Online 2016 ICD-10-CM · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-9/ICD-10 conversion · ICD-10-PCS

  caloris --see also Heat
  solaris X30
Ignition(accidental) --see also Exposure, fireX08.8
  anesthetic gas in operating room W40.1
  apparel X06.2
    from highly flammable material X04
    nightwear X05
  bed linen(sheets) (spreads) (pillows) (mattress) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, building, bed
  benzine X04
  clothes, clothing NEC(from controlled fire) X06.2
      highly flammable material X04
  ether X04
    in operating room W40.1
  explosive material --see Explosion
  gasoline X04
  jewelry(plastic) (any) X06.0
  kerosene X04
    explosive --see Explosion
    highly flammable with secondary explosion X04
  nightwear X05
  paraffin X04
  petrol X04
Immersion(accidental) --see also Drowning
  hand or foot due to cold(excessive) X31
Implantation of quills of porcupine W55.89
Inanition(from) (hunger) X58
  thirst X58
Inappropriate operation performed
  correct operation on wrong side or body part(wrong side) (wrong site) Y65.53
  operation intended for another patient done on wrong patient Y65.52
  wrong operation performed on correct patient Y65.51
Inattention after, at birth(homicidal intent) (infanticidal intent) X58
Incident, adverse
    anesthesiology Y70.8
      accessory Y70.2
      diagnostic Y70.0
      miscellaneous Y70.8
      monitoring Y70.0
      prosthetic Y70.2
      rehabilitative Y70.1
      surgical Y70.3
      therapeutic Y70.1
    cardiovascular Y71.8
      accessory Y71.2
      diagnostic Y71.0
      miscellaneous Y71.8
      monitoring Y71.0
      prosthetic Y71.2
      rehabilitative Y71.1
      surgical Y71.3
      therapeutic Y71.1
    gastroenterology Y73.8
      accessory Y73.2
      diagnostic Y73.0
      miscellaneous Y73.8
      monitoring Y73.0
      prosthetic Y73.2
      rehabilitative Y73.1
      surgical Y73.3
      therapeutic Y73.1
      hospital Y74.8
        accessory Y74.2
        diagnostic Y74.0
        miscellaneous Y74.8
        monitoring Y74.0
        prosthetic Y74.2
        rehabilitative Y74.1
        surgical Y74.3
        therapeutic Y74.1
      surgical Y81.8
        accessory Y81.2
        diagnostic Y81.0
        miscellaneous Y81.8
        monitoring Y81.0
        prosthetic Y81.2
        rehabilitative Y81.1
        surgical Y81.3
        therapeutic Y81.1
    gynecological Y76.8
      accessory Y76.2
      diagnostic Y76.0
      miscellaneous Y76.8
      monitoring Y76.0
      prosthetic Y76.2
      rehabilitative Y76.1
      surgical Y76.3
      therapeutic Y76.1
    medical Y82.9
      specified type NEC Y82.8
    neurological Y75.8
      accessory Y75.2
      diagnostic Y75.0
      miscellaneous Y75.8
      monitoring Y75.0
      prosthetic Y75.2
      rehabilitative Y75.1
      surgical Y75.3
      therapeutic Y75.1
    obstetrical Y76.8
      accessory Y76.2
      diagnostic Y76.0
      miscellaneous Y76.8
      monitoring Y76.0
      prosthetic Y76.2
      rehabilitative Y76.1
      surgical Y76.3
      therapeutic Y76.1
    ophthalmic Y77.8
      accessory Y77.2
      diagnostic Y77.0
      miscellaneous Y77.8
      monitoring Y77.0
      prosthetic Y77.2
      rehabilitative Y77.1
      surgical Y77.3
      therapeutic Y77.1
    orthopedic Y79.8
      accessory Y79.2
      diagnostic Y79.0
      miscellaneous Y79.8
      monitoring Y79.0
      prosthetic Y79.2
      rehabilitative Y79.1
      surgical Y79.3
      therapeutic Y79.1
    otorhinolaryngological Y72.8
      accessory Y72.2
      diagnostic Y72.0
      miscellaneous Y72.8
      monitoring Y72.0
      prosthetic Y72.2
      rehabilitative Y72.1
      surgical Y72.3
      therapeutic Y72.1
    personal use Y74.8
      accessory Y74.2
      diagnostic Y74.0
      miscellaneous Y74.8
      monitoring Y74.0
      prosthetic Y74.2
      rehabilitative Y74.1
      surgical Y74.3
      therapeutic Y74.1
    physical medicine Y80.8
      accessory Y80.2
      diagnostic Y80.0
      miscellaneous Y80.8
      monitoring Y80.0
      prosthetic Y80.2
      rehabilitative Y80.1
      surgical Y80.3
      therapeutic Y80.1
    plastic surgical Y81.8
      accessory Y81.2
      diagnostic Y81.0
      miscellaneous Y81.8
      monitoring Y81.0
      prosthetic Y81.2
      rehabilitative Y81.1
      surgical Y81.3
      therapeutic Y81.1
    radiological Y78.8
      accessory Y78.2
      diagnostic Y78.0
      miscellaneous Y78.8
      monitoring Y78.0
      prosthetic Y78.2
      rehabilitative Y78.1
      surgical Y78.3
      therapeutic Y78.1
    urology Y73.8
      accessory Y73.2
      diagnostic Y73.0
      miscellaneous Y73.8
      monitoring Y73.0
      prosthetic Y73.2
      rehabilitative Y73.1
      surgical Y73.3
      therapeutic Y73.1
Incineration(accidental) --see Exposure, fire
Infanticide --see Assault
Infrasound waves(causing injury) W49.9
  foreign body(causing injury) (with obstruction) --see Foreign body, alimentary canal
    plant(s) X58
    substance NEC --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  excessively cold substance, man-made --see Exposure, cold, man-made
  food(any type) (into respiratory tract) (with asphyxia, obstruction respiratory tract, suffocation) --see categories T17 andT18
  foreign body --see Foreign body, aspiration
  gastric contents(with asphyxia, obstruction respiratory passage, suffocation) T17.81-
  hot air or gases X14.0
  liquid air, hydrogen, nitrogen W93.12
    suicide(attempt) X83.2
  steam X13.0
    assault X98.0
    stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y27.0
    suicide(attempt) X77.0
  toxic gas --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  vomitus(with asphyxia, obstruction respiratory passage, suffocation) T17.81-
Injury, injured(accidental(ly)) NOS X58
  by, caused by, from
    assault --see Assault
    law-enforcing agent, police, in course of legal intervention --see Legal intervention
    suicide(attempt) X83.8
  due to, in
    civil insurrection --see War operations
    fight --see also Assault, fightY04.0
    war operations --see War operations
  homicide --see also AssaultY09
    in course of arrest(attempted), suppression of disturbance, maintenance of order, by law-enforcing agents --see Legal intervention
    other person
      stated as
        accidental X58
        intentional, homicide(attempt) --see Assault
        undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y33
  purposely(inflicted) by other person(s) --see Assault
  self-inflicted X83.8
    stated as accidental X58
  specified cause NEC X58
  undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y33
Insolation, effects X30
Insufficient nourishment X58
Interruption of respiration(by)
  food(lodged in esophagus) --see categories T17 andT18
  vomitus(lodged in esophagus) T17.81-
Intervention, legal --see Legal intervention
  drug --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  poison --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals