Online 2016 ICD-10-CM · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-9/ICD-10 conversion · ICD-10-PCS

Saturnism --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, lead
Scald, scalding(accidental) (by) (from) (in) X19
  air(hot) X14.1
  gases(hot) X14.1
  homicide(attempt) --see Assault, burning, hot object
  inflicted by other person
    stated as intentional, homicide(attempt) --see Assault, burning, hot object
  liquid(boiling) (hot) NEC X12
    stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y27.2
    suicide(attempt) X77.2
  local application of externally applied substance in medical or surgical care Y63.5
  metal(molten) (liquid) (hot) NEC X18
  self-inflicted X77.9
  stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y27.8
  steam X13.1
    assault X98.0
    stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y27.0
    suicide(attempt) X77.0
  suicide(attempt) X77.9
  vapor(hot) X13.1
    assault X98.0
    stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y27.0
    suicide(attempt) X77.0
Scratched by
  cat W55.03
  person(s) (accidentally) W50.4
    with intent to injure or kill Y04.0
    as, or caused by, a crowd or human stampede(with fall) W52
    assault Y04.0
    homicide(attempt) Y04.0
      fight Y04.0
      legal intervention
          bystander Y35.892
          law enforcement personnel Y35.891
          suspect Y35.893
Seasickness T75.3
Self-harm NEC --see also External cause by type, undetermined whether accidental or intentional
  intentional --see Suicide
  poisoning NEC --see Table of drugs and biologicals, accident
Self-inflicted(injury) NEC --see also External cause by type, undetermined whether accidental or intentional
  intentional --see Suicide
  poisoning NEC --see Table of drugs and biologicals, accident
  accident NEC --see W00-X58 with 7th character S
  assault(homicidal) (any means) --see X92-Y08 with 7th character S
  homicide, attempt(any means) --see X92-Y08 with 7th character S
  injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted --see Y21-Y33 with 7th character S
  intentional self-harm(classifiable to X71-X83) --see X71-X83 with 7th character S
  legal intervention --see with 7th character SY35
  motor vehicle accident --see V00-V99 with 7th character S
  suicide, attempt(any means) --see X71-X83 with 7th character S
  transport accident --see V00-V99 with 7th character S
  war operations --see War operations
  electric --see Exposure, electric current
  from electric appliance(any) (faulty) W86.8
    domestic W86.0
    suicide(attempt) X83.1
Shooting, shot(accidental(ly)) --see also Discharge, firearm, by type
  herself or himself --see Discharge, firearm by type, self-inflicted
  homicide(attempt) --see Discharge, firearm by type, homicide
  in war operations --see War operations
  inflicted by other person --see Discharge, firearm by type, homicide
    accidental --see Discharge, firearm, by type of firearm
    execution --see Legal, intervention, firearm
    intervention --see Legal, intervention, firearm
  self-inflicted --see Discharge, firearm by type, suicide
    accidental --see Discharge, firearm, by type of firearm
  suicide(attempt) --see Discharge, firearm by type, suicide
Shoving(accidentally) by other person --see Pushed, by other person
  alpine W94.11
  motion --see Motion
  mountain W94.11
  watercraft(causing drowning, submersion) --see also Drowning, due to, accident to, watercraft, sinking
    causing injury except drowning or submersion --see Accident, watercraft, causing, injury NEC
Siriasis X32
Slashed wrists --see Cut, self-inflicted
Slipping(accidental) (on same level) (with fall) W01.0
    ice W00.0
      with skates --see Accident, transport, pedestrian, conveyance
    mud W01.0
    oil W01.0
    snow W00.0
      with skis --see Accident, transport, pedestrian, conveyance
    surface(slippery) (wet) NEC W01.0
  without fall W18.40
    due to
      specified NEC W18.49
      stepping from one level to another W18.43
      stepping into hole or opening W18.42
      stepping on object W18.41
Sliver, wood, contact with W45.8
Smoldering(due to fire) --see Exposure, fire
Sodomy(attempted) by force T74.2-
Sound waves(causing injury) W42.9
  supersonic W42.0
Splinter, contact with W45.8
Stab, stabbing --see Cut
Starvation X58
Status of external cause Y99.9
  child assisting in compensated work for family Y99.8
  civilian activity done for financial or other compensation Y99.0
  civilian activity done for income or pay Y99.0
  family member assisting in compensated work for other family member Y99.8
  hobby not done for income Y99.8
  leisure activity Y99.8
  military activity Y99.1
  off-duty activity of military personnel Y99.8
  recreation or sport not for income or while a student Y99.8
  specified NEC Y99.8
  student activity Y99.8
  volunteer activity Y99.2
Stepped on
    animal(not being ridden) NEC W55.89
    crowd or human stampede W52
    person W50.0
Stepping on
  object W22.8
    with fall W18.31
    sports equipment W21.9
    stationary W22.09
      sports equipment W21.89
  person W51
    by crowd or human stampede W52
  sports equipment W21.9
  arthropod, nonvenomous W57
  insect, nonvenomous W57
Storm(cataclysmic) --see Forces of nature, cataclysmic storm
Straining, excessive Y93
Strangling --see Strangulation
Strangulation(accidental) T71
Strenuous movements Y93
Striking against
  airbag(automobile) W22.10
    driver side W22.11
    front passenger side W22.12
    specified NEC W22.19
  bottom when
    diving or jumping into water(in) W16.822
      causing drowning W16.821
      from boat W16.722
        causing drowning W16.721
      natural body W16.622
        causing drowning W16.821
      swimming pool W16.522
        causing drowning W16.521
    falling into water(in) W16.322
      causing drowning W16.321
      fountain --see Striking against, bottom when, falling into water, specified NEC
      natural body W16.122
        causing drowning W16.121
      reservoir --see Striking against, bottom when, falling into water, specified NEC
      specified NEC W16.322
        causing drowning W16.321
      swimming pool W16.022
        causing drowning W16.021
  diving board(swimming-pool) W21.4
  object W22.8
      drowning or submersion --see Drowning
      fall --see Fall, due to, bumping against, object
    caused by crowd or human stampede(with fall) W52
    furniture W22.03
    lamppost W22.02
    sports equipment W21.9
    stationary W22.09
      sports equipment W21.89
    wall W22.01
  person(s) W51
    with fall W03
      due to ice or snow W00.0
    as, or caused by, a crowd or human stampede(with fall) W52
    assault Y04.2
    homicide(attempt) Y04.2
  sports equipment W21.9
  wall(when) W22.01
    diving or jumping into water(in) W16.832
      causing drowning W16.831
      swimming pool W16.532
        causing drowning W16.531
    falling into water(in) W16.332
      causing drowning W16.331
      fountain --see Striking against, wall when, falling into water, specified NEC
      natural body W16.132
        causing drowning W16.131
      reservoir --see Striking against, wall when, falling into water, specified NEC
      specified NEC W16.332
        causing drowning W16.331
      swimming pool W16.032
        causing drowning W16.031
    swimming pool(when) W22.042
      causing drowning W22.041
      diving or jumping into water W16.532
        causing drowning W16.531
      falling into water W16.032
        causing drowning W16.031
Struck(accidentally) by
  airbag(automobile) W22.10
    driver side W22.11
    front passenger side W22.12
    specified NEC W22.19
  alligator W58.02
  animal(not being ridden) NEC W55.89
  avalanche --see Landslide
  ball(hit) (thrown) W21.00
    assault Y08.09
    baseball W21.03
    basketball W21.05
    golf ball W21.04
    football W21.01
    soccer W21.02
    softball W21.07
    specified NEC W21.09
    volleyball W21.06
  bat or racquet
    baseball bat W21.11
      assault Y08.02
    golf club W21.13
      assault Y08.09
    specified NEC W21.19
      assault Y08.09
    tennis racquet W21.12
      assault Y08.09
  bullet --see also Discharge, firearm by type
    in war operations --see War operations
  crocodile W58.12
  dog W54.1
  flare, Very pistol --see Discharge, firearm NEC
  hailstones X39.8
      puck W21.221
      stick W21.211
    puck W21.220
    stick W21.210
      assault Y08.01
  landslide --see Landslide
  law-enforcement agent(on duty) --see Legal, intervention, manhandling
    with blunt object --see Legal, intervention, blunt object
  lightning T75.0
    causing fire --see Exposure, fire
  machine --see Contact, with, by type of machine
  mammal NEC W55.89
    marine W56.32
  marine animal W56.82
    firearm --see Discharge, firearm by type
    in war operations --see War operations, missile
  object W22.8
    blunt W22.8
      assault Y00
      suicide(attempt) X79
      undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y29
    falling W20.8
      from, in, on
        building W20.1
          burning(uncontrolled fire) X00.4
          earth surface movement NEC --see Landslide
          storm --see Forces of nature, cataclysmic storm
        cave-in W20.0
        earthquake X34
        machine(in operation) --see Contact, with, by type of machine
        structure W20.1
          burning X00.4
        transport vehicle(in motion) --see Accident, transport, by type of vehicle
        watercraft V93.49
          due to
            accident to craft V91.39
              powered craft V91.33
                ferry boat V91.31
                fishing boat V91.32
                jetskis V91.33
                liner V91.31
                merchant ship V91.30
                passenger ship V91.31
              unpowered craft V91.38
                canoe V91.35
                inflatable V91.36
                kayak V91.35
                sailboat V91.34
                surf-board V91.38
                windsurfer V91.38
          powered craft V93.43
            ferry boat V93.41
            fishing boat V93.42
            jetskis V93.43
            liner V93.41
            merchant ship V93.40
            passenger ship V93.41
          unpowered craft V93.48
            sailboat V93.44
            surf-board V93.48
            windsurfer V93.48
    moving NEC W20.8
    projected W20.8
      assault Y00
      in sports W21.9
        assault Y08.09
        ball W21.00
          baseball W21.03
          basketball W21.05
          football W21.01
          golf ball W21.04
          soccer W21.02
          softball W21.07
          specified NEC W21.09
          volleyball W21.06
        bat or racquet
          baseball bat W21.11
            assault Y08.02
          golf club W21.13
            assault Y08.09
          specified NEC W21.19
            assault Y08.09
          tennis racquet W21.12
            assault Y08.09
            puck W21.221
            stick W21.211
          puck W21.220
          stick W21.210
            assault Y08.01
        specified NEC W21.89
    set in motion by explosion --see Explosion
    thrown W20.8
      assault Y00
      in sports W21.9
        assault Y08.09
        ball W21.00
          baseball W21.03
          basketball W21.05
          football W21.01
          golf ball W21.04
          soccer W21.02
          soft ball W21.07
          specified NEC W21.09
          volleyball W21.06
        bat or racquet
          baseball bat W21.11
            assault Y08.02
          golf club W21.13
            assault Y08.09
          specified NEC W21.19
            assault Y08.09
          tennis racquet W21.12
            assault Y08.09
            puck W21.221
            stick W21.211
          puck W21.220
          stick W21.210
            assault Y08.01
        specified NEC W21.89
  other person(s) W50.0
      blunt object W22.8
        intentional, homicide(attempt) Y00
        sports equipment W21.9
        undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y29
      fall W03
        due to ice or snow W00.0
    as, or caused by, a crowd or human stampede(with fall) W52
    assault Y04.2
    homicide(attempt) Y04.2
    in legal intervention
        bystander Y35.812
        law enforcement personnel Y35.811
        suspect Y35.813
    sports equipment W21.9
  police(on duty) --see Legal, intervention, manhandling
    with blunt object --see Legal, intervention, blunt object
  sports equipment W21.9
    assault Y08.09
    ball W21.00
      baseball W21.03
      basketball W21.05
      football W21.01
      golf ball W21.04
      soccer W21.02
      soft ball W21.07
      specified NEC W21.09
      volleyball W21.06
    bat or racquet
      baseball bat W21.11
        assault Y08.02
      golf club W21.13
        assault Y08.09
      specified NEC W21.19
      tennis racquet W21.12
        assault Y08.09
    cleats(shoe) W21.31
    foot wear NEC W21.39
    football helmet W21.81
        puck W21.221
        stick W21.211
      puck W21.220
      stick W21.210
        assault Y08.01
    skate blades W21.32
    specified NEC W21.89
      assault Y08.09
  thunderbolt T75.0
    causing fire --see Exposure, fire
  transport vehicle NEC --see also Accident, transportV09.9
    intentional, homicide(attempt) Y03.0
    motor NEC --see also Accident, transportV09.20
      homicide Y03.0
  vehicle(transport) NEC --see Accident, transport, by type of vehicle
    stationary(falling from jack, hydraulic lift, ramp) W20.8
    animal NEC W01.0
      with fall W18.09
    carpet, rug or(small) object W22.8
      with fall W18.09
    person W51
      with fall W03
        due to ice or snow W00.0
  without fall W18.40
    due to
      specified NEC W18.49
      stepping from one level to another W18.43
      stepping into hole or opening W18.42
      stepping on object W18.41
Submersion(accidental) --see Drowning
Suffocation(accidental) (by external means) (by pressure) (mechanical) --see also categoryT71
  due to, by
    avalanche --see Landslide
    explosion --see Explosion
    fire --see Exposure, fire
    food, any type(aspiration) (ingestion) (inhalation) --see categories T17 andT18
    ignition --see Ignition
    landslide --see Landslide
    machine(ry) --see Contact, with, by type of machine
    vomitus(aspiration) (inhalation) T17.81-
    burning building X00.8
Suicide, suicidal(attempted) (by) X83.8
  blunt object X79
  burning, burns X76
    hot object X77.9
      fluid NEC X77.2
      household appliance X77.3
      specified NEC X77.8
      steam X77.0
      tap water X77.1
      vapors X77.0
  caustic substance --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  cold, extreme X83.2
  collision of motor vehicle with
    motor vehicle X82.0
    specified NEC X82.8
    train X82.1
    tree X82.2
  crashing of aircraft X83.0
  cut(any part of body) X78.9
  cutting or piercing instrument X78.9
    dagger X78.2
    glass X78.0
    knife X78.1
    specified NEC X78.8
    sword X78.2
  drowning(in) X71.9
    bathtub X71.0
    natural water X71.3
    specified NEC X71.8
    swimming pool X71.1
      following fall X71.2
  electrocution X83.1
  explosive(s) (material) X75
  fire, flames X76
  firearm X74.9
    airgun X74.01
    handgun X72
    hunting rifle X73.1
    larger X73.9
      specified NEC X73.8
    machine gun X73.2
    shotgun X73.0
    specified NEC X74.8
  hanging X83.8
  hot object --see Suicide, burning, hot object
    before moving object X81.8
      motor vehicle X81.0
      subway train X81.1
      train X81.1
    from high place X80
  late effect of attempt --see X71-X83 with 7th character S
  lying before moving object, train, vehicle X81.8
  poisoning --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  puncture(any part of body) --see Suicide, cutting or piercing instrument
  scald --see Suicide, burning, hot object
  sequelae of attempt --see X71-X83 with 7th character S
  sharp object(any) --see Suicide, cutting or piercing instrument
  shooting --see Suicide, firearm
  specified means NEC X83.8
  stab(any part of body) --see Suicide, cutting or piercing instrument
  steam, hot vapors X77.0
  strangulation X83.8
  submersion --see Suicide, drowning
  suffocation X83.8
  wound NEC X83.8
Sunstroke X32
Supersonic waves(causing injury) W42.0
Surgical procedure, complication of(delayed or as an abnormal reaction without mention of misadventure) --see also Complication of or following, by type of procedure
  due to or as a result of misadventure --see Misadventure
Swallowed, swallowing
  foreign body --see Foreign body, alimentary canal
  poison --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
    caustic or corrosive --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
    poisonous --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals