Online 2016 ICD-10-PCS · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-10-CM

Obliteration --see Destruction
Obturator artery Internal Iliac Artery, Right Internal Iliac Artery, Left
Obturator lymph node Lymphatic, Pelvis
Obturator muscle Hip Muscle, Right Hip Muscle, Left
Obturator nerve Lumbar Plexus
Obturator vein Hypogastric Vein, Right Hypogastric Vein, Left
Obtuse margin Heart, Left
Occipital artery External Carotid Artery, Right External Carotid Artery, Left
Occipital lobe Cerebral Hemisphere
Occipital lymph node Lymphatic, Right Neck Lymphatic, Left Neck
Occipitofrontalis muscle Facial Muscle
Occlusion Ampulla of Vater 0FLC Anus 0DLQ Aorta, Abdominal 04L0 Artery Anterior Tibial Left 04LQ Right 04LP Axillary Left 03L6 Right 03L5 Brachial Left 03L8 Right 03L7 Celiac 04L1 Colic Left 04L7 Middle 04L8 Right 04L6 Common Carotid Left 03LJ Right 03LH Common Iliac Left 04LD Right 04LC External Carotid Left 03LN Right 03LM External Iliac Left 04LJ Right 04LH Face 03LR Femoral Left 04LL Right 04LK Foot Left 04LW Right 04LV Gastric 04L2 Hand Left 03LF Right 03LD Hepatic 04L3 Inferior Mesenteric 04LB Innominate 03L2 Internal Carotid Left 03LL Right 03LK Internal Iliac Left 04LF Right 04LE Internal Mammary Left 03L1 Right 03L0 Intracranial 03LG Lower 04LY Peroneal Left 04LU Right 04LT Popliteal Left 04LN Right 04LM Posterior Tibial Left 04LS Right 04LR Pulmonary, Left 02LR Radial Left 03LC Right 03LB Renal Left 04LA Right 04L9 Splenic 04L4 Subclavian Left 03L4 Right 03L3 Superior Mesenteric 04L5 Temporal Left 03LT Right 03LS Thyroid Left 03LV Right 03LU Ulnar Left 03LA Right 03L9 Upper 03LY Vertebral Left 03LQ Right 03LP Atrium, Left 02L7 Bladder 0TLB Bladder Neck 0TLC Bronchus Lingula 0BL9 Lower Lobe Left 0BLB Right 0BL6 Main Left 0BL7 Right 0BL3 Middle Lobe, Right 0BL5 Upper Lobe Left 0BL8 Right 0BL4 Carina 0BL2 Cecum 0DLH Cisterna Chyli 07LL Colon Ascending 0DLK Descending 0DLM Sigmoid 0DLN Transverse 0DLL Cord Bilateral 0VLH Left 0VLG Right 0VLF Cul-de-sac 0ULF Duct Common Bile 0FL9 Cystic 0FL8 Hepatic Left 0FL6 Right 0FL5 Lacrimal Left 08LY Right 08LX Pancreatic 0FLD Accessory 0FLF Parotid Left 0CLC Right 0CLB Duodenum 0DL9 Esophagogastric Junction 0DL4 Esophagus 0DL5 Lower 0DL3 Middle 0DL2 Upper 0DL1 Fallopian Tube Left 0UL6 Right 0UL5 Fallopian Tubes, Bilateral 0UL7 Ileocecal Valve 0DLC Ileum 0DLB Intestine Large 0DLE Left 0DLG Right 0DLF Small 0DL8 Jejunum 0DLA Kidney Pelvis Left 0TL4 Right 0TL3 Left atrial appendage (LAA) --see Occlusion, Atrium, Left 02L7 Lymphatic Aortic 07LD Axillary Left 07L6 Right 07L5 Head 07L0 Inguinal Left 07LJ Right 07LH Internal Mammary Left 07L9 Right 07L8 Lower Extremity Left 07LG Right 07LF Mesenteric 07LB Neck Left 07L2 Right 07L1 Pelvis 07LC Thoracic Duct 07LK Thorax 07L7 Upper Extremity Left 07L4 Right 07L3 Rectum 0DLP Stomach 0DL6 Pylorus 0DL7 Trachea 0BL1 Ureter Left 0TL7 Right 0TL6 Urethra 0TLD Vagina 0ULG Vas Deferens Bilateral 0VLQ Left 0VLP Right 0VLN Vein Axillary Left 05L8 Right 05L7 Azygos 05L0 Basilic Left 05LC Right 05LB Brachial Left 05LA Right 05L9 Cephalic Left 05LF Right 05LD Colic 06L7 Common Iliac Left 06LD Right 06LC Esophageal 06L3 External Iliac Left 06LG Right 06LF External Jugular Left 05LQ Right 05LP Face Left 05LV Right 05LT Femoral Left 06LN Right 06LM Foot Left 06LV Right 06LT Gastric 06L2 Greater Saphenous Left 06LQ Right 06LP Hand Left 05LH Right 05LG Hemiazygos 05L1 Hepatic 06L4 Hypogastric Left 06LJ Right 06LH Inferior Mesenteric 06L6 Innominate Left 05L4 Right 05L3 Internal Jugular Left 05LN Right 05LM Intracranial 05LL Lesser Saphenous Left 06LS Right 06LR Lower 06LY Portal 06L8 Pulmonary Left 02LT Right 02LS Renal Left 06LB Right 06L9 Splenic 06L1 Subclavian Left 05L6 Right 05L5 Superior Mesenteric 06L5 Upper 05LY Vertebral Left 05LS Right 05LR Vena Cava Inferior 06L0 Superior 02LV
Occupational therapy --see Activities of Daily Living Treatment, Rehabilitation F08
Odentectomy --see Excision, Mouth and Throat 0CB --see Resection, Mouth and Throat 0CT
Olecranon bursa Elbow Bursa and Ligament, Right Elbow Bursa and Ligament, Left
Olecranon process Ulna, Right Ulna, Left
Olfactory bulb Olfactory Nerve
Omentectomy, omentumectomy --see Excision, Gastrointestinal System 0DB --see Resection, Gastrointestinal System 0DT
Omentofixation --see Repair, Gastrointestinal System 0DQ
Omentoplasty --see Repair, Gastrointestinal System 0DQ --see Replacement, Gastrointestinal System 0DR --see Supplement, Gastrointestinal System 0DU
Omentorrhaphy --see Repair, Gastrointestinal System 0DQ
Omentotomy --see Drainage, Gastrointestinal System 0D9
Omnilink Elite Vascular Balloon Expandable Stent System Intraluminal Device
Onychectomy --see Excision, Skin and Breast 0HB --see Resection, Skin and Breast 0HT
Onychoplasty --see Repair, Skin and Breast 0HQ --see Replacement, Skin and Breast 0HR
Onychotomy --see Drainage, Skin and Breast 0H9
Oophorectomy --see Excision, Female Reproductive System 0UB --see Resection, Female Reproductive System 0UT
Oophoropexy --see Repair, Female Reproductive System 0UQ --see Reposition, Female Reproductive System 0US
Oophoroplasty --see Repair, Female Reproductive System 0UQ --see Supplement, Female Reproductive System 0UU
Oophororrhaphy --see Repair, Female Reproductive System 0UQ
Oophorostomy --see Drainage, Female Reproductive System 0U9
Oophorotomy --see Division, Female Reproductive System 0U8 --see Drainage, Female Reproductive System 0U9
Oophorrhaphy --see Repair, Female Reproductive System 0UQ
Open Pivot (mechanical) valve Synthetic Substitute
Open Pivot Aortic Valve Graft (AVG) Synthetic Substitute
Ophthalmic artery Internal Carotid Artery, Right Internal Carotid Artery, Left
Ophthalmic nerve Trigeminal Nerve
Ophthalmic vein Intracranial Vein
Opponensplasty Tendon replacement --see Replacement, Tendons 0LR Tendon transfer --see Transfer, Tendons 0LX
Optic chiasma Optic Nerve
Optic disc Retina, Right Retina, Left
Optic foramen Sphenoid Bone, Right Sphenoid Bone, Left
Optical coherence tomography, intravascular --see Computerized Tomography (CT Scan)
Optimizer(tm) III implantable pulse generator Contractility Modulation Device in 0JH
Orbicularis oculi muscle Upper Eyelid, Right Upper Eyelid, Left
Orbicularis oris muscle Facial Muscle
Orbital Atherectomy Technology X2C
Orbital fascia Subcutaneous Tissue and Fascia, Face
Orbital portion of ethmoid bone Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orbital portion of frontal bone Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orbital portion of lacrimal bone Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orbital portion of maxilla Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orbital portion of palatine bone Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orbital portion of sphenoid bone Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orbital portion of zygomatic bone Orbit, Right Orbit, Left
Orchectomy, orchidectomy, orchiectomy --see Excision, Male Reproductive System 0VB --see Resection, Male Reproductive System 0VT
Orchidoplasty, orchioplasty --see Repair, Male Reproductive System 0VQ --see Replacement, Male Reproductive System 0VR --see Supplement, Male Reproductive System 0VU
Orchidorrhaphy, orchiorrhaphy --see Repair, Male Reproductive System 0VQ
Orchidotomy, orchiotomy, orchotomy --see Drainage, Male Reproductive System 0V9
Orchiopexy --see Repair, Male Reproductive System 0VQ --see Reposition, Male Reproductive System 0VS
Oropharyngeal airway (OPA) Intraluminal Device, Airway in Mouth and Throat
Oropharynx Pharynx
Ossicular chain Auditory Ossicle, Right Auditory Ossicle, Left
Ossiculectomy --see Excision, Ear, Nose, Sinus 09B --see Resection, Ear, Nose, Sinus 09T
Ossiculotomy --see Drainage, Ear, Nose, Sinus 099
Ostectomy --see Excision, Head and Facial Bones 0NB --see Resection, Head and Facial Bones 0NT --see Excision, Upper Bones 0PB --see Resection, Upper Bones 0PT --see Excision, Lower Bones 0QB --see Resection, Lower Bones 0QT
Osteoclasis --see Division, Head and Facial Bones 0N8 --see Division, Upper Bones 0P8 --see Division, Lower Bones 0Q8
Osteolysis --see Release, Head and Facial Bones 0NN --see Release, Upper Bones 0PN --see Release, Lower Bones 0QN
Osteopathic Treatment Abdomen 7W09X Cervical 7W01X Extremity Lower 7W06X Upper 7W07X Head 7W00X Lumbar 7W03X Pelvis 7W05X Rib Cage 7W08X Sacrum 7W04X Thoracic 7W02X
Osteopexy --see Repair, Head and Facial Bones 0NQ --see Reposition, Head and Facial Bones 0NS --see Repair, Upper Bones 0PQ --see Reposition, Upper Bones 0PS --see Repair, Lower Bones 0QQ --see Reposition, Lower Bones 0QS
Osteoplasty --see Repair, Head and Facial Bones 0NQ --see Replacement, Head and Facial Bones 0NR --see Supplement, Head and Facial Bones 0NU --see Repair, Upper Bones 0PQ --see Replacement, Upper Bones 0PR --see Supplement, Upper Bones 0PU --see Repair, Lower Bones 0QQ --see Replacement, Lower Bones 0QR --see Supplement, Lower Bones 0QU
Osteorrhaphy --see Repair, Head and Facial Bones 0NQ --see Repair, Upper Bones 0PQ --see Repair, Lower Bones 0QQ
Osteotomy, ostotomy --see Division, Head and Facial Bones 0N8 --see Drainage, Head and Facial Bones 0N9 --see Division, Upper Bones 0P8 --see Drainage, Upper Bones 0P9 --see Division, Lower Bones 0Q8 --see Drainage, Lower Bones 0Q9
Otic ganglion Head and Neck Sympathetic Nerve
Otoplasty --see Repair, Ear, Nose, Sinus 09Q --see Replacement, Ear, Nose, Sinus 09R --see Supplement, Ear, Nose, Sinus 09U
Otoscopy --see Inspection, Ear, Nose, Sinus 09J
Oval window Middle Ear, Right Middle Ear, Left
Ovarian artery Abdominal Aorta
Ovarian ligament Uterine Supporting Structure
Ovariectomy --see Excision, Female Reproductive System 0UB --see Resection, Female Reproductive System 0UT
Ovariocentesis --see Drainage, Female Reproductive System 0U9
Ovariopexy --see Repair, Female Reproductive System 0UQ --see Reposition, Female Reproductive System 0US
Ovariotomy --see Division, Female Reproductive System 0U8 --see Drainage, Female Reproductive System 0U9
Ovatio(tm) CRT-D Cardiac Resynchronization Defibrillator Pulse Generator in 0JH
Oversewing Gastrointestinal ulcer --see Repair, Gastrointestinal System 0DQ Pleural bleb --see Repair, Respiratory System 0BQ
Oviduct Fallopian Tube, Right Fallopian Tube, Left
Oxidized zirconium ceramic hip bearing surface Synthetic Substitute, Ceramic on Polyethylene in 0SR
Oximetry, Fetal pulse 10H073Z
Oxygenation Extracorporeal membrane (ECMO) --see Performance, Circulatory 5A15 Hyperbaric --see Assistance, Circulatory 5A05 Supersaturated --see Assistance, Circulatory 5A05