.36-
    toe M89.37-
    ulna M89.33-
    vertebra M89.38
  brain G93.89
  breast N62
    cystic --see Mastopathy, cystic
    newborn P83.4
    pubertal, massive N62
    puerperal, postpartum --see Disorder, breast, specified type NEC
    senile(parenchymatous) N62
  cardiac(chronic) (idiopathic) I51.7
    with rheumatic fever(conditions in I00)
      active I01.8
      inactive or quiescent(with chorea) I09.89
    congenital NEC Q24.8
    fatty --see Degeneration, myocardial
    hypertensive --see Hypertension, heart
    rheumatic(with chorea) I09.89
      active or acute I01.8
        with chorea I02.0
    valve --see Endocarditis
  cartilage --see Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC
  cecum --see Megacolon
  cervix(uteri) N88.8
    congenital Q51.828
    elongation N88.4
  clitoris(cirrhotic) N90.89
    congenital Q52.6
  colon --see also Megacolon
    congenital Q43.2
  conjunctiva, lymphoid H11.89
  corpora cavernosa N48.89
  cystic duct K82.8
  duodenum K31.89
  endometrium(glandular) --see also Hyperplasia, endometrialN85.00-
    cervix N88.8
  epididymis N50.8
  esophageal hiatus(congenital) Q79.1
    with hernia --see Hernia, hiatal
  eyelid --see Disorder, eyelid, specified type NEC
  fat pad E65
    knee(infrapatellar) (popliteal) (prepatellar) (retropatellar) M79.4
  foot(congenital) Q74.2
  frenulum, frenum(tongue) K14.8
    lip K13.0
  gallbladder K82.8
  gastric mucosa K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  gland, glandular R59.9
    generalized R59.1
    localized R59.0
  gum(mucous membrane) K06.1
  heart(idiopathic) --see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
    valve --see also EndocarditisI38
  hemifacial Q67.4
  hepatic --see Hypertrophy, liver
  hiatus(esophageal) Q79.1
  hilus gland R59.0
  hymen, congenital Q52.4
  ileum K63.89
  intestine NEC K63.89
  jejunum K63.89
  kidney(compensatory) N28.81
    congenital Q63.3
  labium(majus) (minus) N90.6
  ligament --see Disorder, ligament
  lingual tonsil(infective) J35.1
    with adenoids J35.3
  lip K13.0
    congenital Q18.6
  liver R16.0
    acute K76.89
    congenital Q44.7
    cirrhotic --see Cirrhosis, liver
    fatty --see Fatty, liver
  lymph, lymphatic gland R59.9
    generalized R59.1
    localized R59.0
    tuberculous --see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
  mammary gland --see Hypertrophy, breast
  Meckel's diverticulum(congenital) Q43.0
    malignant --see Table of Neoplasms, small intestine, malignant
  median bar --see Hyperplasia, prostate
  meibomian gland --see Chalazion
  meniscus, knee, congenital Q74.1
  metatarsal head --see Hypertrophy, bone, metatarsus
  metatarsus --see Hypertrophy, bone, metatarsus
  mucous membrane
    alveolar ridge K06.2
    gum K06.1
    nose(turbinate) J34.3
  muscle M62.89
  muscular coat, artery I77.89
  myocardium --see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
    idiopathic I42.2
  myometrium N85.2
  nail L60.2
    congenital Q84.5
  nasal J34.89
    alae J34.89
    bone J34.89
    cartilage J34.89
    mucous membrane(septum) J34.3
    sinus J34.89
    turbinate J34.3
  nasopharynx, lymphoid(infectional) (tissue) (wall) J35.2
  nipple N62
  organ or site, congenital NEC --see Anomaly, by site
  ovary N83.8
  palate(hard) M27.8
    soft K13.79
  pancreas, congenital Q45.3
  parathyroid(gland) E21.0
  parotid gland K11.1
  penis N48.89
  pharyngeal tonsil J35.2
  pharynx J39.2
    lymphoid(infectional) (tissue) (wall) J35.2
  pituitary(anterior) (fossa) (gland) E23.6
  prepuce(congenital) N47.8
    female N90.89
  prostate --see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate
    congenital Q55.4
  pseudomuscular G71.0
  pylorus(adult) (muscle) (sphincter) K31.1
    congenital or infantile Q40.0
  rectal, rectum(sphincter) K62.89
  rhinitis(turbinate) J31.0
  salivary gland(any) K11.1
    congenital Q38.4
  scaphoid(tarsal) --see Hypertrophy, bone, tarsus
  scar L91.0
  scrotum N50.8
  seminal vesicle N50.8
  sigmoid --see Megacolon
  skin L91.9
    specified NEC L91.8
  spermatic cord N50.8
  spleen --see Splenomegaly
  spondylitis --see Spondylosis
  stomach K31.89
  sublingual gland K11.1
  submandibular gland K11.1
  suprarenal cortex(gland) E27.8
  synovial NEC M67.20
    acromioclavicular M67.21-
    ankle M67.27-
    elbow M67.22-
    foot M67.27-
    hand M67.24-
    hip M67.25-
    knee M67.26-
    multiple sites M67.29
    specified site NEC M67.28
    wrist M67.23-
  tendon --see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC
  testis N44.8
    congenital Q55.29
  thymic, thymus(gland) (congenital) E32.0
  thyroid(gland) --see Goiter
  toe(congenital) Q74.2
    acquired --see also Deformity, toe, specified NEC
  tongue K14.8
    congenital Q38.2
    papillae(foliate) K14.3
  tonsils(faucial) (infective) (lingual) (lymphoid) J35.1
    with adenoids J35.3
  tunica vaginalis N50.8
  ureter N28.89
  urethra N36.8
  uterus N85.2
    neck(with elongation) N88.4
    puerperal O90.89
  uvula K13.79
  vagina N89.8
  vas deferens N50.8
  vein I87.8
  ventricle, ventricular(heart) --see also Hypertrophy, cardiac
    congenital Q24.8
    in tetralogy of Fallot Q21.3
  verumontanum N36.8
  vocal cord J38.3
  vulva N90.6
    stasis(nonfilarial) N90.6
Hypertropia H50.2-
Hypertyrosinemia E70.21
Hyperuricemia(asymptomatic) E79.0
Hypervalinemia E71.19
Hyperventilation(tetany) R06.4
  hysterical F45.8
  psychogenic F45.8
  syndrome F45.8
Hypervitaminosis(dietary) NEC E67.8
  A E67.0
    administered as drug(prolonged intake) --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, adverse effect
    overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, poisoning
  B6 E67.2
  D E67.3
    administered as drug(prolonged intake) --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, adverse effect
    overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, poisoning
  K E67.8
    administered as drug(prolonged intake) --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, adverse effect
    overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, vitamins, poisoning
Hypervolemia E87.70
  specified NEC E87.79
Hypesthesia R20.1
  cornea --see Anesthesia, cornea
Hyphema H21.0-
  traumatic S05.1-
Hypoacidity, gastric K31.89
  psychogenic F45.8
Hypoadrenalism, hypoadrenia E27.40
  primary E27.1
  tuberculous A18.7
Hypoadrenocorticism E27.40
  pituitary E23.0
  primary E27.1
Hypoalbuminemia E88.09
Hypoaldosteronism E27.40
Hypoalphalipoproteinemia E78.6
Hypobarism T70.29
Hypobaropathy T70.29
Hypobetalipoproteinemia(familial) E78.6
Hypocalcemia E83.51
  dietary E58
  neonatal P71.1
    due to cow's milk P71.0
  phosphate-loading(newborn) P71.1
Hypochloremia E87.8
Hypochlorhydria K31.89
  neurotic F45.8
  psychogenic F45.8
Hypochondria, hypochondriac, hypochondriasis(reaction) F45.21
  sleep F51.03
Hypochondrogenesis Q77.0
Hypochondroplasia Q77.4
Hypochromasia, blood cells D50.8
Hypodontia --see Anodontia
Hypoeosinophilia D72.89
Hypoesthesia R20.1
Hypofibrinogenemia D68.8
  acquired D65
  congenital(hereditary) D68.2
  adrenocortical E27.40
    drug-induced E27.3
    postprocedural E89.6
    primary E27.1
  adrenomedullary, postprocedural E89.6
  cerebral R29.818
  corticoadrenal NEC E27.40
  intestinal K59.8
  labyrinth H83.2
  ovary E28.39
  pituitary(gland) (anterior) E23.0
  testicular E29.1
