E |
Earth(surface) movement NEC --see Forces of nature, earth movement |
Earth falling(on) W20.0 |
caused by cataclysmic earth surface movement or eruption --see Landslide |
Earthquake(any injury) X34 |
Effect(s) (adverse) of |
air pressure(any) - --see Air, pressure |
cold, excessive(exposure to) --see Exposure, cold |
heat(excessive) --see Heat |
hot place(weather) --see Heat |
insolation X30 |
late --see Sequelae |
motion --see Motion |
nuclear explosion or weapon in war operations --see War operations, nuclear weapon |
radiation --see Radiation |
travel --see Travel |
Electric shock(accidental) (by) (in) --see Exposure, electric current |
Electrocution(accidental) --see Exposure, electric current |
Endotracheal tube wrongly placed during anesthetic procedure |
Entanglement |
in |
bed linen, causing suffocation T71 |
wheel of pedal cycle V19.88 |
Entry of foreign body or material --see Foreign body |
Environmental pollution related condition- see Z57 |
Execution, legal(any method) --see Legal, intervention |
Exhaustion |
cold --see Exposure, cold |
due to excessive exertion Y93 |
heat --see Heat |
Explosion(accidental) (of) (with secondary fire) W40.9 |
acetylene W40.1 |
aerosol can W36.1 |
air tank(compressed) (in machinery) W36.2 |
aircraft(in transit) (powered) NEC V95.9 |
balloon V96.05 |
fixed wing NEC(private) V95.25 |
commercial V95.35 |
glider V96.25 |
hang V96.15 |
powered V95.15 |
helicopter V95.05 |
in war operations --see War operations, destruction of aircraft |
microlight V95.15 |
nonpowered V96.9 |
specified NEC V96.8 |
powered NEC V95.8 |
stated as |
homicide(attempt) Y03.8 |
suicide(attempt) X83.0 |
ultralight V95.15 |
anesthetic gas in operating room W40.1 |
antipersonnel bomb W40.8 |
assault X96.0 |
homicide(attempt) X96.0 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
assault X96.9 |
bicycle tire W37.0 |
blasting(cap) (materials) W40.0 |
boiler(machinery), not on transport vehicle W35 |
on watercraft --see Explosion, in, watercraft |
butane W40.1 |
caused by other person X96.9 |
coal gas W40.1 |
detonator W40.0 |
dump(munitions) W40.8 |
dynamite W40.0 |
in |
assault X96.8 |
homicide(attempt) X96.8 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.112 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.111 |
suspect Y35.113 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
explosive(material) W40.9 |
gas W40.1 |
in blasting operation W40.0 |
specified NEC W40.8 |
in |
assault X96.8 |
homicide(attempt) X96.8 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.192 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.191 |
suspect Y35.193 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
factory(munitions) W40.8 |
fertilizer bomb W40.8 |
assault X96.3 |
homicide(attempt) X96.3 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
firearm(parts) NEC W34.19 |
airgun W34.110 |
BB gun W34.110 |
gas, air or spring-operated gun NEC W34.118 |
hangun W32.1 |
hunting rifle W33.12 |
larger firearm W33.10 |
specified NEC W33.19 |
machine gun W33.13 |
paintball gun W34.111 |
pellet gun W34.110 |
shotgun W33.11 |
Very pistol [flare] W34.19 |
fire-damp W40.1 |
fireworks W39 |
gas(coal) (explosive) W40.1 |
cylinder W36.9 |
aerosol can W36.1 |
air tank W36.2 |
pressurized W36.3 |
specified NEC W36.8 |
gasoline(fumes) (tank) not in moving motor vehicle W40.1 |
bomb W40.8 |
assault X96.1 |
homicide(attempt) X96.1 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
in motor vehicle --see Accident, transport, by type of vehicle |
grain store W40.8 |
grenade W40.8 |
in |
assault X96.8 |
homicide(attempt) X96.8 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.192 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.191 |
suspect Y35.193 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
handgun(parts) --see Explosion, firearm, hangun (parts) |
homicide(attempt) X96.9 |
antipersonnel bomb --see Explosion, antipersonnel bomb |
fertilizer bomb --see Explosion, fertilizer bomb |
gasoline bomb --see Explosion, gasoline bomb |
letter bomb --see Explosion, letter bomb |
pipe bomb --see Explosion, pipe bomb |
specified NEC X96.8 |
hose, pressurized W37.8 |
hot water heater, tank(in machinery) W35 |
on watercraft --see Explosion, in, watercraft |
in, on |
dump W40.8 |
factory W40.8 |
mine(of explosive gases) NEC W40.1 |
watercraft V93.59 |
powered craft V93.53 |
ferry boat V93.51 |
fishing boat V93.52 |
jetskis V93.53 |
liner V93.51 |
merchant ship V93.50 |
passenger ship V93.51 |
sailboat V93.54 |
letter bomb W40.8 |
assault X96.2 |
homicide(attempt) X96.2 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
machinery --see also Contact, with, by type of machine |
on board watercraft --see Explosion, in, watercraft |
pressure vessel --see Explosion, by type of vessel |
methane W40.1 |
mine W40.1 |
missile NEC W40.8 |
mortar bomb W40.8 |
in |
assault X96.8 |
homicide(attempt) X96.8 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.192 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.191 |
suspect Y35.193 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
munitions(dump) (factory) W40.8 |
pipe, pressurized W37.8 |
bomb W40.8 |
assault X96.4 |
homicide(attempt) X96.4 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
pressure, pressurized |
cooker W38 |
gas tank(in machinery) W36.3 |
hose W37.8 |
pipe W37.8 |
specified device NEC W38 |
tire W37.8 |
bicycle W37.0 |
vessel(in machinery) W38 |
propane W40.1 |
self-inflicted X75 |
shell(artillery) NEC W40.8 |
during war operations --see War operations, explosion |
in |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.122 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.121 |
suspect Y35.123 |
war --see War operations, explosion |
spacecraft V95.45 |
steam or water lines(in machinery) W37.8 |
stove W40.9 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y25 |
suicide(attempt) X75 |
tire, pressurized W37.8 |
bicycle W37.0 |
undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y25 |
vehicle tire NEC W37.8 |
bicycle W37.0 |
war operations --see War operations, explosion |
Exposure(to) X58 |
air pressure change --see Air, pressure |
cold(accidental) (excessive) (extreme) (natural) (place) X31 |
assault Y08.89 |
due to |
man-made conditions W93.8 |
dry ice(contact) W93.01 |
inhalation W93.02 |
liquid air(contact) (hydrogen) (nitrogen) W93.11 |
inhalation W93.12 |
refrigeration unit(deep freeze) W93.2 |
suicide(attempt) X83.2 |
weather(conditions) X31 |
homicide(attempt) Y08.89 |
self-inflicted X83.2 |
due to abandonment or neglect X58 |
electric current W86.8 |
appliance(faulty) W86.8 |
domestic W86.0 |
caused by other person Y08.89 |
conductor(faulty) W86.1 |
control apparatus(faulty) W86.1 |
electric power generating plant, distribution station W86.1 |
electroshock gun --see Exposure, electric current, taser |
high-voltage cable W85 |
homicide(attempt) Y08.89 |
legal execution --see Legal, intervention, specified means NEC |
lightning T75.0 |
live rail W86.8 |
misadventure in medical or surgical procedure in electroshock therapy Y63.4 |
motor(electric) (faulty) W86.8 |
domestic W86.0 |
self-inflicted X83.1 |
specified NEC W86.8 |
domestic W86.0 |
stun gun --see Exposure, electric current, taser |
suicide(attempt) X83.1 |
taser W86.8 |
assault Y08.89 |
legal intervention Y35 |
self-harm(intentional) X83.8 |
undeternined intent Y33 |
third rail W86.8 |
transformer(faulty) W86.1 |
transmission lines W85 |
environmental tobacco smoke X58 |
excessive |
cold --see Exposure, cold |
heat(natural) NEC X30 |
man-made W92 |
factor(s) NOS X58 |
environmental NEC X58 |
man-made NEC W99 |
natural NEC --see Forces of nature |
specified NEC X58 |
fire, flames(accidental) X08.8 |
assault X97 |
campfire --see Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building |
controlled(in) |
with ignition(of) clothing --see also Ignition, clothesX06.2 |
nightwear X05 |
bonfire --see Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building |
brazier(in building or structure) --see also Exposure, fire, controlled, building |
not in building or structure --see Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building |
building or structure X02.0 |
with |
fall from building X02.3 |
injury due to building collapse X02.2 |
from building X02.5 |
smoke inhalation X02.1 |
hit by object from building X02.4 |
specified mode of injury NEC X02.8 |
fireplace, furnace or stove --see Exposure, fire, controlled, building |
not in building or structure X03.0 |
with |
fall X03.3 |
smoke inhalation X03.1 |
hit by object X03.4 |
specified mode of injury NEC X03.8 |
trash --see Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building |
fireplace --see Exposure, fire, controlled, building |
fittings or furniture(in building or structure) (uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, building |
forest(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
grass(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
hay(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
homicide(attempt) X97 |
ignition of highly flammable material X04 |
in, of, on, starting in |
machinery --see Contact, with, by type of machine |
motor vehicle(in motion) --see also Accident, transport, occupant by type of vehicleV87.8 |
with collision --see Collision |
railway rolling stock, train, vehicle V81.81 |
with collision --see Accident, transport, railway vehicle occupant |
street car(in motion) V82.8 |
with collision --see Accident, transport, streetcar occupant |
transport vehicle NEC --see also Accident, transport |
with collision --see Collision |
war operations --see also War operations, fire |
from nuclear explosion --see War operations, nuclear weapons |
watercraft(in transit) (not in transit) V91.09 |
localized --see Burn, on board watercraft, due to, fire on board |
powered craft V91.03 |
ferry boat V91.01 |
fishing boat V91.02 |
jet skis V91.03 |
liner V91.01 |
merchant ship V91.00 |
passenger ship V91.01 |
unpowered craft V91.08 |
canoe V91.05 |
inflatable V91.06 |
kayak V91.05 |
sailboat V91.04 |
surf-board V91.08 |
waterskis V91.07 |
windsurfer V91.08 |
lumber(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
mine(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
prairie(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
resulting from |
explosion --see Explosion |
lightning X08.8 |
self-inflicted X76 |
specified NEC X08.8 |
started by other person X97 |
stove --see Exposure, fire, controlled, building |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y26 |
suicide(attempt) X76 |
tunnel(uncontrolled) --see Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building |
uncontrolled |
in building or structure X00.0 |
with |
fall from building X00.3 |
injury due to building collapse X00.2 |
jump from building X00.5 |
smoke inhalation X00.1 |
bed X08.00 |
due to |
cigarette X08.01 |
specified material NEC X08.09 |
furniture NEC X08.20 |
due to |
cigarette X08.21 |
specified material NEC X08.29 |
hit by object from building X00.4 |
sofa X08.10 |
due to |
cigarette X08.11 |
specified material NEC X08.19 |
specified mode of injury NEC X00.8 |
not in building or structure(any) X01.0 |
with |
fall X01.3 |
smoke inhalation X01.1 |
hit by object X01.4 |
specified mode of injury NEC X01.8 |
undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y26 |
forces of nature NEC --see Forces of nature |
G-forces(abnormal) W49.9 |
gravitational forces(abnormal) W49.9 |
heat(natural) NEC --see Heat |
high-pressure jet(hydraulic) (pneumatic) W49.9 |
hydraulic jet W49.9 |
inanimate mechanical force W49.9 |
jet, high-pressure(hydraulic) (pneumatic) W49.9 |
lightning T75.0 |
causing fire --see Exposure, fire |
mechanical forces NEC W49.9 |
animate NEC W64 |
inanimate NEC W49.9 |
noise W42.9 |
supersonic W42.0 |
noxious substance --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
pneumatic jet W49.9 |
prolonged in deep-freeze unit or refrigerator W93.2 |
radiation --see Radiation |
smoke --see also Exposure, fire |
tobacco, second hand Z77.22 |
specified factors NEC X58 |
sunlight X32 |
man-made(sun lamp) W89.8 |
tanning bed W89.1 |
supersonic waves W42.0 |
transmission line(s), electric W85 |
vibration W49.9 |
waves |
infrasound W49.9 |
sound W42.9 |
supersonic W42.0 |
weather NEC --see Forces of nature |
External cause status Y99.9 |
child assisting in compensated work for family Y99.8 |
civilian activity done for financial or other compensation Y99.0 |
civilian activity done for income or pay Y99.0 |
family member assisting in compensated work for other family member Y99.8 |
hobby not done for income Y99.8 |
leisure activity Y99.8 |
military activity Y99.1 |
off-duty activity of military personnel Y99.8 |
recreation or sport not for income or while a student Y99.8 |
specified NEC Y99.8 |
student activity Y99.8 |
volunteer activity Y99.2 |