Online 2016 ICD-10-CM · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-9/ICD-10 conversion · ICD-10-PCS

Gain in weight(abnormal) (excessive) --see also Weight, gain
Gaisböck's disease(polycythemia hypertonica) D75.1
Gait abnormality R26.9
  ataxic R26.0
  falling R29.6
  hysterical(ataxic) (staggering) F44.4
  paralytic R26.1
  spastic R26.1
  specified type NEC R26.89
  staggering R26.0
  unsteadiness R26.81
  walking difficulty NEC R26.2
Galactocele(breast) N64.89
  puerperal, postpartum O92.79
Galactokinase deficiency E74.29
Galactophoritis N61
  gestational, puerperal, postpartum O91.2-
Galactorrhea O92.6
  not associated with childbirth N64.3
Galactosemia(classic) (congenital) E74.21
Galactosuria E74.29
Galacturia R82.0
  schistosomiasis(bilharziasis) B65.0
Galeazzi's fracture S52.37-
Galen's vein --see condition
Galeophobia F40.218
Gall duct --see condition
Gallbladder --see also condition
  acute K81.0
Gallop rhythm R00.8
Gallstone(colic) (cystic duct) (gallbladder) (impacted) (multiple) --see also Calculus, gallbladder
    cholecystitis --see Calculus, gallbladder, with cholecystitis
  bile duct(common) (hepatic) --see Calculus, bile duct
  causing intestinal obstruction K56.3
  specified NEC K80.80
    with obstruction K80.81
Gambling Z72.6
  pathological(compulsive) F63.0
Gammopathy(of undetermined significance [MGUS]) D47.2
  associated with lymphoplasmacytic dyscrasia D47.2
  monoclonal D47.2
  polyclonal D89.0
Gamna's disease(siderotic splenomegaly) D73.1
Gamophobia F40.298
Gampsodactylia(congenital) Q66.7
Gamstorp's disease(adynamia episodica hereditaria) G72.3
Gandy-Nanta disease(siderotic splenomegaly) D73.1
  membership offenses Z72.810
Gangliocytoma D36.10
Ganglioglioma --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
Ganglion(compound) (diffuse) (joint) (tendon (sheath)) M67.40
  ankle M67.47-
  foot M67.47-
  forearm M67.43-
  hand M67.44-
  lower leg M67.46-
  multiple sites M67.49
  of yaws(early) (late) A66.6
  pelvic region M67.45-
  periosteal --see Periostitis
  shoulder region M67.41-
  specified site NEC M67.48
  thigh region M67.45-
  tuberculous A18.09
  upper arm M67.42-
  wrist M67.43-
Ganglioneuroblastoma --see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant
Ganglioneuroma D36.10
  malignant --see Neoplasm, nerve, malignant
Ganglioneuromatosis D36.10
  fifth nerve --see Neuralgia, trigeminal
  gasserian(postherpetic) (postzoster) B02.21
  geniculate G51.1
    newborn(birth injury) P11.3
    postherpetic, postzoster B02.21
  herpes zoster B02.21
  postherpetic geniculate B02.21
Gangliosidosis E75.10
  GM1 E75.19
  GM2 E75.00
    other specified E75.09
    Sandhoff disease E75.01
    Tay-Sachs disease E75.02
  GM3 E75.19
  mucolipidosis IV E75.11
Gangosa A66.5
Gangrene, gangrenous(connective tissue) (dropsical) (dry) (moist) (skin) (ulcer) --see also NecrosisI96
  with diabetes(mellitus) --see Diabetes, gangrene
  abdomen(wall) I96
  alveolar M27.3
  appendix K35.80
      perforation or rupture K35.2
      peritoneal abscess K35.3
      peritonitis NEC K35.3
        generalized(with perforation or rupture) K35.2
        localized(with perforation or rupture) K35.3
  arteriosclerotic(general) (senile) --see Arteriosclerosis, extremities, with, gangrene
  auricle I96
  Bacillus welchii A48.0
  bladder(infectious) --see Cystitis, specified type NEC
  bowel, cecum, or colon --see Gangrene, intestine
  Clostridium perfringens or welchii A48.0
  cornea H18.89-
  corpora cavernosa N48.29
    noninfective N48.89
  cutaneous, spreading I96
  decubital --see Ulcer, pressure, by site
  diabetic(any site) --see Diabetes, gangrene
  epidemic --see Poisoning, food, noxious, plant
  epididymis(infectional) N45.1
  erysipelas --see Erysipelas
  emphysematous --see Gangrene, gas
  extremity(lower) (upper) I96
  Fournier N49.3
    female N76.89
  fusospirochetal A69.0
  gallbladder --see Cholecystitis, acute
  gas(bacillus) A48.0
      abortion --see Abortion by type complicated by infection
      ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0
  glossitis K14.0
  hernia --see Hernia, by site, with gangrene
  intestine, intestinal(hemorrhagic) (massive) K55.0
      mesenteric embolism K55.0
      obstruction --see Obstruction, intestine
  laryngitis J04.0
  limb(lower) (upper) I96
  lung J85.0
    spirochetal A69.8
  lymphangitis I89.1
  Meleney's(synergistic) --see Ulcer, skin
  mesentery K55.0
      embolism K55.0
      intestinal obstruction --see Obstruction, intestine
  mouth A69.0
  ovary --see Oophoritis
  pancreas K85.9
  penis N48.29
    noninfective N48.89
  perineum I96
  pharynx --see also Pharyngitis
    Vincent's A69.1
  presenile I73.1
  progressive synergistic --see Ulcer, skin
  pulmonary J85.0
  pulpal(dental) K04.1
  quinsy J36
  Raynaud's(symmetric gangrene) I73.01
  retropharyngeal J39.2
  scrotum N49.3
    noninfective N50.8
  senile(atherosclerotic) --see Arteriosclerosis, extremities, with, gangrene
  spermatic cord N49.1
    noninfective N50.8
  spine I96
  spirochetal NEC A69.8
  spreading cutaneous I96
  stomatitis A69.0
  symmetrical I73.01
  testis(infectional) N45.2
    noninfective N44.8
  throat --see also Pharyngitis
    diphtheritic A36.0
    Vincent's A69.1
  thyroid(gland) E07.89
  tooth(pulp) K04.1
  tuberculous NEC --see Tuberculosis
  tunica vaginalis N49.1
    noninfective N50.8
  umbilicus I96
  uterus --see Endometritis
  uvulitis K12.2
  vas deferens N49.1
    noninfective N50.8
  vulva N76.89
Ganister disease J62.8
Ganser's syndrome(hysterical) F44.89
Gardner-Diamond syndrome(autoerythrocyte sensitization) D69.2
Gargoylism E76.01
Garré's disease, osteitis(sclerosing), osteomyelitis --see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
Garrod's pad, knuckle M72.1
Gartner's duct
  cyst Q52.4
  persistent Q50.6
Gas R14.3
  asphyxiation, inhalation, poisoning, suffocation NEC --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
  excessive R14.0
  gangrene A48.0
      abortion --see Abortion by type complicated by infection
      ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0
  on stomach R14.0
  pains R14.1
Gastralgia --see also Pain, abdominal
Gastrectasis K31.0
  psychogenic F45.8
Gastric --see condition
    pancreas C25.4
    specified site NEC --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
    unspecified site C25.4
  specified site --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior
  unspecified site D37.9
Gastritis(simple) K29.70
  with bleeding K29.71
  acute(erosive) K29.00
    with bleeding K29.01
  alcoholic K29.20
    with bleeding K29.21
  allergic K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  atrophic(chronic) K29.40
    with bleeding K29.41
  chronic(antral) (fundal) K29.50
    with bleeding K29.51
    atrophic K29.40
      with bleeding K29.41
    superficial K29.30
      with bleeding K29.31
  dietary counseling and surveillance Z71.3
  due to diet deficiency E63.9
  eosinophilic K52.81
  giant hypertrophic K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  granulomatous K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  hypertrophic(mucosa) K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  nervous F54
  spastic K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  specified NEC K29.60
    with bleeding K29.61
  superficial chronic K29.30
    with bleeding K29.31
  tuberculous A18.83
  viral NEC A08.4
Gastrocarcinoma --see Neoplasm, malignant, stomach
Gastrocolic --see condition
Gastrodisciasis, gastrodiscoidiasis B66.8
Gastroduodenitis K29.90
  with bleeding K29.91
  virus, viral A08.4
    specified type NEC A08.39
Gastrodynia --see Pain, abdominal
Gastroenteritis(acute) (chronic) (noninfectious) --see also EnteritisK52.9
  allergic K52.2
  dietetic K52.2
  drug-induced K52.1
  due to
    Cryptosporidium A07.2
    drugs K52.1
    food poisoning --see Intoxication, foodborne
    radiation K52.0
  eosinophilic K52.81
  epidemic(infectious) A09
  food hypersensitivity K52.2
  infectious --see Enteritis, infectious
  influenzal --see Influenza, with gastroenteritis
  noninfectious K52.9
    specified NEC K52.89
  rotaviral A08.0
  Salmonella A02.0
  toxic K52.1
  viral NEC A08.4
    acute infectious A08.39
      type Norwalk A08.11
    infantile(acute) A08.39
    Norwalk agent A08.11
    rotaviral A08.0
    severe of infants A08.39
    specified type NEC A08.39
Gastroenteropathy --see also GastroenteritisK52.9
  acute, due to Norwalk agent A08.11
  acute, due to Norovirus A08.11
  infectious A09
Gastroenteroptosis K63.4
Gastroesophageal laceration- hemorrhage syndrome K22.6
Gastrointestinal --see condition
Gastrojejunal --see condition
Gastrojejunitis --see also EnteritisK52.9
Gastrojejunocolic --see condition
Gastroliths K31.89
Gastromalacia K31.89
Gastroparalysis K31.84
  diabetic --see Diabetes, gastroparalysis
Gastroparesis K31.84
  diabetic --see Diabetes, by type, with gastroparesis
Gastropathy K31.9
  congestive portal K31.89
  erythematous K29.70
  exudative K90.89
  portal hypertensive K31.89
Gastroptosis K31.89
Gastrorrhagia K92.2
  psychogenic F45.8
Gastroschisis(congenital) Q79.3
Gastrospasm(neurogenic) (reflex) K31.89
  neurotic F45.8
  psychogenic F45.8
Gastrostaxis --see Gastritis, with bleeding
Gastrostenosis K31.89
  attention to Z43.1
  status Z93.1
Gastrosuccorrhea(continuous) (intermittent) K31.89
  neurotic F45.8
  psychogenic F45.8
Gatophobia F40.218
Gaucher's disease or splenomegaly(adult) (infantile) E75.22
Gee(-Herter)(-Thaysen) disease (nontropical sprue) K90.0
Gélineau's syndrome G47.419
  with cataplexy G47.411
Gemination, tooth, teeth K00.2
  specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
  unspecified site C71.9
General, generalized --see condition
    cystic fibrosis Z14.1
    hemophilia A(asymptomatic) Z14.01
      symptomatic Z14.02
    specified NEC Z14.8
  susceptibility to disease NEC Z15.89
    malignant neoplasm Z15.09
      breast Z15.01
      endometrium Z15.04
      ovary Z15.02
      prostate Z15.03
      specified NEC Z15.09
    multiple endocrine neoplasia Z15.81
Genital --see condition
Genito-anorectal syndrome A55
Genitourinary system --see condition
  congenital Q74.1
  extrorsum(acquired) --see also Deformity, varus, knee
    congenital Q74.1
    sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
  introrsum(acquired) --see also Deformity, valgus, knee
    congenital Q74.1
    sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
  rachitic(old) E64.3
  recurvatum(acquired) --see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg
    congenital Q68.2
    sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
  valgum(acquired) (knock-knee) M21.06-
    congenital Q74.1
    sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
  varum(acquired) (bowleg) M21.16-
    congenital Q74.1
    sequelae(late effect) of rickets E64.3
Geographic tongue K14.1
Geophagia --see Pica
Geotrichosis B48.3
  stomatitis B48.3
Gephyrophobia F40.242
Gerbode defect Q21.0
GERD(gastroesophageal reflux disease) K21.9
  disease(erythromelalgia) I73.81
  syndrome(vocal cord paralysis) J38.00
    bilateral J38.02
    unilateral J38.01
German measles --see also Rubella
  exposure to Z20.4
Germinoblastoma(diffuse) C85.9-
  follicular C82.9-
Germinoma --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
Gerontoxon --see Degeneration, cornea, senile
Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome(GSS) A81.82
Gerstmann's syndrome R48.8
  developmental F81.2
Gestation(period) --see also Pregnancy
  ectopic --see Pregnancy, by site
  multiple O30.9-
    greater than quadruplets --see Pregnancy, multiple (gestation), specified NEC
    specified NEC --see Pregnancy, multiple (gestation), specified NEC
  mammary abscess O91.11-
  purulent mastitis O91.11-
  subareolar abscess O91.11-
Ghon tubercle, primary infection A15.7
  teeth K00.4
  vessels(cornea) H16.41-
Ghoul hand A66.3
Gianotti-Crosti disease L44.4
    epulis K06.8
    peripheral granuloma K06.8
  esophagus, congenital Q39.5
  kidney, congenital Q63.3
  urticaria T78.3
    hereditary D84.1
Giardiasis A07.1
Gibert's disease or pityriasis L42
Giddiness R42
  hysterical F44.89
  psychogenic F45.8
Gierke's disease(glycogenosis I) E74.01
Gigantism(cerebral) (hypophyseal) (pituitary) E22.0
  constitutional E34.4
Gilbert's disease or syndrome E80.4
Gilchrist's disease B40.9
Gilford-Hutchinson disease E34.8
Gilles de la Tourette's disease or syndrome(motor-verbal tic) F95.2
Gingivitis K05.10
  acute(catarrhal) K05.00
    necrotizing A69.1
    nonplaque induced K05.01
    plaque induced K05.00
  chronic(desquamative) (hyperplastic) (simple marginal) (ulcerative) K05.10
    nonplaque induced K05.11
    plaque induced K05.10
  expulsiva --see Periodontitis
  necrotizing ulcerative(acute) A69.1
  pellagrous E52
    acute necrotizing A69.1
  Vincent's A69.1
Gingivoglossitis K14.0
Gingivopericementitis --see Periodontitis
Gingivosis --see Gingivitis, chronic
Gingivostomatitis K05.10
  herpesviral B00.2
  necrotizing ulcerative(acute) A69.1
Gland, glandular --see condition
Glanders A24.0
Glanzmann(-Naegeli) disease or thrombasthenia D69.1
Glasgow coma scale
  total score
    3-8 R40.243
    9-12 R40.242
    13-15 R40.241
Glass-blower's disease(cataract) --see Cataract, specified NEC
Glaucoma H40.9
    increased episcleral venous pressure H40.81-
    pseudoexfoliation of lens --see Glaucoma, open angle, primary, capsular
  absolute H44.51-
  angle-closure(primary) H40.20-
    acute(attack) (crisis) H40.21-
    chronic H40.22-
    intermittent H40.23-
    residual stage H40.24-
  borderline H40.00-
  capsular(with pseudoexfoliation of lens) --see Glaucoma, open angle, primary, capsular
  childhood Q15.0
  closed angle --see Glaucoma, angle-closure
  congenital Q15.0
  corticosteroid-induced --see Glaucoma, secondary, drugs
  hypersecretion H40.82-
  in(due to)
    amyloidosis E85.4H42
    aniridia Q13.1H42
    concussion of globe --see Glaucoma, secondary, trauma
    dislocation of lens --see Glaucoma, secondary
    disorder of lens NEC --see Glaucoma, secondary
    drugs --see Glaucoma, secondary, drugs
    endocrine disease NOS E34.9H42
      inflammation --see Glaucoma, secondary, inflammation
      trauma --see Glaucoma, secondary, trauma
    hypermature cataract --see Glaucoma, secondary
    iridocyclitis --see Glaucoma, secondary, inflammation
    lens disorder --see Glaucoma, secondary,
    Lowe's syndrome E72.03H42
    metabolic disease NOS E88.9H42
    ocular disorders NEC --see Glaucoma, secondary
    onchocerciasis B73.02
    pupillary block --see Glaucoma, secondary
    retinal vein occlusion --see Glaucoma, secondary
    Rieger's anomaly Q13.81H42
    rubeosis of iris --see Glaucoma, secondary
    tumor of globe --see Glaucoma, secondary
  infantile Q15.0
  low tension --see Glaucoma, open angle, primary, low-tension
  malignant H40.83-
  narrow angle --see Glaucoma, angle-closure
  newborn Q15.0
  noncongestive(chronic) --see Glaucoma, open angle
  nonobstructive --see Glaucoma, open angle
  obstructive --see also Glaucoma, angle-closure
    due to lens changes --see Glaucoma, secondary
  open angle H40.10-
    primary H40.11-
      capsular(with pseudoexfoliation of lens) H40.14-
      low-tension H40.12-
      pigmentary H40.13-
      residual stage H40.15-
  phacolytic --see Glaucoma, secondary
  pigmentary --see Glaucoma, open angle, primary, pigmentary
  postinfectious --see Glaucoma, secondary, inflammation
  secondary(to) H40.5-
    drugs H40.6-
    inflammation H40.4-
    trauma H40.3-
  simple(chronic) H40.11
  simplex H40.11
  specified type NEC H40.89
  suspect H40.00-
  syphilitic A52.71
  traumatic --see also Glaucoma, secondary, trauma
    newborn(birth injury) P15.3
  tuberculous A18.59
Glaucomatous flecks(subcapsular) --see Cataract, complicated
Glazed tongue K14.4
Gleet(gonococcal) A54.01
Glénard's disease K63.4
  with sarcomatous component
    specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
    unspecified site C71.9
  giant cell
    specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
    unspecified site C71.9
  specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
  unspecified site C71.9
    specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
    unspecified site C71.9
    specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
    unspecified site C71.9
  nose Q30.8
  specified site NEC --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
  subependymal D43.2
    specified site --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
    unspecified site D43.2
  unspecified site C71.9
Gliomatosis cerebri C71.0
Glioneuroma --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
  specified site --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
  unspecified site C71.9
Gliosis(cerebral) G93.89
  spinal G95.89
Glisson's disease --see Rickets
Globinuria R82.3
Globus(hystericus) F45.8
Glomangioma D18.00
  intra-abdominal D18.03
  intracranial D18.02
  skin D18.01
  specified site NEC D18.09
Glomangiomyoma D18.00
  intra-abdominal D18.03
  intracranial D18.02
  skin D18.01
  specified site NEC D18.09
Glomangiosarcoma --see Neoplasm, connective tissue, malignant
  disease in syphilis A52.75
  nephritis --see Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulitis --see Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis --see also NephritisN05.9
    edema --see Nephrosis
    minimal change N05.0
    minor glomerular abnormality N05.0
  acute N00.9
  chronic N03.9
  crescentic(diffuse) NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .7N05.7
  dense deposit --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .6N05.6
    crescentic --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .7N05.7
    endocapillary proliferative --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .4N05.4
    membranous --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .2N05.2
    mesangial proliferative --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .3N05.3
    mesangiocapillary --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .5N05.5
    sclerosing N05.8
  endocapillary proliferative(diffuse) NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .4N05.4
  extracapillary NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .7N05.7
  focal(and segmental) --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .1N05.1
  hypocomplementemic --see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative
  IgA --see Nephropathy, IgA
  immune complex(circulating) NEC N05.8
  in(due to)
    amyloidosis E85.4N08
    bilharziasis B65.9N08
    cryoglobulinemia D89.1N08
    defibrination syndrome D65N08
    diabetes mellitus --see Diabetes, glomerulosclerosis
    disseminated intravascular coagulation D65N08
    Fabry(-Anderson) disease E75.21N08
    Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0
    hemolytic-uremic syndrome D59.3
    Henoch(-Schönlein) purpura D69.0N08
    lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency E78.6N08
    microscopic polyangiitis M31.7N08
    multiple myeloma C90.0-N08
    Plasmodium malariae B52.0
    schistosomiasis B65.9N08
    sepsis A41.9N08
      streptococcal A40-N08
    sickle-cell disorders D57.-N08
    strongyloidiasis B78.9N08
    subacute bacterial endocarditis I33.0N08
    syphilis(late) congenital A50.59N08
    systemic lupus erythematosus M32.14
    thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura M31.1N08
    typhoid fever A01.09
    Waldenström macroglobulinemia C88.0N08
    Wegener's granulomatosis M31.31
  latent or quiescent N03.9
  lobular, lobulonodular --see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative
  membranoproliferative(diffuse)(type 1 or 3) --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .5N05.5
    dense deposit(type 2) NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .6N05.6
  membranous(diffuse) NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .2N05.2
    IgA/IgG --see Nephropathy, IgA
    proliferative(diffuse) NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .3N05.3
  mesangiocapillary(diffuse) NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .5N05.5
  necrotic, necrotizing NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .8N05.8
  nodular --see Glomerulonephritis, membranoproliferative
  poststreptococcal NEC N05.9
    acute N00.9
    chronic N03.9
    rapidly progressive N01.9
  proliferative NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .8N05.8
    diffuse(lupus) M32.14
  rapidly progressive N01.9
  sclerosing, diffuse N05.8
  specified pathology NEC --see also N00-N07 with fourth character .8N05.8
  subacute N01.9
Glomerulopathy --see Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulosclerosis --see also Sclerosis, renal
  intercapillary(nodular) (with diabetes) --see Diabetes, glomerulosclerosis
  intracapillary --see Diabetes, glomerulosclerosis
Glossagra K14.6
Glossalgia K14.6
Glossitis(chronic superficial) (gangrenous) (Moeller's) K14.0
  areata exfoliativa K14.1
  atrophic K14.4
  benign migratory K14.1
  cortical superficial, sclerotic K14.0
  Hunter's D51.0
  interstitial, sclerous K14.0
  median rhomboid K14.2
  pellagrous E52
  superficial, chronic K14.0
Glossocele K14.8
Glossodynia K14.6
  exfoliativa K14.4
Glossoncus K14.8
Glossopathy K14.9
Glossophytia K14.3
Glossoplegia K14.8
Glossoptosis K14.8
Glossopyrosis K14.6
Glossotrichia K14.3
Glossy skin L90.8
Glottis --see condition
Glottitis --see also LaryngitisJ04.0
    benign D13.7
    malignant C25.4
    uncertain behavior D37.8
  specified site NEC
    benign --see Neoplasm, benign, by site
    malignant --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
    uncertain behavior --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
  unspecified site
    benign D13.7
    malignant C25.4
    uncertain behavior D37.8
Glucoglycinuria E72.51
Glucose-galactose malabsorption E74.39
  ear --see Otitis, media, nonsuppurative, chronic, mucoid
  sniffing(airplane) --see Abuse, drug, inhalant
    dependence --see Dependence, drug, inhalant
Glutaric aciduria E72.3
Glycinemia E72.51
Glycinuria(renal) (with ketosis) E72.09
  infiltration --see Disease, glycogen storage
  storage disease --see Disease, glycogen storage
Glycogenosis(diffuse) (generalized) --see also Disease, glycogen storage
  cardiac E74.02I43
  diabetic, secondary --see Diabetes, glycogenosis, secondary
  pulmonary interstitial J84.842
Glycopenia E16.2
Glycosuria R81
  renal E74.8
Gnathostoma spinigerum(infection) (infestation), gnathostomiasis (wandering swelling) B83.1
Goiter(plunging) (substernal) E04.9
    hyperthyroidism(recurrent) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter
    thyrotoxicosis --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter
  adenomatous --see Goiter, nodular
  cancerous C73
  congenital(nontoxic) E03.0
    diffuse E03.0
    parenchymatous E03.0
    transitory, with normal functioning P72.0
  cystic E04.2
    due to iodine-deficiency E01.1
  due to
    enzyme defect in synthesis of thyroid hormone E07.1
    iodine-deficiency(endemic) E01.2
  dyshormonogenetic(familial) E07.1
  endemic(iodine-deficiency) E01.2
    diffuse E01.0
    multinodular E01.1
  exophthalmic --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter
  iodine-deficiency(endemic) E01.2
    diffuse E01.0
    multinodular E01.1
    nodular E01.1
  lingual Q89.2
  lymphadenoid E06.3
  malignant C73
  multinodular(cystic) (nontoxic) E04.2
    toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.20
      with thyroid storm E05.21
  neonatal NEC P72.0
  nodular(nontoxic) (due to) E04.9
      hyperthyroidism E05.20
        with thyroid storm E05.21
      thyrotoxicosis E05.20
        with thyroid storm E05.21
    endemic E01.1
    iodine-deficiency E01.1
    sporadic E04.9
    toxic E05.20
      with thyroid storm E05.21
  nontoxic E04.9
    diffuse(colloid) E04.0
    multinodular E04.2
    simple E04.0
    specified NEC E04.8
    uninodular E04.1
  simple E04.0
  toxic --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter
  uninodular(nontoxic) E04.1
    toxic or with hyperthyroidism E05.10
      with thyroid storm E05.11
Goiter-deafness syndrome E07.1
Goldberg syndrome Q89.8
Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome E34.51
Goldblatt's hypertension or kidney I70.1
Goldenhar(-Gorlin) syndrome Q87.0
Goldflam-Erb disease or syndrome G70.00
  with exacerbation(acute) G70.01
  in crisis G70.01
Goldscheider's disease Q81.8
Goldstein's disease(familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0
Golfer's elbow --see Epicondylitis, medial
  specified site --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
  unspecified site
    female D39.10
    male D40.10
Gonecystitis --see Vesiculitis
Gongylonemiasis B83.8
Goniosynechiae --see Adhesions, iris, goniosynechiae
Gonococcemia A54.86
Gonococcus, gonococcal(disease) (infection) --see also conditionA54.9
  anus A54.6
  bursa, bursitis A54.49
  conjunctiva, conjunctivitis(neonatorum) A54.31
  endocardium A54.83
  eye A54.30
    conjunctivitis A54.31
    iridocyclitis A54.32
    keratitis A54.33
    newborn A54.31
    other specified A54.39
  fallopian tubes(acute) (chronic) A54.24
  genitourinary(organ) (system) (tract) (acute)
    lower A54.00
      with abscess(accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
    upper --see also conditionA54.29
  heart A54.83
  iridocyclitis A54.32
  joint A54.42
  lymphatic(gland) (node) A54.89
  meninges, meningitis A54.81
  musculoskeletal A54.40
    arthritis A54.42
    osteomyelitis A54.43
    other specified A54.49
    spondylopathy A54.41
  pelviperitonitis A54.24
  pelvis(acute) (chronic) A54.24
  pharynx A54.5
  proctitis A54.6
  pyosalpinx(acute) (chronic) A54.24
  rectum A54.6
  skin A54.89
  specified site NEC A54.89
  tendon sheath A54.49
  throat A54.5
  urethra(acute) (chronic) A54.01
    with abscess(accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
  vulva(acute) (chronic) A54.02
  specified site --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
  unspecified site
    female D39.10
    male D40.10
Gonorrhea(acute) (chronic) A54.9
  Bartholin's gland(acute) (chronic) (purulent) A54.02
    with abscess(accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
  bladder A54.01
  cervix A54.03
  conjunctiva, conjunctivitis(neonatorum) A54.31
  contact Z20.2
  Cowper's gland(with abscess) A54.1
  exposure to Z20.2
  fallopian tube(acute) (chronic) A54.24
  kidney(acute) (chronic) A54.21
  lower genitourinary tract A54.00
    with abscess(accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
  ovary(acute) (chronic) A54.24
  pelvis(acute) (chronic) A54.24
    female pelvic inflammatory disease A54.24
  penis A54.09
  prostate(acute) (chronic) A54.22
  seminal vesicle(acute) (chronic) A54.23
  specified site not listed --see also GonococcusA54.89
  spermatic cord(acute) (chronic) A54.23
  urethra A54.01
    with abscess(accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1
  vagina A54.02
  vas deferens(acute) (chronic) A54.23
  vulva A54.02
Goodall's disease A08.19
Goodpasture's syndrome M31.0
Gopalan's syndrome(burning feet) E53.0
Gorlin-Chaudry-Moss syndrome Q87.0
Gottron's papules L94.4
Gougerot's syndrome(trisymptomatic) L81.7
Gougerot-Blum syndrome(pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis) L81.7
Gougerot-Carteaud disease or syndrome(confluent reticulate papillomatosis) L83
Gouley's syndrome(constrictive pericarditis) I31.1
Goundou A66.6
Gout, gouty(acute) (attack) (flare) --see also Gout, chronicM10.9
  drug-induced M10.20
    ankle M10.27-
    elbow M10.22-
    foot joint M10.27-
    hand joint M10.24-
    hip M10.25-
    knee M10.26-
    multiple site M10.29
    shoulder M10.21-
    vertebrae M10.28
    wrist M10.23-
  idiopathic M10.00
    ankle M10.07-
    elbow M10.02-
    foot joint M10.07-
    hand joint M10.04-
    hip M10.05-
    knee M10.06-
    multiple site M10.09
    shoulder M10.01-
    vertebrae M10.08
    wrist M10.03-
  in(due to) renal impairment M10.30
    ankle M10.37-
    elbow M10.32-
    foot joint M10.37-
    hand joint M10.34-
    hip M10.35-
    knee M10.36-
    multiple site M10.39
    shoulder M10.31-
    vertebrae M10.38
    wrist M10.33-
  lead-induced M10.10
    ankle M10.17-
    elbow M10.12-
    foot joint M10.17-
    hand joint M10.14-
    hip M10.15-
    knee M10.16-
    multiple site M10.19
    shoulder M10.11-
    vertebrae M10.18
    wrist M10.13-
  primary --see Gout, idiopathic
  saturnine --see Gout, lead-induced
  secondary NEC M10.40
    ankle M10.47-
    elbow M10.42-
    foot joint M10.47-
    hand joint M10.44-
    hip M10.45-
    knee M10.46-
    multiple site M10.49
    shoulder M10.41-
    vertebrae M10.48
    wrist M10.43-
  syphilitic --see also subcategory M14.8-A52.77
  tophi --see Gout, chronic
Gout, chronic --see also Gout, goutyM1A.9
  drug-induced M1A.20
    ankle M1A.27-
    elbow M1A.22-
    foot joint M1A.27-
    hand joint M1A.24-
    hip M1A.25-
    knee M1A.26-
    multiple site M1A.29-
    shoulder M1A.21-
    vertebrae M1A.28
    wrist M1A.23-
  idiopathic M1A.00
    ankle M1A.07-
    elbow M1A.02-
    foot joint M1A.07-
    hand joint M1A.04-
    hip M1A.05-
    knee M1A.06-
    multiple site M1A.09
    shoulder M1A.01-
    vertebrae M1A.08
    wrist M1A.03-
  in(due to) renal impairment M1A.30
    ankle M1A.37-
    elbow M1A.32-
    foot joint M1A.37-
    hand joint M1A.34-
    hip M1A.35-
    knee M1A.36-
    multiple site M1A.39
    shoulder M1A.31-
    vertebrae M1A.38
    wrist M1A.33-
  lead-induced M1A.10
    ankle M1A.17-
    elbow M1A.12-
    foot joint M1A.17-
    hand joint M1A.14-
    hip M1A.15-
    knee M1A.16-
    multiple site M1A.19
    shoulder M1A.11-
    vertebrae M1A.18
    wrist M1A.13-
  primary --see Gout, chronic, idiopathic
  saturnine --see Gout, chronic, lead-induced
  secondary NEC M1A.40
    ankle M1A.47-
    elbow M1A.42-
    foot joint M1A.47-
    hand joint M1A.44-
    hip M1A.45-
    knee M1A.46-
    multiple site M1A.49
    shoulder M1A.41-
    vertebrae M1A.48
    wrist M1A.43-
  syphilitic --see also subcategory M14.8-A52.77
  tophi M1A.9
  muscular dystrophy G71.0
  syndrome(vasovagal attack) R55
Gradenigo's syndrome --see Otitis, media, suppurative, acute
Graefe's disease --see Strabismus, paralytic, ophthalmoplegia, progressive
Graft-versus-host disease D89.813
  acute D89.810
  acute on chronic D89.812
  chronic D89.811
Grainhandler's disease or lung J67.8
Grain mite(itch) B88.0
Grand mal --see Epilepsy, generalized, specified NEC
Grand multipara status only(not pregnant) Z64.1
  pregnant --see Pregnancy, complicated by, grand multiparity
Granite worker's lung J62.8
Granular --see also condition
  inflammation, pharynx J31.2
  kidney(contracting) --see Sclerosis, renal
  liver K74.69
Granulation tissue(abnormal) (excessive) L92.9
  postmastoidectomy cavity --see Complications, postmastoidectomy, granulation
Granulocytopenia(primary) (malignant) --see Agranulocytosis
Granuloma L92.9
  abdomen K66.8
    from residual foreign body L92.3
    pyogenicum L98.0
  actinic L57.5
  annulare(perforating) L92.0
  apical K04.5
  aural --see Otitis, externa, specified NEC
  beryllium(skin) L92.3
    eosinophilic C96.6
    from residual foreign body --see Osteomyelitis, specified type NEC
    lung C96.6
  brain(any site) G06.0
    schistosomiasis B65.9G07
  canaliculus lacrimalis --see Granuloma, lacrimal
  candidal(cutaneous) B37.2
  cerebral(any site) G06.0
  coccidioidal(primary) (progressive) B38.7
    lung B38.1
    meninges B38.4
  colon K63.89
  conjunctiva H11.22-
  dental K04.5
  ear, middle --see Cholesteatoma
  eosinophilic C96.6
    bone C96.6
    lung C96.6
    oral mucosa K13.4
    skin L92.2
  eyelid H01.8
  facial(e) L92.2
  foreign body(in soft tissue) NEC M60.20
    ankle M60.27-
    foot M60.27-
    forearm M60.23-
    hand M60.24-
    in operation wound --see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
    lower leg M60.26-
    pelvic region M60.25-
    shoulder region M60.21-
    skin L92.3
    specified site NEC M60.28
    subcutaneous tissue L92.3
    thigh M60.25-
    upper arm M60.22-
  gangraenescens M31.2
  genito-inguinale A58
  giant cell(central) (reparative) (jaw) M27.1
    gingiva(peripheral) K06.8
  gland(lymph) I88.8
  hepatic NEC K75.3
    in(due to)
      berylliosis J63.2K77
      sarcoidosis D86.89
  Hodgkin C81.9
  ileum K63.89
  infectious B99.9
    specified NEC B99.8
  inguinale(Donovan) (venereal) A58
  intestine NEC K63.89
  intracranial(any site) G06.0
  intraspinal(any part) G06.1
  iridocyclitis --see Iridocyclitis, chronic
  jaw(bone) (central) M27.1
    reparative giant cell M27.1
  kidney --see also Infection, kidneyN15.8
  lacrimal H04.81-
  larynx J38.7
  lethal midline(faciale(e)) M31.2
  liver NEC --see Granuloma, hepatic
  lung(infectious) --see also Fibrosis, lung
    coccidioidal B38.1
    eosinophilic C96.6