    postprocedural(postsurgical) (postirradiation) (iatrogenic) E89.5
Hypogalactia O92.4
Hypogammaglobulinemia --see also AgammaglobulinemiaD80.1
  hereditary D80.0
  nonfamilial D80.1
  transient, of infancy D80.7
Hypogenitalism(congenital) --see Hypogonadism
Hypoglossia Q38.3
Hypoglycemia(spontaneous) E16.2
  coma E15
    diabetic --see Diabetes, coma
  diabetic --see Diabetes, hypoglycemia
  dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3
  drug-induced E16.0
    with coma(nondiabetic) E15
  due to insulin E16.0
    with coma(nondiabetic) E15
    therapeutic misadventure T38.3
  functional, nonhyperinsulinemic E16.1
  iatrogenic E16.0
    with coma(nondiabetic) E15
  in infant of diabetic mother P70.1
    gestational diabetes P70.0
  infantile E16.1
  leucine-induced E71.19
  neonatal(transitory) P70.4
    iatrogenic P70.3
  reactive(not drug-induced) E16.1
  transitory neonatal P70.4
  female E28.39
  hypogonadotropic E23.0
  male E29.1
  ovarian(primary) E28.39
  pituitary E23.0
  testicular(primary) E29.1
Hypohidrosis, hypoidrosis L74.4
Hypoinsulinemia, postprocedural E89.1
Hypokalemia E87.6
Hypoleukocytosis --see Agranulocytosis
Hypolipoproteinemia(alpha) (beta) E78.6
Hypomagnesemia E83.42
  neonatal P71.2
Hypomania, hypomanic reaction F30.8
Hypomenorrhea --see Oligomenorrhea
Hypometabolism R63.8
  gastrointestinal(tract) K31.89
    psychogenic F45.8
  intestine K59.8
    psychogenic F45.8
  stomach K31.89
    psychogenic F45.8
Hyponasality R49.22
Hyponatremia E87.1
Hypo-osmolality E87.1
Hypo-ovarianism, hypo-ovarism E28.39
Hypoparathyroidism E20.9
  familial E20.8
  idiopathic E20.0
  neonatal, transitory P71.4
  postprocedural E89.2
  specified NEC E20.8
  newborn P96.89
Hypopharyngitis --see Laryngopharyngitis
Hypophoria H50.53
Hypophosphatemia, hypophosphatasia(acquired) (congenital) (renal) E83.39
  familial E83.31
Hypophyseal, hypophysis --see also condition
  dwarfism E23.0
  gigantism E22.0
Hypopiesis --see Hypotension
Hypopinealism E34.8
Hypopituitarism(juvenile) E23.0
  drug-induced E23.1
  due to
    hypophysectomy E89.3
    radiotherapy E89.3
  iatrogenic NEC E23.1
  postirradiation E89.3
  postpartum E23.0
  postprocedural E89.3
Hypoplasia, hypoplastic
  adrenal(gland), congenital Q89.1
  alimentary tract, congenital Q45.8
    upper Q40.8
  anus, anal(canal) Q42.3
    with fistula Q42.2
  aorta, aortic Q25.4
    ascending, in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4
    valve Q23.1
      in hypoplastic left heart syndrome Q23.4
  areola, congenital Q83.8
  arm(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, upper limb
  artery(peripheral) Q27.8
    brain(congenital) Q28.3
    coronary Q24.5
    digestive system Q27.8
    lower limb Q27.8
    pulmonary Q25.79
      functional, unilateral J43.0
    retinal(congenital) Q14.1
    specified site NEC Q27.8
    umbilical Q27.0
    upper limb Q27.8
  auditory canal Q17.8
    causing impairment of hearing Q16.9
  biliary duct or passage Q44.5
  bone NOS Q79.9
    face Q75.8
    marrow D61.9
      megakaryocytic D69.49
    skull --see Hypoplasia, skull
  brain Q02
    gyri Q04.3
    part of Q04.3
  breast(areola) N64.82
  bronchus Q32.4
  cardiac Q24.8
  carpus --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
  cartilage hair Q78.5
  cecum Q42.8
  cementum K00.4
  cephalic Q02
  cerebellum Q04.3
  cervix(uteri), congenital Q51.821
  clavicle(congenital) Q74.0
  coccyx Q76.49
  colon Q42.9
    specified NEC Q42.8
  corpus callosum Q04.0
  cricoid cartilage Q31.2
  digestive organ(s) or tract NEC Q45.8
    upper(congenital) Q40.8
  ear(auricle) (lobe) Q17.2
    middle Q16.4
  enamel of teeth(neonatal) (postnatal) (prenatal) K00.4
