V82 - Occupant of powered streetcar injured in transport accident
-interurban electric car
-person on outside of streetcar
-tram (car)
-trolley (car)
Excludes 1:
-bus (V70-V79)
-motorcoach (V70-V79)
-nonpowered streetcar (V76.-)
-train (V81.-)
-The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category V82
A - initial encounter
D - subsequent encounter
S - sequela
V82.0 - Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with motor vehicle in nontraffic accident
V82.1 - Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with motor vehicle in traffic accident
V82.2 - Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with or hit by rolling stock
V82.3 - Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with other object
V82.4 - Person injured while boarding or alighting from streetcar
V82.5 - Occupant of streetcar injured by fall in streetcar
V82.6 - Occupant of streetcar injured by fall from streetcar
V82.7 - Occupant of streetcar injured in derailment without antecedent collision
V82.8 - Occupant of streetcar injured in other specified transport accidents
V82.9 - Occupant of streetcar injured in unspecified traffic accident