B |
Baastrup's disease --see Kissing spine |
Babesiosis B60.0 |
Babington's disease(familial hemorrhagic telangiectasia) I78.0 |
Babinski's syndrome A52.79 |
Baby |
crying constantly R68.11 |
floppy(syndrome) P94.2 |
Bacillary --see condition |
Bacilluria N39.0 |
Bacillus --see also Infection, bacillus |
abortus infection A23.1 |
anthracis infection A22.9 |
coli infection --see also Escherichia coliB96.20 |
Flexner's A03.1 |
mallei infection A24.0 |
Shiga's A03.0 |
suipestifer infection --see Infection, salmonella |
Back --see condition |
Backache(postural) M54.9 |
sacroiliac M53.3 |
specified NEC M54.89 |
Backflow --see Reflux |
Backward reading(dyslexia) F81.0 |
Bacteremia R78.81 |
with sepsis --see Sepsis |
Bactericholia --see Cholecystitis, acute |
Bacterid, bacteride(pustular) L40.3 |
Bacterium, bacteria, bacterial |
agent NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.89 |
in blood --see Bacteremia |
in urine --see Bacteriuria |
Bacteriuria, bacteruria N39.0 |
asymptomatic N39.0 |
Bacteroides |
fragilis, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.6 |
Bad |
heart --see Disease, heart |
trip |
due to drug abuse --see Abuse, drug, hallucinogen |
due to drug dependence --see Dependence, drug, hallucinogen |
Baelz's disease(cheilitis glandularis apostematosa) K13.0 |
Baerensprung's disease(eczema marginatum) B35.6 |
Bagasse disease or pneumonitis J67.1 |
Bagassosis J67.1 |
Baker's cyst --see Cyst, Baker's |
Bakwin-Krida syndrome(craniometaphyseal dysplasia) Q78.5 |
Balancing side interference M26.56 |
Balanitis(circinata) (erosiva) (gangrenosa) (phagedenic) (vulgaris) N48.1 |
amebic A06.82 |
candidal B37.42 |
due to Haemophilus ducreyi A57 |
gonococcal(acute) (chronic) A54.09 |
xerotica obliterans N48.0 |
Balanoposthitis N47.6 |
gonococcal(acute) (chronic) A54.09 |
ulcerative(specific) A63.8 |
Balanorrhagia --see Balanitis |
Balantidiasis, balantidiosis A07.0 |
Bald tongue K14.4 |
Baldness --see also Alopecia |
male-pattern --see Alopecia, androgenic |
Balkan grippe A78 |
Balloon disease --see Effect, adverse, high altitude |
Balo's disease(concentric sclerosis) G37.5 |
Bamberger-Marie disease --see Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic, specified type NEC |
Bancroft's filariasis B74.0 |
Band(s) |
adhesive --see Adhesions, peritoneum |
anomalous or congenital --see also Anomaly, by site |
heart(atrial) (ventricular) Q24.8 |
intestine Q43.3 |
omentum Q43.3 |
cervix N88.1 |
constricting, congenital Q79.8 |
gallbladder(congenital) Q44.1 |
intestinal(adhesive) --see Adhesions, peritoneum |
obstructive |
intestine K56.5 |
peritoneum K56.5 |
periappendiceal, congenital Q43.3 |
peritoneal(adhesive) --see Adhesions, peritoneum |
uterus N73.6 |
internal N85.6 |
vagina N89.5 |
Bandemia D72.825 |
Bandl's ring(contraction), complicating delivery O62.4 |
Bangkok hemorrhagic fever A91 |
Bang's disease(brucella abortus) A23.1 |
Bankruptcy, anxiety concerning Z59.8 |
Bannister's disease T78.3 |
hereditary D84.1 |
Banti's disease or syndrome(with cirrhosis) (with portal hypertension) K76.6 |
Bar, median, prostate --see Enlargement, enlarged, prostate |
Barcoo disease or rot --see Ulcer, skin |
Barlow's disease E54 |
Barodontalgia T70.29 |
Baron Münchausen syndrome --see Disorder, factitious |
Barosinusitis T70.1 |
Barotitis T70.0 |
Barotrauma T70.29 |
odontalgia T70.29 |
otitic T70.0 |
sinus T70.1 |
Barraquer(-Simons) disease or syndrome (progressive lipodystrophy) E88.1 |
Barré-Guillain disease or syndrome G61.0 |
Barré-Liéou syndrome(posterior cervical sympathetic) M53.0 |
Barrel chest M95.4 |
Barrett's |
disease --see Barrett's, esophagus |
esophagus K22.70 |
with dysplasia K22.719 |
high grade K22.711 |
low grade K22.710 |
without dysplasia K22.70 |
syndrome --see Barrett's, esophagus |
ulcer K22.10 |
with bleeding K22.11 |
without bleeding K22.10 |
Bársony(-Polgár) (-Teschendorf) syndrome (corkscrew esophagus) K22.4 |
Bartholinitis(suppurating) N75.8 |
gonococcal(acute) (chronic) (with abscess) A54.1 |
Barth syndrome E78.71 |
Bartonellosis A44.9 |
cutaneous A44.1 |
mucocutaneous A44.1 |
specified NEC A44.8 |
systemic A44.0 |
Barton's fracture S52.56- |
Bartter's syndrome E26.81 |
Basal --see condition |
Basan's(hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia Q82.4 |
Baseball finger --see Dislocation, finger |
Basedow's disease(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter |
Basic --see condition |
Basilar --see condition |
Bason's(hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia Q82.4 |
Basopenia --see Agranulocytosis |
Basophilia D72.824 |
Basophilism(cortico-adrenal) (Cushing's) (pituitary) E24.0 |
Bassen-Kornzweig disease or syndrome E78.6 |
Bat ear Q17.5 |
Bateman's |
disease B08.1 |
purpura(senile) D69.2 |
Bathing cramp T75.1 |
Bathophobia F40.248 |
Batten(-Mayou) disease E75.4 |
retina E75.4H36 |
Batten-Steinert syndrome G71.11 |
Battered --see Maltreatment |
Battey Mycobacterium infection A31.0 |
Battle exhaustion F43.0 |
Battledore placenta O43.19- |
Baumgarten-Cruveilhier cirrhosis, disease or syndrome K74.69 |
Bauxite fibrosis(of lung) J63.1 |
Bayle's disease(general paresis) A52.17 |
Bazin's disease(primary) (tuberculous) A18.4 |
Beach ear --see Swimmer's, ear |
Beaded hair(congenital) Q84.1 |
Béal conjunctivitis or syndrome B30.2 |
Beard's disease(neurasthenia) F48.8 |
Beat(s) |
atrial, premature I49.1 |
ectopic I49.49 |
elbow --see Bursitis, elbow |
escaped, heart I49.49 |
hand --see Bursitis, hand |
knee --see Bursitis, knee |
premature I49.40 |
atrial I49.1 |
auricular I49.1 |
supraventricular I49.1 |
Beau's |
disease or syndrome --see Degeneration, myocardial |
lines(transverse furrows on fingernails) L60.4 |
Bechterev's syndrome --see Spondylitis, ankylosing |
Beck's syndrome(anterior spinal artery occlusion) I65.8 |
Becker's |
cardiomyopathy I42.8 |
disease |
idiopathic mural endomyocardial disease I42.3 |
myotonia congenita, recessive form G71.12 |
dystrophy G71.0 |
pigmented hairy nevus D22.5 |
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Q87.3 |
Bed confinement status Z74.01 |
Bed sore --see Ulcer, pressure, by site |
Bedbug bite(s) --see Bite(s), by site, superficial, insect |
Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation by --see Asphyxia, traumatic, due to, mechanical, trapped |
Bednar's |
aphthae K12.0 |
tumor --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site |
Bedridden Z74.01 |
Bedsore --see Ulcer, pressure, by site |
Bedwetting --see Enuresis |
Bee sting(with allergic or anaphylactic shock) --see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, bee |
Beer drinker's heart(disease) I42.6 |
Begbie's disease(exophthalmic goiter) --see Hyperthyroidism, with, goiter |
Behavior |
antisocial |
adult Z72.811 |
child or adolescent Z72.810 |
disorder, disturbance --see Disorder, conduct |
disruptive --see Disorder, conduct |
drug seeking Z72.89 |
inexplicable R46.2 |
marked evasiveness R46.5 |
obsessive-compulsive R46.81 |
overactivity R46.3 |
poor responsiveness R46.4 |
self-damaging(life-style) Z72.89 |
sleep-incompatible Z72.821 |
slowness R46.4 |
specified NEC R46.89 |
strange(and inexplicable) R46.2 |
suspiciousness R46.5 |
type A pattern Z73.1 |
undue concern or preoccupation with stressful events R46.6 |
verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact R46.7 |
Behçet's disease or syndrome M35.2 |
Behr's disease --see Degeneration, macula |
Beigel's disease or morbus(white piedra) B36.2 |
Bejel A65 |
Bekhterev's syndrome --see Spondylitis, ankylosing |
Belching --see Eructation |
Bell's |
mania F30.8 |
palsy, paralysis G51.0 |
infant or newborn P11.3 |
spasm G51.3 |
Bence Jones albuminuria or proteinuria NEC R80.3 |
Bends T70.3 |
Benedikt's paralysis or syndrome G46.3 |
Benign --see also condition |
prostatic hyperplasia --see Hyperplasia, prostate |
Bennett's fracture(displaced) S62.21- |
Benson's disease --see Deposit, crystalline |
Bent |
back(hysterical) F44.4 |
nose M95.0 |
congenital Q67.4 |
Bereavement(uncomplicated) Z63.4 |
Bergeron's disease(hysterical chorea) F44.4 |
Berger's disease --see Nephropathy, IgA |
Beriberi(dry) E51.11 |
heart(disease) E51.12 |
polyneuropathy E51.11 |
wet E51.12 |
involving circulatory system E51.11 |
Berlin's disease or edema(traumatic) S05.8X- |
Berlock(berloque) dermatitis L56.2 |
Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2 |
Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathia D69.1 |
Bernhardt(-Roth) disease --see Mononeuropathy, lower limb, meralgia paresthetica |
Bernheim's syndrome --see Failure, heart, congestive |
Bertielliasis B71.8 |
Berylliosis(lung) J63.2 |
Besnier-Boeck(-Schaumann) disease --see Sarcoidosis |
Besnier's |
lupus pernio D86.3 |
prurigo L20.0 |
Bestiality F65.89 |
Best's disease H35.50 |
Beta-mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria E72.09 |
Betalipoproteinemia, broad or floating E78.2 |
Betting and gambling Z72.6 |
pathological(compulsive) F63.0 |
Bezoar T18.9 |
intestine T18.3 |
stomach T18.2 |
Bezold's abscess --see Mastoiditis, acute |
Bianchi's syndrome R48.8 |
Bicornate or bicornis uterus Q51.3 |
in pregnancy or childbirth O34.59- |
causing obstructed labor O65.5 |
Bicuspid aortic valve Q23.1 |
Biedl-Bardet syndrome Q87.89 |
Bielschowsky(-Jansky) disease E75.4 |
Biermer's(pernicious) anemia or disease D51.0 |
Biett's disease L93.0 |
Bifid(congenital) |
apex, heart Q24.8 |
clitoris Q52.6 |
kidney Q63.8 |
nose Q30.2 |
patella Q74.1 |
scrotum Q55.29 |
toe NEC Q74.2 |
tongue Q38.3 |
ureter Q62.8 |
uterus Q51.3 |
uvula Q35.7 |
Biforis uterus(suprasimplex) Q51.3 |
Bifurcation(congenital) |
gallbladder Q44.1 |
kidney pelvis Q63.8 |
renal pelvis Q63.8 |
rib Q76.6 |
tongue, congenital Q38.3 |
trachea Q32.1 |
ureter Q62.8 |
urethra Q64.74 |
vertebra Q76.49 |
Big spleen syndrome D73.1 |
Bigeminal pulse R00.8 |
Bilateral --see condition |
Bile |
duct --see condition |
pigments in urine R82.2 |
Bilharziasis --see also Schistosomiasis |
chyluria B65.0 |
cutaneous B65.3 |
galacturia B65.0 |
hematochyluria B65.0 |
intestinal B65.1 |
lipemia B65.9 |
lipuria B65.0 |
oriental B65.2 |
piarhemia B65.9 |
pulmonary NOS B65.9J99 |
pneumonia B65.9J17 |
tropical hematuria B65.0 |
vesical B65.0 |
Biliary --see condition |
Bilirubin metabolism disorder E80.7 |
specified NEC E80.6 |
Bilirubinemia, familial nonhemolytic E80.4 |
Bilirubinuria R82.2 |
Biliuria R82.2 |
Bilocular stomach K31.2 |
Binswanger's disease I67.3 |
Biparta, bipartite |
carpal scaphoid Q74.0 |
patella Q74.1 |
vagina Q52.10 |
Bird |
face Q75.8 |
fancier's disease or lung J67.2 |
Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome Q87.89 |
Birth |
complications in mother --see Delivery, complicated |
compression during NOS P15.9 |
defect --see Anomaly |
immature(less than 37 completed weeks) --see Preterm, newborn |
extremely(less than 28 completed weeks) --see Immaturity, extreme |
inattention, at or after --see Maltreatment, child, neglect |
injury NOS P15.9 |
basal ganglia P11.1 |
brachial plexus NEC P14.3 |
brain(compression) (pressure) P11.2 |
central nervous system NOS P11.9 |
cerebellum P11.1 |
cerebral hemorrhage P10.1 |
external genitalia P15.5 |
eye P15.3 |
face P15.4 |
fracture |
bone P13.9 |
specified NEC P13.8 |
clavicle P13.4 |
femur P13.2 |
humerus P13.3 |
long bone, except femur P13.3 |
radius and ulna P13.3 |
skull P13.0 |
spine P11.5 |
tibia and fibula P13.3 |
intracranial P11.2 |
laceration or hemorrhage P10.9 |
specified NEC P10.8 |
intraventricular hemorrhage P10.2 |
laceration |
brain P10.1 |
by scalpel P15.8 |
peripheral nerve P14.9 |
liver P15.0 |
meninges |
brain P11.1 |
spinal cord P11.5 |
nerve |
brachial plexus P14.3 |
cranial NEC(except facial) P11.4 |
facial P11.3 |
peripheral P14.9 |
phrenic(paralysis) P14.2 |
paralysis |
facial nerve P11.3 |
spinal P11.5 |
penis P15.5 |
rupture |
spinal cord P11.5 |
scalp P12.9 |
scalpel wound P15.8 |
scrotum P15.5 |
skull NEC P13.1 |
fracture P13.0 |
specified type NEC P15.8 |
spinal cord P11.5 |
spine P11.5 |
spleen P15.1 |
sternomastoid(hematoma) P15.2 |
subarachnoid hemorrhage P10.3 |
subcutaneous fat necrosis P15.6 |
subdural hemorrhage P10.0 |
tentorial tear P10.4 |
testes P15.5 |
vulva P15.5 |
lack of care, at or after --see Maltreatment, child, neglect |
neglect, at or after --see Maltreatment, child, neglect |
palsy or paralysis, newborn, NOS(birth injury) P14.9 |
premature(infant) --see Preterm, newborn |
shock, newborn P96.89 |
trauma --see Birth, injury |
weight |
low(2499 grams or less) --see Low, birthweight |
extremely(999 grams or less) --see Low, birthweight, extreme |
4000 grams to 4499 grams P08.1 |
4500 grams or more P08.0 |
Birthmark Q82.5 |
Bisalbuminemia E88.09 |
Biskra's button B55.1 |
Bite(s) (animal) (human) |
abdomen, abdominal |
wall S31.159 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.659 |
epigastric region S31.152 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.652 |
left |
lower quadrant S31.154 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.654 |
upper quadrant S31.151 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.651 |
periumbilic region S31.155 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.655 |
right |
lower quadrant S31.153 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.653 |
upper quadrant S31.150 |
with penetration into peritoneal cavity S31.650 |
superficial NEC S30.871 |
insect S30.861 |
alveolar(process) --see Bite, oral cavity |
amphibian(venomous) --see Venom, bite, amphibian |
animal --see also Bite, by site |
venomous --see Venom |
ankle S91.05- |
superficial NEC S90.57- |
insect S90.56- |
antecubital space --see Bite, elbow |
anus S31.835 |
superficial NEC S30.877 |
insect S30.867 |
arm(upper) S41.15- |
lower --see Bite, forearm |
superficial NEC S40.87- |
insect S40.86- |
arthropod NEC --see Venom, bite, arthropod |
auditory canal(external) (meatus) --see Bite, ear |
auricle, ear --see Bite, ear |
axilla --see Bite, arm |
back --see also Bite, thorax, back |
lower S31.050 |
with penetration into retroperitoneal space S31.051 |
superficial NEC S30.870 |
insect S30.860 |
bedbug --see Bite(s), by site, superficial, insect |
breast S21.05- |
superficial NEC S20.17- |
insect S20.16- |
brow --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
buttock S31.805 |
left S31.825 |
right S31.815 |
superficial NEC S30.870 |
insect S30.860 |
calf --see Bite, leg |
canaliculus lacrimalis --see Bite, eyelid |
canthus, eye --see Bite, eyelid |
centipede --see Toxicity, venom, arthropod, centipede |
cheek(external) S01.45- |
superficial NEC S00.87 |
insect S00.86 |
internal --see Bite, oral cavity |
chest wall --see Bite, thorax |
chigger B88.0 |
chin --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
clitoris --see Bite, vulva |
costal region --see Bite, thorax |
digit(s) |
hand --see Bite, finger |
toe --see Bite, toe |
ear(canal) (external) S01.35- |
superficial NEC S00.47- |
insect S00.46- |
elbow S51.05- |
superficial NEC S50.37- |
insect S50.36- |
epididymis --see Bite, testis |
epigastric region --see Bite, abdomen |
epiglottis --see Bite, neck, specified site NEC |
esophagus, cervical S11.25 |
superficial NEC S10.17 |
insect S10.16 |
eyebrow --see Bite, eyelid |
eyelid S01.15- |
superficial NEC S00.27- |
insect S00.26- |
face NEC --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
finger(s) S61.259 |
with |
damage to nail S61.359 |
index S61.258 |
with |
damage to nail S61.358 |
left S61.251 |
with |
damage to nail S61.351 |
right S61.250 |
with |
damage to nail S61.350 |
superficial NEC S60.478 |
insect S60.46- |
little S61.25- |
with |
damage to nail S61.35- |
superficial NEC S60.47- |
insect S60.46- |
middle S61.25- |
with |
damage to nail S61.35- |
superficial NEC S60.47- |
insect S60.46- |
ring S61.25- |
with |
damage to nail S61.35- |
superficial NEC S60.47- |
insect S60.46- |
superficial NEC S60.479 |
insect S60.469 |
thumb --see Bite, thumb |
flank --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
flea --see Bite, by site, superficial, insect |
foot(except toe(s) alone) S91.35- |
superficial NEC S90.87- |
insect S90.86- |
toe --see Bite, toe |
forearm S51.85- |
elbow only --see Bite, elbow |
superficial NEC S50.87- |
insect S50.86- |
forehead --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
genital organs, external |
female S31.552 |
superficial NEC S30.876 |
insect S30.866 |
vagina and vulva --see Bite, vulva |
male S31.551 |
penis --see Bite, penis |
scrotum --see Bite, scrotum |
superficial NEC S30.875 |
insect S30.865 |
testes --see Bite, testis |
groin --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
gum --see Bite, oral cavity |
hand S61.45- |
finger --see Bite, finger |
superficial NEC S60.57- |
insect S60.56- |
thumb --see Bite, thumb |
head S01.95 |
cheek --see Bite, cheek |
ear --see Bite, ear |
eyelid --see Bite, eyelid |
lip --see Bite, lip |
nose --see Bite, nose |
oral cavity --see Bite, oral cavity |
scalp --see Bite, scalp |
specified site NEC S01.85 |
superficial NEC S00.87 |
insect S00.86 |
superficial NEC S00.97 |
insect S00.96 |
temporomandibular area --see Bite, cheek |
heel --see Bite, foot |
hip S71.05- |
superficial NEC S70.27- |
insect S70.26- |
hymen S31.45 |
hypochondrium --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
hypogastric region --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
inguinal region --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
insect --see Bite, by site, superficial, insect |
instep --see Bite, foot |
interscapular region --see Bite, thorax, back |
jaw --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
knee S81.05- |
superficial NEC S80.27- |
insect S80.26- |
labium(majus) (minus) --see Bite, vulva |
lacrimal duct --see Bite, eyelid |
larynx S11.015 |
superficial NEC S10.17 |
insect S10.16 |
leg(lower) S81.85- |
ankle --see Bite, ankle |
foot --see Bite, foot |
knee --see Bite, knee |
superficial NEC S80.87- |
insect S80.86- |
toe --see Bite, toe |
upper --see Bite, thigh |
lip S01.551 |
superficial NEC S00.571 |
insect S00.561 |
lizard(venomous) --see Venom, bite, reptile |
loin --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
lower back --see Bite, back, lower |
lumbar region --see Bite, back, lower |
malar region --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
mammary --see Bite, breast |
marine animals(venomous) --see Toxicity, venom, marine animal |
mastoid region --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
mouth --see Bite, oral cavity |
nail |
finger --see Bite, finger |
toe --see Bite, toe |
nape --see Bite, neck, specified site NEC |
nasal(septum) (sinus) --see Bite, nose |
nasopharynx --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
neck S11.95 |
involving |
cervical esophagus --see Bite, esophagus, cervical |
larynx --see Bite, larynx |
pharynx --see Bite, pharynx |
thyroid gland S11.15 |
trachea --see Bite, trachea |
specified site NEC S11.85 |
superficial NEC S10.87 |
insect S10.86 |
superficial NEC S10.97 |
insect S10.96 |
throat S11.85 |
superficial NEC S10.17 |
insect S10.16 |
nose(septum) (sinus) S01.25 |
superficial NEC S00.37 |
insect S00.36 |
occipital region --see Bite, scalp |
oral cavity S01.552 |
superficial NEC S00.572 |
insect S00.562 |
orbital region --see Bite, eyelid |
palate --see Bite, oral cavity |
palm --see Bite, hand |
parietal region --see Bite, scalp |
pelvis S31.050 |
with penetration into retroperitoneal space S31.051 |
superficial NEC S30.870 |
insect S30.860 |
penis S31.25 |
superficial NEC S30.872 |
insect S30.862 |
perineum |
female --see Bite, vulva |
male --see Bite, pelvis |
periocular area(with or without lacrimal passages) --see Bite, eyelid |
phalanges |
finger --see Bite, finger |
toe --see Bite, toe |
pharynx S11.25 |
superficial NEC S10.17 |
insect S10.16 |
pinna --see Bite, ear |
poisonous --see Venom |
popliteal space --see Bite, knee |
prepuce --see Bite, penis |
pubic region --see Bite, abdomen, wall |
rectovaginal septum --see Bite, vulva |
red bug B88.0 |
reptile NEC --see also Venom, bite, reptile |
nonvenomous --see Bite, by site |
snake --see Venom, bite, snake |
sacral region --see Bite, back, lower |
sacroiliac region --see Bite, back, lower |
salivary gland --see Bite, oral cavity |
scalp S01.05 |
superficial NEC S00.07 |
insect S00.06 |
scapular region --see Bite, shoulder |
scrotum S31.35 |
superficial NEC S30.873 |
insect S30.863 |
sea-snake(venomous) --see Toxicity, venom, snake, sea snake |
shin --see Bite, leg |
shoulder S41.05- |
superficial NEC S40.27- |
insect S40.26- |
snake --see also Venom, bite, snake |
nonvenomous --see Bite, by site |
spermatic cord --see Bite, testis |
spider(venomous) --see Toxicity, venom, spider |
nonvenomous --see Bite, by site, superficial, insect |
sternal region --see Bite, thorax, front |
submaxillary region --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
submental region --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
subungual |
finger(s) --see Bite, finger |
toe --see Bite, toe |
superficial --see Bite, by site, superficial |
supraclavicular fossa S11.85 |
supraorbital --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
temple, temporal region --see Bite, head, specified site NEC |
temporomandibular area --see Bite, cheek |
testis S31.35 |
superficial NEC S30.873 |
insect S30.863 |
thigh S71.15- |
superficial NEC S70.37- |
insect S70.36- |
thorax, thoracic(wall) S21.95 |
back S21.25- |
with penetration into thoracic cavity S21.45- |
breast --see Bite, breast |
front S21.15- |
with penetration into thoracic cavity S21.35- |
superficial NEC S20.97 |
back S20.47- |
front S20.37- |
insect S20.96 |
back S20.46- |
front S20.36- |
throat --see Bite, neck, throat |
thumb S61.05- |
with |
damage to nail S61.15- |
superficial NEC S60.37- |
insect S60.36- |
thyroid S11.15 |
superficial NEC S10.87 |
insect S10.86 |
toe(s) S91.15- |
with |
damage to nail S91.25- |
great S91.15- |
with |
damage to nail S91.25- |
lesser S91.15- |
with |
damage to nail S91.25- |
superficial NEC S90.47- |
great S90.47- |
insect S90.46- |
great S90.46- |
tongue S01.552 |
trachea S11.025 |
superficial NEC S10.17 |
insect S10.16 |
tunica vaginalis --see Bite, testis |
tympanum, tympanic membrane --see Bite, ear |
umbilical region S31.155 |
uvula --see Bite, oral cavity |
vagina --see Bite, vulva |
venomous --see Venom |
vocal cords S11.035 |
superficial NEC S10.17 |
insect S10.16 |
vulva S31.45 |
superficial NEC S30.874 |
insect S30.864 |
wrist S61.55- |
superficial NEC S60.87- |
insect S60.86- |
Biting, cheek or lip K13.1 |
Biventricular failure(heart) I50.9 |
Björck(-Thorson) syndrome (malignant carcinoid) E34.0 |
Black |
death A20.9 |
eye S00.1- |
hairy tongue K14.3 |
heel(foot) S90.3- |
lung(disease) J60 |
palm(hand) S60.22- |
Blackfan-Diamond anemia or syndrome(congenital hypoplastic anemia) D61.01 |
Blackhead L70.0 |
Blackout R55 |
Bladder --see condition |
Blast(air) (hydraulic) (immersion) (underwater) |
blindness S05.8X- |
injury |
abdomen or thorax --see Injury, by site |
ear(acoustic nerve trauma) --see Injury, nerve, acoustic, specified type NEC |
syndrome NEC T70.8 |
Blastoma --see Neoplasm, malignant, by site |
pulmonary --see Neoplasm, lung, malignant |
Blastomycosis, blastomycotic B40.9 |
Brazilian --see Paracoccidioidomycosis |
cutaneous B40.3 |
disseminated B40.7 |
European --see Cryptococcosis |
generalized B40.7 |
keloidal B48.0 |
North American B40.9 |
primary pulmonary B40.0 |
pulmonary B40.2 |
acute B40.0 |
chronic B40.1 |
skin B40.3 |
South American --see Paracoccidioidomycosis |
specified NEC B40.89 |
Bleb(s) R23.8 |
emphysematous(lung) (solitary) J43.9 |
endophthalmitis H59.43 |
filtering(vitreous), after glaucoma surgery Z98.83 |
inflammed(infected), postprocedural H59.40 |
stage 1 H59.41 |
stage 2 H59.42 |
stage 3 H59.43 |
lung(ruptured) J43.9 |
congenital --see Atelectasis |
newborn P25.8 |
subpleural(emphysematous) J43.9 |
Blebitis, postprocedural H59.40 |
stage 1 H59.41 |
stage 2 H59.42 |
stage 3 H59.43 |
Bleeder(familial) (hereditary) --see Hemophilia |
Bleeding --see also Hemorrhage |
anal K62.5 |
anovulatory N97.0 |
atonic, following delivery O72.1 |
capillary I78.8 |
puerperal O72.2 |
contact(postcoital) N93.0 |
due to uterine subinvolution N85.3 |
ear --see Otorrhagia |
excessive, associated with menopausal onset N92.4 |
familial --see Defect, coagulation |
following intercourse N93.0 |
gastrointestinal K92.2 |
hemorrhoids --see Hemorrhoids |
intermenstrual(regular) N92.3 |
irregular N92.1 |
intraoperative --see Complication, intraoperative, hemorrhage |
irregular N92.6 |
menopausal N92.4 |
newborn, intraventricular --see Newborn, affected by, hemorrhage, intraventricular |
nipple N64.59 |
nose R04.0 |
ovulation N92.3 |
postclimacteric N95.0 |
postcoital N93.0 |
postmenopausal N95.0 |
postoperative --see Complication, postprocedural, hemorrhage |
preclimacteric N92.4 |
puberty(excessive, with onset of menstrual periods) N92.2 |
rectum, rectal K62.5 |
newborn P54.2 |
tendencies --see Defect, coagulation |
throat R04.1 |
tooth socket(post-extraction) K91.840 |
umbilical stump P51.9 |
uterus, uterine NEC N93.9 |
climacteric N92.4 |
dysfunctional of functional N93.8 |
menopausal N92.4 |
preclimacteric or premenopausal N92.4 |
unrelated to menstrual cycle N93.9 |
vagina, vaginal(abnormal) N93.9 |
dysfunctional or functional N93.8 |
newborn P54.6 |
vicarious N94.89 |
Blennorrhagia, blennorrhagic --see Gonorrhea |
Blennorrhea(acute) (chronic) --see also Gonorrhea |
inclusion(neonatal) (newborn) P39.1 |
lower genitourinary tract(gonococcal) A54.00 |
neonatorum(gonococcal ophthalmia) A54.31 |
Blepharelosis --see Entropion |
Blepharitis(angularis) (ciliaris) (eyelid) (marginal) (nonulcerative) H01.009 |
herpes zoster B02.39 |
left H01.006 |
lower H01.005 |
upper H01.004 |
right H01.003 |
lower H01.002 |
upper H01.001 |
squamous H01.029 |
left H01.026 |
lower H01.025 |
upper H01.024 |
right H01.023 |
lower H01.022 |
upper H01.021 |
ulcerative H01.019 |
left H01.016 |
lower H01.015 |
upper H01.014 |
right H01.013 |
lower H01.012 |
upper H01.011 |
Blepharochalasis H02.30 |
congenital Q10.0 |
left H02.36 |
lower H02.35 |
upper H02.34 |
right H02.33 |
lower H02.32 |
upper H02.31 |
Blepharoclonus H02.59 |
Blepharoconjunctivitis H10.50- |
angular H10.52- |
contact H10.53- |
ligneous H10.51- |
Blepharophimosis(eyelid) H02.529 |
congenital Q10.3 |
left H02.526 |
lower H02.525 |
upper H02.524 |
right H02.523 |
lower H02.522 |
upper H02.521 |
Blepharoptosis H02.40- |
congenital Q10.0 |
mechanical H02.41- |
myogenic H02.42- |
neurogenic H02.43- |
paralytic H02.43- |
Blepharopyorrhea, gonococcal A54.39 |
Blepharospasm G24.5 |
drug induced G24.01 |
Blighted ovum O02.0 |
Blind --see also Blindness |
bronchus(congenital) Q32.4 |
loop syndrome K90.2 |
congenital Q43.8 |
sac, fallopian tube(congenital) Q50.6 |
spot, enlarged --see Defect, visual field, localized, scotoma, blind spot area |
tract or tube, congenital NEC --see Atresia, by site |
Blindness(acquired) (congenital) (both eyes) H54.0 |
blast S05.8X- |
color --see Deficiency, color vision |
concussion S05.8X- |
cortical H47.619 |
left brain H47.612 |
right brain H47.611 |
day H53.11 |
due to injury(current episode) S05.9- |
sequelae -- code to injury with seventh character S |
eclipse(total) --see Retinopathy, solar |
emotional(hysterical) F44.6 |
face H53.16 |
hysterical F44.6 |
legal(both eyes) (USA definition) H54.8 |
mind R48.8 |
night H53.60 |
abnormal dark adaptation curve H53.61 |
acquired H53.62 |
congenital H53.63 |
specified type NEC H53.69 |
vitamin A deficiency E50.5 |
one eye(other eye normal) H54.40 |
left(normal vision on right) H54.42 |
low vision on right H54.12 |
low vision, other eye H54.10 |
right(normal vision on left) H54.41 |
low vision on left H54.11 |
psychic R48.8 |
river B73.01 |
snow --see Photokeratitis |
sun, solar --see Retinopathy, solar |
transient --see Disturbance, vision, subjective, loss, transient |
traumatic(current episode) S05.9- |
word(developmental) F81.0 |
acquired R48.0 |
secondary to organic lesion R48.0 |
Blister(nonthermal) |
abdominal wall S30.821 |
alveolar process S00.522 |
ankle S90.52- |
antecubital space --see Blister, elbow |
anus S30.827 |
arm(upper) S40.82- |
auditory canal --see Blister, ear |
auricle --see Blister, ear |
axilla --see Blister, arm |
back, lower S30.820 |
beetle dermatitis L24.89 |
breast S20.12- |
brow S00.82 |
calf --see Blister, leg |
canthus --see Blister, eyelid |
cheek S00.82 |
internal S00.522 |
chest wall --see Blister, thorax |
chin S00.82 |
costal region --see Blister, thorax |
digit(s) |
foot --see Blister, toe |
hand --see Blister, finger |
due to burn --see Burn, by site, second degree |
ear S00.42- |
elbow S50.32- |
epiglottis S10.12 |
esophagus, cervical S10.12 |
eyebrow --see Blister, eyelid |
eyelid S00.22- |
face S00.82 |
fever B00.1 |
finger(s) S60.429 |
index S60.42- |
little S60.42- |
middle S60.42- |
ring S60.42- |
foot(except toe(s) alone) S90.82- |
toe --see Blister, toe |
forearm S50.82- |
elbow only --see Blister, elbow |
forehead S00.82 |
fracture - omit code |
genital organ |
female S30.826 |
male S30.825 |
gum S00.522 |
hand S60.52- |
head S00.92 |
ear --see Blister, ear |
eyelid --see Blister, eyelid |
lip S00.521 |
nose S00.32 |
oral cavity S00.522 |
scalp S00.02 |
specified site NEC S00.82 |
heel --see Blister, foot |
hip S70.22- |
interscapular region S20.429 |
jaw S00.82 |
knee S80.22- |
larynx S10.12 |
leg(lower) S80.82- |
knee --see Blister, knee |
upper --see Blister, thigh |
lip S00.521 |
malar region S00.82 |
mammary --see Blister, breast |
mastoid region S00.82 |
mouth S00.522 |
multiple, skin, nontraumatic R23.8 |
nail |
finger --see Blister, finger |
toe --see Blister, toe |
nasal S00.32 |
neck S10.92 |
specified site NEC S10.82 |
throat S10.12 |
nose S00.32 |
occipital region S00.02 |
oral cavity S00.522 |
orbital region --see Blister, eyelid |
palate S00.522 |
palm --see Blister, hand |
parietal region S00.02 |
pelvis S30.820 |
penis S30.822 |
periocular area --see Blister, eyelid |
phalanges |
finger --see Blister, finger |
toe --see Blister, toe |
pharynx S10.12 |
pinna --see Blister, ear |
popliteal space --see Blister, knee |
scalp S00.02 |
scapular region --see Blister, shoulder |
scrotum S30.823 |
shin --see Blister, leg |
shoulder S40.22- |
sternal region S20.329 |
submaxillary region S00.82 |
submental region S00.82 |
subungual |
finger(s) --see Blister, finger |
toe(s) --see Blister, toe |
supraclavicular fossa S10.82 |
supraorbital S00.82 |
temple S00.82 |
temporal region S00.82 |
testis S30.823 |
thermal --see Burn, second degree, by site |
thigh S70.32- |
thorax, thoracic(wall) S20.92 |
back S20.42- |
front S20.32- |
throat S10.12 |
thumb S60.32- |
toe(s) S90.42- |
great S90.42- |
tongue S00.522 |
trachea S10.12 |
tympanum, tympanic membrane --see Blister, ear |
upper arm --see Blister, arm (upper) |
uvula S00.522 |
vagina S30.824 |
vocal cords S10.12 |
vulva S30.824 |
wrist S60.82- |
Bloating R14.0 |
Bloch-Sulzberger disease or syndrome Q82.3 |
Block, blocked |
alveolocapillary J84.10 |
arborization(heart) I45.5 |
arrhythmic I45.9 |
atrioventricular(incomplete) (partial) I44.30 |
with atrioventricular dissociation I44.2 |
complete I44.2 |
congenital Q24.6 |
congenital Q24.6 |
first degree I44.0 |
second degree(types I and II) I44.1 |
specified NEC I44.39 |
third degree I44.2 |
types I and II I44.1 |
auriculoventricular --see Block, atrioventricular |
bifascicular(cardiac) I45.2 |
bundle-branch(complete) (false) (incomplete) I45.4 |
bilateral I45.2 |
left I44.7 |
with right bundle branch block I45.2 |
hemiblock I44.60 |
anterior I44.4 |
posterior I44.5 |
incomplete I44.7 |
with right bundle branch block I45.2 |
right I45.10 |
with |
left bundle branch block I45.2 |
left fascicular block I45.2 |
specified NEC I45.19 |
Wilson's type I45.19 |
cardiac I45.9 |
conduction I45.9 |
complete I44.2 |
fascicular(left) I44.60 |
anterior I44.4 |
posterior I44.5 |
right I45.0 |
specified NEC I44.69 |
foramen Magendie(acquired) G91.1 |
congenital Q03.1 |
with spina bifida --see Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus |
heart I45.9 |
bundle branch I45.4 |
bilateral I45.2 |
complete(atrioventricular) I44.2 |
congenital Q24.6 |
first degree(atrioventricular) I44.0 |
second degree(atrioventricular) I44.1 |
specified type NEC I45.5 |
third degree(atrioventricular) I44.2 |
hepatic vein I82.0 |
intraventricular(nonspecific) I45.4 |
bundle branch |
bilateral I45.2 |
kidney N28.9 |
postcystoscopic or postprocedural N99.0 |
Mobitz(types I and II) I44.1 |
myocardial --see Block, heart |
nodal I45.5 |
organ or site, congenital NEC --see Atresia, by site |
portal(vein) I81 |
second degree(types I and II) I44.1 |
sinoatrial I45.5 |
sinoauricular I45.5 |
third degree I44.2 |
trifascicular I45.3 |
tubal N97.1 |
vein NOS I82.90 |
Wenckebach(types I and II) I44.1 |
Blockage --see Obstruction |
Blocq's disease F44.4 |
Blood |
constituents, abnormal R78.9 |
disease D75.9 |
donor --see Donor, blood |
dyscrasia D75.9 |
with |
abortion --see Abortion, by type, complicated by, hemorrhage |
ectopic pregnancy O08.1 |
molar pregnancy O08.1 |
following ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.1 |
newborn P61.9 |
puerperal, postpartum O72.3 |
flukes NEC --see Schistosomiasis |
in |
feces K92.1 |
occult R19.5 |
urine --see Hematuria |
mole O02.0 |
occult in feces R19.5 |
pressure |
decreased, due to shock following injury T79.4 |
examination only Z01.30 |
fluctuating I99.8 |
high --see Hypertension |
borderline R03.0 |
incidental reading, without diagnosis of hypertension R03.0 |
low --see also Hypotension |
incidental reading, without diagnosis of hypotension R03.1 |
spitting --see Hemoptysis |
staining cornea --see Pigmentation, cornea, stromal |
transfusion |
reaction or complication --see Complications, transfusion |
type |
A(Rh positive) Z67.10 |
Rh negative Z67.11 |
AB(Rh positive) Z67.30 |
Rh negative Z67.31 |
B(Rh positive) Z67.20 |
Rh negative Z67.21 |
O(Rh positive) Z67.40 |
Rh negative Z67.41 |
Rh(positive) Z67.90 |
negative Z67.91 |
vessel rupture --see Hemorrhage |
vomiting --see Hematemesis |
Blood-forming organs, disease D75.9 |
Bloodgood's disease --see Mastopathy, cystic |
Bloom(-Machacek)(-Torre) syndrome Q82.8 |
Blount's disease or osteochondrosis --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, tibia |
Blue |
baby Q24.9 |
diaper syndrome E72.09 |
dome cyst(breast) --see Cyst, breast |
dot cataract Q12.0 |
nevus D22.9 |
sclera Q13.5 |
with fragility of bone and deafness Q78.0 |
toe syndrome I75.02- |
Blueness --see Cyanosis |
Blues, postpartal O90.6 |
baby O90.6 |
Blurring, visual H53.8 |
Blushing(abnormal) (excessive) R23.2 |
BMI --see Body, mass index |
Boarder, hospital NEC Z76.4 |
accompanying sick person Z76.3 |
healthy infant or child Z76.2 |
foundling Z76.1 |
Bockhart's impetigo L01.02 |
Bodechtel-Guttman disease(subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) A81.1 |
Boder-Sedgwick syndrome(ataxia-telangiectasia) G11.3 |
Body, bodies |
Aschoff's --see Myocarditis, rheumatic |
asteroid, vitreous --see Deposit, crystalline |
cytoid(retina) --see Occlusion, artery, retina |
drusen(degenerative) (macula) (retinal) --see also Degeneration, macula, drusen |
optic disc --see Drusen, optic disc |
foreign --see Foreign body |
loose |
joint, except knee --see Loose, body, joint |
knee M23.4- |
sheath, tendon --see Disorder, tendon, specified type NEC |
mass index(BMI) |
adult |
19 or less Z68.1 |
20.0-20.9 Z68.20 |
21.0-21.9 Z68.21 |
22.0-22.9 Z68.22 |
23.0-23.9 Z68.23 |
24.0-24.9 Z68.24 |
25.0-25.9 Z68.25 |
26.0-26.9 Z68.26 |
27.0-27.9 Z68.27 |
28.0-28.9 Z68.28 |
29.0-29.9 Z68.29 |
30.0-30.9 Z68.30 |
31.0-31.9 Z68.31 |
32.0-32.9 Z68.32 |
33.0-33.9 Z68.33 |
34.0-34.9 Z68.34 |
35.0-35.9 Z68.35 |
36.0-36.9 Z68.36 |
37.0-37.9 Z68.37 |
38.0-38.9 Z68.38 |
39.0-39.9 Z68.39 |
40.0-44.9 Z68.41 |
45.0-49.9 Z68.42 |
50.0-59.9 Z68.43 |
60.0-69.9 Z68.44 |
70 and over Z68.45 |
pediatric |
5th percentile to less than 85th percentile for age Z68.52 |
85th percentile to less than 95th percentile for age Z68.53 |
greater than or equal to ninety-fifth percentile for age Z68.54 |
less than fifth percentile for age Z68.51 |
Mooser's A75.2 |
rice --see also Loose, body, joint |
knee M23.4- |
rocking F98.4 |
Boeck's |
disease or sarcoid --see Sarcoidosis |
lupoid(miliary) D86.3 |
Boerhaave's syndrome(spontaneous esophageal rupture) K22.3 |
Boggy |
cervix N88.8 |
uterus N85.8 |
Boil --see also Furuncle, by site |
Aleppo B55.1 |
Baghdad B55.1 |
Delhi B55.1 |
lacrimal |
gland --see Dacryoadenitis |
passages(duct) (sac) --see Inflammation, lacrimal, passages, acute |
Natal B55.1 |
orbit, orbital --see Abscess, orbit |
tropical B55.1 |
Bold hives --see Urticaria |
Bombé, iris --see Membrane, pupillary |
Bone --see condition |
Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome Q87.1 |
Bonnier's syndrome H81.8 |
Bonvale dam fever T73.3 |
Bony block of joint --see Ankylosis |
BOOP(bronchiolitis obliterans organized pneumonia) J84.89 |
Borderline |
diabetes mellitus R73.09 |
hypertension R03.0 |
osteopenia M85.8- |
pelvis, with obstruction during labor O65.1 |
personality F60.3 |
Borna disease A83.9 |
Bornholm disease B33.0 |
Boston exanthem A88.0 |
Botalli, ductus(patent) (persistent) Q25.0 |
Bothriocephalus latus infestation B70.0 |
Botulism(foodborne intoxication) A05.1 |
infant A48.51 |
non-foodborne A48.52 |
wound A48.52 |
Bouba --see Yaws |
Bouchard's nodes(with arthropathy) M15.2 |
Bouffée délirante F23 |
Bouillaud's disease or syndrome(rheumatic heart disease) I01.9 |
Bourneville's disease Q85.1 |
Boutonniere deformity(finger) --see Deformity, finger, boutonniere |
Bouveret(-Hoffmann) syndrome (paroxysmal tachycardia) I47.9 |
Bovine heart --see Hypertrophy, cardiac |
Bowel --see condition |
Bowen's |
dermatosis(precancerous) --see Neoplasm, skin, in situ |
disease --see Neoplasm, skin, in situ |
epithelioma --see Neoplasm, skin, in situ |
type |
epidermoid carcinoma-in-situ --see Neoplasm, skin, in situ |
intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma --see Neoplasm, skin, in situ |
Bowing |
femur --see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, thigh |
congenital Q68.3 |
fibula --see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg |
congenital Q68.4 |
forearm --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm |
leg(s), long bones, congenital Q68.5 |
radius --see Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, forearm |
tibia --see also Deformity, limb, specified type NEC, lower leg |
congenital Q68.4 |
Bowleg(s) (acquired) M21.16- |
congenital Q68.5 |
rachitic E64.3 |
Boyd's dysentery A03.2 |
Brachial --see condition |
Brachycardia R00.1 |
Brachycephaly Q75.0 |
Bradley's disease A08.19 |
Bradyarrhythmia, cardiac I49.8 |
Bradycardia(sinoatrial) (sinus) (vagal) R00.1 |
neonatal P29.12 |
reflex G90.09 |
tachycardia syndrome I49.5 |
Bradykinesia R25.8 |
Bradypnea R06.89 |
Bradytachycardia I49.5 |
Brailsford's disease or osteochondrosis --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, radius |
Brain --see also condition |
death G93.82 |
syndrome --see Syndrome, brain |
Branched-chain amino-acid disorder E71.2 |
Branchial --see condition |
cartilage, congenital Q18.2 |
Branchiogenic remnant(in neck) Q18.0 |
Brandt's syndrome(acrodermatitis enteropathica) E83.2 |
Brash(water) R12 |
Bravais-jacksonian epilepsy --see Epilepsy, localization-related, symptomatic, with simple partial seizures |
Braxton Hicks contractions --see False, labor |
Brazilian leishmaniasis B55.2 |
BRBPR K62.5 |
Break, retina(without detachment) H33.30- |
with retinal detachment --see Detachment, retina |
horseshoe tear H33.31- |
multiple H33.33- |
round hole H33.32- |
Breakdown |
device, graft or implant --see also Complications, by site and type, mechanicalT85.618 |
arterial graft NEC --see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical, vascular |
breast(implant) T85.41 |
catheter NEC T85.618 |
cystostomy T83.010 |
dialysis(renal) T82.41 |
intraperitoneal T85.611 |
infusion NEC T82.514 |
spinal(epidural) (subdural) T85.610 |
urinary(indwelling) T83.018 |
electronic(electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator) |
bone T84.310 |
cardiac T82.119 |
electrode T82.110 |
pulse generator T82.111 |
specified type NEC T82.118 |
nervous system --see Complication, prosthetic device, mechanical, electronic nervous system stimulator |
urinary --see Complication, genitourinary, device, urinary, mechanical |
fixation, internal(orthopedic) NEC --see Complication, fixation device, mechanical |
gastrointestinal --see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, gastrointestinal device |
genital NEC T83.418 |
intrauterine contraceptive device T83.31 |
penile prosthesis T83.410 |
heart NEC --see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical |
joint prosthesis --see Complications..., joint prosthesis,internal, mechanical, by site |
ocular NEC --see Complications, prosthetic device, mechanical, ocular device |
orthopedic NEC --see Complication, orthopedic, device, mechanical |
specified NEC T85.618 |
sutures, permanent T85.612 |
used in bone repair --see Complications, fixation device, internal (orthopedic), mechanical |
urinary NEC --see also Complication, genitourinary, device, urinary, mechanical |
graft T83.21 |
vascular NEC --see Complication, cardiovascular device, mechanical |
ventricular intracranial shunt T85.01 |
nervous F48.8 |
perineum O90.1 |
respirator J95.850 |
specified NEC J95.859 |
ventilator J95.850 |
specified NEC J95.859 |
Breast --see also condition |
buds E30.1 |
in newborn P96.89 |
dense R92.2 |
nodule N63 |
Breath |
foul R19.6 |
holder, child R06.89 |
holding spell R06.89 |
shortness R06.02 |
Breathing |
labored --see Hyperventilation |
mouth R06.5 |
causing malocclusion M26.5 |
periodic R06.3 |
high altitude G47.32 |
Breathlessness R06.81 |
Breda's disease --see Yaws |
Breech presentation(mother) O32.1 |
causing obstructed labor O64.1 |
footling O32.8 |
causing obstructed labor O64.8 |
incomplete O32.8 |
causing obstructed labor O64.8 |
Breisky's disease N90.4 |
Brennemann's syndrome I88.0 |
Brenner |
tumor(benign) D27.9 |
borderline malignancy D39.1- |
malignant C56 |
proliferating D39.1- |
Bretonneau's disease or angina A36.0 |
Breus' mole O02.0 |
Brevicollis Q76.49 |
Brickmakers' anemia B76.9D63.8 |
Bridge, myocardial Q24.5 |
Bright red blood per rectum(BRBPR) K62.5 |
Bright's disease --see also Nephritis |
arteriosclerotic --see Hypertension, kidney |
Brill(-Zinsser) disease (recrudescent typhus) A75.1 |
flea-borne A75.2 |
louse-borne A75.1 |
Brill-Symmers' disease C82.90 |
Brion-Kayser disease --see Fever, parathyroid |
Briquet's disorder or syndrome F45.0 |
Brissaud's |
infantilism or dwarfism E23.0 |
motor-verbal tic F95.2 |
Brittle |
bones disease Q78.0 |
nails L60.3 |
congenital Q84.6 |
Broad --see also condition |
beta disease E78.2 |
ligament laceration syndrome N83.8 |
Broad- or floating-betalipoproteinemia E78.2 |
Brock's syndrome(atelectasis due to enlarged lymph nodes) J98.19 |
Brocq-Duhring disease(dermatitis herpetiformis) L13.0 |
Brodie's abscess or disease M86.8X- |
Broken |
arches --see also Deformity, limb, flat foot |
arm(meaning upper limb) --see Fracture, arm |
back --see Fracture, vertebra |
bone --see Fracture |
implant or internal device --see Complications, by site and type, mechanical |
leg(meaning lower limb) --see Fracture, leg |
nose S02.2 |
tooth, teeth --see Fracture, tooth |
Bromhidrosis, bromidrosis L75.0 |
Bromidism, bromism G92 |
due to |
correct substance properly administered --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, adverse effect |
overdose or wrong substance given or taken --see Table of Drugs and Chemicals, by drug, poisoning |
chronic(dependence) F13.20 |
Bromidrosiphobia F40.298 |
Bronchi, bronchial --see condition |
Bronchiectasis(cylindrical) (diffuse) (fusiform) (localized) (saccular) J47.9 |
with |
acute |
bronchitis J47.0 |
lower respiratory infection J47.0 |
exacerbation(acute) J47.1 |
congenital Q33.4 |
tuberculous NEC --see Tuberculosis, pulmonary |
Bronchiolectasis --see Bronchiectasis |
Bronchiolitis(acute) (infective) (subacute) J21.9 |
with |
bronchospasm or obstruction J21.9 |
influenza, flu or grippe --see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC |
chemical(chronic) J68.4 |
acute J68.0 |
chronic(fibrosing) (obliterative) J44.9 |
due to |
external agent --see Bronchitis, acute, due to |
human metapneumovirus J21.1 |
respiratory syncytial virus J21.0 |
specified organism NEC J21.8 |
fibrosa obliterans J44.9 |
influenzal --see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC |
obliterans J42 |
with organizing pneumonia(BOOP) J84.89 |
obliterative(chronic) (subacute) J44.9 |
due to fumes or vapors J68.4 |
due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors(inhalation) J68.4 |
respiratory, interstitial lung disease J84.115 |
Bronchitis(diffuse) (fibrinous) (hypostatic) (infective) (membranous) J40 |
with |
influenza, flu or grippe --see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC |
obstruction(airway) (lung) J44.9 |
tracheitis(l5 years of age and above) J40 |
acute or subacute J20.9 |
chronic J42 |
under l5 years of age J20.9 |
acute or subacute(with bronchospasm or obstruction) J20.9 |
with |
bronchiectasis J47.0 |
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J44.0 |
chemical(due to gases, fumes or vapors) J68.0 |
due to |
fumes or vapors J68.0 |
Haemophilus influenzae J20.1 |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae J20.0 |
radiation J70.0 |
specified organism NEC J20.8 |
Streptococcus J20.2 |
virus |
coxsackie J20.3 |
echovirus J20.7 |
parainfluenzae J20.4 |
respiratory syncytial J20.5 |
rhinovirus J20.6 |
viral NEC J20.8 |
allergic(acute) J45.909 |
with |
exacerbation(acute) J45.901 |
status asthmaticus J45.902 |
arachidic T17.528 |
aspiration(due to fumes or vapors) J68.0 |
asthmatic J45.9 |
chronic J44.9 |
with |
acute lower respiratory infection J44.0 |
exacerbation(acute) J44.1 |
capillary --see Pneumonia, broncho |
caseous(tuberculous) A15.5 |
Castellani's A69.8 |
catarrhal(l5 years of age and above) J40 |
acute --see Bronchitis, acute |
chronic J41.0 |
under l5 years of age J20.9 |
chemical(acute) (subacute) J68.0 |
chronic J68.4 |
due to fumes or vapors J68.0 |
chronic J68.4 |
chronic J42 |
with |
airways obstruction J44.9 |
tracheitis(chronic) J42 |
asthmatic(obstructive) J44.9 |
catarrhal J41.0 |
chemical(due to fumes or vapors) J68.4 |
due to |
chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors(inhalation) J68.4 |
radiation J70.1 |
tobacco smoking J41.0 |
emphysematous J44.9 |
mucopurulent J41.1 |
non-obstructive J41.0 |
obliterans J44.9 |
obstructive J44.9 |
purulent J41.1 |
simple J41.0 |
croupous --see Bronchitis, acute |
due to gases, fumes or vapors(chemical) J68.0 |
emphysematous(obstructive) J44.9 |
exudative --see Bronchitis, acute |
fetid J41.1 |
grippal --see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC |
in those under l5 years age --see Bronchitis, acute |
chronic --see Bronchitis, chronic |
influenzal --see Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations NEC |
mixed simple and mucopurulent J41.8 |