  Majocchi's B35.8
  malignant(facial(e)) M31.2
  mandible(central) M27.1
  midline(lethal) M31.2
  monilial(cutaneous) B37.2
  nasal sinus --see Sinusitis
  operation wound T81.89
    foreign body --see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
    stitch T81.89
    talc --see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
  oral mucosa K13.4
  orbit, orbital H05.11-
  paracoccidioidal B41.8
  penis, venereal A58
  periapical K04.5
  peritoneum K66.8
    due to ova of helminths NOS --see also HelminthiasisB83.9K67
  postmastoidectomy cavity --see Complications, postmastoidectomy, recurrent cholesteatoma
  prostate N42.89
  pudendi(ulcerating) A58
  pulp, internal(tooth) K03.3
  pyogenic, pyogenicum(of) (skin) L98.0
    gingiva K06.8
    maxillary alveolar ridge K04.5
    oral mucosa K13.4
  rectum K62.89
  reticulohistiocytic D76.3
  rubrum nasi L74.8
  Schistosoma --see Schistosomiasis
  septic(skin) L98.0
  silica(skin) L92.3
  sinus(accessory) (infective) (nasal) --see Sinusitis
  skin L92.9
    from residual foreign body L92.3
    pyogenicum L98.0
    syphilitic(epidural) A52.19
    tuberculous A18.01
  stitch(postoperative) T81.89
  suppurative(skin) L98.0
  swimming pool A31.1
  talc --see also Granuloma, foreign body
    in operation wound --see Foreign body, accidentally left during a procedure
  telangiectaticum(skin) L98.0
  tracheostomy J95.09
  trichophyticum B35.8
  tropicum A66.4
  umbilicus L92.9
  urethra N36.8
  uveitis --see Iridocyclitis, chronic
  vagina A58
  venereum A58
  vocal cord J38.3
Granulomatosis L92.9
  lymphoid C83.8-
  miliary(listerial) A32.89
  necrotizing, respiratory M31.30
  progressive septic D71
  specified NEC L92.8
  Wegener's M31.30
    with renal involvement M31.31
Granulomatous tissue(abnormal) (excessive) L92.9
Granulosis rubra nasi L74.8
Graphite fibrosis(of lung) J63.3
Graphospasm F48.8
  organic G25.89
Grating scapula M89.8X1
Gravel(urinary) --see Calculus, urinary
Graves' disease --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter
Gravis --see condition
Grawitz tumor C64.-
Gray syndrome(newborn) P93.0
Grayness, hair(premature) L67.1
  congenital Q84.2
Green sickness D50.8
Greenfield's disease
    concentric sclerosis(encephalitis periaxialis concentrica) G37.5
    metachromatic leukodystrophy E75.25
Greenstick fracture - code as Fracture, by site
Grey syndrome(newborn) P93.0
Grief F43.21
  prolonged F43.29
  reaction --see also Disorder, adjustmentF43.20
Griesinger's disease B76.9
Grinder's lung or pneumoconiosis J62.8
Grinding, teeth
  psychogenic F45.8
  sleep related G47.63
  Dabney's B33.0
  devil's B33.0
Grippe, grippal --see also Influenza
  Balkan A78
  summer, of Italy A93.1
Grisel's disease M43.6
Groin --see condition
Grooved tongue K14.5
Ground itch B76.9
Grover's disease or syndrome L11.1
Growing pains, children R29.898
Growth(fungoid) (neoplastic) (new) --see also Neoplasm
  adenoid(vegetative) J35.8
  benign --see Neoplasm, benign, by site
  malignant --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site
  rapid, childhood Z00.2
  secondary --see Neoplasm, secondary, by site
Gruby's disease B35.0
Gubler-Millard paralysis or syndrome G46.3
Guerin-Stern syndrome Q74.3
Guidance, insufficient anterior(occlusal) M26.54
Guillain-Barré disease or syndrome G61.0
  sequelae G65.0
Guinea worms(infection) (infestation) B72
Guinon's disease(motor-verbal tic) F95.2
Gull's disease E03.4
Gum --see condition
Gumboil K04.7
  with sinus K04.6
Gumma(syphilitic) A52.79
  artery A52.09
    cerebral A52.04
  bone A52.77
    of yaws(late) A66.6
  brain A52.19
  cauda equina A52.19
  central nervous system A52.3
  ciliary body A52.71
  congenital A50.59
  eyelid A52.71
  heart A52.06
  intracranial A52.19
  iris A52.71
  kidney A52.75
  larynx A52.73
  leptomeninges A52.19
  liver A52.74
  meninges A52.19
  myocardium A52.06
  nasopharynx A52.73
  neurosyphilitic A52.3
  nose A52.73
  orbit A52.71
  palate(soft) A52.79
  penis A52.76
  pericardium A52.06
  pharynx A52.73
  pituitary A52.79
  scrofulous(tuberculous) A18.4
  skin A52.79
  specified site NEC A52.79
  spinal cord A52.19
  tongue A52.79
  tonsil A52.73
  trachea A52.73
  tuberculous A18.4
  ulcerative due to yaws A66.4
  ureter A52.75
  yaws A66.4
    bone A66.6
Gunn's syndrome Q07.8
Gunshot wound --see also Wound, open
  fracture - code as Fracture, by site
  internal organs --see Injury, by site
Gynandrism Q56.0
  specified site --see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior, by site
  unspecified site
    female D39.10
    male D40.10
Gynecological examination(periodic) (routine) Z01.419
  with abnormal findings Z01.411
Gynecomastia N62
Gynephobia F40.291
Gyrate scalp Q82.8