D |
Decapitation(accidental circumstances) NEC X58 |
homicide X99.9 |
legal execution --see Legal, intervention |
Dehydration from lack of water X58 |
Deprivation X58 |
Derailment(accidental) |
railway(rolling stock) (train) (vehicle) (without antecedent collision) V81.7 |
with antecedent collision --see Accident, transport, railway vehicle occupant |
streetcar(without antecedent collision) V82.7 |
with antecedent collision --see Accident, transport, streetcar occupant |
Descent |
parachute(voluntary) (without accident to aircraft) V97.29 |
due to accident to aircraft --see Accident, transport, aircraft |
Desertion X58 |
Destitution X58 |
Disability, late effect or sequela of injury --see Sequelae |
Discharge(accidental) |
airgun W34.010 |
assault X95.01 |
homicide(attempt) X95.01 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.0 |
suicide(attempt) X74.01 |
BB gun --see Discharge, airgun |
firearm(accidental) W34.00 |
assault X95.9 |
handgun(pistol) (revolver) W32.0 |
assault X93 |
homicide(attempt) X93 |
legal intervention --see Legal, intervention, firearm, handgun |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y22 |
suicide(attempt) X72 |
homicide(attempt) X95.9 |
hunting rifle W33.02 |
assault X94.1 |
homicide(attempt) X94.1 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.032 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.031 |
suspect Y35.033 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y23.1 |
suicide(attempt) X73.1 |
larger W33.00 |
assault X94.9 |
homicide(attempt) X94.9 |
hunting rifle --see Discharge, firearm, hunting rifle |
legal intervention --see Legal, intervention, firearm by type of firearm |
machine gun --see Discharge, firearm, machine gun |
shotgun --see Discharge, firearm, shotgun |
specified NEC W33.09 |
assault X94.8 |
homicide(attempt) X94.8 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.092 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.091 |
suspect Y35.093 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y23.8 |
suicide(attempt) X73.8 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y23.9 |
suicide(attempt) X73.9 |
legal intervention |
injuring |
bystander Y35.002 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.001 |
suspect Y35.03 |
using rubber bullet |
injuring |
bystander Y35.042 |
law enforcement personnel Y35.041 |
suspect Y35.043 |
machine gun W33.03 |
assault X94.2 |
homicide(attempt) X94.2 |
legal intervention --see Legal, intervention, firearm, machine gun |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y23.3 |
suicide(attempt) X73.2 |
pellet gun --see Discharge, airgun |
shotgun W33.01 |
assault X94.0 |
homicide(attempt) X94.0 |
legal intervention --see Legal, intervention, firearm, specified NEC |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y23.0 |
suicide(attempt) X73.0 |
specified NEC W34.09 |
assault X95.8 |
homicide(attempt) X95.8 |
legal intervention --see Legal, intervention, firearm, specified NEC |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.8 |
suicide(attempt) X74.8 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.9 |
suicide(attempt) X74.9 |
Very pistol W34.09 |
assault X95.8 |
homicide(attempt) X95.8 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.8 |
suicide(attempt) X74.8 |
firework(s) W39 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y25 |
gas-operated gun NEC W34.018 |
airgun --see Discharge, airgun |
assault X95.09 |
homicide(attempt) X95.09 |
paintball gun --see Discharge, paintball gun |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.8 |
suicide(attempt) X74.09 |
gun NEC --see also Discharge, firearm NEC |
air --see Discharge, airgun |
BB --see Discharge, airgun |
for single hand use --see Discharge, firearm, handgun |
hand --see Discharge, firearm, handgun |
machine --see Discharge, firearm, machine gun |
other specified --see Discharge, firearm NEC |
paintball --see Discharge, paintball gun |
pellet --see Discharge, airgun |
handgun --see Discharge, firearm, handgun |
machine gun --see Discharge, firearm, machine gun |
paintball gun W34.011 |
assault X95.02 |
homicide(attempt) X95.02 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.8 |
suicide(attempt) X74.02 |
pistol --see Discharge, firearm, handgun |
flare --see Discharge, firearm, Very pistol |
pellet --see Discharge, airgun |
Very --see Discharge, firearm, Very pistol |
revolver --see Discharge, firearm, handgun |
rifle(hunting) --see Discharge, firearm, hunting rifle |
shotgun --see Discharge, firearm, shotgun |
spring-operated gun NEC W34.018 |
assault X95.09 |
homicide(attempt) X95.09 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y24.8 |
suicide(attempt) X74.09 |
Disease |
Andes W94.11 |
aviator's - --see Air, pressure |
range W94.11 |
Diver's disease, palsy, paralysis, squeeze - --see Air, pressure |
Diving(into water) --see Accident, diving |
Dog bite W54.0 |
Dragged by transport vehicle NEC --see also Accident, transportV09.9 |
Drinking poison(accidental) --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals |
Dropped(accidentally) while being carried or supported by other person W04 |
Drowning(accidental) W74 |
assault X92.9 |
due to |
accident(to) |
machinery --see Contact, with, by type of machine |
watercraft V90.89 |
burning V90.29 |
powered V90.23 |
merchant ship V90.20 |
passenger ship V90.21 |
fishing boat V90.22 |
