K76 - Other diseases of liver
Excludes 2:
-alcoholic liver disease (K70.-)
-amyloid degeneration of liver (E85.-)
-cystic disease of liver (congenital) Q44.6)
-hepatic vein thrombosis I82.0)
-hepatomegaly NOS R16.0)
-pigmentary cirrhosis (of liver) E83.110)
-portal vein thrombosis (I81)
-toxic liver disease (K71.-)
K76.0 - Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified
K76.1 - Chronic passive congestion of liver
K76.2 - Central hemorrhagic necrosis of liver
K76.3 - Infarction of liver
K76.4 - Peliosis hepatis
K76.5 - Hepatic veno-occlusive disease
K76.6 - Portal hypertension
K76.7 - Hepatorenal syndrome
K76.8 - Other specified diseases of liver
K76.81 - Hepatopulmonary syndrome
K76.89 - Other specified diseases of liver
K76.9 - Liver disease, unspecified