moulder's J62.8 |
mucopurulent(chronic) (recurrent) J41.1 |
acute or subacute J20.9 |
simple(mixed) J41.8 |
obliterans(chronic) J44.9 |
obstructive(chronic) (diffuse) J44.9 |
pituitous J41.1 |
pneumococcal, acute or subacute J20.2 |
pseudomembranous, acute or subacute --see Bronchitis, acute |
purulent(chronic) (recurrent) J41.1 |
acute or subacute --see Bronchitis, acute |
putrid J41.1 |
senile(chronic) J42 |
simple and mucopurulent(mixed) J41.8 |
smokers' J41.0 |
spirochetal NEC A69.8 |
subacute --see Bronchitis, acute |
suppurative(chronic) J41.1 |
acute or subacute --see Bronchitis, acute |
tuberculous A15.5 |
under l5 years of age --see Bronchitis, acute |
chronic --see Bronchitis, chronic |
viral NEC, acute or subacute --see also Bronchitis, acuteJ20.8 |
Bronchoalveolitis J18.0 |
Bronchoaspergillosis B44.1 |
Bronchocele meaning goiter E04.0 |
Broncholithiasis J98.09 |
tuberculous NEC A15.5 |
Bronchomalacia J98.09 |
congenital Q32.2 |
Bronchomycosis NOS B49J99 |
candidal B37.1 |
Bronchopleuropneumonia --see Pneumonia, broncho |
Bronchopneumonia --see Pneumonia, broncho |
Bronchopneumonitis --see Pneumonia, broncho |
Bronchopulmonary --see condition |
Bronchopulmonitis --see Pneumonia, broncho |
Bronchorrhagia(see Hemoptysis) |
Bronchorrhea J98.09 |
acute J20.9 |
chronic(infective) (purulent) J42 |
Bronchospasm(acute) J98.01 |
with |
bronchiolitis, acute J21.9 |
bronchitis, acute(conditions in J20) --see Bronchitis, acute |
due to external agent --see condition, respiratory, acute, due to |
exercise induced J45.990 |
Bronchospirochetosis A69.8 |
Castellani A69.8 |
Bronchostenosis J98.09 |
Bronchus --see condition |
Brontophobia F40.220 |
Bronze baby syndrome P83.8 |
Brooke's tumor --see Neoplasm, skin, benign |
Brown enamel of teeth(hereditary) K00.5 |
Brown's sheath syndrome H50.61- |
Brown-Séquard disease, paralysis or syndrome G83.81 |
Bruce sepsis A23.0 |
Brucellosis(infection) A23.9 |
abortus A23.1 |
canis A23.3 |
dermatitis A23.9 |
melitensis A23.0 |
mixed A23.8 |
sepsis A23.9 |
melitensis A23.0 |
specified NEC A23.8 |
suis A23.2 |
Bruck-de Lange disease Q87.1 |
Bruck's disease --see Deformity, limb |
Brugsch's syndrome Q82.8 |
Bruise(skin surface intact) --see also Contusion |
with |
open wound --see Wound, open |
internal organ --see Injury, by site |
newborn P54.5 |
scalp, due to birth injury, newborn P12.3 |
umbilical cord O69.5 |
Bruit(arterial) R09.89 |
cardiac R01.1 |
Brush burn --see Abrasion, by site |
Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia D80.0 |
Bruxism |
psychogenic F45.8 |
sleep related G47.63 |
Bubbly lung syndrome P27.0 |
Bubo I88.8 |
blennorrhagic(gonococcal) A54.89 |
chancroidal A57 |
climatic A55 |
due to Haemophilus ducreyi A57 |
gonococcal A54.89 |
indolent(nonspecific) I88.8 |
inguinal(nonspecific) I88.8 |
chancroidal A57 |
climatic A55 |
due to H. ducreyi A57 |
infective I88.8 |
scrofulous(tuberculous) A18.2 |
soft chancre A57 |
suppurating --see Lymphadenitis, acute |
syphilitic(primary) A51.0 |
congenital A50.07 |
tropical A55 |
virulent(chancroidal) A57 |
Bubonic plague A20.0 |
Bubonocele --see Hernia, inguinal |
Buccal --see condition |
Buchanan's disease or osteochondrosis M91.0 |
Buchem's syndrome(hyperostosis corticalis) M85.2 |
Bucket-handle fracture or tear(semilunar cartilage) --see Tear, meniscus |
Budd-Chiari syndrome(hepatic vein thrombosis) I82.0 |
Budgerigar fancier's disease or lung J67.2 |
Buds |
breast E30.1 |
in newborn P96.89 |
Buerger's disease(thromboangiitis obliterans) I73.1 |
Bulbar --see condition |
Bulbus cordis(left ventricle) (persistent) Q21.8 |
Bulimia(nervosa) F50.2 |
atypical F50.9 |
normal weight F50.9 |
Bulky |
stools R19.5 |
uterus N85.2 |
Bulla(e) R23.8 |
lung(emphysematous) (solitary) J43.9 |
newborn P25.8 |
Bullet wound --see also Wound, open |
fracture - code as Fracture, by site |
internal organ --see Injury, by site |
Bundle |
branch block(complete) (false) (incomplete) --see Block, bundle-branch |
of His --see condition |
Bunion --see Deformity, toe, hallux valgus |
Buphthalmia, buphthalmos(congenital) Q15.0 |
Burdwan fever B55.0 |
Bürger-Grütz disease or syndrome E78.3 |
Buried |
penis(congenital) Q55.64 |
acquired N48.83 |
roots K08.3 |
Burke's syndrome K86.8 |
Burkitt |
cell leukemia C91.0- |
lymphoma(malignant) C83.7- |
small noncleaved, diffuse C83.7- |
spleen C83.77 |
undifferentiated C83.7- |
tumor C83.7- |
type |
acute lymphoblastic leukemia C91.0- |
undifferentiated C83.7- |
Burn(electricity) (flame) (hot gas, liquid or hot object) (radiation) (steam) (thermal) T30.0 |
abdomen, abdominal(muscle) (wall) T21.02 |
first degree T21.12 |
second degree T21.22 |
third degree T21.32 |
above elbow T22.039 |
first degree T22.139 |
left T22.032 |
first degree T22.132 |
second degree T22.232 |
third degree T22.332 |
right T22.031 |
first degree T22.131 |
second degree T22.231 |
third degree T22.331 |
second degree T22.239 |
third degree T22.339 |
acid(caustic) (external) (internal) --see Corrosion, by site |
alimentary tract NEC T28.2 |
esophagus T28.1 |
mouth T28.0 |
pharynx T28.0 |
alkaline(caustic) (external) (internal) --see Corrosion, by site |
ankle T25.019 |
first degree T25.119 |
left T25.012 |
first degree T25.112 |
second degree T25.212 |
third degree T25.312 |
multiple with foot --see Burn, lower, limb, multiple, ankle and foot |
right T25.011 |
first degree T25.111 |
second degree T25.211 |
third degree T25.311 |
second degree T25.219 |
third degree T25.319 |
anus --see Burn, buttock |
arm(lower) (upper) --see Burn, upper, limb |
axilla T22.049 |
first degree T22.149 |
left T22.042 |
first degree T22.142 |
second degree T22.242 |
third degree T22.342 |
right T22.041 |
first degree T22.141 |
second degree T22.241 |
third degree T22.341 |
second degree T22.249 |
third degree T22.349 |
back(lower) T21.04 |
first degree T21.14 |
second degree T21.24 |
third degree T21.34 |
upper T21.03 |
first degree T21.13 |
second degree T21.23 |
third degree T21.33 |
blisters - code as Burn, second degree, by site |
breast(s) --see Burn, chest wall |
buttock(s) T21.05 |
first degree T21.15 |
second degree T21.25 |
third degree T21.35 |
calf T24.039 |
first degree T24.139 |
left T24.032 |
first degree T24.132 |
second degree T24.232 |
third degree T24.332 |
right T24.031 |
first degree T24.131 |
second degree T24.231 |
third degree T24.331 |
second degree T24.239 |
third degree T24.339 |
canthus(eye) --see Burn, eyelid |
caustic acid or alkaline --see Corrosion, by site |
cervix T28.3 |
cheek T20.06 |
first degree T20.16 |
second degree T20.26 |
third degree T20.36 |
chemical(acids) (alkalines) (caustics) (external) (internal) --see Corrosion, by site |
chest wall T21.01 |
first degree T21.11 |
second degree T21.21 |
third degree T21.31 |
chin T20.03 |
first degree T20.13 |
second degree T20.23 |
third degree T20.33 |
colon T28.2 |
conjunctiva(and cornea) --see Burn, cornea |
cornea(and conjunctiva) T26.1- |
chemical --see Corrosion, cornea |
corrosion(external) (internal) --see Corrosion, by site |
deep necrosis of underlying tissue - code as Burn, third degree, by site |
dorsum of hand T23.069 |
first degree T23.169 |
left T23.062 |
first degree T23.162 |
second degree T23.262 |
third degree T23.362 |
right T23.061 |
first degree T23.161 |
second degree T23.261 |
third degree T23.361 |
second degree T23.269 |
third degree T23.369 |
due to ingested chemical agent --see Corrosion, by site |
ear(auricle) (external) (canal) T20.01 |
first degree T20.11 |
second degree T20.21 |
third degree T20.31 |
elbow T22.029 |
first degree T22.129 |
left T22.022 |
first degree T22.122 |
second degree T22.222 |
third degree T22.322 |
right T22.021 |
first degree T22.121 |
second degree T22.221 |
third degree T22.321 |
second degree T22.229 |
third degree T22.329 |
epidermal loss - code as Burn, second degree, by site |
erythema, erythematous - code as Burn, first degree, by site |
esophagus T28.1 |
extent(percentage of body surface) |
less than 10 percent T31.0 |
10-19 percent T31.10 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.10 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.11 |
20-29 percent T31.20 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.20 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.21 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.22 |
30-39 percent T31.30 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.30 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.31 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.32 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.33 |
40-49 percent T31.40 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.40 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.41 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.42 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.43 |
with 40-49 percent third degree burns T31.44 |
50-59 percent T31.50 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.50 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.51 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.52 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.53 |
with 40-49 percent third degree burns T31.54 |
with 50-59 percent third degree burns T31.55 |
60-69 percent T31.60 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.60 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.61 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.62 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.63 |
with 40-49 percent third degree burns T31.64 |
with 50-59 percent third degree burns T31.65 |
with 60-69 percent third degree burns T31.66 |
70-79 percent T31.70 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.70 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.71 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.72 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.73 |
with 40-49 percent third degree burns T31.74 |
with 50-59 percent third degree burns T31.75 |
with 60-69 percent third degree burns T31.76 |
with 70-79 percent third degree burns T31.77 |
80-89 percent T31.80 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.80 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.81 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.82 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.83 |
with 40-49 percent third degree burns T31.84 |
with 50-59 percent third degree burns T31.85 |
with 60-69 percent third degree burns T31.86 |
with 70-79 percent third degree burns T31.87 |
with 80-89 percent third degree burns T31.88 |
90 percent or more T31.90 |
with 0-9 percent third degree burns T31.90 |
with 10-19 percent third degree burns T31.91 |
with 20-29 percent third degree burns T31.92 |
with 30-39 percent third degree burns T31.93 |
with 40-49 percent third degree burns T31.94 |
with 50-59 percent third degree burns T31.95 |
with 60-69 percent third degree burns T31.96 |
with 70-79 percent third degree burns T31.97 |
with 80-89 percent third degree burns T31.98 |
with 90 percent or more third degree burns T31.99 |
extremity --see Burn, limb |
eye(s) and adnexa T26.4- |
with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball T26.2- |
conjunctival sac --see Burn, cornea |
cornea --see Burn, cornea |
lid --see Burn, eyelid |
periocular area --see Burn, eyelid |
specified site NEC T26.3- |
eyeball --see Burn, eye |
eyelid(s) T26.0- |
chemical --see Corrosion, eyelid |
face --see Burn, head |
finger T23.029 |
first degree T23.129 |
left T23.022 |
first degree T23.122 |
second degree T23.222 |
third degree T23.322 |
multiple sites(without thumb) T23.039 |
with thumb T23.049 |
first degree T23.149 |
left T23.042 |
first degree T23.142 |
second degree T23.242 |
third degree T23.342 |
right T23.041 |
first degree T23.141 |
second degree T23.241 |
third degree T23.341 |
second degree T23.249 |
third degree T23.349 |
first degree T23.139 |
left T23.032 |
first degree T23.132 |
second degree T23.232 |
third degree T23.332 |
right T23.031 |
first degree T23.131 |
second degree T23.231 |
third degree T23.331 |
second degree T23.239 |
third degree T23.339 |
right T23.021 |
first degree T23.121 |
second degree T23.221 |
third degree T23.321 |
second degree T23.229 |
third degree T23.329 |
flank --see Burn, abdominal wall |
foot T25.029 |
first degree T25.129 |
left T25.022 |
first degree T25.122 |
second degree T25.222 |
third degree T25.322 |
multiple with ankle --see Burn, lower, limb, multiple, ankle and foot |
right T25.021 |
first degree T25.121 |
second degree T25.221 |
third degree T25.321 |
second degree T25.229 |
third degree T25.329 |
forearm T22.019 |
first degree T22.119 |
left T22.012 |
first degree T22.112 |
second degree T22.212 |
third degree T22.312 |
right T22.011 |
first degree T22.111 |
second degree T22.211 |
third degree T22.311 |
second degree T22.219 |
third degree T22.319 |
forehead T20.06 |
first degree T20.16 |
second degree T20.26 |
third degree T20.36 |
fourth degree - code as Burn, third degree, by site |
friction --see Burn, by site |
from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance NEC --see Corrosion, by site |
full thickness skin loss - code as Burn, third degree, by site |
gastrointestinal tract NEC T28.2 |
from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance T28.7 |
genital organs |
external |
female T21.07 |
first degree T21.17 |
second degree T21.27 |
third degree T21.37 |
male T21.06 |
first degree T21.16 |
second degree T21.26 |
third degree T21.36 |
internal T28.3 |
from caustic or corrosive substance T28.8 |
groin --see Burn, abdominal wall |
hand(s) T23.009 |
back --see Burn, dorsum of hand |
finger --see Burn, finger |
first degree T23.109 |
left T23.002 |
first degree T23.102 |
second degree T23.202 |
third degree T23.302 |
multiple sites with wrist T23.099 |
first degree T23.199 |
left T23.092 |
first degree T23.192 |
second degree T23.292 |
third degree T23.392 |
right T23.091 |
first degree T23.191 |
second degree T23.291 |
third degree T23.391 |
second degree T23.299 |
third degree T23.399 |
palm --see Burn, palm |
right T23.001 |
first degree T23.101 |
second degree T23.201 |
third degree T23.301 |
second degree T23.209 |
third degree T23.309 |
thumb --see Burn, thumb |
head(and face) (and neck) T20.00 |
cheek --see Burn, cheek |
chin --see Burn, chin |
ear --see Burn, ear |
eye(s) only --see Burn, eye |
first degree T20.10 |
forehead --see Burn, forehead |
lip --see Burn, lip |
multiple sites T20.09 |
first degree T20.19 |
second degree T20.29 |
third degree T20.39 |
neck --see Burn, neck |
nose --see Burn, nose |
scalp --see Burn, scalp |
second degree T20.20 |
third degree T20.30 |
hip(s) --see Burn, lower, limb |
inhalation --see Burn, respiratory tract |
caustic or corrosive substance(fumes) --see Corrosion, respiratory tract |
internal organ(s) T28.40 |
alimentary tract T28.2 |
esophagus T28.1 |
eardrum T28.41 |
esophagus T28.1 |
from caustic or corrosive substance(swallowing) NEC --see Corrosion, by site |
genitourinary T28.3 |
mouth T28.0 |
pharynx T28.0 |
respiratory tract --see Burn, respiratory tract |
specified organ NEC T28.49 |
interscapular region --see Burn, back, upper |
intestine(large) (small) T28.2 |
knee T24.029 |
first degree T24.129 |
left T24.022 |
first degree T24.122 |
second degree T24.222 |
third degree T24.322 |
right T24.021 |
first degree T24.121 |
second degree T24.221 |
third degree T24.321 |
second degree T24.229 |
third degree T24.329 |
labium(majus) (minus) --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
lacrimal apparatus, duct, gland or sac --see Burn, eye, specified site NEC |
larynx T27.0 |
with lung T27.1 |
leg(s) (lower) (upper) --see Burn, lower, limb |
lightning --see Burn, by site |
limb(s) |
lower(except ankle or foot alone) --see Burn, lower, limb |
upper --see Burn, upper limb |
lip(s) T20.02 |
first degree T20.12 |
second degree T20.22 |
third degree T20.32 |
lower |
back --see Burn, back |
limb T24.009 |
ankle --see Burn, ankle |
calf --see Burn, calf |
first degree T24.109 |
foot --see Burn, foot |
hip --see Burn, thigh |
knee --see Burn, knee |
left T24.002 |
first degree T24.102 |
second degree T24.202 |
third degree T24.302 |
multiple sites, except ankle and foot T24.099 |
ankle and foot T25.099 |
first degree T25.199 |
left T25.092 |
first degree T25.192 |
second degree T25.292 |
third degree T25.392 |
right T25.091 |
first degree T25.191 |
second degree T25.291 |
third degree T25.391 |
second degree T25.299 |
third degree T25.399 |
first degree T24.199 |
left T24.092 |
first degree T24.192 |
second degree T24.292 |
third degree T24.392 |
right T24.091 |
first degree T24.191 |
second degree T24.291 |
third degree T24.391 |
second degree T24.299 |
third degree T24.399 |
right T24.001 |
first degree T24.101 |
second degree T24.201 |
third degree T24.301 |
second degree T24.209 |
thigh --see Burn, thigh |
third degree T24.309 |
toe --see Burn, toe |
lung(with larynx and trachea) T27.1 |
mouth T28.0 |
neck T20.07 |
first degree T20.17 |
second degree T20.27 |
third degree T20.37 |
nose(septum) T20.04 |
first degree T20.14 |
second degree T20.24 |
third degree T20.34 |
ocular adnexa --see Burn, eye |
orbit region --see Burn, eyelid |
palm T23.059 |
first degree T23.159 |
left T23.052 |
first degree T23.152 |
second degree T23.252 |
third degree T23.352 |
right T23.051 |
first degree T23.151 |
second degree T23.251 |
third degree T23.351 |
second degree T23.259 |
third degree T23.359 |
partial thickness - code as Burn, unspecified degree, by site |
pelvis --see Burn, trunk |
penis --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
perineum |
female --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
male --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
periocular area --see Burn, eyelid |
pharynx T28.0 |
rectum T28.2 |
respiratory tract T27.3 |
larynx --see Burn, larynx |
specified part NEC T27.2 |
trachea --see Burn, trachea |
sac, lacrimal --see Burn, eye, specified site NEC |
scalp T20.05 |
first degree T20.15 |
second degree T20.25 |
third degree T20.35 |
scapular region T22.069 |
first degree T22.169 |
left T22.062 |
first degree T22.162 |
second degree T22.262 |
third degree T22.362 |
right T22.061 |
first degree T22.161 |
second degree T22.261 |
third degree T22.361 |
second degree T22.269 |
third degree T22.369 |
sclera --see Burn, eye, specified site NEC |
scrotum --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
shoulder T22.059 |
first degree T22.159 |
left T22.052 |
first degree T22.152 |
second degree T22.252 |
third degree T22.352 |
right T22.051 |
first degree T22.151 |
second degree T22.251 |
third degree T22.351 |
second degree T22.259 |
third degree T22.359 |
stomach T28.2 |
temple --see Burn, head |
testis --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
thigh T24.019 |
first degree T24.119 |
left T24.012 |
first degree T24.112 |
second degree T24.212 |
third degree T24.312 |
right T24.011 |
first degree T24.111 |
second degree T24.211 |
third degree T24.311 |
second degree T24.219 |
third degree T24.319 |
thorax(external) --see Burn, trunk |
throat(meaning pharynx) T28.0 |
thumb(s) T23.019 |
first degree T23.119 |
left T23.012 |
first degree T23.112 |
second degree T23.212 |
third degree T23.312 |
multiple sites with fingers T23.049 |
first degree T23.149 |
left T23.042 |
first degree T23.142 |
second degree T23.242 |
third degree T23.342 |
right T23.041 |
first degree T23.141 |
second degree T23.241 |
third degree T23.341 |
second degree T23.249 |
third degree T23.349 |
right T23.011 |
first degree T23.111 |
second degree T23.211 |
third degree T23.311 |
second degree T23.219 |
third degree T23.319 |
toe T25.039 |
first degree T25.139 |
left T25.032 |
first degree T25.132 |
second degree T25.232 |
third degree T25.332 |
right T25.031 |
first degree T25.131 |
second degree T25.231 |
third degree T25.331 |
second degree T25.239 |
third degree T25.339 |
tongue T28.0 |
tonsil(s) T28.0 |
trachea T27.0 |
with lung T27.1 |
trunk T21.00 |
abdominal wall --see Burn, abdominal wall |
anus --see Burn, buttock |
axilla --see Burn, upper limb |
back --see Burn, back |
breast --see Burn, chest wall |
buttock --see Burn, buttock |
chest wall --see Burn, chest wall |
first degree T21.10 |
flank --see Burn, abdominal wall |
genital |
female --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
male --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
groin --see Burn, abdominal wall |
interscapular region --see Burn, back, upper |
labia --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
lower back --see Burn, back |
penis --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
perineum |
female --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
male --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
scapula region --see Burn, scapular region |
scrotum --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
second degree T21.20 |
specified site NEC T21.09 |
first degree T21.19 |
second degree T21.29 |
third degree T21.39 |
testes --see Burn, genital organs, external, male |
third degree T21.30 |
upper back --see Burn, back, upper |
vulva --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
unspecified site with extent of body surface involved specified |
less than 10 per cent T31.0 |
10-19 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.10 |
with 10-19 percent third degree T31.11 |
20-29 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.20 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.21 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.22 |
30-39 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.30 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.31 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.32 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.33 |
40-49 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.40 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.41 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.42 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.43 |
40-49 percent third degree T31.44 |
50-59 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.50 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.51 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.52 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.53 |
40-49 percent third degree T31.54 |
50-59 percent third degree T31.55 |
60-69 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.60 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.61 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.62 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.63 |
40-49 percent third degree T31.64 |
50-59 percent third degree T31.65 |
60-69 percent third degree T31.66 |
70-79 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.70 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.71 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.72 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.73 |
40-49 percent third degree T31.74 |
50-59 percent third degree T31.75 |
60-69 percent third degree T31.76 |
70-79 percent third degree T31.77 |
80-89 per cent(0-9 percent third degree) T31.80 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.81 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.82 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.83 |
40-49 percent third degree T31.84 |
50-59 percent third degree T31.85 |
60-69 percent third degree T31.86 |
70-79 percent third degree T31.87 |
80-89 percent third degree T31.88 |
90 per cent or more(0-9 percent third degree) T31.90 |
with |
10-19 percent third degree T31.91 |
20-29 percent third degree T31.92 |
30-39 percent third degree T31.93 |
40-49 percent third degree T31.94 |
50-59 percent third degree T31.95 |
60-69 percent third degree T31.96 |
70-79 percent third degree T31.97 |
80-89 percent third degree T31.98 |
90-99 percent third degree T31.99 |
upper limb T22.00 |
above elbow --see Burn, above elbow |
axilla --see Burn, axilla |
elbow --see Burn, elbow |
first degree T22.10 |
forearm --see Burn, forearm |
hand --see Burn, hand |
interscapular region --see Burn, back, upper |
multiple sites T22.099 |
first degree T22.199 |
left T22.092 |
first degree T22.192 |
second degree T22.292 |
third degree T22.392 |
right T22.091 |
first degree T22.191 |
second degree T22.291 |
third degree T22.391 |
second degree T22.299 |
third degree T22.399 |
scapular region --see Burn, scapular region |
second degree T22.20 |
shoulder --see Burn, shoulder |
third degree T22.30 |
wrist --see Burn, wrist |
uterus T28.3 |
vagina T28.3 |
vulva --see Burn, genital organs, external, female |
wrist T23.079 |
first degree T23.179 |
left T23.072 |
first degree T23.172 |
second degree T23.272 |
third degree T23.372 |
multiple sites with hand T23.099 |
first degree T23.199 |
left T23.092 |
first degree T23.192 |
second degree T23.292 |
third degree T23.392 |
right T23.091 |
first degree T23.191 |
second degree T23.291 |
third degree T23.391 |
second degree T23.299 |
third degree T23.399 |
right T23.071 |
first degree T23.171 |
second degree T23.271 |
third degree T23.371 |
second degree T23.279 |
third degree T23.379 |
Burnett's syndrome E83.52 |
Burning |
feet syndrome E53.9 |
sensation R20.8 |
tongue K14.6 |
Burn-out(state) Z73.0 |
Burns' disease or osteochondrosis --see Osteochondrosis, juvenile, ulna |
Bursa --see condition |
Bursitis M71.9 |
Achilles --see Tendinitis, Achilles |
adhesive --see Bursitis, specified NEC |
ankle --see Enthesopathy, lower limb, ankle, specified type NEC |
calcaneal --see Enthesopathy, foot, specified type NEC |
collateral ligament, tibial --see Bursitis, tibial collateral |
due to use, overuse, pressure --see also Disorder, soft tissue, due to use, specified type NEC |
specified NEC --see Disorder, soft tissue, due to use, specified NEC |
Duplay's M75.0 |
elbow NEC M70.3- |
olecranon M70.2- |
finger --see Disorder, soft tissue, due to use, specified type NEC, hand |
foot --see Enthesopathy, foot, specified type NEC |
gonococcal A54.49 |
gouty --see Gout, idiopathic |
hand M70.1- |
hip NEC M70.7- |
trochanteric M70.6- |
infective NEC M71.10 |
abscess --see Abscess, bursa |
ankle M71.17- |
elbow M71.12- |
foot M71.17- |
hand M71.14- |
hip M71.15- |
knee M71.16- |
multiple sites M71.19 |
shoulder M71.11- |
specified site NEC M71.18 |
wrist M71.13- |
ischial --see Bursitis, hip |
knee NEC M70.5- |
prepatellar M70.4- |
occupational NEC --see also Disorder, soft tissue, due to, use |
olecranon --see Bursitis, elbow, olecranon |
pharyngeal J39.1 |
popliteal --see Bursitis, knee |
prepatellar M70.4- |
radiohumeral M77.8 |
rheumatoid M06.20 |
ankle M06.27- |
elbow M06.22- |
foot joint M06.27- |
hand joint M06.24- |
hip M06.25- |
knee M06.26- |
multiple site M06.29 |
shoulder M06.21- |
vertebra M06.28 |
wrist M06.23- |
scapulohumeral --see Bursitis, shoulder |
semimembranous muscle(knee) --see Bursitis, knee |
shoulder M75.5- |
adhesive --see Capsulitis, adhesive |
specified NEC M71.50 |
ankle M71.57- |
due to use, overuse or pressure --see Disorder, soft tissue, due to, use |
elbow M71.52- |
foot M71.57- |
hand M71.54- |
hip M71.55- |
knee M71.56- |
shoulder --see Bursitis, shoulder |
specified site NEC M71.58 |
tibial collateral M76.4- |
wrist M71.53- |
subacromial --see Bursitis, shoulder |
subcoracoid --see Bursitis, shoulder |
subdeltoid --see Bursitis, shoulder |
syphilitic A52.78 |
Thornwaldt, Tornwaldt J39.2 |
tibial collateral --see Bursitis, tibial collateral |
toe --see Enthesopathy, foot, specified type NEC |
trochanteric(area) --see Bursitis, hip, trochanteric |
wrist --see Bursitis, hand |
Bursopathy M71.9 |
specified type NEC M71.80 |
ankle M71.87- |
elbow M71.82- |
foot M71.87- |
hand M71.84- |
hip M71.85- |
knee M71.86- |
multiple sites M71.89 |
shoulder M71.81- |
specified site NEC M71.88 |
wrist M71.83- |
Burst stitches or sutures(complication of surgery) T81.31 |
external operation wound T81.31 |
internal operation wound T81.32 |
Buruli ulcer A31.1 |
Bury's disease L95.1 |
Buschke's |
disease B45.3 |
scleredema --see Sclerosis, systemic |
Busse-Buschke disease B45.3 |
Buttock --see condition |
Button |
Biskra B55.1 |
Delhi B55.1 |
oriental B55.1 |
Buttonhole deformity(finger) --see Deformity, finger, boutonniere |
Bwamba fever A92.8 |
Byssinosis J66.0 |
Bywaters' syndrome T79.5 |