Online 2016 ICD-10-CM · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-9/ICD-10 conversion · ICD-10-PCS

 M89 - Other disorders of bone

 M89.0 - Algoneurodystrophy

-Shoulder-hand syndrome
-Sudeck's atrophy

Excludes 1:
-causalgia, lower limb G57.7-)
-causalgia, upper limb G56.4-)
-complex regional pain syndrome II, lower limb G57.7-)
-complex regional pain syndrome II, upper limb G56.4-)
-reflex sympathetic dystrophy G90.5-)

 M89.00 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified site
 M89.01 - Algoneurodystrophy, shoulder
 M89.011 - Algoneurodystrophy, right shoulder
 M89.012 - Algoneurodystrophy, left shoulder
 M89.019 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified shoulder
 M89.02 - Algoneurodystrophy, upper arm
 M89.021 - Algoneurodystrophy, right upper arm
 M89.022 - Algoneurodystrophy, left upper arm
 M89.029 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified upper arm
 M89.03 - Algoneurodystrophy, forearm
 M89.031 - Algoneurodystrophy, right forearm
 M89.032 - Algoneurodystrophy, left forearm
 M89.039 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified forearm
 M89.04 - Algoneurodystrophy, hand
 M89.041 - Algoneurodystrophy, right hand
 M89.042 - Algoneurodystrophy, left hand
 M89.049 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified hand
 M89.05 - Algoneurodystrophy, thigh
 M89.051 - Algoneurodystrophy, right thigh
 M89.052 - Algoneurodystrophy, left thigh
 M89.059 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified thigh
 M89.06 - Algoneurodystrophy, lower leg
 M89.061 - Algoneurodystrophy, right lower leg
 M89.062 - Algoneurodystrophy, left lower leg
 M89.069 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified lower leg
 M89.07 - Algoneurodystrophy, ankle and foot
 M89.071 - Algoneurodystrophy, right ankle and foot
 M89.072 - Algoneurodystrophy, left ankle and foot
 M89.079 - Algoneurodystrophy, unspecified ankle and foot
 M89.08 - Algoneurodystrophy, other site
 M89.09 - Algoneurodystrophy, multiple sites