jetskis V90.23 |
unpowered V90.28 |
canoe V90.25 |
inflatable V90.26 |
kayak V90.25 |
sailboat V90.24 |
water skis V90.27 |
crushed V90.39 |
powered V90.33 |
merchant ship V90.30 |
passenger ship V90.31 |
fishing boat V90.32 |
jetskis V90.33 |
unpowered V90.38 |
canoe V90.35 |
inflatable V90.36 |
kayak V90.35 |
sailboat V90.34 |
water skis V90.37 |
overturning V90.09 |
powered V90.03 |
merchant ship V90.00 |
passenger ship V90.01 |
fishing boat V90.02 |
jetskis V90.03 |
unpowered V90.08 |
canoe V90.05 |
inflatable V90.06 |
kayak V90.05 |
sailboat V90.04 |
sinking V90.19 |
powered V90.13 |
merchant ship V90.10 |
passenger ship V90.11 |
fishing boat V90.12 |
jetskis V90.13 |
unpowered V90.18 |
canoe V90.15 |
inflatable V90.16 |
kayak V90.15 |
sailboat V90.14 |
specified type NEC V90.89 |
powered V90.83 |
merchant ship V90.80 |
passenger ship V90.81 |
fishing boat V90.82 |
jetskis V90.83 |
unpowered V90.88 |
canoe V90.85 |
inflatable V90.86 |
kayak V90.85 |
sailboat V90.84 |
water skis V90.87 |
avalanche --see Landslide |
cataclysmic |
earth surface movement NEC --see Forces of nature, earth movement |
storm --see Forces of nature, cataclysmic storm |
cloudburst X37.8 |
cyclone X37.1 |
fall overboard(from) V92.09 |
powered craft V92.03 |
ferry boat V92.01 |
liner V92.01 |
merchant ship V92.00 |
passenger ship V92.01 |
fishing boat V92.02 |
jetskis V92.03 |
unpowered craft V92.08 |
canoe V92.05 |
inflatable V92.06 |
kayak V92.05 |
sailboat V92.04 |
surf-board V92.08 |
water skis V92.07 |
windsurfer V92.08 |
resulting from |
accident to watercraft --see Drowning, due to, accident to, watercraft |
being washed overboard(from) V92.29 |
powered craft V92.23 |
ferry boat V92.21 |
liner V92.21 |
merchant ship V92.20 |
passenger ship V92.21 |
fishing boat V92.22 |
jetskis V92.23 |
unpowered craft V92.28 |
canoe V92.25 |
inflatable V92.26 |
kayak V92.25 |
sailboat V92.24 |
surf-board V92.28 |
water skis V92.27 |
windsurfer V92.28 |
motion of watercraft V92.19 |
powered craft V92.13 |
ferry boat V92.11 |
liner V92.11 |
merchant ship V92.10 |
passenger ship V92.11 |
fishing boat V92.12 |
jetskis V92.13 |
unpowered craft |
canoe V92.15 |
inflatable V92.16 |
kayak V92.15 |
sailboat V92.14 |
hurricane X37.0 |
jumping into water from watercraft(involved in accident) --see also Drowning, due to, accident to, watercraft |
without accident to or on watercraft W16.711 |
tidal wave NEC --see Forces of nature, tidal wave |
torrential rain X37.8 |
following |
fall |
into |
bathtub W16.211 |
bucket W16.221 |
fountain --see Drowning, following, fall, into, water, specified NEC |
quarry --see Drowning, following, fall, into, water, specified NEC |
reservoir --see Drowning, following, fall, into, water, specified NEC |
swimming-pool W16.011 |
striking |
bottom W16.021 |
wall W16.031 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.3 |
suicide(attempt) X71.2 |
water NOS W16.41 |
natural(lake) (open sea) (river) (stream) (pond) W16.111 |
striking |
bottom W16.121 |
side W16.131 |
specified NEC W16.311 |
striking |
bottom W16.321 |
wall W16.331 |
overboard NEC --see Drowning, due to, fall overboard |
jump or dive |
from boat W16.711 |
striking bottom W16.721 |
into |
fountain --see Drowning, following, jump or dive, into, water, specified NEC |
quarry --see Drowning, following, jump or dive, into, water, specified NEC |
reservoir --see Drowning, following, jump or dive, into, water, specified NEC |
swimming-pool W16.511 |
striking |
bottom W16.521 |
wall W16.531 |
suicide(attempt) X71.2 |
water NOS W16.91 |
natural(lake) (open sea) (river) (stream) (pond) W16.611 |
specified NEC W16.811 |
striking |
bottom W16.821 |
wall W16.831 |
striking bottom W16.621 |
homicide(attempt) X92.9 |
in |
bathtub(accidental) W65 |
assault X92.0 |
following fall W16.211 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.1 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.0 |
suicide(attempt) X71.0 |
lake --see Drowning, in, natural water |
natural water(lake) (open sea) (river) (stream) (pond) W69 |
assault X92.3 |
following |
dive or jump W16.611 |
striking bottom W16.621 |
fall W16.111 |
striking |
bottom W16.121 |
side W16.131 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.4 |
suicide(attempt) X71.3 |
quarry --see Drowning, in, specified place NEC |
quenching tank --see Drowning, in, specified place NEC |
reservoir --see Drowning, in, specified place NEC |
river --see Drowning, in, natural water |
sea --see Drowning, in, natural water |
specified place NEC W73 |
assault X92.8 |
following |
dive or jump W16.811 |
striking |
bottom W16.821 |
wall W16.831 |
fall W16.311 |
striking |
bottom W16.321 |
wall W16.331 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.8 |
suicide(attempt) X71.8 |
stream --see Drowning, in, natural water |
swimming-pool W67 |
assault X92.1 |
following fall X92.2 |
following |
dive or jump W16.511 |
striking |
bottom W16.521 |
wall W16.531 |
fall W16.011 |
striking |
bottom W16.021 |
wall W16.031 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.2 |
following fall Y21.3 |
suicide(attempt) X71.1 |
following fall X71.2 |
war operations --see War operations, restriction of airway |
resulting from accident to watercraftCsee Drowning, due to, accident, watercraft |
self-inflicted X71.9 |
stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentional Y21.9 |
suicide(attempt) X71.9 |