  endocrine(gland) NEC Q89.2
  endometrium N85.8
  epididymis(congenital) Q55.4
  epiglottis Q31.2
  erythroid, congenital D61.01
  esophagus(congenital) Q39.8
  eustachian tube Q17.8
  eye Q11.2
  eyelid(congenital) Q10.3
  face Q18.8
    bone(s) Q75.8
  femur(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  fibula(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  finger(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
  focal dermal Q82.8
  foot --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  gallbladder Q44.0
  genitalia, genital organ(s)
    female, congenital Q52.8
      external Q52.79
      internal NEC Q52.8
    in adiposogenital dystrophy E23.6
  glottis Q31.2
  hair Q84.2
  hand(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
  heart Q24.8
  humerus(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
  intestine(small) Q41.9
    large Q42.9
      specified NEC Q42.8
  jaw M26.09
    alveolar M26.79
    lower M26.04
      alveolar M26.74
    upper M26.02
      alveolar M26.73
  kidney(s) Q60.5
    bilateral Q60.4
    unilateral Q60.3
  labium(majus) (minus), congenital Q52.79
  larynx Q31.2
  left heart syndrome Q23.4
  leg(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, lower limb
  limb Q73.8
    lower(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, lower limb
    upper(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, upper limb
  liver Q44.7
  lung(lobe) (not associated with short gestation) Q33.6
    associated with immaturity, low birth weight, prematurity, or short gestation P28.0
  mammary(areola), congenital Q83.8
  mandible, mandibular M26.04
    alveolar M26.74
    unilateral condylar M27.8
  maxillary M26.02
    alveolar M26.73
  medullary D61.9
  megakaryocytic D69.49
  metacarpus --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
  metatarsus --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  muscle Q79.8
  nail(s) Q84.6
  nose, nasal Q30.1
  optic nerve H47.03-
  osseous meatus(ear) Q17.8
  ovary, congenital Q50.39
  pancreas Q45.0
  parathyroid(gland) Q89.2
  parotid gland Q38.4
  patella Q74.1
  pelvis, pelvic girdle Q74.2
  penis(congenital) Q55.62
  peripheral vascular system Q27.8
    digestive system Q27.8
    lower limb Q27.8
    specified site NEC Q27.8
    upper limb Q27.8
  pituitary(gland) (congenital) Q89.2
  pulmonary(not associated with short gestation) Q33.6
    artery, functional J43.0
    associated with short gestation P28.0
  radioulnar --see Defect, reduction, upper limb, specified type NEC
  radius --see Defect, reduction, upper limb
  rectum Q42.1
    with fistula Q42.0
  respiratory system NEC Q34.8
  rib Q76.6
  right heart syndrome Q22.6
  sacrum Q76.49
  scapula Q74.0
  scrotum Q55.1
  shoulder girdle Q74.0
  skin Q82.8
  skull(bone) Q75.8
      anencephaly Q00.0
      encephalocele --see Encephalocele
      hydrocephalus Q03.9
        with spina bifida --see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus
      microcephaly Q02
  spinal(cord) (ventral horn cell) Q06.1
  spine Q76.49
  sternum Q76.7
  tarsus --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  testis Q55.1
  thymic, with immunodeficiency D82.1
  thymus(gland) Q89.2
    with immunodeficiency D82.1
  thyroid(gland) E03.1
    cartilage Q31.2
  tibiofibular(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  toe --see Defect, reduction, lower limb, specified type NEC
  tongue Q38.3
  Turner's K00.4
  ulna(congenital) --see Defect, reduction, upper limb
  umbilical artery Q27.0
  unilateral condylar M27.8
  ureter Q62.8
  uterus, congenital Q51.811
  vagina Q52.4
  vascular NEC peripheral Q27.8
    brain Q28.3
    digestive system Q27.8
    lower limb Q27.8
    specified site NEC Q27.8
    upper limb Q27.8
  vein(s) (peripheral) Q27.8
    brain Q28.3
    digestive system Q27.8
    great Q26.8
    lower limb Q27.8
    specified site NEC Q27.8
    upper limb Q27.8
  vena cava(inferior) (superior) Q26.8
  vertebra Q76.49
  vulva, congenital Q52.79
  zonule(ciliary) Q12.8
Hypopotassemia E87.6
Hypoproconvertinemia, congenital(hereditary) D68.2
Hypoproteinemia E77.8
Hypoprothrombinemia(congenital) (hereditary) (idiopathic) D68.2
  acquired D68.4
  newborn, transient P61.6
Hypoptyalism K11.7
Hypopyon(eye) (anterior chamber) --see Iridocyclitis, acute, hypopyon
Hypopyrexia R68.0
Hyporeflexia R29.2
  ACTH E23.0
  antidiuretic hormone E23.2
  ovary E28.39
  salivary gland(any) K11.7
  vasopressin E23.2
Hyposegmentation, leukocytic, hereditary D72.0
Hyposiderinemia D50.9
Hypospadias Q54.9
  balanic Q54.0
  coronal Q54.0
  glandular Q54.0
  penile Q54.1
  penoscrotal Q54.2
  perineal Q54.3
  specified NEC Q54.8
Hypospermatogenesis --see Oligospermia
Hyposplenism D73.0
Hypostasis pulmonary, passive --see Edema, lung
Hypostatic --see condition
Hyposthenuria N28.89
Hypotension(arterial) (constitutional) I95.9
  chronic I95.89
  due to(of) hemodialysis I95.3
  drug-induced I95.2
  iatrogenic I95.89
  idiopathic(permanent) I95.0
  intracranial, following ventricular shunting(ventriculostomy) G97.2
  intra-dialytic I95.3
  maternal, syndrome(following labor and delivery) O26.5-
  neurogenic, orthostatic G90.3
  orthostatic(chronic) I95.1
    due to drugs I95.2
    neurogenic G90.3
  postoperative I95.81
  postural I95.1
  specified NEC I95.89
Hypothermia(accidental) T68
  due to anesthesia, anesthetic T88.51
  low environmental temperature T68
  neonatal P80.9
    environmental(mild) NEC P80.8
    mild P80.8
    severe(chronic) (cold injury syndrome) P80.0
    specified NEC P80.8
  not associated with low environmental temperature R68.0
Hypothyroidism(acquired) E03.9
  congenital(without goiter) E03.1
    with goiter(diffuse) E03.0
  due to
    exogenous substance NEC E03.2
    iodine-deficiency, acquired E01.8
      subclinical E02
    irradiation therapy E89.0
    medicament NEC E03.2
    P-aminosalicylic acid(PAS) E03.2
    phenylbutazone E03.2
    resorcinol E03.2
    sulfonamide E03.2
    surgery E89.0
    thiourea group drugs E03.2
  iatrogenic NEC E03.2
  iodine-deficiency(acquired) E01.8
    congenital --see Syndrome, iodine- deficiency, congenital
    subclinical E02
  neonatal, transitory P72.2
  postinfectious E03.3
  postirradiation E89.0
  postprocedural E89.0
  postsurgical E89.0
  specified NEC E03.8
  subclinical, iodine-deficiency related E02
Hypotonia, hypotonicity, hypotony
  bladder N31.2
  congenital(benign) P94.2
  eye --see Disorder, globe, hypotony
Hypotrichosis --see Alopecia
Hypotropia H50.2-
Hypoventilation R06.89
  congenital central alveolar G47.35
  sleep related
    idiopathic nonobstructive alveolar G47.34
    in conditions classified elsewhere G47.36
Hypovitaminosis --see Deficiency, vitamin
Hypovolemia E86.1
  surgical shock T81.19
  traumatic(shock) T79.4
Hypoxemia R09.02
  newborn P84
  sleep related, in conditions classified elsewhere G47.36
Hypoxia --see also AnoxiaR09.02
  cerebral, during a procedure NEC G97.81
    postprocedural NEC G97.82
  intrauterine P84
  myocardial --see Insufficiency, coronary
  newborn P84
  sleep-related G47.34
Hypsarhythmia --see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC
Hysteralgia, pregnant uterus O26.89-
Hysteria, hysterical(conversion) (dissociative state) F44.9
  anxiety F41.8
  convulsions F44.5
  psychosis, acute F44.9
Hysteroepilepsy F44.5