R09 - Other symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory system
Excludes 1:
-acute respiratory distress syndrome (J80)
-respiratory arrest of newborn P28.81)
-respiratory distress syndrome of newborn P22.0)
-respiratory failure (J96.-)
-respiratory failure of newborn P28.5)
R09.0 - Asphyxia and hypoxemia
R09.01 - Asphyxia
R09.02 - Hypoxemia
R09.1 - Pleurisy
R09.2 - Respiratory arrest
R09.3 - Abnormal sputum
R09.8 - Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems
R09.81 - Nasal congestion
R09.82 - Postnasal drip
R09.89 - Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems