Online 2016 ICD-10-PCS · Tabular List · Alpha Index · ICD-10-CM

Nail bed Finger Nail Toe Nail
Nail plate Finger Nail Toe Nail
Narcosynthesis GZGZZZZ
Nasal cavity Nose
Nasal concha Nasal Turbinate
Nasalis muscle Facial Muscle
Nasolacrimal duct Lacrimal Duct, Right Lacrimal Duct, Left
Nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) Intraluminal Device, Airway in Ear, Nose, Sinus
Navicular bone Tarsal, Right Tarsal, Left
Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Circulatory System 8E023DZ
Neck of femur Upper Femur, Right Upper Femur, Left
Neck of humerus (anatomical)(surgical) Humeral Head, Right Humeral Head, Left
Nephrectomy --see Excision, Urinary System 0TB --see Resection, Urinary System 0TT
Nephrolithotomy --see Extirpation, Urinary System 0TC
Nephrolysis --see Release, Urinary System 0TN
Nephropexy --see Repair, Urinary System 0TQ --see Reposition, Urinary System 0TS
Nephroplasty --see Repair, Urinary System 0TQ --see Supplement, Urinary System 0TU
Nephropyeloureterostomy --see Bypass, Urinary System 0T1 --see Drainage, Urinary System 0T9
Nephrorrhaphy --see Repair, Urinary System 0TQ
Nephroscopy, transurethral 0TJ58ZZ
Nephrostomy --see Bypass, Urinary System 0T1 --see Drainage, Urinary System 0T9
Nephrotomography --see Plain Radiography, Urinary System BT0 --see Fluoroscopy, Urinary System BT1
Nephrotomy --see Division, Urinary System 0T8 --see Drainage, Urinary System 0T9
Nerve conduction study --see Measurement, Central Nervous 4A00 --see Measurement, Peripheral Nervous 4A01
Nerve Function Assessment F01
Nerve to the stapedius Facial Nerve
Nesiritide Human B-type Natriuretic Peptide
Neurectomy --see Excision, Central Nervous System 00B --see Excision, Peripheral Nervous System 01B
Neurexeresis --see Extraction, Central Nervous System 00D --see Extraction, Peripheral Nervous System 01D
Neurohypophysis Pituitary Gland
Neurolysis --see Release, Central Nervous System 00N --see Release, Peripheral Nervous System 01N
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NEMS) lead Stimulator Lead in Muscles
Neurophysiologic monitoring --see Monitoring, Central Nervous 4A10
Neuroplasty --see Repair, Central Nervous System 00Q --see Supplement, Central Nervous System 00U --see Repair, Peripheral Nervous System 01Q --see Supplement, Peripheral Nervous System 01U
Neurorrhaphy --see Repair, Central Nervous System 00Q --see Repair, Peripheral Nervous System 01Q
Neurostimulator Generator Insertion of device in, Skull 0NH00NZ Removal of device from, Skull 0NP00NZ Revision of device in, Skull 0NW00NZ
Neurostimulator generator, multiple channel Stimulator Generator, Multiple Array in 0JH
Neurostimulator generator, multiple channel rechargeable Stimulator Generator, Multiple Array Rechargeable in 0JH
Neurostimulator generator, single channel Stimulator Generator, Single Array in 0JH
Neurostimulator generator, single channel rechargeable Stimulator Generator, Single Array Rechargeable in 0JH
Neurostimulator Lead Insertion of device in Brain 00H0 Cerebral Ventricle 00H6 Nerve Cranial 00HE Peripheral 01HY Spinal Canal 00HU Spinal Cord 00HV Removal of device from Brain 00P0 Cerebral Ventricle 00P6 Nerve Cranial 00PE Peripheral 01PY Spinal Canal 00PU Spinal Cord 00PV Revision of device in Brain 00W0 Cerebral Ventricle 00W6 Nerve Cranial 00WE Peripheral 01WY Spinal Canal 00WU Spinal Cord 00WV
Neurotomy --see Division, Central Nervous System 008 --see Division, Peripheral Nervous System 018
Neurotripsy --see Destruction, Central Nervous System 005 --see Destruction, Peripheral Nervous System 015
Neutralization plate Internal Fixation Device in Head and Facial Bones Internal Fixation Device in Upper Bones Internal Fixation Device in Lower Bones
New Technology Blinatumomab Antineoplastic Immunotherapy XW0 Ceftazidime-Avibactam Anti-infective XW0 Idarucizumab, Dabigatran Reversal Agent XW0 Intraoperative Knee Replacement Sensor XR2 Isavuconazole Anti-infective XW0 Orbital Atherectomy Technology X2C
Ninth cranial nerve Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Nitinol framed polymer mesh Synthetic Substitute
Non-tunneled central venous catheter Infusion Device
Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay Bladder, Kidneys and Ureters CT63 Blood C763 Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder CT63 Lymphatics and Hematologic System C76YYZZ Ureters, Kidneys and Bladder CT63 Urinary System CT6YYZZ
Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Probe Abdomen CW50 Abdomen and Chest CW54 Abdomen and Pelvis CW51 Brain C050 Central Nervous System C05YYZZ Chest CW53 Chest and Abdomen CW54 Chest and Neck CW56 Extremity Lower CP5PZZZ Upper CP5NZZZ Head and Neck CW5B Heart C25YYZZ Right and Left C256 Lymphatics Head C75J Head and Neck C755 Lower Extremity C75P Neck C75K Pelvic C75D Trunk C75M Upper Chest C75L Upper Extremity C75N Lymphatics and Hematologic System C75YYZZ Musculoskeletal System, Other CP5YYZZ Neck and Chest CW56 Neck and Head CW5B Pelvic Region CW5J Pelvis and Abdomen CW51 Spine CP55ZZZ
Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Uptake Endocrine System CG4YYZZ Gland, Thyroid CG42
Nostril Nose
Novacor Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantable Heart Assist System in Heart and Great Vessels
Novation(R) Ceramic AHS(R) (Articulation Hip System) Synthetic Substitute, Ceramic in 0SR
Nuclear medicine --see Planar Nuclear Medicine Imaging --see Tomographic (Tomo) Nuclear Medicine Imaging --see Positron Emission Tomographic (PET) Imaging --see Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Uptake --see Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Probe --see Nonimaging Nuclear Medicine Assay --see Systemic Nuclear Medicine Therapy
Nuclear scintigraphy --see Nuclear Medicine
Nutrition, concentrated substances Enteral infusion 3E0G36Z Parenteral (peripheral) infusion --see Introduction of Nutritional Substance